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I love rambling for you and I've rambled to some of you in PA's lately... I am going to share those stories and jokes with everyone in the next couple of days.. Looking forward to the bantz Xd



I'm a stalker


Yay it's my first time for a ramble since being a patreon 🎉🎉🎉


I have been first a lot lately... competitive much?


Hooray! Looking forward to it, a chara. :-) Bring on the #Banter!


I literally yelled "RAMBLE!!!" when I saw the notification. 😂😂😂 I thought it was another part to the last ramble. 😂


From the unfinished ramble 😒: what would "Gaelforce" (the man-slut) do if two hot sirens captured him in an alley and attempted to have their way with him?


Yay ramble time! Like story time, but better!!


I can hardly believe that people ask for rambles in their PA???... really?? XPP


Lol!! Can't wait! Huh...Tina?


Yea - ramble! Looking forward to it 😀


Yaya! We get a ramble, we get a ramble! Woot, woot! 🎉*runs around doin booty shakin happy dance* 💃🏻Lay it on us, sexy Irish boi🍀👏🏻😬


Yeeeeeees. I live for these rambles💙 it always brightens up the day c:


Yes!! I can't wait :D :D


After the last update on Android, it has asked me to login every single time. Hopefully, it will go back to normal. Welcome!


Ramble PA is totally what I would ask for. Great, I mean, crazy minds think alike! Speaking of Patreon acting up, is anyone else weirded out by the title page that says "Pledge to Creator"? It sounds so hyperbolic

Kathy M

I like rambles. Rambles are good. We all want rambles. Ramble ramble ramble. 😜😝🙃😳


I have a ramble PA. Gael cooking fajitas, among other things. One huge smile ❤


♪ Ramble all the way ♫


Guten Morgen, Mädls! Hope everyone has a fine Montag - Monday!? Here it`s cold. but winter leaves much to be desired :( Also gut - all right then... Imagine... in the nicht allzu fernen Zukunft - not all too distant future... A kinky witch/scientist offers to create the man of your dreams, your perfect soulmate. Let`s assume that you will choose your favourite (Gael?)XP character traits for his personality... so, that would be settled! ...Now to my question, what physical appearance would you desire for your perfect man-candy? ...his build? ...his complexion? ...his hair/eye colour? ...and so on ...oh and of course his Schwanz - dick!? And ja,ja,ja... I know in real life outer appearances are not that important! ;) But if you could choose freely, you wouldn`t opt for a ghastly - but winning troll? Would you? ;) ...Danke for your cooperation! And a random extra question... your first Haustier - pet? ...your current pet? ...future pets? :)


Exciting! Your rambles are always so entertaining. Thanks in advance for all the time and effort you put into your craft. But remember to take time for yourself so you don't end up with a serious case of the Willy Wonka. 😉


Guten Abend, just a quick Zwischenfrage - interposed question... those "Ramble PA`s" , how long are they? Hm? ;))


My first pet was a rabbit named Pumba. Little devil escaped constantly. I remember putting a leash and collar on him because I really wanted a pet I could walk. He wasn't impressed. I have a black lab now. He's very sweet and also likes to escape. When he does he runs to the front door and scratches on it until I come and get him. You should see the smile on his face when I open the door! Personality aside I think a mix of Adam Levine and an old BF would be very pleasing to the eye. Old BF - Dark hair, blue eyes, adorable smile (dimples) 6'2", lean yet muscular. A runners build, he actually ran in the olympics. He used to have to eat so much food because he burned so many calories! He hated it, haha. I love to eat, snack, and eat some more so it was pretty awesome for me!


Guten Morgen, my dear Mädls! A happy Dienstag - Tuesday to y`all! Today I`ve got a few easy questions for you... What is the most unattractive accent you ever heard? ...And will you please teach me some cool, local slang? Yesterday I was in the city, in an American Food Store... it was quite interesting... so, do you eat spray cheese? ...Pop Tarts? ...use Betty Crocker`s baking mix? ... do you see any "strange" European products in your stores, you`d never buy?? XD The extra random questions... your favourite actor? ...and last but not least, what`s the main colour of your bathroom? So ladies... ramble for me! Haha... Danke!


