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I'm in the mood to play...Who's gonna listen at work?? 





Just. Wow. ❤️


I'm not at work but i'm in one of my night classes trying to focus but DAMN!!


I could not listen to this at work ☺️☺️☺️I do online shopping in a grocery store I’d end up killing someone with my cart 😂😂


Good Morning


I will I will!


You know I can't resist a challenge.


How hard can it be, really. 😂 Oh dang it, I have to go to the doctor this morning. Better wait....


💖I'm home so I have nooo problem!!! 😂 😂 😂


I got pulled over this morning, dumped coffee on my new top and broke a nail. All before 8am. Hoping this turns my Friday around!




I don't work today D: not out of the house anyway. I've only got a lecture and meeting and I can't exactly hide my headphones when I'm using them 😂


I always listen with one hand free and the other one occupied 😜


Would listening while studying in the same room as my housemates count?? That's about the best I can do today 🤔


cookies with tea, a new video...what more can I ask for??


Listen while I shelve children's books? ....hell let's get naughty. 😉😈


Ya Tease!!!!🔥🔥


Give me an hour and I'll be in the office.


Done... That was easy... ´cause I´m all alone here!...Hahaha... Though you sound really good today!...juicy! Danke mein Lieber! XD


I love Fridays....😌💗 Those wet sounds of pre-cum and talking about pulling back your foreskin, plus all the uses for juices (😂) and sharing. Then the gorgeous wet sounds at the end 🔥🔥🔥 I was a bad girl and couldn't wait until I got to work - you were just so enthusiastic and your voice this morning was extra sexy. Thanks for the lovely morning romp 😘. Don't worry, I'm planning to give this another listen on my lunch break 😉💋


You with the aural stimulation at work!!!!😍........quickly pulling earbuds out of my purse!😘


Success! I'm an expert at good timing. I listened in the living room where my two housemates and I were all studying, and almost as soon as it was done they had to leave for class. Got the house all to myself 😜


Trouble....LOL!!!!! gotta keep that blood pressure in check before going to the doctor. 😂


Oh yeah, this is happening 😏


You are all sensual soldiers lol!!


The perfect break at work 😈 without blushing i hope. 😋


I can only say how unfair it is that I listen to this and have 7.5 hours left of work. <sigh>


Well i need a cold shower now....


Ahem... that´s still "Frau Sensual General" to you Herr Colonel!!! :)


Never been gladder to work from home. Hehe


We're only a week into this. How the others haven't burst into flames already, I just don't know, but what a way to go, huh?


Omg.. that was so hot..and then my mother called at the end 😆😆😂😂 damn it! Oh well..*hits the replay button*


Awe man. I'm sorry!!! I guess you'll have to feel the burn twice.


I wanted to make this really sexy so I drove to the part of town where the seagulls frequent. I opened a bag of chips and made it rain. Then I listened to the whole thing, acting naughty in the backseat as they circled my ride. 🚗 You rev my engine baby!!!

Kathy M

Challenge accepted and conquered with surreptitious seat squirming and a 2nd listen to the last couple of minutes. Listening to you coming undone is simply one of my favorite things. Perfect escape on an otherwise icky day so I sincerely thank you. 💕💗💕


I'm listening at work, but I work from home ;)


ME!!! Oh wait, I don't work anymore....I'm "medically retired". :-)~


Mmmmm, so dirty! I'm in boring training all day, this will keep my mind occuped. Spectacular finish, by the way. 👏💕#FuckMeFrdays 😂


Thanks, Gael. Now I'm turned on 🙄😉 But I've got so much shit to do today so... no me time 😩 You're such a tease 😏 I need a cold shower now. Lol 🙈


I'm at my Gyn. Appt. No way am I gonna listen 2 this. 😁😂😂😂😂 (Gyn=Gynecologist 4 those who didn't understand the abbreviation.👍) My Dr. Wouldn't mind tho.He's an undercover freak.😏


🔥 🔥 🔥 One of my favourites in your last erotic audios with the Playing With Me one!


You just made my whole friggin' day with this comment Ali. I was picturing you in your car with all the birds circling.....😂😂🚗🐦🐦🐦🐦


I mean. I am on lunch break...dare I?? 🤔


I have the day off, stuck at home, decided to be a daredevil, and listened to the whole thing with my mom sitting next to me as she watches TV. I had to pause twice because she was talking to me, but...she didn't seem to notice. At least I hope not, because I almost failed at the last three minutes thanks to your dirty talk and shiver-inducing breathing! I would not have done this two years ago.

Becky Schumacher

Husbeast is playing video games across the room, but I'm pretty sure he knows what, if not whom, I'm listening to. <3

Rose from Ash

You're so damn evil, Gael... Posting this when I need to be working today.


It's the Friday before Spring Break so work was a ghost town by the time I had a chance to see this. Lol! I wonder who was more excited, the teachers or the students? Haha!


