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A largely off the cuff slice of erotica..




This comment probably wont get seen since the post is so old haha, but holy hell this might be my favorite. It has a little of everything and I can never make it all the way to the end 💦


As I continue going through the library here, listening to the earlier recordings, I seem to have a new favorite with every one. It’s not that one is better than another... it’s just another different near spiritual experience lol. i seem have one after another. Yummm. Is it possible to get “wetter” xD


Oh. My. GOD. GAEL!!! This audio is INCREDIBLE!! 😩❤ I already used up my 1 Christmas Wish on the Workshop thread but I have a secondary suggestion in case the first idea isn't something you're into. PLEASE do an audio where you catch a girl (neighbor, coworker, friend, whatever you choose) playing with a sex toy and moaning your name. My personal choice for the sex toy would be a Bad Dragon dildo with a tube attachment for "breeding", but, what you choose to imagine in your mind is up to you. Anyway! You catch her, question her about what she was up to, she denies that she said your name and you "take matters into your own hands" and make sure she moans your name, out loud this time and forbid her from denying it again. 😈💚 Just a thought. GET WELL SOON!! MWAH! xoxo 😄💕


I heard you call me.


Dirty dirty Santa?


I'm early!:D


Is this TSA approved? Or am I gonna be squirming in my seat on the plane?


Hmmm.... looks promising! An early Weihnachtsgeschenk - gift!... Danke Herr Gael! :) And I love the title...Frrrantic!! Hmm! XD


"I want it messy!" 😳This is gonna be a looong day. Gael!


Haven't even clicked play on the audio, but LMAO, Cat, my sister from another mother! Yes, that one single like out of the whole thread's replies so far is me :P


The Best. 👏👏👏👏Did you just level up? Fuuuck. Me.


Huh... a new audio is up, and almost nobody around?? ...how... creepy! XP


Hello foxy! I'm traveling, how do I download from patreon onto my phone? 💕

Kathy M

*Bangs my head on my desk* Why do I listen to these at work??? I've mastered the art of a poker face but you do try me so Gael. Fuckin' A kid. Deep down though I wouldn't change a thing. Part of the fun 😈☺️😳😆


This is Gael's first Christmas on Patreon. We have to appreciate it, celebrate it, and make it special! Who's up for a Gael Holiday Roast?! 😈 (copy pasted that emoji from Kathy's comment)

Meghan McDonald

It is working and let's just say I am soaked.Holy Moses! This is the best he has ever done.Damn!!! 😛


C'mon boy, your nuts can't be the only thing roasting on an open fire :P Immana leave the craziness at this. A'ite ladies, and Gael, y'all have fun. I've gotta save post-apocalyptic Boston. Peace out, and goodwill towards men (Händel-ing it)!


Thank you for the early Christmas gift 🎄🎁❤. Loved this, especially all the wet sounds and imagining you with your face all wet and buried in....🍑😉. I also loved how you kept moving around so sometimes it sounded like you were right in my ear and other times like you were further away. That made it very realistic. That close whisper talk gets me every time, it is like you are right on top of me or right behind me, holding me close and telling me what to do - fuuccckkk! 😳. Very nice to hear more description from your side, how you were feeling and reacting, that made it even hotter 🔥. Wonderful start to my holiday weekend!🎄☃️🎁 I am a drenched and happy girl right now 💦😌. Thank you luv! 😘


I... need... a few... hours... (days?)... to recover...


Jesus Gael I'm at the fucking airport!


I'm at work, and I WILL NOT LISTEN YET! just by the title and comments I know I had better wait! It's like a gift under the tree! I just want to tear it open!!


Oh Christ. I can already tell this might wreck me. Question is is it safe to listen to while driving...?

Kelly S

Ho-Ly-Fu-Cking-Shit... OMG, man! You're gonna send my ass back to church, taking the Lord's name in vain as much as you make me do! I, like Cat, prefer to do a 'dry run' (very BAD choice of words-maybe hands free) with a new audio... I broke my damn rule at seven.fucking.minutes. There were still another 25 after that! Okay... can we just take a minute and let me freakin 🙌praise that damn 'share' shit! That's one of the sexiest things ever, to me, and I know so many chicks are just NOT INTERESTED. So, it's rarely given any kind of air time in audios. (Shit... I just got notification of a damn Ramble being posted. I ain't got time for that right now. I'm trying to avoid your voice for a few minutes... recovery time, man!) Okay... Kelly style breakdown. a) Love that it was straight into the fun... Set up is good, don't get me wrong... but sometimes it's necessary to just get right to the 'fun stuff'. 😀 2) I will say, it sounded like it was going to be instructional - sexy Irish man to anonymous listener - I'm seriously not opposed to this idea. 😉 c) Your damn sound effects game is on point, lad. 8) Did you take a class on use of adjectives? You were VERY descriptive. It helps to paint the mental picture. I like. 5) I honestly am trying to go back through the audio while typing this to be more specific and... well, just got to seven minutes-ish again... what was I saying? q) Yeah... you just... you just keep doing this stuff. Um... Imma get back to you...


