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Hi Lovelies! New Audio!

I can't post this here yet as Patreon is down for posting audio :(
I'll put it up asap so you can all download it! Enjoy!

signed: Banter Claws!





Can't wait!!!


Happy Friday!

Kathy M

Curse you Patreon keeping me from getting my jollies and Ho Ho Ho on!

Gri (Sassy_One)

Happy Friday, Banter Master! Hi lovelies!


I hope ye meant Banter CLAUS, else I'm skurred! 😳🎅🏼


That laugh tho! 😂


New dance move???! The 69?! Am I hearing this correctly? Mmmm....


Dear Santa, THIS please! Aww, I want to hang out with Happy, Goofy Gael all day, erryday!!! 💕👏🏼 (When are you going to let me drink the special egg nog? ;))


Fuck. This dude is out of control. I quit life. Dead dead dead.


I HAVE to agree with you. I love this goofy Irish-cumslut Gael😍

Kelly S

I have so many odd and conflicting feelings about this audio, dammit!!! So goofy and silly and schizophrenic and absolutely hysterical. hahahaha But then... SO hot and sexy and OHMYGOD. And THANK YOU FOR THE 69!!!! Why have we not been doing this ALLTHEFUCKINGTIME? haha So hot.


Dear Jaysus! Part 2?Maybe huh? Brain completely melted down,damnit.


*sigh* I 💚 goofy Gael and then dirty Santa is SO 🔥🔥🔥. Makes me want to be bad all day every day😏😈😘


Everything you just said. I'm like is he talking to his dick? I wanna talk to it 😢

Kelly S

I forgot one thing in my earlier comment. Why didn't she 'kiss it to make it better' when you got stung by the ember? 😈


Mmmmm....me likey Bad/Silly Santa Gael. Who do I have to talk to so that he can really be under my 🎄 on Christmas? 📝 Dear Santa....

Kelly S

Exactly what came to mind when I read your comment. :) (It should start at 2:45 - That's the line that came to mind) <a href="https://youtu.be/yXQViqx6GMY?t=2m45s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/yXQViqx6GMY?t=2m45s</a>


ok when you were talkin to your dick i was dead 😂💀 you cant be doing this man lol. jk it was great 😆 i didnt know whether to laugh or be turned on. i mean....of course i was. but you really out did yourself with this one. it was cute and corny and all out enjoyable. i loved it!


Hmmm...A fire and a blizzard a silly Gael and a juicy Schwanz! ...almost perfect! (Though I missed a snowball!) XDD


Haha, this was hilarious - so goofy and silly, like others have said! On the other hand, some of your more commanding lines had me blushing. 😳 Not that I am complaining, of course, hehe.


Yes and the Face sitting is brand freaking new, 😆


OMG I'm telling you, that man is crazy! Talking to his cock like he would talk to... Bobby? haha But so cute and silly! And that laugh! 😝 That's a very sexy audio, Monsieur ! 😜 Now I have to be naughty in my hotel room 😈

Kathy M

Oh I didn't see it was playable on YT. Nonetheless I am exercising some restraint today and will not listen to this at work especially after reading the comments here. 😇😇😇😇😇


Happy Friday indeed! I'm stoked to hear this, it sounds like it's gonna be right up my alley, no pun intended. Get it? Up my alley?


So, do you often have conversations with your "little helper"? Hmm? xD It was fun to hear you were having so much fun ;-) Ok I'm just gonna list all the things because this audio has so many elements in it that I like. - The beginning was too funny! Nice one 😁 - The snowflake kisses / blizzard thing was seriously too corny dude 😂 - I love the way you said "yeah, suck that fucking dick" xD rawrrr. - Great sounds in this one, especially your excitement. The sexy chest kissing and raking too. -Nice to hear you voicing the things you would like with the BJ - Great combo of funny and sexy as hell, all throughout the audio 👌The part where you asked "What are you laughing at, my santa hat?" somewhere in the middle, had me in stitches xD - The 69ing was hot! All elements in there, the face sitting, ass slapping, breast against your hard 'little helper' after spitting on it 😋 - "You want to come all over my face?" Like you even have to ask...lol. And the sound just before you come is the best 😏 This one I really enjoyed!😙


Oh! Hmmm... this gonna be good, can't wait to have the time and listen, Mr.


