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Aww...this was so sweet ❤

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2022-01-09 23:25:21 I really love these stories <3
2019-10-22 17:17:09 I really love these stories <3

I really love these stories <3


Oh deal lord you are making it way too hard to concentrate on my hw...who needs DPAD anyway..haha. Thank you for the posts today!!


Heaven help me. You will the the fucking death of me yet...pray for me, I'm going in!


Thank you Mr. Sexy Firefighter! :P

Kathy M

I'm gonna need oxygen if you keep only dropping teasers ?


That was sweet


Awww, this was really lovely! I promise you I'll call before I set fire to the neightbours... XD


What a heart melter. ?❤️? Wink, wink. Hehe?


'Dis?... Dis is my pole...' ? haha Very sweet and great sound effects!


Hot hot hot. No surprise!! I'm still waiting for an audio I don't like. Anything you can do about that?


The sound effects were awesome! This was super sweet and Firefighter Gael is a charmer! ???


Sooo, sooo sweet!Such a charmer! I'll just be over here dying now...


Love this !!

Kathy M

Really great job with the sound effects. You just keep upping your game my good sir.


"You can't play with the siren..." ...or the Siren? XD

Kathy M

This is so true. I've yet to listen to an audio and said "That was crap!" Or "That was 15-20 minutes of my life I'll never get back!" Or "Stop, just stop."


Ahh!! Finally you have some decent fire sounds!! ...that`s it!! Hmm....


I like Fireman Gael; he's a sweetie! And the sound effects were really well done.


GF: (sexy sounds &amp; Irish accent) "Are you oka?" Me: (all breathy and dressed in the most mismatched, cat hair covered home clothes ever) "Yesh, jush give me a shecond for me to..get.....thish..sthing...out...THERE! Now that my super sexy retainer is out, I'm ready to be rescued!"


Love this!! it's soooo endearing and I'm really feeling the sound effects. It also brings a devilish smile to my face because I can completely imagine an expanded version. ?


Oh yes...that expanded version. *sighs, then melts ?


Gael! I am absolutely in love with your command of all the sounds! It is so satisfying to hear it all come together like that! (1/2 because my comments are so unrelated it feels wrong to put them together)


Well done Mr Gaelforce! The sound effects for your uniform role plays... makes me a happy girl ? on a side note: I feel wrong to tingle when I hear "Good girl" when the background just sound so treacherous. Lmao!... overall, well done... both dirty cop and this ?


(2/2) Admittedly I was a little hot under the collar all day just WAITING for this and it is not at all the bodice ripper I imagined. Still turned on but now also charmed and also crushing a bit on your firefighter with a heart of gold.


Guten Morgen, Mädls! It`s Montag - Monday again! Hope everyone has a nice day!? Ja? Not much time today I wanna crawl back into my bed, soo...right to the questions... (Though I know Mondays usually provide sparse data... XD) Do you believe in astrology? ...tarot cards? ...palm reading? ...second sight? Would you please create a little advertising jingle for "Gaelforce?" What kind of audio/scenario would you like to hear next? What kind of talbleware do you use? ...your cutlery? And what is your favourite "Gael-Speak" word/prase? That`s it for today...danke, Schätzchen! See you later... XD


You've managed to melt my heart, but about my panties! Tsk...tsk!


Your creativity is such a pleasurable experience for my imagination! I enjoyed this immensely, Gael! Thank you!


What!!??? No answers??? ....come on!?? :((...Please??


Oh be still my fragile heart...❤❤❤ (Side note: that laugh never gets old and hearing it always gives me little butterflies 🦋 &amp; smiles for days...sigh...) Well done sir, well done.


Shhh... Agent Angie!?...I want a new cover name! What was my position at the Mayor`s office??...I can`t remember, the pálinka fumes are addling my Erinnerungsvermögen - memory... danke im Vorraus! XD


My documents says you were: Foreign language correspondence clerk


And again, a quiet day in Gaelandia... the Sexy Ramble and Hot Fireman Gael sated you completely? Hm? ...no enerdry left to comment?? XPP And what has the sexy fireman upstairs ^ tattooed on his left flank?? ...is it Cú Chulainn?


