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How are ye? I have some news to share! 

Some of you may already know that I am finally doing some recording for an audio company: http://www.esensualbooks.co.uk/category-73/esbaudio001.html It's exciting because it's the first time I've ever branched out like this! 

I will be uploading free material there and would love if you would join up and listen along! I really appreciate any honest feedback you leave there too! Thank you so much! I hope your Thursdays is going to go well and is going well! 

Your chieftain Gael



Anything for the Mayor. 😉😙


Btw: I'm not asking you to purchase anything there... just to listen and give some feedback if you feel that way inclined :D


Nope! I'm done following you around the Internet like a lost puppy. Its getting embarrassing.


Guten Tag, Herr Gael! Hm... will listen later. XD ...(Hope you are good??) :)


Good morning Gael! Congratulations on your latest venture. I'll definitely give it a listen and will provide some feedback for you. Have a great weekend!


I have to do it - I have to keep track of his work as Miss Secretary! 😂


Exciting new venture, congratulations! That instruction on the side doe, "purchase a .pdf format download..." I burst out laughing imagining a 20,000 words long PDF transcript, of variations of "mmh"s and "aah"s X'D


Good morning chieftain?What is chieftain i have to use the translator :P good luck from the bottom of my heart! I will listen later Sunshine!Have a nice day!


Well, I listened a little... for Science, of course! Haha... Though is this a new audio? Haven`t I heard it before??? Hm?? ;)


I dont understand how is it work.Someone help?


I swear to god it was on patreon. Or was that a dream?


A chieftain is the leader of a community (village, tribe, or kingdom) of Celts. :-)


Me too! The pdf turns out to be terms, license, & instructions + download link. Too bad -- I think your version would've been more fun!

Kathy M

Sample feedback for your review: Gaelforce makes noises that make me feel funny things down below. If you like to feel funny down below then you will like Gaelforce. Yeah? Good stuff right?


Just put it in your basket, checkout, create an account, download pdf... then there is the final link. It`s a little mazy! haha...


Haha! K: So, the audios are on here so there's no need to download or pay for anything, I'm just raising awareness of my arrival on the scene.. I'll be linking to YouTube as well.. I will be uploading here this week but it may be Sunday, I've got some building work to do again on Saturday for the whole day so I'm gonna be a busy 🐝 up to me next in cement and cavity blocks haha! I'll be getting around your messages and mails over the next few days, I've started the PAs and am getting through them ;) I may take some extra time on some as I said, I want to get them right :D So don't worry! There'll be plenty of activity round these here parts over the next couple of weeks.. Thanks again sweethearts! Xd


Ok, Lovelies: since the eSensualbooks site has a seriously, stupidly non-intuitive & unexplained process for downloading your orders, here's how to get the audio once you've ordered it. Finishing the order will create an account for you, but you can't access the audio yet if it's your first order (d'oh!). You'll need to log in using the automatically-generated password that eSensualbooks has emailed you. Once you're logged in, click on your Account. Then click on the "Order Information" tab. You *should* see either a thumbnail and a "Click here to download" link OR an order number you can click on to see the thumbnail etc. When you click the "Click here to download" link, you're NOT downloading the actual audio. You're downloading a PDF file that has the license, terms, instructions, and a link to download the *actual* audio in MP3 format. Also, you can't download their audios onto an iPad. Macs are fine, and I don't know about iPhones -- they don't say. Oy! Here's hoping that subsequent orders flow more smoothly now that you know what to expect.


Oh, und viel Erfolg!! Nice to see you growing! XP ...Hope you will remember us, when you achieve official Sex God - status?? ... Hahaha...


You're a busy, busy boy, Mr. Mayor. XD Be careful with that wall, there are some old folk stories that if it tumbls down it's the best to sacrifice your wife so it's gonna stand still. You have to put her blood into the cement. XD (Anyone else heard this folk story?)


Feedback: It was... fine? There were parts that I really enjoyed. Overall, though, either the sound quality or -- no, at points *definitely* -- your vocal tone were different in a way that made this audio work less well for me than pretty much any of your other recent work. Were you nervous or self-conscious for some reason when recording this? (New company & all...) Or tired or sick? Because... there were some lines, some moments, where you were saying the right things, sometimes even at the usual pitch or speed, but you sounded way less into it. Clearly you were turned on, but it's mostly the "background" noises rather than your voice that showed it. I guess I've gotten pleasantly used to hearing a certain... immediacy, urgency, *heat* in your voice at certain points in audios (well, throughout them, really) that just wasn't consistently there in this one. And that made it feel more performative (vs. listening in) at times -- just at times -- but enough times to keep this one out of my top 20. Also, and maybe other Lovelies will love it, but the phrase "drool on it" -- specifically, the word "drool" -- doesn't work as well for me. Too much like what a dog or a baby does, in my head. At least you didn't say "slobber", though! The audio has great bones; I'd love to see (well, hear) what you could do with it sometime when you were rested / healthy / really into it / unself-conscious / firing on all burners (or otherwise not whatever was going on here). Sorry, Sunshine. Wish I could be leaving a more enthusiastic review. Hey, but in a way, this is good! This audio is an outlier, and most of what didn't work for me is stuff I wouldn't even have noticed if the rest of your work weren't so extraordinarily fantastic! See, I can find you a silver lining. <3


