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Hi! Chivo here.

First, as it has been, you will not be billed on March 1 and it's just a free update for patrons :D

I've been slowly working for my next game, the title TBH, revolving around a time-traveling hot spring. Among weretears, orcs, and hot weird crypto guys, and just hot weird guys, this is Eivind, a young orc who's just finished his rite of adulthood and he's kicking off into a "responsible" stage of his life... but still, there are so many things he needs to grow other than his tusk. You'll meet who he eventually becomes into... this is a time-traveling hot spring after all!

I started working on a certain rhino guy, who will come back again as a major character in the game. I'm excited to show him soon! 

Btw, weretear is a word that I made up, with old english wer+deor, which, i think, should mean  "beastman". But before I embarrass myself later, please let me know whether it sounds stupid haha!




Hey Chivo, great to hear from you! Really excited to see what you've been working on. Eivind looks really nice, and the animation is great! Also "weretear" made me think of a werewolf that transforms into a pool of tears lmao, kinda sad. Then I thought it was a typo and it's a "wereater" instead, which sounds much creepier!


I like the sound of all of that

Adam Primaeros

Maybe make it closer to "therio" so it at least evokes the idea of a beast on first hearing?