Accents: Hmmm...I have really not heard an accent I did not like. I find them all interesting. Unless you are trying to learn really hard math and you cannot understand your Japanese instructor's accent. Double frustrating! 🙄 Local slang: That is full on! Meet ya on the Willy! You are so granola! American food: ate spray cheese when I was a kid...won't touch it now! 😆No pop tarts, but kids love them for the insane amount of sugar! Betty Crocker is a good friend! Haven't found any weird European foods, but there are some Hispanic ones that I would never buy. Menudo is one...cow intestines. Favorite Actors: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Garner Bathroom: Gray and white


Morning all! There are two accents that make me cringe, both American. The New York and south side Chicago accents. Both scream "I'm an idiot" to me. Diction is important! I love shopping at the middle eastern and Asian markets here (Chicago) and testing my weird food limits. Bathroom? Basic white and blue. Favorite actor? Denzel Washington by far. I would watch him read a phone book. Spray cheese...I apologize to the world for that. Hope you all have the exact day you want!


Addendum, Ryan Reynolds can stop by my house anytime.


Sooo quiet today?? Everyone im Weihnachtsstreß - Christmas stress? ;) ...could someone tell me... what is the colour of Gael`s new wall? ...and what about these little hamster avatars? Did I miss something? Hm? XP ...Danke


Hallo :) What hamster avatars? Are you on something?😋 The wall looks brown, chocolate brown?


Guten Morgen, Mädls! A beautiful Mittwoch - Wednesday to everyone! Today is winter solstice - St. Thomas` Day... we have an interesting, ancient custom. If you go to sleep verkehrtherum - the wrong way round (put your head where your feet normally would be)... everything you will dream this night will come true during the next year. I wont do it, `cause I tend to dream crazy things. Haha... And you have to eat well, so you won`t lack good food the following year!... A nice excuse to indulge! (Usually we slaughter a special fatted pig...) The questions for today... are you abergläubisch - superstitious? ...do you have a lucky charm? ...do you follow certain (daily)rituals? If you like, tell what you dreamt about last night? An extra question... have you ever stolen something? ...an apple in your neighbour`s yard? a heart? a car? :) ...And I´d like to know the colour of your current nail polish. Danke sweet Sirens!


Hi, Claudia! I am a little superstitious. I don't have a lucky charm, but sometimes I do little stuff like knock on wood, and throw salt over your left shoulder. Stuff like black cats, Friday the 13th, cracks in the sidewalk and such don't bother me. And I don't think I've stolen anything huge or important enough to get myself in trouble...not even a man's heart ;_;


Ladies, have you listened to the latest YT? ...isn`t it just sooo damn sweet? :) ...Has one of you ever experienced something like that in real life? ...would you like to meet such a sweet talking, charming man? Hm?...XD (Though I could have done without the joke! ;))


Yeah that joke. The worst part is that you could see it coming a mile away and it still took SO LONG to get to the punch line.


Claudia I agree but if a man you didnt have any dealings with pulled his dick out at you that wouldn't at least give you pause? All men dont have evil intentions, I would say the majority dont. But penises can be used as weapons though. So there is reason to be careful.


Gael, if you ever read any of this insane derailment (my bad), please don't ever back down on doing what you're doing. This is possibly the draw behind it, the fantasy and faith in humanity, that there is security and a nice guy somewhere out there, where things just go right with a respectable, loving guy. A chance in a Russian roulette that is life that we may never take in real life.


Frau Cat. Tbh, it would give me pause. But a dick is not much different than any other bodypart. It`s just flesh! Dangly , vulnerable flesh...


Yes, true, none of this applies to the sweet fantasy that Gael provides. We are always Gael's equal!


Ladies...I'm bored as hell. We need another topic!