It's interesting that you're writing these, because I'm almost sure it wasn't made for the site - it's actually on Patreon, as far as I'm concerned. It's from August I guess.

Kathy M

More sample feedback: Gaelforce makes my vagina happy.


Oh my god! Lol anytime someone calls it "down below" to me it sounds like they are going below deck on a pirate ship! Hahahaha


Gael, your audio is on a sidebar that says-top sellers! Woot woot. This looks intriguing, maybe I'll audition... 😉

Kelly S

I'm so excited for you, being able to expand your reach. Of course, I'd rather keep you all to myself (Well, me and the other lovely ladies here), but, alas, we must share. :) It's exciting watching your growth overall. You are so talented and your ability (not just erotic, though of course we love that) to bring such comfort and calm to people is inspiring.


@gaelforce loved the disclaimer! Not sure I'd adhere to it though!


Congrats, Chief! You must be very excited that you are able to reach so many more people! I can't wait to see how this new venture plays into your ever evolving craft! Cheers! 🍻(those are filled with ginger beer, of course!) 😆😘


Yay! How exciting! I hope this site treats you and your work well. You'll enjoy touching even more women, I'm sure. 😉


Slow clap for Ruth Anne 👏 👏 👏 👏 I see what you did there 😆

Kathy M

More sample feedback for your approval. If genders were reversed and I was male and Gaelforce female I would fap to her daily.


Sample feedback: If you want your ovaries explode listen to this audio xD


Could a female fap be called a tap? A little 🐈 spanking.


Sample feedback: if you ever wondered how it would feel to experience a total mind body and soul fuck you have cum to the right place


I feel like he wanted us to put the feedback on that website not in these comments.


Ooh, here's some copy you could use: "Searched for: Gaelforce audios on eSensualbooks.com. Lost: 2 hours, half the feeling in my right wrist, and both ovaries. Found: Nirvana." Too much?

Kathy M

Yeah prolly. I'm just testing mine out. Beyond here I don't think I'd ever pronounce that he or anyone is making my va-jay-jay happy.


Very happy to see you evolving and reaching a bigger audience every day. You deserve your success. Have a good weekend even though you'll be busy (I guess it means you won't be there for the movie night 😞). Muahs 😝 😘


Also gut - all right, I listened. It is the same as on patreon? Isn`t it?? (Sensual lovers) ...And I always liked the patreon version very much. It`s a really good one, with many of my favourite ingredients ...though in the "newer" version, your fapping noises sounds a bit ...hm... dry? sandpapery? harsh? ;) ...It was distracting me... I kept thinking about your poor chafed Schwanz - cock! ...But maybe my headphones are just too powerful? :)) Anyway, alles erdenklich Gute. Ich weiß, daß du Erfolg haben wirst! Wie könnte es auch anders sein?? XD ...And if I may mention another little thing? ...The cover pictures and especially the fonts are really unschön - unaesthetic. They look cheap... I hope you don`t mind? Hm? :) Your work deserves a sensual "wrapping"!

Kathy M

Schwanz?!? 😂😂😂 I have to find a way to work that into a regular conversation somehow.


What an excellent word 😁


So I went to this effing site because OF COURSE I did. I reviewed it without listening to it but whatever. 5 stars! He has 3 audios two I've heard and one DEV? whatever the hell that is. Surely i'll find out. I dont fucking want to but we all know I'm going to. Rehab is where I belong.


Q. Can I feel things in DEV? A. participants or Collaborators (the experience during DEV is a collaboration between the listener and the Narrator/Narratrix.) report that they can actually feel the sensation of sexual activity during the experience. Oral, penetrative and anal sex are all capable of being felt and experienced. Sensations associated with light BDSM, such as caning, flogging, binding and electro stimulation are also capable of being recreated in realistic sensory detail during a DEV Experience. One thing that appears to be a little more difficult to recreate is the deceptively ‘simple’ kiss! Collaborators who have never physically experienced some of the stimuli being described find themselves able to ‘imagine’ the sensations. The highly descriptive and evocative language used in DEV helps in this. 🗣🐎💩


Sample feedback: I felt this audio all the way to my eyes. It scratched at my pussy harder than a falling lemon on my cornea! It crashed into my ovaries like two cars colliding on the road. Too lemony?


