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Thank you all so much!<br>Oh my god! Gonna have so much fun with them hehehehe <br><br>You are all the bestest!

Don't be afraid to keep adding!




I'm gonna say it again: KARAOKE W/ SEANIE. I mostly said that as a throwaway joke at first but the more I think about it the more I want it 😜 maybe y'all can suggest songs down below??


Seanie working at the "adult entertainment" store. Or as a wilderness guide. XP


Can't wait to hear it!!!


Do you know that song "I touch myself?" It's from the 90's I think. A woman sings it. Perfect 4 seanie😂


What if Seanie opens his own pub? Of course he doesn't have the capital for a brick and mortar place, so he gets an inflatable one. And yes, here in the States, that is possible. <a href="https://shar.es/1Uj9bm" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://shar.es/1Uj9bm</a>


I can't wait to hear Seanies escapades! 😆 Thinking of Seanie ideas is fun, I'm sure there will be plenty more.


💖Only the beshtest for the beshtest, darlin! 💋


Seanie driving one of those bar on wheels - where the patrons have to do the pedaling while they drink. And he shows them the sites in his ridiculously small town.


Piggybacking on the dating scenarios mentioned... Seanie responds to matches on swiping dating apps like tinder/bumble.

Meghan McDonald

How about an audio where Gael teaches Seanie some lessons on how to "woo" a woman.


Guten Morgen Mädls - gals! Hope everyone has a wonderful Samstag - Saturday!? The moon looks wonderful tonight... so bright. A colour similar to the first spring Schlüßelblumen - primroses. :) Today I have some questions I gathered from you. So please answer and make the owners happy! Ja? What makes you completely lose track of time ? What do you value the most, that doesn't actually cost money? Why is your favorite color, your favorite color? Do you or do you not shave your legs during wintertime? Have you ever... ... taken part in a talent show or play? What did you do? … tried to cut your own hair? … snooped through a boys bathroom or bedroom without them knowing? Danke for your answers! Enjoy your day .... see you later. XD


HI! 1. Hmmm youtube videos make me lose track. One leads into the next until I'm in that strange part of youtube. 2. I value my loved ones. If not that, personally, having an able body and being able to do for myself. We often take it for granted. 3. Sometimes, because I still wear pantyhose for church. Definitely not as often as summer. 4. Was in the King and I as a kid. Lol. Also a singing and a contortion showcase as an adult. 5. Cut my hair boy short when I decided I was tired of chemically straightening. :) head full of natural curls now. ✊6. Never been in one really. Not since being a kid with cousins. ❤


Seanie visits America thinkin American girls are easier to woo. Bless his Irish heart, he is in for a surprise! 😆


I don't know about that, according to "Love Actually" all it takes in an accent!😂😂😂


Based on his Skype conference, I'd buy Seanie's debut rap album. He dropped some pretty sick beats 😎, and everyone loves a diamond a few inches deep in the rough


Gut - all right... one Seanie skit down, how many more to go??... just curious!? XP And kidding...a little... bahahaha...


OMFG!! I just listened to the Seanie audio!!! I LOVED it!!! So feckin' fíorghreannmhar (hope that translated right...it's supposed to be hilarious)!! Can't wait for the next episode!!


Rofl Hehehehe Frau! Seanie is here to stay! Why not get some Bavarian beer in for him and ask him to make some clay with ya? I'm picturing yourself and seanie covered in wet clay.. kissing and banging like rabbits on a viagra binge


I have to say that Seanie is so hapless it's kind of adorable in a way


if someone has said this already, forgive me. I think Seanie should be either a porn "fluffer" or an extra on the upcoming DeadPool2 movie. I am thinking DeadPool would have a field day with Seanie. Two peas in a pod.


Guten Morgen sweet Sirens! A pleasant relaxing or exciting (take your pick) Sonntag - Sunday to y`all! Again I have some questions I collected from you... :) Here we go... What brings a smile to your face, just thinking about it ? What is one thing you're unable to do right now that you want to do eventually? Have you ever: ...injured yourself while trying to impress a boy? … made money by performing on the streets? If not would you? … accidentally said “I love you” to someone? ...called your significant other by an exes name? If so, what did you do to recover? Soo, that´s it. And please give me some more questions, ja?! Danke für eure Antworten - thanks for your answers... bis später! XD


Hi Claudia! 1. Right now, getting an email notice that one of my favorite authors has released a new book and I will have all day tomorrow to read it while it rains here. 2. See my two best friends since our 3rd died and I wasn't able to attend the funeral because my mother is so sick. Hopefully will get to do this by May. 3. yes when I was five, was not looking where I was going while riding my bicycle and was looking at my crush instead. I flew over the handlebars when I went over gravel and hurt myself quite badly. My teeth pierced my tongue in two places and both knees were split open. It was humiliating. Said crush had to ride his bicycle to my house to tell my parents so they could take me to the hospital. 4. I wish I could with my music. I studied classical piano for 11 years and wanted to try and make a career out of it. Needless to say, that didn't happen. Life often laughs at our plans, 5. I have accidentally said "I love you" back to someone when they blurted it out at the end of a phone conversation. It happened so fast that I just blurted "love you too" and that made for an awkward situation later on. 6. Fortunately I have never called out another man's name to the present day boyfriend of the moment. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend Claudia :) I haven't talked to you that much this past month. I have spent more time on Twitter than here because Patreon drives me bonkers sometimes and especially if I am on my laptop in the bedroom instead of the PC in the living room. Patreon apparently hates laptops. I hope you have been doing well. Come join us on Twitter, miss you!!


Ahoy, Claudia! Hope you're having a good Sunday yourself :) What brings a smile to my face? A lot of things. One thing that has made me do so recently was shooting stars, and the chance of seeing a random one. One thing I want to do eventually? Travel more. Injured myself trying to impress a boy? No. Made money performing on the streets? No, but I would with my drawings and cooking. Accidentally said 'I love you'? No, not by accident. Call my significant other by an exes name? No. I've never had an ex. ...Or a significant other.


Seanie, the chimney sweep! Chimchimeny, chimchimeny chimchim sherooo...


Ahh... I see the flood of Seanie scenario suggestions is ebbing away... What a pity... hehehe... XPP But I fear the majority of them has already taken residence in Gael´s mind... waiting to be acted out... *shudders* :))


Frau....I told Seanie how the dick looks like If you make friends with him he might tell ya LOL


you're welcome! Has Seanie made this face yet? 🤤

Meghan McDonald

I plan on having a Gaelforce marathon on Tuesday.I will be snowed in.Nothing like having good audios to make you stay hot on a cold day!