Guten Morgen, liebe Mädls! I hope everyone has an energetic Donnerstag - Thursday!? Today`s sweet but tough? question... Imagine Gael writes to you... "My sweet XXX! (your name) Next week I´ll be in XXX (insert wherever you actually are) Would you like to meet up, for a little date? Hm? ...Pretty please? We could talk, have some fun and... Gael XD" Sooo, what would be your answer?... what would you plan for your date?... (Maybe something sweet, a dinner? a sightseeing tour? to chain him into your basement and fuck him senseless? XP) The extra questions... do you have a "useless" talent?...what is your favourite pizza topping? ...how much is a pizza? Danke, lovelies! :)


I know what Claudia would do. 😏 Believe I once found you with a captive Gael, in shackles, up at the Hutt. Jabas...


IRL, I’d say probably yes if I'm not busy. Take around the city to sightsee,do tourist stuff and take him to my favorite, hidden places, and watch a live band performance, sit in one of the many parks to chit chat and people watch. Eat street food while touring and have dinner and ice cream at a vegan spot. Can’t say I would or not do naughty things to him, hehe. Probably not since I’m a nice lady. My “useless” talent learning the words to a song after 2 listens. My favorite pizza toppings, broccoli and mushrooms. I love broccoli. Pizza cost about $10-13 for a large size.


Sooo, Herr Gael! You have some time off!? Hm? ...Where are the promised Ramblesses?? ...And please tell looots and looots of the corniest jokes, they are my favourite!! ....hahaha... nur Spaß - just kidding! XPPP ...im Ernst wo sind die Abschweifungen? Hm? ;))


Afternoon holiday luncheon with client who drives me a tad nuts.....charm powers activated!


Y'all ladies (and Gael... this routine is starting to sound like addressing the hot yoga class) on Twitter, I'm *this* close to signing up on the sole ground of the music thread. Love your taste! @Julie: Charm 'em like Prue, Piper & Phoebe combined ;) @Claudia: How much did Santa pay for his sleigh? Nothing, it was on the house. Sorry, couldn't resist :/


Guten Abend Frau Andrea! "Thanks" for the joke :( *cringe* Hope you are fine?....What`s happening on Twitter?? XD


One quick question; lessons can be plucked from all aspects of life. Name one lesson you've learned from movies / tv shows / books. Rule of engagement: You must read and reply to at least one other person. Engage and dialogue! Here's a silly example, since I'm quite sleep-drunk and loopy. Pull ups! I'm touching on a Hollywood cliche here, but if you can do at least one solid pull up, your chance of survival in a movie scenario increases exponentially. Mufasa would rule as a just leader 'til ripe age, as would many others survive their otherwise untimely deaths.


I gotta think on this. I usually only learn lessons the hard way.


I wish the other sirens could come out to play...and that the patreon app would stop updating and actually work :) Hello everyone!


Hi Frau Erin! Ja it`s very quiet lately, maybe everyone is Twittering? :) Are you good?


Hi everyone, off to Colorado for the holidays. Was fun talking with all of you this week!


Guten Morgen, lovely Siren Mädls! A fabulous Freitag - Friday to y`all! How about some questions? Hm?... here we go... Yesterday I attended a Kindstaufe - christening feast. So today`s topic - names, names, names! Do you like your given name?... do you own a "funky" middle name?... interesting nick names? Do you have a hard time choosing names for your kids, pets, creations? And if you like, take a guess ... what could Gael`s real life name be? Und I have a special "Gael - Trivia" for you... In wich audio can you hear Gael say: "You what? ...you wanna fuck? We gonna be late!... Why didn`t you fuck me last night? Hm?... Ok, baby climb on and fuck me!" (I´m curious if someone knows this...Haha I picked an easy one! I guess? )

Kathy M

Good morning and good night Claudia 😃 I'm going to bed now myself. That's the morning quickie one! 😆 one of my favorites 💗 I used to dislike my name. I wanted to be an Amy when I was younger. But I've come to appreciate it now. No nicknames to speak of.


Hi....I haven't been here in a coons age...


Ugghh this thing sux! 😠😡😠


I've had to log back in like 5 times now


Left a note for all you lovelies next door! Happy holidays! XOXO :)