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A little taste of whats to cum!



Kathy M



Yay Kathy! Or should I say kady.


Is that a new Mic? Sounds... crisper 🤔

Gri (Sassy_One)

Dear Management...is this what I think it is? Did it arrive?!? :))))


oh... my... god???


I...literally...just...died 😵


Now we know why he's been so busy


How are you typing this then? It's a miracle!😃🤓

Kathy M

🎼Somebody got their new 🎤


💖Oh FUCKIN FUCK!!😱😱😱😱😱 😱😱😱😱😱😱 It came! It came! It came! Now it's my turn!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I was hoping that was why he was awol 😂😂😂😂

Kelly S

Every fucking hair on my neck is standing up right now... 'feeling' him move from side to side... OMG man... I am NOT gonna survive the full thing...


Daaaayum Gael!! You just upped the level to about 1000!!😱😍😍

Kelly S

(Sidebar - Why did you name is WizardOfOzFinal????)


Holy hell....I am loving the new Mic !!!!!!! 💋💗😍.


Hahaha 😂😂 YES!! Let the games begin 😘


Thank you all so much for buying the new mic! Xd


Can you even imagine Gael lavishing his long tongue on your pussy with this mic? Omg My legs are weak


WTFFFFFFFFF!!!! Gasp..trying to catch my breath! Never has my ASMR traveled to the front of my head and to my breasts!!!!


This is gonna be the fucking apocalypse but... I LOVE IT! FUCK YEAH!!!!


Aww... look who has gotten a new toy!! ...XP


I'm ready. For science! Come at me bro! <p><img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/suYBTVQv9Ii3K/giphy.gif"></p>


It's about to do more traveling when he unleashes full powah xD


...I have no words. Some embarrassing and borderline inappropriate sounds maybe, but no words.


Holy shit! 😦I was in my car and thought there was something exploding behind my dashboard with the whole, 'headphone' removal part. Lol! I think the guy next to me saw me jump and laugh. 😁


I swear my headsets were tingling along with my whole body... it was insane!... I can forsee my own death 🙊🙊🙊


So does this mean I can have your old mic? Or not yeti?


Omg shivers everywhere, I repeat, SHIVERSSSSS everywhere! Omg I can't! Seriously, I've never listened to any audio recorded with this kind of mic and... it literally makes me squirm (not sure it's the correct word 🤔)... If you do an oral audio with this mic, I'll probably die. RIP French Maid 😝


At first, I thought one of my earbuds had lost connection. Then you switched ears, and now I'm Kermit-flailing with delight! The 3D mic came! Oh, you are gonna wreak some havoc on us with that new toy, aren't you... ... ... Can't wait!


This is GREAT!! Everyone is gonna be DEAD! I'll finally have Gael all to myself! 👏🏼😇😈


Hm, I wonder if he had christened the mic properly? You know like a ship... spilling something over it?... and exclaiming it`s name...??

Gri (Sassy_One)

I wouldn't say afraid...mostly terrified!!!!


LOL...even if you have to crawl through the depths of hell to find them, it's worth it!!!


Yep.. loving G's new toy 💜😂😘 x

Kathy M

God forgive me! I'm gonna rot in hell. I'm at a retirement party and the person sitting next to me is the anti-asmr. Her voice is so cutting and loud it's giving me a headache. Send help!!!


Ahhhhh! I can't listen for 2 more hours! HELP!


Holy hell.


Channeling my inner Oprah..........You get an exploding pussy💥, and you get an exploding pussy💥, and you get an exploding pussy💥!!! Ahahahaha 😹😹😹


<img height="100" src="http://68.media.tumblr.com/2a319e359c6b647d438b57ee6e6bff79/tumblr_inline_mp7m0fDCIC1qz4rgp.gif" width="100"> Damn, shit just got REAL. Can you imagine what "The Night Terrors" would've sounded like with this mic?

Kathy M

Cannot wait to hear what more you have in store for us 💕💗💕


Holy fucking fuck. ... fuckety wow that was amazing. WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE... but be really happy about it! ...


#deceased 😧😵


Only a little, Trina! (Though probably many times, at least if we're lucky!)


Got out my good headphones and listened again same comment above x1000. I could hear you exhale as you moved from one ear to the next. This mic is magic! I can't wait for more ;) and excellent idea on introduction of the new mic.


I may have driven home a tad over the speed limit because, of course, I didn't have my ear buds with me 🚘 It's crazy, it sounds like there's a tall guy talking behind me based off of where the sound comes from. I'm in ❤ with this mic


Fuck me! I had goose bumps all the way to my toes! That has NEVER happened before...that was in the first 10 sec. I am in trouble now! 😳I CANNOT wait for a full audio with your new toy, boi! 💋


Guten Morgen, my dears! Hope everyone has a really happy Freitag - Friday!? I noticed we are in dire need of some juicy Freitags questions! Let`s start sweet though... Do you like to solve riddles? Would you describe your Traumhaus - dream house? ...and the perfect location for it? ...and would it have a little dungeon? Hm? ...XP Can you tell me the lyrics of your favourite song? ...are there some lyrics you always mis-hear? Now to the juicier questions... The new mic ...will it be the end of the Sirens? ...will Gael get too powerful? Do you like it when Gael talks about "dripping precum" ...about precum in general? Would you like to hear an audio where Gael is so turned on that he cums involuntary? ...maybe even (much) too early? ;) ...ja, he can still make up for it later, he is a creative one! Hahaha... ...or maybe you`d like to describe how he can make up for it? Ja? :) And word choices, do you prefer ... ...fap/wank/_ _ _ ? ...cum/spunk/_ _ _ ? ...cock/dick/Schwanz/_ _ _ ? ...pussy/lovehole/_ _ _ ? Danke for your answers, dear Sirens! ....bis Später. XD


The questions... bahahhaha 😂😂😂😘😘😘


Just smiling here at all the comments...here's to science &amp; the apocalypse- it's going to be a wild ride lads 😂 💋🤓 (shall we all burn our panties in unison since clearly they're no longer needed at this point...🤔)


MAGIC MIC!!!!! I love it!!!!


Oh no - where's my super flying dog gif when I need it! Hold on, help is cumming.....I mean coming 😂


You absolute tease, Gael 👅 I literally had the shaky tingles down my body from this new mic...so excited to see what you're going to create 😍


I just need a little time to play with Magic Mic, gotta get used to those ears! Then we are going to enter the world of erotic ASMR together ;) It's time for moans and shivers!


The mic has a tripod?! My inner child would want to tinker with this thing for hours, but my outer adult would be too afraid to even sneeze near it because it looks expensive and complicated. Nerdy request, I know, but once you get the hang of using it, could you make a quick video clip showcasing some of the features of Magic Mic? It'd be interesting as hell to see how it works!


Very nice test of the new mic and me ;) Looking forward to more!


Yes, Gael, I will gladly join you for dinner. And "dessert". Wow... Test successful! I didn't expect to tingle and shiver (or giggle like an idiot) -that- much.


I'm reading old comments, and dying with laughter!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-09 23:25:10 yes please gael I would love to join you for dinner any day my god :) &lt;3
2017-11-30 22:40:18 yes please gael I would love to join you for dinner any day my god :) <3

yes please gael I would love to join you for dinner any day my god :) <3