Gael, a couple questions for Banter Claus- ☃️What treat do the Irish leave out for Santa and his reindeer? 🎄How old were you when you discovered "Santa" was a bit of a fibb? Merry Jingle Balls 🍒


Me too Kathy - waiting until I get off in an hour or so (leaving early today!).


(Small little PSA if you want to download audio above: when you start the video, there should be a Youtube icon at the bottom. Click on that, so the video comes up in youtube and now it has a youtube link in the address bar! Copy that and put it into any converter website: <a href="https://www.onlinevideoconverter.com/video-converter" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.onlinevideoconverter.com/video-converter</a> - and BOOM! You have it! :))


Oh, my!? Just heard it now .. Gael do you say "Liebling"??? Hm?? Ohhhh....


Awww! Thank you Saskia! I would try to say something sweet in Dutch but we both know how much I suck 😜


Tag, Gaels it!


"Never mind," she says quietly as she walks slowly off the playground.


These comments have got me intrigued! As if that title wasn't enough... XD

Kathy M

Technologically challenged here. That means you can convert any YT video into an audio to keep forever?

Kathy M

I wanna know why the dude in the pic is surprised as he's looking at his own junk? Did a third testicle drop outta nowhere?


What happened to dinner?


i thought the YT version was the same with this.Now for one more time im searching my ovaries.Bad Santa Gael i wanna spank your beautiful ass because you are naughty and because of that thing you did on Twitter!


This is the best Gael damn day of my life!


This audio is literally everything! The 69 oh wow. Finally is all I can say. 👏🏻🎉🎁


Finally had a chance to listen 😊. Another excellent audio. The pussy eating was exceptional - I don't know how you make it sound so realistic but you get a standing ovation for this one 👏👏👏👏. I was on my way to an appointment, so couldn't get too carried away, but will give it a proper listen again at home tonight....hehe 😉💋


Stuff my stockings, Santa was good in the sack! Coming from a background where laughter is the biggest mean of contraception, this is so refreshingly playful. Love how well you painted the ambiance and that conversation is golden XD Btw, why is Santa's sack so big? Cause he only comes once a year.

Kathy M

Another one hit right out of the park! Listening to you cum is so crazy hot. I'm breathless. Funny and sexy as hell. Thank you 😚💗


Ah, another day, another thread to fill up with inane banter and ponderous conversations alike... Guten Morgen meine lieben Sirens! Hope everyone has a satisfying Samstag - Saturday!? A weekend-wellness question, if you like? ...what is your absolute "Feel Well and Pampered" ritual? ...do you have a secret beauty recipe? ...and as a contrast question ...what creeps you out? (Clowns? Spiders? Heights?) ...and what dish is your worst nightmare? Dankeschön... enjoy your day! :)


Hi, Claudia! Still Friday on my end, but it was a good day :) My "Feel Well and Pampered" ritual would be...a long, hot shower while covered in lather, and then rubbed down with argon oil afterwards. Spiders creep me out, hands down. -Especially- tarantulas! And do NOT mention the Goliath Bird-eater *shudder* And though bananas are my absolute least liked food, I have yet to come across a dish I'll stay away from.


Just gave this a second listen at home with headphones and caught some little details that I missed in the car. This is a such a cute, fun, sexy, hot audio. I love your laugh in this - it made my night. Again, I have to mention the incredible attention paid to the pussy - delightful!


I think I found another favorite :D I love the silly, goofy Gael, and that laugh ^_^ The chest-kissing and nipple sucking, and how much you enjoyed it was so hot! The real surprise was the '69'; it was new and you pulled it off really well. Bad Santa can be very nice :)


Oooh. Can't wait to listen! Maybe tonight? Tough call... Do I get more sleep tonight before graduation or listen to the audio. Droopy eyes are not good but the audios are soooo good ;). so torn! Stay tuned... Haha

Meghan McDonald

A naughty santa is a good thing!!


I can't believe after a long Patreon hiatus THIS is what I come back to. Happy Holidays, Gael and Friends.