May I take a minute and say that I think a Gaelified story of Cu Chulainn would be an excellent idea for the future....although the lit geek in me might not survive such a tale but hey I'm willing to risk it, for science you know. 😉🤓😏


Oh, I second that! ...how do you imagine said Gaelification?...


💖Love these new Gaelisms 👍


Guten Morgen meine Zuckergoscherl - hm... sweet cheeks! :) ...A wonderful Dienstag - Tuesday to y`all! Here it`s still really cold -12°C fantastic weather for ice skating! Sooo, some questions...ja, as every day... XD Do you like winter sports? Are you talking to yourself - Selbstgespräche führen? A funky looking spirit offers to gift you with one skill of your choice. ...do you accept? ...which skill would you choose? If you accepted, the spirit now want`s a limb of yours in exchange! ...what would you like to loose? ...an arm or a leg? Name one place on earth you never wanna visit/visit again? And which fairytale-Gael-appearance would you like to meet in an enchanted forrest? Danke für eure Antworten - thanks for your answers my dears! ...bis später! XD


winter sports? I like watching figure skating, but I am far too clumsy to participate in any winter sports... honestly they all seem to involve strapping something to your feet to make them larger and I am clumsy enough as it is. Selbstgespräche führen? Yes. spirit offers to gift you with one skill? I'm generally wary of gifts if I haven't earned anything, so I'd probably say no... though I'd like to be super skilled at car repair- its something handy I've never learned. If I accepted, I'd give my left leg. never wanna visit/visit again? Fukishima... not even for science. And which fairytale-Gael-appearance would you like to meet in an enchanted forrest? ... I think I'm too tired to understand the question... Goodnight Claudia!


Hello Dear Claudia!Ive tried once skiing a few years ago and it was fun.I like watching winter sports.Most of all figure skating :) Im excited because the European Figure Skating Championship starts in a few days! Im talking to myself sometimes we all do :) If i could choose a skill that would be healing, but if the spirit wanted to exchange it with an arm or leg of mine i wouldnt ask it.I dont have a place in my mind i dont want to visit again.I agree with the other Sirens i would like to meet Gael-Huntsman &lt;3


Bahaha... Vegan-Gael-Huntsman!!! ...what shall he hunt?...Blueberries? ...maybe stray Sirens?...:))


Watch man? Ranger? He's just looking after the animals in the forest.... XD


Hallo Claudia schätzie! 😙 Ich hoffe es geht dir gut diesem Dienstag? <b> Do you like winter sports?</b> Yes <b>Are you talking to yourself - Selbstgespräche führen?</b> All the time 😁 I live on my own in a big house with just my cat, I think it's inevitable after some time xD They say it's a sign of madness or intelligence, I hope the second lol. <b>A funky looking spirit offers to gift you with one skill of your choice. ...do you accept? ...which skill would you choose?</b> Don't think I could choose a skill, so I would say no. If I <i>had</i> to choose it would deff be something positive though😊 <b>Name one place on earth you never wanna visit again?</b> Auschwitz... That place was just... It left a very big impression on me to visit such a place, you can still feel the energy lingering there... Once was enough. <b>And which fairytale-Gael-appearance would you like to meet in an enchanted forrest?</b> Fairytale Gael?? 😁 I have no clue haha. Maybe a vampire? Is that a fairytale creature?👿 Danke für deine Fragen Frau Claudia 😙 Enjoy your Dienstag!


Mevrouw Saskia!! I missed you! Danke für die Antworten meine Liebe! XD


Hmm funnily enough talking of Huntsman Gael, I was thinking about Action Man Adventurer Gael today.... on his solo expedition... discovering a lost tribe of Amazonian Sirens 😂


Curious but have any of you heard of Sean Jameson's Bad Girls Bible? I'd be interested in hearing what you know about it, if anything...🤓


Mr. Mayor, the sound fx layering on this one was phenomenal! The character's delightfully sweet, charming, and disarmingly funny. You've been upping your YouTube game as well, I see! (Well, hear...)


