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Allright, as a few of you may recall Im working on many projects, this is one of them.

The True Villain will be the classic sado torture erotic videogame where you get to be the real Villain, except that this villain will do whatever they dont put in the movies or comics =)

The name True Villain is not yet final, its hard to come up with a good name and I would really appreciate if you have any suggestions.

The logo isn't final neither, maybe someone of you has a good idea for it.

This game is in early stage, but not so early because the promo image is an actual in-game screenshot, I just added the logo and the hand. I think it will be available ealry 2017 and the first demo will be released for everyone pledging $1, after that I will do late releases for everyone and will limit the most recent builds for people pledging $3.

Why $3? Because I have another game almost ready that will go for $2, and soon will anounce other one.

I will keep working on all the games as I have been doing for the past months, so expect little to none impact on my build velocity. My goal is to get to a point where I can actually quit my job and do this all day. This is a mid term plan, Im thinking around 3 years and I should be completing one game per year while doing beta releases as soon as I have them.

 Thanks for helping me achieve that! 




I'm gonna be honest here Znel, I'm not a big fan of this project. I find the idea of a video game dedicated to torturing sadistic & misogynistic. You will have no support from me on this one! The screen shot is rather disturbing. I am considering pulling all my support at this time.


Hey, honesty is very welcome. I understand your point and to my defense I will let you know that this game won't only be misogynist, but also misandrist. I plan to include male characters too, and also in La Douche, due to a few requests; to include a male character. I know this game wont be for everybody, Im working on other projects as well but I got to say that this genre is a difficult one. I hope everybody will find something pleasant to play in here. Does this mitigates a little bit the perception of the game?

Marik Craven

Can you give an update on the path of La Douche? I would like to know your plans for each of the games or experiences. For example are there going to be more customizations or animations? I keep seeing the models go to the toilet but they just walk back. The other stuff is cool as well but I signed up with you because of your first project and I'm sticking around to see what you do, but if you are going to do several projects then I'd for one like to know what the status of your projects are and where you see them going/plans for the future.


Sure, I think I will start to do bi-weekly project status updates with screenshots of what I have been doing. Will start with La Douche tonight, just let me get home and take some screenshots. All this time I have been working on all the projects in parallel, so the velocity of development for La Douche should stay the same, as well for the other projects. For the toilet... yes, I have to do something with it but still haven,t figured exactly what except than pee of course. As for other animations, haven't worked on that lately, please look forward my update tonight.


I cannot financially support your new direction with " misogynist, but also misandrist" content. La Douche was a lovely attempt at bringing artful nudity into VR. Torture and misogyny are not my cup of tea... I find the concept of engaging in it as entertainment very disturbing. Pulling all my support at this time.


Im very sorry to hear that, I put it that way just to emphatize that it wont be a misogynist since its not focused on female characters, it will be instead a True Villain Simulator, and by definition; Villains are evil and commit crimes, in this case, fictional hero characters. Before engaging with this new game I did a research on the psychological effects of videogames, I have around 100 references to studies stating that violent videogames actually help to reduce aggressive behaviors, and that by satisfiying fictional fantasies virtually, a person is less prone to execute them in real life, the same as people that look at gore are more sensible and have more respect for life. Anyway, I appreciate the months you supported me, I still will keep developing La Douche and hope you find it to your liking once its complete.


Damn.. That is probably the smoothest and most reasonable response ever...


I'm with NutkinChan on this one. Would be willing to contribute more for Villians but worried that I'll be handed a chainsaw or something horrifying upon entering the experience. Is this a gore thing or ...? Descriptions are way too vague.