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 So I've been alluding to some big Taps of Eradine news for the last week or two and here is Part One of the news! We have launched a very small Kimochi campaign to offer some of the starter boosts for Taps of Eradine for its future full launch and trying to include some things people wanted anyway.

In all honesty, this isn’t about funding anything for the game itself (hence being a Keep It All campaign) as we’re working on a new version regardless, its more about trying to get some new supporters via other channels and offering some ToE exclusive game items.

If there’s anything you’d like to support and get something for, please let me know as Im struggling to come up with ideas for pledge items outside the usual types of thing. The minion idea came to me this morning and I’m also thinking maybe we could have some ToE exclusive girls too, perhaps with just a single stage and a static h-scene..

I’d really like all the pledge items to be things that improve your experience and/or improve the game itself for everyone so I’ve also tried to keep the funding amounts as gesture amounts, not aggressive funding targets. Nutaku are going to be doing some heavy promotion of Kimochi in the coming weeks and months, so it is intended as much as anything to direct people here than vice-versa, but I just thought I’d share in case you had some great ideas.

I did however read this morning that Steam Greenlight is dead which Im not quite sure how I feel about it yet. For niche indie devs like us it would really sucks with them pitching a pay to play model at $5000 per game, especially seen as though I never expected ToE to get through Greenlight, let alone in less than a week. But I guess in the grand scheme of things, Steam really don’t give a shit about games like ours so meh, and for adult games I think Nutaku are going to eat their lunch long term, so we have a great partner behind us too.

Anyway, you can check out the Kimochicampaign at https://www.kimochi.co/taps-of-eradine



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