Guten Morgen Sirens of Gaelandia! Hope everyone has a pleasant Mittwoch - Wednesday! I have some questions... wer hätte das gedacht - who`d have thought that?? XD Do you like hairy men? ...and I mean HAIRY, wolflike HAIRY!! Are you leichtgläubig - gullible? ...easy to überreden - persuade? What is your favourite? ...wood, steel, glass? ...wool, leather, polyester? ...LP, cassette, CD? ...sugar, honey, sweetener? ...Mister Gael, Doctor Gael, Herr Gael? :) And would you write me a little story again? Ja? ...I give you the first lines... "I can`t believe he really did it? ...I mean... just yesterday he ate some pie... and now, now this!? Hahaha... incredible! No wonder that we..... " ?? Danke for your answers, time and stories meine Lieben! ...see you later! XD

Kathy M

Greetings Frau Spy Claudia ☺️ hope you have a lovely hump day. Re: hairy wolf 🐺 men, I don't think it would make a difference as long as he has good hygiene 😆 Re: I can be gullible from time to time. I usually want to believe the best in people so unless something is telling me otherwise I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. Love glass, blown artwork glass like Dale Chihuly is my favorite. You should check him out if you're not familiar with him. Been on a stevia kick as a sweetener of late. I'm just gonna go with Gael 😄 which I still try to wrap my head around sometimes because Gail in the US is a female name. But his Irish pronunciation does differentiate it. Ahh I got nothing on the story 🤗


Shhh.... Agent Angie !? ...a little rat left something for you next door...


IT SCURRIED UNDER MY BED HELP o____o Gonna check it out, thank you! :)


Guten Morgen Mädls - gals! A wonderful Donnerstag - Thursday to y`all! I`ll leave some questions for you... here we go... :) Imagine Gael sends you a message... "Hi sweetheart! I admire your great taste and your splendid sense of humour! I`d be delighted if you`d help me to choose a new thumbnail for myself on Patreon?! I promise, whatever you`ll choose I´ll keep for 1 week! XD Gael - Great Leader of Gaelandia" ...what would you choose for him? ...please post a pic or a link! XD Would you like to be invisible for 1 day? ...what would you do? If an almost, totally unsuspicious Bavarian spy/witch would offer you some long lost Gael audios... would you accept? Hm? :) ...what would you offer in exchange? ...you know I´m only kidding, right? Hahaha.... Do you like concerts, live music? ...what was your best/worst experience so far? What is the colour of your cell phone? ...your car? ...your doormat?...your purse?... do you have a big bunch of keys? Soo, my dears that´s it for today! Be good girls and answer the questions, ok? XDD See you later... :)


I see what you're doing there! LMAO 👏🏼 I have the perfect photo but don't know how to post it here.


I found some more "lost audios"!... XP




Agent Claudia, I've left you something on the Community Doorstep! ;)


Hello CLaudia!Gael had a pic on his Playroom tumblr which i like very much but i cant find it now.No i dont want to be invisible i want to be visible all the time and do the things i want :P Of course i would accept i already did in a way and thank you!Ive found 2-3 i never have listened before!For exchange hm...You can choose what do you want for exchange haha.I like concerts and im going often.The worst concert was in a Greek artist who was "high".He could barely sing.My color of my cellphone is black but i have a pink cover.I dont have a car.The color of my doormat is grey.I have different colors of purses but my favorite is what else?Red of course :) I have a big bunch of keys which sometimes is anoying because i they dont fit in small purses.See ya later Claudia!


It`s really quiet here!? ...only the brilliant secret Agents and probably some lurkers around... I wonder if anybody has seen Gael lately? Hm?... :)


So when is the sexy emt guy coming?