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Why hello there, we didn’t notice you come in. You’re welcome to come and join us though, it’s that time again and we need some help. It’s time to hold the feet to fire of accountability and go over the goals we’ve set. Let’s see how much our fandom has grown with our efforts, shall we? Yes, let’s! It’s how we grow and how we make ourselves better across the board. Better yet, we get to get hyped up for even more good stuff to come! It’s goals galore today, so into it we go, the beWilderverse awaits!

Our May Goals:

- Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.15 Released to the Daring, and Brave fans. Complete! – Noemi is back to take the battle to Easy Street! That she is! Things have taken several steps for the hotter, Daring fans can attest to that, especially as Asana is the attention of many an eager bedding partner. That’s not all either, as Sal’s scheming continues as well. Noemi has become accustom to his presence as “letting the hate go” leads her down a very tricky path. Brave fans know she’s after a big prize, as is Sal himself! For now Bold fans will have to wait a little more to get their fill, but soon enough Noe will be back to battle again for all of us. Until then, we’ll take a tick on roll on!

- Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough v0.15 Released to the Daring fans. Complete! – Heh… We actually forgot to put this one on our list in last month’s goal post, but we still made sure to deliver on the goods as it is important that we do, so why not make a mark here too? Sometimes the details even slip our brains, eh? So yes, our latest walkthrough has been topped off with the good stuff, including some new tips, tricks and plenty of detail on the latest Nerve system shake up as well. We’ll call it a bonus goal like we had some time ago, but a tick is a tick no matter how small!

- Chapter #6 of our Agents of Heels: The Last Raider comic Released to the Daring and Brave fans. Get your best pair of hip-hugging booty shorts on folks, because Lara has hers! Well, she did before we took them right off her! It’s been a long while but it’s here at last, as Lara faces the consequences of the fans’ last choice, and she makes sure to beg for what she wants down south of the border, and we don’t just mean in Mexico, do we? The latest chapter of The Last Raider is released at last, and we managed to slip it right under the wire as that bulkhead of time came down. Still, good things take some time and we took all we could to make the best of it, a full 7 news pages to take our side stint in the AoH branch up to 33 total now. If that’s not a good thing, we don’t know what is. So all that’s left now is to enjoy it if you haven’t yet, and enjoy it again if you have! We’ll keep on at it and we’ll take a tick on this one as we roll on and on!

- An Original and Canonical beWilderverse Story, Raven’s “Nevermore” Released to the Bold fans. Complete! – Here at last, here at last! Raven is here at last! It’s a sweet feeling whenever we can expand our beWilderverse, and what a Titan we had a chance to add this time! Our latest beWilderverse Story has made it to all our beWildernauts, the first in a long time, and that alone is something to smile about. Sexy times in the written word, as the long Californian nights and the stirring heat make a Hell in the sheets for our demonette Raven, now a canonical character in our world. Can she tame the beast inside before it makes her shake, rattle and roll her whole city block down? Can the powers of wanton lust that be within her be sated enough for her to get a night’s rest? It’s all for you to find out now, while we find ourselves a tick on this goal now too.

- Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.13 Released to the Public fans. Complete! – We haven’t left our hands on the outside out in the cold, now have we? No, not at all! Noemi’s v0.13 and the first real taste of Asana on her lips is ready for the wider world to enjoy now. As we diehard Noe fans turn our attentions to newer… affairs… her most recent begins anew for those fans who just can’t find their way to being beWildernauts, for one reason or another. It’s too hot a romance (or open mind-mance as it were) not to share though, so all those hungry for some Hawaiian love, chow down and we’ll tick this one off too!

- Make it so May is as wild as it should be with our Posts, Updates and more of our Chats on the Discord! Complete! – We believe we’ve done just that. May has been another month of good things and good ladies too, as well as some enjoyable fun in all corners of our fandoms reach, we dare say. Let’s start again with the Discord, shall we? To celebrate another fandom that’s bigger than our own, May the 4th made for some mid-week fan fun time on our server, as we discussed with beWilder girl would best fill out the iconic Gold Bikini of Star Wars fame. We had a few ladies in the hunt, but it seems like Frankie and Noe had the most to watch out for, lest the slavers get them good! After that we followed up with more on Noe, and just which kinky outfits would be the best (or to her the worst) to have her parade around in for Beck and the poker boys if she keeps losing bets! Aprons were a fan favourite, as was the Playboy Bunny suit. On the kinkier side of things, we showed off our older Little Caprice fan art to our backer’s channel to go with the new piece this month, we had near daily sexy girl drops in our Titty City space, and we shared some 2D delights work of Raven by other artists to go with her new Story in our world. All that and a bag of chips too. As for the page play time, we had our share of that too! We flipped the script as they say this month, with our teasers up front and early! Asana and Noe’s lingeried hug made for a backer’s sight delight, a loving lady couple in the grips of lust, how were we to not tease this tasty piece? We managed get in another public teaser too, and Sal showed the world his intentions for Noe’s hind quarters in a hands-on fashion. During those teasy moments we also fit in a treat for our beWildernauts, some fresh fun with our fan art to the one and only Little Caprice in her private changing room, as stated above. She’s a personal favourite performer of a certain team member around here, so on occasion we like to work our creativity with her as inspiration, and we shared just that. After Noe’s heated return to our screens, we turned out focus to another our of most favourite ladies, only this one being fictious, and now a real part of our wild world! We took a moment to revel in the joys of our hard work in building a vibrate and wide-reaching universe, a moment to appreciate the goodness in canonizing Raven at last! We’re told we were ever so noticeably excited. We loved to share her story, and finally have occasion to create a Master List of our beWilderverse Stories now that we have not 1 but 3 for our dear backing fans! After that, our attentions rightly turned to the current Queen of the beWilderverse, as chosen by the fans in bWW!18(will she ever lose that title we wonder?). Lara’s Last Raider comic was set to get a Chapter #6 at last, so we had to mark the occasion with some fanfare! Wet Lara makes for wet dreams, doesn’t she? Well, not to be out done, Quiet gave us something to look at while she had something to listen in on. It was a Discordonly teaser, but it sure did please(r). We’re more than hyper to see what’s making those sounds in her ear, and we’ve already seen it! So there we have it, we’ve had a month of goodies and greaties, haven’t we? Of course we’ll always want more and more, but it’s clear we’ve earned a star on this one, haven’t we? We’ll pin it on then and let’s go fine some more fun, shall we?

