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Halt, wanderer! Hail thee from Kaer Morhen?

Yes, hello-hello one and all! Welcome to this, our special edition play time posting, as we finally get to do something we’ve been wanting and waiting of all year! So come on in and enjoy, oh, and bring your inspirations and art tools along if you have a spark within you, because this one’s for everyone to take part in!

Remember how we said a few times in recent past that we had “a fun little giveaway” for the fans to enjoy? Well today’s the day we start it, and it might not actually be all that little. It’ll be up to all of us to bring the fun though, so here’s us getting it started!

Oof! Did we just get hit with the Sign of Aard!? Because we’ve just been knocked back and had our breath taken away! Noemi of Philadelphia as Yennefer of Vengerberg? (Our version of) Natasha Romanov as Triss Merigold? What we wouldn’t give to be in the lodge of those sorceresses! Who’d have thunk Noe would get “top position” Nat though? That’s fan art for you!

Yes, we’re going all fan art ‘round here, and for our first ever official giveaway contest, we’re walking the path of the Witcher, the School of the Wild! We’re both fans of the smash series, games books and TV show (eventually) here, and not only because it has a cast of top quality ladies (who occasionally get naked for camera no less!), so it’s only natural we find inspiration in the dangerous, sexy world, and we hope y’all will too! From mighty women to magical ones, queens to battle medics, there’s a lot in there to spark the imagination… and honestly, a large part of us wants to see our own girls go medieval with y’alls ideas!

And so, the first official beWilder Fan Art contest is born! No, Unshi will not be allowed to participate, so it’s all on you to come claim the prizes. Yes, prizes! All in pursuit of the sexy good times from across the many worlds and sharing the good times around. So what do y’all think? Can Kriem live her dream of being a real magical witch, or is she much more like Saskia or Ciri than she wants to be? Will Frankie capture hearts and minds in the guise of Philippa Eilhart, or are the strick Dommy Mommy vibes better suited in Mil-*er*Nilfgaard Imperial robes, like Fringilla Vigo? That’ll be all for you to decide and show us! Heck, even Old Roy can dream of becoming Geralt for once, even just to enjoy having the White Wolf’s mane of hair for a day! Anything goes!

We want to give this contest plenty of time to breath, and to make sure everyone who’s interested get amply runway to run wild! The contest is official open as of this post and will run for 6 weeks until Saturday April 22nd, 23:59 GMT. While we busy ourselves with creating our own game releases, y’all are free to play with our girls! The winner will be announced with the week following, by April 30th at the same time.

The Prize(s):

What’s a contest without something to hoist at the end? There will be no “Law of Surprise” here, we’ll tell y’all right now what’s on offer for the most impressive and inspiring of those who are up to the challenge. Our gifts are:

- Top Prize is one (1) copy of “The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director’s Cut” (Steam Page), one (1) copy of Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.20, one (1) copy of Agents of Heels v0.25, and enthusiastic Sharing Showcase of Promotion from us. (Posting on Patreon of your win, promotion on Twitter, Reddit, all the good stuff that comes with being declared a winner!)

- Up to 5 Runners Up and/or Honourable Mentions to also get some showcasing and general love for participating and creating delightful art, as we want to share the love ourselves. They can also claim a winner’s copy of either Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.20 or Agents of Heels v0.25, their choice.

- All accepted entrants will get posted as part of the contest and archived for permanent viewing on our Official Discord, so there’s something for everyone to benefit from.

Those are the official and tangible prizes, but that’s not all we hope to see bear fruit from this shindig. Of course we’d be thrilled to turn this opportunity into a longer term ideal with any talented fan artists we come to find. Down the line we’re aiming for portent for commissioned work of our OCs, other interesting (ad)ventures, or perhaps even more formal arrangements on future potential projects, so by all means, let this be the start of something great, not a once off and end thereof.

Anyways, let us not get any further ahead of ourselves. How about we lay down the law of the day and see to some rules for the contest! Here’s all you need to know about how to get in on the action.


The rules of the contest are simple, we dare say, as we’re aiming to keep this as open to as many as possible. Here’s a few things to keep in mind however:

- You’re allowed to use Any and All of our cast for girls, from Agents of Heels to Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth. As many girls as you want (and can handle), and as many images as you want to enter! The composition must have some element of crossover art between the beWilderverse and the Witcher lore, be that girls from one series directly cosplaying the other for example, or a whole new take on what any give girl would be like in the other’s world. It is a Fan Art contest.

- Any and all art styles are welcome, from technical types like 2D and 3D to digital or pen and paper, to any genre style you can think of, cartoon or classical artist alike. AI compositions will be acceptedas entries, as we want to give everyone a chance to express their ideas if they so choose to do so, however AI art will not be considered eligible for the Top Prize unless there are no other styled entries submitted. We hope y’all agree with our take that any human putting in the direct work of creating a piece deserves the reward more than a computer.

- Both Safe for Work (SFW) and Not Safe for Work (NSFW) compositions are welcomed and encouraged! We don’t discriminate and we love both types so both are indeed good to enter with. Do note however, NSFW entries will be subject to whatever restrictions come with sharing such content on places like Patreon etc. Also, please note, for NSFW entries, please do not submit extreme material including excessive violence, gore or any illegal aspects such as minors. They’ll be bounced and not accepted. That’s all common sense, but sure, let’s put it on paper anyways.

- The winner and all honourable mentions will be selected by both of us here at beWilder. With enough interest and entries, we will consider a Fan’s Choice amongst the beWildernauts as well, but other all judgements will be made by joint Unshi-Spook decision and all decisions are final.

- The winner will receive their Top Prize Witcher Game via Steam, so be aware of that if it matters to you! Game’s created by us will be delivered via download link in direct message on Discord/Reddit/Twitter or email (winner’s choice). These games are NSFW Adult games (if you don’t already know) so y’all know what you’re getting!

How to Submit an Entry

The best way to get our attention is as always via our Discord, as we’re never far. We’ve had a fan art corner there for a long time already (it even gets used!) so that’s the fastest way to enter. Just drop the image(s) there and let us know it your entry or DM us in private to submit if you’d prefer.

Alternatively, we’ll be posting this to Twitter too, so you can just as easily submit there if that’s your preferred realm. Tag us or reply to the official contest tweet. We’ll see it and we’ll count it!

If neither of those work for you, you can submit any entry to us here on Patreon either, via DM as a beWildernaut or a link to your image via comment on this post either.

And that’s really all there is to it, aside from bringing ideas to life! We’ve got our own jobs to do around here, so while we see to our girls and their suited-up shenanigans (putting it mildly), feel free to let your own imaginations run wild and submit your best!

Best of luck and we’re eager to see y’all in action, so until the winner’s announcement…

Be on the fanart path and beWilder!



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