Oh. My. God. 🌋🙌😄xxx


Gael...I'm going to arrest you after that one🏡......🚓💨 You bad, bad boy 🚨


Noooo i cannot function.Im out of order.I have to listen this audio again to post a comment xD


welp im at work with 5 other people in here, headphones in, not giving a fuck, and i have a terrible poker face. lets go! 👿😂


Hot hot hot! 🔥 I'm really a slut for those sounds you make when eating 🍑 I have 186782 things to do before sleeping, but now... 😝


This was the best lunch break I've had in a long time and it's a good thing there isn't anyone nearby! Several other lovelies have mentioned the sound effects, and I agree..... those spanks, especially..... 😘


Oh. My. God. I'm all hot and bothered. The sounds in this are incredible 👌🏽🔥💦😍


Gael my mother saw me touching my tits.I had my hands under my pj HAHAH.I told her i was itchy.I dont know where to start.My beautiful Sister Siren VackerDrommare described it perfect.The way you were moving around the Yeti sometimes too close sometimes far.Omg the wet sounds...And the whispers.The last at 24.45-25.15 OMG completely insane!Your audios are PERFECTION.Every time is a new adventure.You are the Master of seduction xD


Damn! I'm glad I read comments first. Im in the car with my parents for another 5 1/2 hours. Not going to risk it. 😳 But looking forward to the fun!


lol oh man i thought i was ready but i wasn't! 😂 i almost made a sound in front of everyone. my face was definitely obvious despite me leaving quickly 😜 damn you and that yeti microphone! i wasn't prepared for how immersive you were gonna be this time. fuckin hell! i usually dont have to stop and listen later much but im not shameful to admit you have beaten this exhibitionist today 😋 i need some fresh air lol


Oh no Afroditi - not again! 😳. You have to get a lock for your door....haha 😂. The sound effects in this were awesome - love the whispers! 😌


When you talk/whisper super close to the mic, my mind = 💥.


I thought I had prepared myself for what was coming after reading the title and a few of these comments...I was not ready, Gael. Forty seconds in the thing and I'm already a melted puddle of goop @_@ I adored how you freakin' devoured that clit; not just licked, kissed, and teased, but devoured! This is one of your most intense audios so far, and I love it!


My favorite part was when your distance changed and it sounded like you slide right up her back to her ear. MEOW. ASMR for daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays


Oh my god. That was so... wow. I'll try to form a coherent comment but it's a damn challenge and I've already erased and restarted 4 times... I love when you get wordy, describe the hell out of it, paints a vivid picture, and you nailed it this time. Playing with the vibe? So hot. I love all the wet sounds, it's just so... I don't know... makes it so real. And anytime you say ANYTHING about how good lady juice tastes, it's a turn-on I didn't know I had... and you're just so passionate about it! (good lord I'm trying to click through the audio to jog my memory and I'm just full-body tingling...) I love the commands mixed in, you're not full-on dom but you're definitely taking the lead. And the spanking! Yes! Please!! Your mic skills on this one are fantastic, I love hearing the changes in direction and distance of your voice. And I'd have to agree with Christy Sweetz on this one. I am not one for ASMR shivers, but even just thinking about it- I loved that you grabbed her hair but I forgot you even did it when you slid right up behind, all possessive, and whispered. FUCK. I've heard other audios of yours where you're already inside and then you get close like that and whisper...oooo every time! Its just so consuming... I don't have words to accurately tell you how much I love that.


Damn! Damn! Damn! GAEL! That was THE hottest freaking audio to date! 🔥🔥🔥I am a goner! I can't even think straight enough to describe what I liked about it. Hell! I liked it ALL! Oh and I agree with the other ladies! You chose the perfect moments to get closer to the mic! Instant shivers and I almost lost right there! You hit this one out of the friggin ball park! Fuuuuuuck! 🙌💥😳😊


Oh yeah! The spanking! The way you did it i this one was different than your others. SO much hotter this time!!! You can slap my ass any time baby! 😈RAWR!


Uh..Oh... Ladies, watch the evolution of the "Über - Sexy - Women - Whisperer"! ...we`re helping creating a monster!! ...Run, run as long as you`re still able to stand upright!! ....Ich meine es Ernst! XPP ...ahhh!!


Holy hell. Ditto to what all the ladies said...one more addition. Why did I listen to this (twice) after I took a shower? At my moms house for christmas and two showers in less than two hours seems a bit off. It was so worth it though. 🙃 everything in this audio was hott. And that 👅. Damn. I think I'll need some extra shower time tonight...hahah


I've been trying to leave a review since last night, but each time I wrote more than a few words in, I get distracted, pressed play on the audio again to... you know, understand it better and be more articulate. On and on the cycle goes. When will it stop? Nobody knows. Merry Christmas Eve, ladies! Gaelaclause came early this year, but not earlier than you did ;)

Kelly S

I swear, it used to be easier to give some more 'specific' thoughts with the audio playing in the background... He's been making that harder and harder lately, hasn't he? (And THANK YOU LORD for that! haha)

Kelly S

Okay, Mr. Force ... I'm listening again (whatever chicas, you know you all have listened more than one or two (dozen) times as well!)... At, like, 15:30ish while she's sucking your cock, you say 'I love when you do that' and you're CLEARLY imagining something pretty specific (and quite enjoyable) there... So, inquiring minds want to know... What is she doing? Hey, it's always good to learn a trick or two that can make a man respond like that! And, while I'm on that topic, thank you for the hair grabbing, face fucking and mentioning the eyes watering and 'choke on it'... I know that has been mentioned before as something some of us wanted. So... your attention to what your listeners want is greatly appreciated! 😘


Hi peoplings! Some of you didn't get your audios, I sent over 130 so there was always gonna be hiccups :D Don't hesitate to contact me as it will be my pleasure to send you one :) Have a great one my friends!! Xd


I think my old netzero email is stalking me still, and I cant get to it at present. My correct email is lisamcd152@gmail.com. if you could send my message there, i would be most grateful.


Omg I may never make it to the end of this damn thing! 😉<img src="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/12/49/2d/12492dda2c52e841032b652ac575a66d.jpg">


That was amazing!


I had to have a cigarette after this my god