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Howdy there Brave people, and all the wilder people put there, we’re at it again! It’s time for the big rematch we’ve been looking forward to. It’s now up to y’all to again to pick an NTR babe to represent for this month, and take the last Wallpaper before the midpoint. We for one can’t wait to see where the votes are cast!

Last month, Kelsey took a slim win while Kriem took in the most votes overall, and Frankie wasn’t far behind either. We had our most heated contest yet and we finally got our Page 6 in the stickerbook too. We’re about to hit the halfway mark of our Season 1, so it’s time for the girls to step up and get their names above the fold and in the record books as well! Kriem and Kelsey are both now on one win each and if you didn’t know already, they like to butt heads, so this is just full on the fire as they try to get one up on each other and take the fight to Nat for Round #7. But as we said already, it’s coming up on halftime and Frankie’s yet to get on the board, so she is all in on this one, she’ll not let the young’uns show her up, dammit! So then… who’s it going to be?! 

This poll will remain open for 7 days including today. We will close the poll around the same time as we post this on Thursday 23th of July. The winner will be officially announced in a post the following day (Friday 24th) and the winning Wallpaper will be released in the days after, before the end of the month. As it’s a poll, all those at the Brave tier and above may cast their vote but the winner will only be released to Daring and above! Have your Brave voice heard and vote with your brain (not just with your genitals!) so you can try get your favourite options when it suits you most!

(Yes, most of the rest of the post is a repeat of last months, for those who didn’t see that one and to refresh your memory!)

Those options that don’t win this round will return next month until only one remains! Remember that once the next NTR winning picture is released, the previous NTR picture will be gone for good, so grab it while you can! Only a few weeks left to go bar hopping and maybe a little more with our Risqué Kelsey!

Now, without any more waiting, here are your options. Each one is detailed below so read on before you vote so you know what you’re picking!

We’ll take a quick look at each of the girls’ options, one by one, just so you know exactly what to expect. But first we will touch on the common elements:

- By SFW, we by no means mean it’ll lack sex appeal. We offer a SFW version for those who would like to show off their fandom and see their best girl even while in places you might not get alone time. Expect sexy posing and messages, but no explicit body parts on show… not this time!

- Risqué is a little open to interpretation, so let’s nail down what we mean here. In this option, expect a full sensual and sexually themed pose from the girls, not unlike how you would want to walk into a room and find them. Sex is on their mind and you might even find a nip-slip or flash of some kind, but nothing overly exposed, we’ve saved that especially for the nudie shots!

- For each girl, ‘Naked’ is pretty straight forward. Expect a full show, including nips, tits and even some lower lips… and don’t forget that lovely smile! This is the option for those who want the most extreme performance from our girls. But be sure to keep them to yourself and in a safe place because if somebody else sees them you might never get alone time again!

Ok, on to the girls! Let’s take them and their favourite outfits and put them under the spotlight!


­- Her “Party” outfit comes with a little less coverage than her casuals. Never one to be comfortable in any kind of clothing, especially the loose-fitting type such as her backless black crop top and ruffle skirt, she can’t help but be a fish out of water when Noe forces her to put something respectable on. Ever wanted to see a punky bitch completely embarrassed? Well here’s where to vote.


- Despite her humble and rural origins, Frankie has been living a decent lifestyle since her marriage many years ago. Though not spoiled, she certainly enjoys the finer things… up until recently. Her glossy green dress, white scarf and dark tights as seen in her On the Couch interview are her favourite casual “walking around” cloths. Does she have taste or what? Only the votes will tell!

- Poor Francesca has been out of the game for so long, can you blame her for still thinking “Mom Jeans” are fashionable? For her party outfit she likes to loosen up a bit and wear her demin’s out on the town, matched with a lovely little white cardigan and her best pearl necklace. With the biggest bust of all the ladies so far, it’s a tight fit but she’s done it! Just barely!


- What can we say about Kelsey that she hasn’t already said bout herself? She’s got a rocking dancer’s body and she damn well knows it… plus she’s not shy about showing it off. Her casuals boarder on beachwear they are so small, including her black halter and short denim skirt. Well, you’ve got to be ready in case the rhythm gets ya, now don’t’cha? (Note: this is NOT the outfit seen in her On the Couch images)

Now then, have you cast your vote? If so, then your sexy duty is done, if not, go do it already, there are hot girls at stake! While we all watch and wait for our outcome extraordinaire, we’ll be keeping at it, as it’s time to be cranking out more CGs of Noe and Co for their update this month! We’re pumping up the music and pushing our PC’s into high gear so we have a tasty update for all this month. We’re on it, just you wait and see! Now, until then…

Be your best gal’s biggest fanboy/girl and beWilder!


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