Guten Morgen, süße Sirenen! A happy Freitag - Friday to y`all! How`s the weather? :) Also gut - all right, I have a sexy question... If you had the opportunity to secretly watch Gael while he`s recording, would you? ...and have you ever secretly watched a guy masturbating in real life? ...And a random unsexy question... what`s your Körpergröße - body size? ...and your shoe size? ...and how much costs 1Kilo - 2.2lb regular, all purpose wheat flour? Danke! I have to think about my answers to the first part XP ...though I´m 1,56m - 5'1.5'', Schuhgröße 36 - 6 , 1Kilo Mehl 0,40€ - 0,42$ Btw your Maßsystem - system of measurement is really ...hm... interesting! XPP


Claudia its still Thursday for me. No I wouldn't secretly watch Gael or anyone masturbate. When u ask body size are u meaning height? 5'6 Weight? Bust? Waist? Hips? How dare you? 😁 Shoe size 7.5 I dont bake so I couldn't guess about the flour.


Gael, I adore you, and your work is phenomenal... so I hope you never listen to their guidelines again. I understand what they're trying to do but I've never heard you be so... restrained. Almost came off like a whole other guy. And it really highlighted the silence in the background. I'd much rather hear the intimate, passionate, personal Gael, and I feel like somehow having to follow their format turned Gael into an AI character. ... God that sounds rude, and I'm sorry! Gael, just do you 😁 I'm glad they've told you you can follow your own style and I'm excited to hear what you do in the future.


I have a question- (Inspired by a thing Kelly retweeted.) What's the funniest or most memorable thing someone said to you during sex? Favorite one from the tweet- 10 minutes after giving a blow job and swallowing: "I'm kinda hungry, wanna order a pizza?" "Seriously? I just fed you." 😂👏🏼


I am super excited for you Gael - what a great opportunity to showcase your talents! I haven't had time to download the recordings yet (my internet....grrr!) but will this weekend at some point and leave my review. Kissy face! xoxo


Just saw Brigid's remark about the comments format on the audio book site. Apparently, it pulls your full name from your billing info and uses that for your reviews/comments. If that is the case, I can't post any reviews on that site, but I will gladly leave you feedback here. If anyone figures out a way to leave anonymous feedback, or to use a screen name, please let the rest of us know. 😘

Kelly S

Okay... So, this was back in the day of my drunken and high (sex)capades. I was known for having some pretty damn good skills at... something. My friends actually bought me a gag Christmas present............. knee pads. ANYWAY... So, I'm doing my best work on one of my FWB in the bedroom during a party at an apartment. I'm going and he's just kinda chillin', randomly grabbing the hair, back to leaning back on this hands... then he puts his hand on the side of my face to get me to stop. I sit up and this mutha fucka says "Hold that thought. I think I gotta pee." -_- I waited for him to go into the bathroom and walked out, right to the bathroom in the hall... where my other friend was already standing there peeing. haha I just looked at him and said "HOLD THAT THOUGHT? I THINK I GOTTA PEE? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SHIT? I'M A FUCKING GODDESS AT THAT SHIT AND HE SAYS THAT?!?!" then I started muttering about how he'd NEVER get another blow job from me and I was done with his stupid ass and I just kept pacing in front of the sink and finally the guy in there just goes "Look, I'm done with this so... if you need to redeem yourself?" I shoved him so hard he fell into the bathtub, taking down the shower curtain and rod with him. hahaha It became quite the funny story with all of us for a long time, including me getting shit about calling myself a 'goddess at blowjobs' basically. haha Oh lord... I was SO pissed (and drunk) at the time but it's freakin' hysterical to me now.


OMG, ladies, your sample feedbacks are golden! Here's a couple of mine, rather vanilla ones: Achievement unlocked! I can now Lady Gaga myself to orgasm. (true story, bro) or the classic: BAM! Pregnant! Is movie night still on, by the way?

Kelly S

Honestly, I don't think I've ever read anything commented here that I have agreed with so much. It was actually making me sad. That sounds terrible... I was sitting here thinking "My God. What have they done to 'Gael'? Am I supposed to be listening for hidden code words? Has he been kidnapped and he's trying to tell us how to find him?" It was so NOT 'Gael' like AT ALL. I missed the passion and all the lovely sounds. It was so stiff... and not stiff like a good cock. 😏 But that said, I'm still glad I supported 'Gaelforce' and bought the audio. And the others being so much more 'Gael'... oh so worth it!