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We're starting to get sketches and new pieces in now as we make a serious effort to accelerate towards the finish line for Shards now so we're going to be working with a lot of new artists to replace missing pieces and replace some of the more juxtaposition character art from the original Pocket Pussies concept to what Shards now is instead.

One of the first artists to the table is Jamaica and you can support her work on Patreon as well as checking out her portfolio on DeviantArt too!

The concept sketch and Jamaicas style compared to current artwork (below) really matches the overall Shards of Eradine art direction and whilst its a shame to lose a full line of such a little cutie, we're being brutal to ensure a more consistent art style with the final game.

We're trying to show our love with as many really talented artists with the latest commissions so November and December will both be full of new character art as we internally focus on core developments with the Water and Fire zones now in a build sense so should be a really good couple of months to be a Patreon!

Also if you know any underrated and awesome artists that would be great for commissioned work for Shards, please do send me links to their portfolio and we'll see what we can do!

Thanks for the support in October , with a big shout out to a raft of new supporters too. We are perilously close to the first milestone and we're hoping with the new language translations to be hitting both French and Spanish speaking supporters first hand too for future updates.



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