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Hello and hey there all, how’s it going with y’alls across the far-flung corners of the world? Here we are again, back to report in again on some things across the board, but sadly not the big news we all want to hear. We’ll say it now, the last couple of weeks we’ve been quiet on here (not so much on Discord and Twitter though, to tell the truth!) simply because we’ve not got a whole lot of good news and progress to profess.

Ah, but still, it’s worth to take a short time out to keep the contact up and say a few things, don’t you think? So let’s do a round up, shall we? Let’s start where all eyes are already, why not?

AoH Progress


Not a lot of good to report here, we’re still unable to round off and send out on account of technical problems we’ll touch on below itself. In fact, there was a stage we lost progress, up to 20% of the image count thanks to Windows 11, which demanded to be installed and then failed, but thankfully we’ve clawed at least that much back.

There is some good new under this banner, which is that we have had reason to crack open Unity again, which is often the last step in the progress, which means that there may be light at the end of the tunnel yet. That said, Unity didn’t escape the hardware fallout/corruption either, which means as a team we’ve been working together to piece things back up in parallel on that front too.

All in all, AoH has had some ups and down since our last post, but not enough to ring our own bell over lately. Rather than set and potentially miss any new release date deadlines and look like utter fools all over again, we’re still going to have to keep the next release as “Coming Soon as Possible”. Apologies.

NTR News


Perhaps Noemi can put some smiles on faces where Natasha has been too in the weeds of the job to? Let’s see!

Well, first off, fans of our Philly story, it’s official that we’ll be doing a double header when it gets back to her time in the spotlight. We polled the beWildernauts here, and the results are in. Closer than one might think, but not so close it’s not a clear win, Noemi’s getting 2 servings at the table, v0.21 and then v0.22 right after. Foodies and Fckies, rejoice!

In other, admittedly more mundane but still important nonetheless, news… Writing still forges on with Noemi, to the point we’ve got modest first milestone under our belt now in terms of completed parts of the game. Plenty more to go, but there’s content and x-rated raunch piling into the hopper every day as these delays drag on. That’s good. Still full steaming ahead.

Hardware and the PC Production Problems


Back to the elephant in the computer room, then. Let’s start off with some good news. Fans on Discord may already know but we recently got ourselves a sweet new Motherboard, the first key piece of a new Render machine that’ll dispel all this shit stormin’ around us. Even snagged it at 40% off, so a win at last!

Not only that, as of yesterday we’ve got our hands on a new CPU too! A shiny new i5- 13600KF, which is pretty mid-tier alright, but since Daz is a single-threaded application (sorry for the jargon folks) it means it’ll hold up strong enough for what we want from it for as long as we’ll need. It’ll mean Unshi’s personal gaming aspirations will take back seat to professional needs with this machine, but hey, that’s a sacrifice he knows he’s gotta make… or else he’ll get Spooked! Nah, he’s making it of his own accord, for real… We can always switch up again later when we’re back on top of things anyway. Plus, with the budget saved on the first 2 pieces already, there’s rumblings we’re eying up a an Nvidia 4070/80ti next, but don’t tell anyone! *Shh*

Speaking of getting on top of things again, right now Unshi’s still working off the same machine he started with more than a half-decade ago, which is a lifetime in computing and we’ve certainly put that machine through the work of many since. It’s still crashing, and even opening up folders of image files can take as much as 52, 53 seconds a piece… Want something down a few folders in a path? That can be a literal 5 minutes per search. That’s even before we get to talking about indexing 1 Terabyte drives of Daz Assets, or trying to do simply things like move two knuckles on fingers to hold a prop in a full scene… It really is torture. Almost as much as knowing there’s so many people patiently waiting…

But hey, first and seconds upgrade down, just a half dozen or so more to snap up when they fall within our price range.

Something else to note, Spook actually got something other than proofreading wrong, oh my! He once said we were working towards “an intermediate” machine, meaning one that would allow us to keep on going for 2-3 years with just about enough power to be more than an off-the-shelf build affair… Turns out no! As Unshi, the spearhead on this clarified, we’re “targeting a mid to top tier PC trying that everything is centered around quality - vs - price. Meaning... nothing is Best In Slot but everything is pretty neat”… or to put it another away we’re “not midranging anything. For what we need this pc should eat it for breakfast”. So as a matter of fact, what we’re working on isn’t some transitional, just-get-us-there pc, but in fact the machine that’s going to carry the next 5, 6, maybe even 8 years of beWilder like the one before it did… Ain’t that delish news? Even better, we already got the first 2 parts!

The downside is we can’t say for certain when over the next couple of months we’re going to be able to pick up the remaining parts, so we can’t say for certain either when we’ll be completely free of the need to rely on Ol’ Creaky as we are now. There’s light at the end of the tunnel, but there’s still ground to cover before we bask in the happier days again, for Nat, Noe and all our future hoes… Though we’ll have AoH out long before then, we must!

Wrap Up


So that’s our check-up and check-in for you, all the good news, bad news and stream of conscious gossiping included. Once again we do wish we’d be here with sexy content in hand all ready to play, but it’s sincerely not for a lack of pushing ourselves.

Here’s hoping we’ll be back soon enough to do just that, and even more come waving even more potent parts already in our grasp to make the future even more awesome. All that’s left now is to wish y’all a happy weekend and we’ll see you on the other side! So until then…

Be podging your own hodges just the same and beWilder!



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