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Why hello there! We’ve got a bonus post for you all as promised, so we shouldn’t be surprised that there is some eye candy to be had while the girl’s rumble for the votes one post over! Today we have a look see at what the new changes bring to the forefront in Noemi’s upcoming update. Ready to take a look? Well here we are!

Nice, right? Unshi does some fantastic work! Now, we actually showed this one off earlier in the week on our backer only Discord channel when we just had gotten the assets broken down and exported, but by now we have it pretty much up and running in the engine!

This is a first good look at the new management gameplay, but we’ll go into detail on that soon enough in its own post, lest we get too far off track on the UI today. Some nice things to note though are:

- You’ll get to direct each girl to take on various tasks, from working as a waitress to filling in with Brad in the kitchen or taking to the street to promote the restaurant in anyway they can. We’re going to have some fun with this, we tell ya!

- The other girls all have stats now too! Open Mindedness, Romance and Competitiveness (only Noe has the Nerve) all play a part in how the jobs get done, and more importantly, their outcomes. Noe will get to hang out some more with the girls outside of work so they both gain stats, but that is a topic for another day and another version!

- Sal will have his hand in things, again we’ll be working up to that as we rack up the versions, and because of that, most of the tasks (except days off) can be done Proactively or Reactively, so you better play smart or Sal might get ya!

Alright, that’s what we’ve got for the main management scene, but we’ve still got some lovely eye candy to show off. Here’s what the new summary screen will resemble:

When night time comes, we see the results of the day’s efforts. Simple, sweet and to the point. You’ll be able to review the days changes in style now as you plan out the next steps.

And that brings us to the last little piece of art we have for you. Ready to see some Day Off UI? Of course you are!

Here we have some of the early options for Noe’s new days off, now that she has Kriem to work the floor while she is away. This was to be the focus of our v0.2 update until the gameplay redux forced a lot of work elsewhere. Still, if things keep going as well as they have been lately, we’ll still see this come this month’s big release!

So then, how’s the new look looking to you? We’ve streamlined and sleeked up our game flow for this new version. Keep in mind that these are still initial ideas and will be put through the fire and flames of player testing, and things will be shaped up and built upon as we go on. There will be plenty of Noemi to rock and roll to come! So, give Unshi his props if you like the new look, and we’ll see you all on the other side of the weekend, if we don’t see you sooner on the Discord. Until then…

Be glossy and beWilder!


(No title)



Looks gorgeous. Although I had some difficulties to read one of the fonts on the summary screen. Like, what's the first stat for Noemi? Nerve? But I guess it'll be less of an issue when you have the in-game context.


UNSHI: you have a point there, it's hard to see first glance. It is "nerve" tho and it's the primary stat for Noemi so in 5mins gameplay you'll be able to tell when you gain it; but still.