<i><b>This is another one of my "massively over-thinking and sucking the fun out of the audio" reviews, so feel free to skip down to the <u>tl;dr</u> at the end!</b></i> Most of you have heard the "Lickle Snuffles" audio, right? The first time I listened to it, I walked away feeling a bit perplexed, in a <i>"What exactly did I just listen to?"</i> sort of way. I wasn't sure if it was supposed to a relaxing, reassuring audio, a romantic boyfriend roleplay audio, an ASMR-y one, or something else entirely. After some thought, I realized that it was (at least to me) all of the above and then some. For those of us who are visual learners, I took the liberty of making a pie chart (a truly unprecedented display of nerdiness, I'm sure): <img height="250" src="http://i.imgur.com/UjKsZfG.jpg"> One of the really enjoyable things about this audio is that you can be in any number of moods when you listen to it and <i>still</i> get something out of it. Horny as fuck? Listen to Gael whisper that he wants to take you to bed. Feeling insecure and down about yourself? Listen to Gael tell you how intelligent and powerful you are. Craving the touch of another carbon-based life form? Listen to Gael describe how he's about to get all up in yo personal space with dem lickle snuffles. Many of his audios have more than one theme, so to speak, but I don't think I've heard any GF audio that's filled as many different roles as this one has. I really, really like this audio, is my point. So much so that I must've fallen asleep listening to it sometime yesterday evening, because I woke up at one point with the groggy, vague thought of, <i>"What a damned shame that this is just a fantasy. Too bad it isn't real."</i> Personally, I don't like falling into the cognitive trap of <i><b>If I only I had/I wish I had [insert object of desire here]</b></i>, mostly because it tends to blind me to the positive things in my life that I <i>do</i> have. Sometimes we can spend so much time looking to the future and hoping for something more that we might not realize that we (potentially) already have everything we need. If you refer to my pie chart, I list some of the things that the audio presents that a listener might crave. I reflected on my own current circumstances and discovered that I already have access to a lot of these things. If I feel the need for comforting snuggle time, I have my niece and my nephew (the apples of my eye &lt;3), as well as my cats. If I need a boost for my self-esteem, I have the support of my family and friends, the things I learned from my time in therapy, and my CBT workbooks that teach me to not mentally beat myself up on a daily basis. If I need to release a little sexual tension…well, I have two hands and an imagination - I can MacGyver a solution with those resources. XD Some of us here have significant others that you can get the "sweet, romantic boyfriend stuff" from. Others are single. I fall into the latter category, and although I'm totally cool with that about 90-95% of the time, I'll grudgingly admit that I get lonely sometimes. When you're having a shit day, it's hard <i>not</i> to want to have someone you can just hug and vent to, and doing that with a relative or close friend just isn't the same as if you were being comforted by a significant other. But I suppose my answer to that is to rely on self-love - believing in your own strengths and capabilities, reflecting on your own uniqueness, and so on. "Lickle Snuffles" hopefully won't make us feel wistful that we don't all have our own personal Gael, but rather it can prompt us to remember and reaffirm our own value as individuals. And I think that's a pretty awesome thing. <b>tl;dr:</b> "Lickle Snuffles" is a great audio with a little something for everyone. I bet even Gordon Ramsay would love it, and we all know what a hard-ass he is.


Oh, and the Friday Challenge audio was great, too, but in a <i>fuck yeah, that's hella sexy!</i> sort of way. Nicely done 👍


Listening in bed.. so all good 😉


That's my girl. In that sext accent. Boom. Done.


Was I the only one who heard a glass table rattling sound toward the end?


Well that's one way to learn Spanish😜

Kathy M

I heard it too. Sumthin was getting thumped around 😊


I was listening in the car on the way to work this morning and for some reason the universe decided it would be a good joke to start playing in the middle of my shift. In front of people. Just Gael moaning away and calling me a slut from inside my pocket. 🙈😭


It seems like this sort of thing has happened to enough of us that I'm starting to wonder if there's some kind of karmic debt that we collectively have to pay. I once had a close call when my phone started blaring out the glass table audio just as I was getting ready to leave the gym, and all I could do was uselessly fumble with it as I saw another gym-goer start to open the door that separated me (and those loud, conspicuous moans) from everyone in the front lobby. After momentarily contemplating the whole <i>"I don't </i>want<i> to break my iPhone, but I'll do it if that's what it takes to <b>shut off the audio</b>"</i> bit, I ended up wrapping my winter coat around my phone and shoving it in my gym bag to muffle the noise. I then <del>ran</del> quickly walked out the front doors in a refined, lady-like manner into -15 degree weather wearing only a T-shirt, just like any sensible person would. In retrospect, it probably looked like I was trying to hide some anabolic steroids purchased "under the counter", but that theory is quickly debunked by how I don't look even remotely as jacked as someone who's actually on the juice. I guess you could say things worked out for me that day. 😅 Did anyone comment on the sexy party going on in your pocket?



Kayla Recob

I work the night shift. ✌️ I can listen to anything I want on my headphones.😜


Whoo!....(pant..pant)..let me just...(pant, pant).. catch my br..(pant)..breath...(deep sigh) Wow! That was wonderful! I hope you come back and check comments because I very much liked the pre-cum references. It's very arousing to see several strings or of "evidence" from a man showing just how much he's aroused. And knowing that it's your arousal makes it all the more tantalizing! So please, sir may we have some more?