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Since Xmas the downloads for Taps have been going nuts on Android and Ive been picking up a lot more email about the bugs in the current build. Today, we smashed past the 10,000 download mark and with a small revision of the text for keyword optimising , Im hoping to rank a little better and keep those numbers increasing!

Hopefully this weekend I will get chance to do the big Taps announcement that's been in the pipeline now for a few weeks, but I'm back to actively working on bug fixes and alike so maybe I'll be able to do another release with said bug fixes in soon, and include the new artwork for some of the girls to give people an incentive to go back. That, and some funky new backdrops and atmospheric effects too.

One big thing to help boost it would be adding a "please rate the game" link in-game as we're getting a lot of downloads, a lot of people are going out of their way to also give us some great ratings and feedback too. If we could break the all 4*+ barrier, I think we'd see a huge increase in downloads, so I'm keen to catch all those bugs and get a really great release out ASAP.

You can grab her on Android at the following link:


To celebrate this small victory in downloads, the next 10 orders that use the promo code TENTHOUSAND! on the shop will get a whopping 50% off a Shards of Eradine T Shirt or Hoodie!

Visit the shop at https://shop.shardsoferadine.com/ 



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