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It took some time but I managed to fix several bugs, let me know if you still see bad frame drops or sharp shoulders in girls. I also fixed Oculus Touch and Xbox Controllers. Even added experimental support for Riftcat/VRidge.

Download it here 

Here is a list of changes:

  • Teleport mode using the left trigger
  • Fixed performance issues
  • Fixed Xbox controller movement
  • New Dance
  • Added Photo Camera (non functional yet)
  • Added Haptic feedback when touching
  • Added headset collision fade
  • Riftkat support (experimental)

What about possession mode?

I'm working on it, I didn't include it in this release because is still not right, but I will release it on Beta 11.

Since I will work mostly on the Possession Mode I will have more time to work on The Villain Simulator, so I'm expecting another Beta for that one soon.




you are great, thank you for update! Looking forward for Beta 11 and its Possession Mode!

Noneof Yourbusiness

Is there any way you could rework the textures on the models? They are kind bad.


Hi, I would but I would like to know what is bad in them, for example?

Noneof Yourbusiness

They feel low resolution and blotchy and very granulated. I would also lower the strength of the normal maps on the skin a little bit.


The low resolution is only because the VR headset display, if you run the game on Desktop Mode, even in 4k you will see that they are very high Resolution: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/realistic-skin-6167564">https://www.patreon.com/posts/realistic-skin-6167564</a>


As for the normal maps, they may be a little bit exaggerated, but that is a personal preference and will revisit normal maps after Im done with the feature work.

Noneof Yourbusiness

You are right. They look OK on the screen, but that means the problem is one of the post effects on the VR camera. What you see on the screen should be exactly what you see in the HMD. Right now, I see the 2 white women as having rough red-ish skin (almost like a mild sun burn) and it's almost as if they have large freckles all over their body.


i think he means that if you are not very close to the odels skin, from a little bit farther it looks very sharpened. i would not say it looks bad from a distance but a tad to oversharped in VR. on the other side, the skin looks incredible from closeup.

Noneof Yourbusiness

Actually, I mean it looks bad from up close not from far away, and only in VR not on the screen.


Do you have a list of future desires or plans? I just became a Patreon supporter and this is my first download. It's right up my alley, softcore. The girl is beautiful by the way.


Hey! I have a couple of features I will be adding to add to La Douche, like the ability to control the girl, different skin setups, hair colors, making her use the toiled, awareness of the player, photo mode, and a few other things.


Very nice! I'm looking forward to the updates. I haven't put this on my VR machine yet (I have a separate computer just for the Vive) but I played around with it on my laptop for a bit. I'll be doing that today.


I played around with this on the Vive a couple of weeks ago. It's amazing. I felt like I could actually touch her. I wanted to. :)


Any news on v11? You got us all excited for the upcoming features and then ... crickets


Hello, Im sorry for the crickets. This past month another developer has been helping me address some of the technical debt in the project, he has been working mostly on non feature work although he has added some features too. He has been merging changes to the project very often that I havent been able to prepare an stable beta release. We agreed to finish all this technical work on September 10 so I can prepare the next release, Im already fixing some bugs caused by the recent upgrade to Unity 2017 and the new version of SteamVR. Im sorry again for the delay on Beta 11 but will be there soon.


Can't wait!