Those were the goals, so let’s check the score card… 2… 3… Carry the 1… It’s maxed out one more time with a full 100% (5/5)! Plus, a bonus goal to we almost forgot to tally originally. Yup, it’s a full board and a face full of smiles for us, it sure feels good. It’s great to achieve all we set out to accomplish, and we’ll take a deep breath and a moment to bask on our own time. We hope y’all will do the same too. Firstly though, we’re already into a new month, so let’s get supped up for some sweet sexy to come, shall we? Yeah, let’s ride high into even more good stuff and keep this feeling going!

What to expect in June:

- Agents of Heels: Misadventures of Agent Romanov v0.22 Released to the Daring fans. We’re back on our Heels and ready to go wild on New York, and on Natasha! It’s time we start our End Game, our Mission #3, and see to it that guns are blazing and tits leather bound until they burst out! It feels good to get back to Natasha and making some big bangs (and making her bang big at that), so let’s get to it for June! It’s going to take us some time, efforts, and updates to get her to the finish line, and bittersweet day that’ll be, but for sure we’ve got some action and sexual misadventure in store for Nat yet (and maybe even beyond that day if we’re all so lucky). Let’s get too it then, that mission suit isn’t going to make a sultry show of itself, now is it?

- Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.15 Released to the Bold fans. It’s had it’s time with the Daring and the Brave, and soon it’ll be ready for anyone Bold enough to enjoy the rich Italian goodness too, and with a rare mid-month release no less! Yes, Asana’s love and Sal’s lust will both be coming at Noe from all angles, and all our fans will be in a position to enjoy it. We’re already ramping up for some extra thick Toscana brand fun (or maybe it’s more Deli style service?) in our next visit to Easy Street, but before we get that far ahead of ourselves, we want the Boldfans as hungry for it as the rest of us now!

- Mix up our reality and get some fantasy to come true for the Brave fans! We’re well aware that an unfortunate side effect of our recent return to Lara’s Last Raider as our main content last month means that the Brave don’t have game release of their own to run their fingers over for June. We can’t help that, but we can make something else to get a cheer on for! This month we’ll putting together a short but special artbook for the Brave among us (and the Daring too we suppose), as the girls of Team Noe get their nerd on and play some D&D! We’ve long wanted to produce a fun side comic for the NTR branch of our world, where the 4 girls would gather around with dice in hand, lead by the painfully woman-shy Eddy as their DM and cause chaos in a whole new realm (and no doubt around the table too). Well, we’re not so silly as to bite that much off right now, but we will share some brand-new kinky concepts (first imagined for the fans in the old Pure Wild Packages), now updated, ready and waiting for the hopeful day they can be put to comic pages! Are you all Brave enough to see Noemi, Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey party up and party on as heroes and rogues, going medieval and being oh so sexy doing it? We’ll soon see, as it’s on the list for June as of now! Noe that a party we want to be a part of!

- Have June be the hot start to Summer it should be with Posts, Updates and more of our Fan Fun on the Discord! What’s the point of fandom and a cast of pretty ladies if we’re not going to talk about them all we can, and better yet, put them in situations where “pretty” is far down the list of descriptions! Sexy, eye-popping and “whoa momma” are all great too! So as usual we’re going to do our part in spreading the fandom around and putting smiles on faces. Between talks, teases and treats on Discord to our selection of posts and pictures to make their home on the page, we’re angling for another month of good stuff to enjoy, beWilder style! If we could have a big release of content every single day, oh how wonderful that’d be, but since we can’t, we’ll aim to make as many days in June as special as possible. It’s why we do this, we’re entertainers, and we love girls too! So let’s have at it and start off Summer with some love!

Those are the goals upcoming, as you can see we’re keeping them slim-hipped and focused on satisfaction value! This month was a bit of a shake up in things as got our ducks all in a row and made good on trailing promises, so for our next time out we’re aiming to Keep It Simply-yet-Slutty (Good ol’ KISS), not bite off anything too big to chew if we can help it… we say as we start of Nat’s big Mission #3… Still, that’s what’s to look forward too, and anything more we can slip in, joyous day!

Now then, before we leave it at that, there’s our last solemn tradition to attend to first. Before we go, we want to personally and publicly thank all those beWildernauts who have made this possible. We sincerely and graciously thank you all for your support. Without it, we’d be planning work schedules at an *Shudder* EA Games studio… *Bleck*… Instead of more to come from Nat and Noe. It can’t be said enough how vital you all are to the cause of beWilder sexy, but we’ll try. So thank you all again, we’ll aim to do you proud another month and more! So until we post again…

Be Jumped Up and Jubilant for June beWilder!


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