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La Douche Status Update

Finally managed to import genitalia morphs into Unity, this will let me improve a little bit the animations, especially when the girls are stretching.


Was trying to make a Halloween version with a scary dude, but didnt had the time, maybe for the next year.


Keept working and experimenting with new characters, the one on the right is a very old 3d model I used long tme ago to do some artistic renders. I always liked her so maybe I bring her to La Douche.

 If you are curious you can see the renders Im talking about:



Due to a few requests, I started to work on this dude for La Douche, I still dont know if he will use the same animations x) Also I havent finished sculping him, my wife keeps telling me he is ugly =/


A few more things:

  • Implemented breath controller to give more realism
  • Re recorded the girl humming, a beautiful young lady did the recording
  • Updated Unity SDK and Oculus SDK



Where is La Douche Going?

Will keep it as an invisible voyeur simulator, although you will be able to interact with the girls, they probably wont notice you, Im thinking of adding voices for the girls to say what they are thinking, that way they will make clear they are thinking they are having that weird dream again about an invisible man.


What controllers will La Douche support?

La Douche will support Oculus Rift Controllers and HTC Vive controllers, I want to add customization for the shape of the girls, the skin and hair. I have been experimenting with dynamic clothing but at this point is very complex to do, so will stay with the basic click and fade clothes.

I also plan to add Mouse interaction support, although I still havent researched it.


How many characters will there be?

La Douche will feature minimum 5 characters, still undefined but you have seen what I have been working on.


When is La Douche be completed?

La Douche is a small project, I started it on August 2016 and I plan to have it fully completed by August 2017, most of the main features should be functional by May 2017, from there; updates will be mostly bug fixes, cosmetic and performance improvements.


How much will La Douche cost?

I dont know, maybe free but maybe a few dollars, for you is whatever you want, If you pledge $1 the full year of development that is $12 dollars, which is a great deal. But remember, you are not paying for the software, you are supporting the development of it and any bit helps.


When is the next beta build going to be released?

Probably by the end of November.


Please feel free to ask more questions, I will probably put all of these in its own post to make them easier to access.

Thanks everybody, I hope my efforts are satisfactory to you.



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