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Hello dadfuckers! I have bad news...my mac just died! I hope I can solve this soon, but until then I can't keep on working on the next comic. Please be patient 😭😖



I'm sorry about your mac. I hope you get it working back again soon.

Dominic Raso

Sorry about your Mac. Will patiently wait for you….☺️


No worries...it will be Okay ..YOU are the Best...take care🤗


It's fine, we can wait, that'll just make it more special when you put something new out 👍


It would be worse if you did very good school work and when you are moving it to a pen drive your computer decides to stop working, losing all your job and getting a bad qualification for not turning it in... Or find the hottest daddy and exactly the day before you make cibersex and you can see his fit body your computer decides to die. :(


Apparently it's working again! But i really need a new mac soon...before the hot summer!


By the all daddies of the gods. Give freebo23 a free Mac so he can continue his works of drawing sexy daddies.


The perfect MAC for daddy drawing! https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2019/12/10/21003636/apple-mac-pro-price-most-expensive-processor-ram-gpu


Sorry about your Mac. Hope it is remedied soon.