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Hey-ho folks, it’s another post here from us! It’s time we had a spark of fun and excitement in our week, huh? Well, we can guess that you’ve already guessed just what’s in store for us this post given the familiar title, so let’s not amble on too long and let’s get right into some idea hatching, shall we?

We’ve posted a status update on how the team’s recent weeks have been going, you can check out the full details in Noemi’s updating plans there, but one thing to come out of it is that we’re going to be missing our Brave release for this month, which is why we’re here. It’s regrettable and we so sorely apologize, but rather than let that be the last word on things we’re instead running another series of polls like last month to reward y’all at least in part with a spicy image instead. Once more we’re going to ask for audience shout outs in a game of improv sexy, as we ask for a theme, a girl and a guy to grace our screens in an image of awesomeness, just for y’all. To make it even more interesting, we’re taking the winners of the recent run off the lists, so it’ll be an even tighter rumble for the top spots! Will we see new clear winners, or will it be a battle of split decisions as votes fly to may second choices? We’ll soon see!

One thing before we start, however. We’re aware that the Brave tier is a significant step up in support from the Bold, and for that we would like our replacement reward to be a step up on the last one as well. That was supposed to be a “Risque” image too and it was a bit more than that, just ask Quiet how “Risque” she felt inside! However, overdoing it and only stepping own our own feet more here isn’t something we think anyone is up for, so that limits the kinds of things we can add as spice here (sorry, no 30 page artbook printed t-shirts this time!). Our thoughts on adding an extra kick here is to film the making of the image, much like we once did with Noe’s title screen image, so you all can get a “How its Made” / Behind the Scenes looksee at what goes in to a sex(y) scene image. We’ll have the time to decide that for certain while we run the polls, so it’s just one more thing for you all to have your voices heard on. Speak up with some ideas if you have any!

Right-o! Let’s get into it! For those who weren’t around for the last series, we’re making a sweet new wallpaper / tasty commissioned image for our beWildernauts to add to their collection. Last time we were aiming for a Risqué piece, but it didn’t take much persuading to up it to some x-rated actions! This one will be no different, maybe even wilder knowing us, so you can be loud and proud showing it off or hide it away where your most special pieces go, the ones that please you most on those long nights. Once again it’ll be co-created by the same people to co-inspire it, you beWildernauts, so let’s go inspire plenty!

Today’s post kicks off the series, and like before we’re going with the theme. However, to switch it up some instead of a direct location were asking about some saucier situations instead! We’ll give you the seeds of some ideas and it’s up to you to decide which sinful things you want us pointed at, cocked and loaded to go. Here’s the options then, not a bad one in the bunch:

Agents at Work (Mission Theme) – It’s a theme we know you love, since it’s half the premise of our world to date! Natasha makes missions look like flirty, dirty fun, but why let her have all the glory and action? Spies at work are some of the hottest girls imaginable, because they have what they want in mind and they aren’t afraid to get it by any means. Taking this option means your vote is all in on girls in action get-ups, where our stars can find themselves in a very intimate struggle for the upper hand, with plenty at stake to motivate them.

Service with a Dirty Smile (Waitress Theme) – Another theme we know y’all love and lust for, and the other half of our world too. Our girls can be very friendly and accommodating to those who want to give them orders when it matters, and not just the ones from Little Toscana. All you’ve got to do is make sure the incentive to service is just right…! A vote here means a waitress styled encounter, with the woman of choice giving it her best to earn enough bills to fill her waistband. Flirting and more, between customer and server!

Fun in the Sun (Beach Theme) – We’ve had a number of chances to talk up the glory of places like Maui and the Jersey Shore, and there’s been some fun playing splash by the communal pool by our top agent’s home, but what we’ve not yet had a hot chance to do is to press our girls in real sun and sand, bikini pieces in the breeze and the seafoam between curled toes. It’s a classic for a reason, now isn’t it? A vote here is for some time alone, secluded from the world, and some sand in our cast picks’ shorts when it’s all over.

Beyond Our Planets and Starlets (Sci-Fi Theme) – Captain’s fleshy log. Slut date 3301. This stuff writes it’s self sometimes. The beWilderverse is big and we’ve hopes to one day make it massive, but as it is, our stories live mostly under our Earth’s sky and never venture beyond the stars. Now’s a chance to inject some Sci-Fi feelings and festivities into a scene with our girls. Some secret snooky below decks? A very intimate time in the med-bay with all those instruments? Some bump-n-grind when the artificial gravity gives up? So many possibilities, but a vote here is a vote for some rare themed kink in a distant galaxy, with all the shiny trimmings.

There we have them, the options for this special piece! Some familiar fun with some new joys to explore either. Plenty of opportunity to land a crossover match between girls from the games with the opposing themes too, if that’s what you make of them. It’s all up to y’all know. The poll is up and it’s staying up only 2 days, until Friday at the same time we post this today. That’s a 48-hours flash, just like the last time, as come Friday we’ll have our Fan Fun by refining the options on Discord again. The weekend will be our chance to pick a winning girl once again, and early next week we’ll have our guy selection to round out the player pieces between other news and posts. Now how’s that sound? Wild, we hope!

That it right there, dearest beWildernauts, the first barrage in our show of appreciation for the Brave among us, in recompense for the delay to the Brave release of August. We’ll keep pressing on with Noemi and even Natasha where can be, but this here is a special slice of sex-pie with the sweet fillings of you fans’ choice. Or should we say, a tart of your choice to fill! Well, maybe when we get that far we’ll say it. Cast your votes now and cast them quick, we want to know the theme already and we’re hungry for fan favourite knowledge! Onward-ho then. We’ll see you shortly for even more no doubt. So until then…

Be Brave and beWilder!


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