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Part two!




We are so spoiled! 😬😈


I know what I'm doing after my meeting tonight.

Kathy M

Lol!!! That story at the end! Didn't see that coming!


Sunday evening wasnt sexy at all but now it is Gael!


Oh my gosh, the suit!!! My face hurts from smiling and I'm pretty sure I punctured my lip because I was biting it so hard.


Now, note to self, if Gael does another one of these rambles don't respond with humor. Ask him to ( bleep bleep bleep) my (bleep) until I can't (bleeping) walk. To be filled in at a later date. Ps, Moore is Irish. O Morda. One day I'm going to go to Ireland to visit my ancestors' graves. ⚰️ I'll see if I can dig up Brian's suit for ya while I'm there.


Your laugh is so contagious 🙃


Five minutes after hearing that story and I'm still in a snickering fit XD I needed that laugh! Happy, sexy Sunday to you too, Gael!


Oh my GOSH that story hahahahaha!!!


Yay! I am glad we got a story too! 😂😂


Had to work all weekend. This was so much fun to have in my ears today! Thanks Gael, and all the lovelies with such active minds!


Glad I'm not the only one guilty of the giggle-snort.


I'm guilty of the silent laugh that ends with a wheeze. But it's only for special occasions.


i must be the least sexy woman here..lmao....all i can do is lmao and giggle XD


I was driving and almost swerved off the road at that funeral story. I was howling....😂😂😂. The people driving beside me got quite a show! Great story.


Flat? No way! That was awesome - most of it reminded me of the "I'll have what she's having" from When Harry Met Sally. Kudos ;)


Ooh and that singing was sooo sweet. Just pictured my head on your chest while you sang and played with my hair...I almost fell asleep


Guten Morgen, Mädls of Gaelandia! Wish you all a magic Montag - Monday! Hope everyone is good, energetic and adventurous on this (cold and frosty - at least for me :)) day! XD


Dearest Sirens, When we first gathered together under the auspice of this Patreon. We vowed to make this a place of healing and community. We also promised to aid Gael in the creation of new and better audio artistry. While we have managed to keep these promises for the most part. It seems that some of us have lost sight of the bigger picture for various reasons. Thus allowing personal feelings, thoughts, wants, and desires to influence both behaviors and communications in less than positive ways. While it is only human nature to have gripes, grievances, meltdowns, and generally bad days. We must also be mindful of where and how we choose to communicate. Because while Gael has done his best to make this a safe place for us to be heard. Sadly, we have not always been courteous enough to return the favor. This is meant to be a place of respite from stress, worry, and drama. Not only for us, but also for Gael. This is not supposed to be a place where the ARTIST should feel that he has to limit his vision, censor himself, or apologize for what he says. Yet, I have seen all of these things happen far too regularly than even I would like to admit. It is for this reason that I am taking the time to remind us all that Gael owes us nothing. He has paid, and continues to pay us with every sexy word, kind gesture, and expenditure of commitment and spirit that he gives. We on the other hand, owe him safety, creative freedom, and most importantly RESPECT. For both his person hood and his art. This is not an attack on anyone. Nor is it a judgement. It is merely an observation made out of gratitude and respect for a place and people who have come to mean a great deal to me. It is because I care so much that I say what I do! Love. Frishawn


Frau Frishawn, eloquent, insightful and respectful as always! I agree with you, größtenteils - mostly. :) Have a nice day ! (I`d really like to hear you reading one of your texts, your intonation... ) :)


Good morning lovely ladies and Gael! Hope your week is off to a good start 😊


@Claudia Oh ja, with a pictogram it would be perfekt! Pretty sure you have some naughty ideas for it... :-P


So we`ll need something slippery!? Hmm... we say schhlüpfrig wie ein geölter Aal - slippery as an oiled up eel. I´m not very fond of eels, though that would be a fitting shape! XP... What do you use as a slippery example? ;)


How strange, that made me sleepy as well. if you could feel the reverberations in his chest, that would be soothing!


Guten Morgen, meine Lieben! Maidin mhaith! An extra, super, nice Dienstag - Tuesday to everyone! Don`t forget to enjoy the Super Moon! આનંદ :)


Mädls, Sirens, Herr Gael! Weihnachten - Christmas is drawing near... I thought a little about presents. And I would be sooo pleased if I could send something to Gael (nothing virtual, a real little package :)) And I guess there are more Sirens out there who would!? Actually I would dance in delight, if I`d know he gets something I made... that he puts his hands around it, touching, feeling the shape, grazing it with his sexy lips, sippin, licking... hmmm....haha... I´m talking about a tea cup! ;) Soo, Gael is there ANY way to send you a Christmas present? A trustworthy friend of a friends, cousins address? Girls... any ideas? ... Can we make this an official petition? ...I know, probably my wish won`t come true, but I like the idea. ... But in Gael`s stead I`d fear to drown in worn panties and other unspeakable .things... just kidding... maybe he`d like that?? Hahaha... Oh, and of course he must record while he unwraps the gifts! XD


Ein sehr rolled idee!


Oh my! I finally listened to the Ramble... I really got my push ups... and more!! Though, you didn´t finish off as I suggested... ach, a pity! (Hahaha... I didn`t really expect you to do it.) XP ... Aber du hast es mehr als wieder gut gemacht - more than made up for! Danke vielmals, Gael! XD

Meghan McDonald

Claudia you are awesome.I loved your ideas.


Awww .. danke, Frau Meghan! Wie lieb - how sweet! :))


Mr Gaelforce 😙 Job well done! It is a good ramble! It was hilarious! Now I will have to live with the image of u grabbing ya balls whenever u deliver a really good growl. 😂😂😂


Omg! P! I thought exactely the same! ...And I really like that imagery XDD


lol this is one awesome ramble lol :) xxxxx