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Restyling Mr. Wilson's character design for the first short comic of May! What do you think? Stay tuned!!!






Wow! Daddy dun got the glow-up, excited to see what you plan on doing with him


That's what I was hoping you'd say! can't wait!


Do you have before and after photos next to him? I don't want to scroll all the way to the bottom to find him.


what do you mean? You can use the tags under the post...there is written "Mr. Wilson". Click on that and you will see all the posts about him ;)


He has the second most important part of an attractive man. Facial hair! The first most important part being a nice big ass of course. Looking through previous posts with Mr. Wilson is a great way to see how your style has changed and improved over the years. I think he looks super cute how you drew his face on the last panel of the first page of "The Haircut" where he is saying "What do you mean?" I think it's because confused daddies look so adorable. I'm sure he's going to be great in the new comic too. All the rest of your guys always look hot!


Thanks King! I agree when you say that confused dads looks adorable...because they are a bit dumb and at the mercy of horny, smart younger men! Regarding facial hair, I also like clean shaved dads...but i agree 100% about the nice big ass part 😜

