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Starting to look more and more delicious with each revision, latest update from Jemaica is so gorgeous I can almost smell the cinnamon!

This week we should have daily updates of new character concept work too as I have linework for the Dragonfly, Scorpion, Phoenix and Medusa characters to share now (but I'm not going to blow my load in one big update now, am I!)

I've also this week started a weekly status report from the core team members now so we will share on a Sunday (so later today will be the first).

Build-wise, I'll take it directly from James status report:

Finished getting Cosmo's movement. He now moves in 8 directions with animations and idle animations. Frea is able to follow but I need to import her new sprites and set them up. Ill upload a build soon to show off his movement. I've imported the fire town png but there is some issues found with that will ill explain below

So hopefully we should have a new beta build ready this week too with the new directional movement in too.




Aw she's a cutie :3