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Hola, fans and femmes! Who’s ready for a spicy glazing on our favourite type of English Crumpet? We are, that’s for sure! It’s time for a long-awaited chapter addition to our first ever beWilder comic, and this one is where the actions at. We’re going south of the boarder, in more ways than one, not just the smoky trail to ol’ Mexico. If that’s not enough suggestive wordplay for you, you’ll never get the picture, so go on and see the images for yourself right now. Can Lara make the most of her situation, or is the mission as big a bust as what’s in her iconic tight top? Will Fito get his vengeance and her pearls? And what of Quiet, will she get a word in edge wise…?

It’s all here now, so check out the latest from the beWilder comic world!

Comic PDF, Page Images and Full CG Shots: The Last Raider Chapter 1-6 Full Pack

PDF Alone: The Last Raider Chapter 1-6 PDF

Give Lara the ol’ college try now, she’s ready and waiting at last! Just a head up though, there will be no decision poll on this release as we have ourselves some more story and maybe even more “story” to tell before we reach a point for the fans to twist things up again.

Be Savage and beWilder!



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