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I'm already tingling all over!


Oh yeah!!!! 😬😬😬👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


ooooooh my GOOOOOOOOOD finally!!!!!!!!!!!! :P


I'm excited to hear what you came up with!


Got into the car and boyz II men is on. Then this? Sensual Sunday is here!


Much needed distraction!💋


... 10 minutes in and it is way too fucking difficult to apply my makeup! Lol guess I'm not leaving the house right away!


The Sexual Olympics have begun! Why do I get the feeling about about to be VERY impressed with the Mayor's versatility! Fulfilling the naughty wishes of 100 women all at one time, someone is gonna have to write a ballad!


YAAASSSSSSS. Haven't even started yet and I'm pumped.


Thank you thank you thank you Gael. I'm so sorry I tweeted for you to "calm down and pog mo thoin." Just joking. 🙊😉💋 Go n-éirí an bothar leat!


(we just got to the part with my request and my roommates are DEFINITELY wondering why I just squeaked from my bedroom)


We finally get a Gaelandia orgy!


oh.... my... g...... ...... ..... I'm dead. good and dead... ;D


Oh dear 😍


Fuck. When it got to mine my heart was literally pounding in my chest, something else started pounding too...😜


Yay! Dankeschön ... and aarghhh! Again I can`t listen (it`s always the same, wie verhext!) XD


It's already hard enough to keep focus on studying for my exam, and then I see this notification. Idk how many times I've read the same question x)


Gael luv that was perfect, thank you! Love the relaxing music in the background. 🎙🇨🇦😊Namaste


Yaaasss. Who knew spongebob could sound so sexy. Lol thanks gael💃🏽💃🏽


I had the biggest smile on my tomato-red face when you did my request! And yes, I had my headphones on XD Thank you, Gael!


Sneaky one that last part hahaha


The oh god Erin was perfect! It didn't occur for me to request not using baby after Erin....my dads nickname for me is EB... Erin baby. It got weird. Hahhaha! I'm just gonna edit that out on audicity ;). Didn't have time to listen to the whole thing...have to write a paper on criminal intent and one on management through change (case study). More incentive to finish it. ;). Where is a gif option when ya need one?!


Yep, that was it exactly 😜.


Gael, you're hilarious! But really? False teeth? Silly old man hahaha 💋 You're awesome, don't ever forget it!

Kelly S

Dealing with a kid and a speech for class... Can't listen yet. :( Did my request make it?


Oh my gosh this was so much fun! (and that ASMR tho GOOD HEAVENS)


And I was right. SO impressed! this was like a whirlwind tour of sexual improv. WELL DONE!

Kelly S

Oh. My. God. That is such a fucking tease. Holy shit. I will definitely be replaying that for myself more than a few times!

Kathy M

Hearing my name and little requests fulfilled had me gasping and grinning like an idiot. Everyone's was so much fun. Awesome job Gael. I especially loved your singing. It's so sweet. Would totally love to hear a comfort audio with you holding and singing. I think that'd be something sweet and special.

Anonymous (edited)

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2022-01-09 23:38:27 This was the best idea! So much fyn! By turns hilarious, hot, sweet, thrilling... (I was weirdly surprised by what a powerful thrill it was to hear "my" name in that delicious whispered moan-out, considering it's not my real name. I may spontaneously combust when my turn for a personal audio comes around & it's the real one.) Just 1 correction: the challenge was not to come up w/1 word for each of us this time, though that's a good one. It was a spin-off: 1 sexy thing you'd like to say/do to us, from your or one of your characters' imagination rather than our requests. Still: fantastic craic, can't wait for part 2!
2016-11-13 20:46:02 This was the best idea! So much fyn! By turns hilarious, hot, sweet, thrilling... (I was weirdly surprised by what a powerful thrill it was to hear "my" name in that delicious whispered moan-out, considering it's not my real name. I may spontaneously combust when my turn for a personal audio comes around & it's the real one.) Just 1 correction: the challenge was not to come up w/1 word for each of us this time, though that's a good one. It was a spin-off: 1 sexy thing you'd like to say/do to us, from your or one of your characters' imagination rather than our requests. Still: fantastic craic, can't wait for part 2!

This was the best idea! So much fyn! By turns hilarious, hot, sweet, thrilling... (I was weirdly surprised by what a powerful thrill it was to hear "my" name in that delicious whispered moan-out, considering it's not my real name. I may spontaneously combust when my turn for a personal audio comes around & it's the real one.) Just 1 correction: the challenge was not to come up w/1 word for each of us this time, though that's a good one. It was a spin-off: 1 sexy thing you'd like to say/do to us, from your or one of your characters' imagination rather than our requests. Still: fantastic craic, can't wait for part 2!


*fun! Wtf is "fyn"? You've undone my manual dexterity, Mr Mayor!


I live for these rambles, I swear. This was the cutest fucking thing ever. So funny.


Loooved the part when you were singing .. It's very soothing !


That french though 😭😭😭. So cute and funny, but mostly funny 😜. Oh Maaaan I should have suggested something in lebanese, I bet that would have been hilarious!


Loved this new ramble type and the singing :)


Yay! Loved every minute of it...so good! The singing part made my day 😊 Oh and thanks for the shout-out, I love it when u say my name 😍


You've had me giggling like a little girl! Sexy ramble indeed😄😉


Thank you for doing this! I've been grinning from ear to ear since I finished! 😆 I love Sexy Sundays!


Listening again while doing the dishes, my roommate (poor, sweet guy, I put him through so much haha) who had apparently gotten out of work early and had snuck in while I had my earbuds in, came into the kitchen and asked if I had cut myself again (I'm clumsy... nicked my hand washing a steak knife a month ago)... because he heard a sharp intake of breath and found me leaned all the way over with my forehead on the rim of the sink. I could FEEL the blush burn across my face!

Miranda (edited)

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2022-01-09 23:38:26 Well. I quit. ..that was better than anything I could have come up with. Except the way you first said my name..I thought I was in trouble! Not in a sexy way. >~
2016-11-13 23:16:16 Well. I quit. ..that was better than anything I could have come up with. Except the way you first said my name..I thought I was in trouble! Not in a sexy way. >~

Well. I quit. ..that was better than anything I could have come up with. Except the way you first said my name..I thought I was in trouble! Not in a sexy way. >~


Hi, I´m really curious... can someone tell me, if he did the push ups? Please? ;)


And I'll add that they were impressively effortless.


Haha, I´m a sneaky witch Frau Salbei! Soo? And *groooaaaan*, I wanna hear these push ups - right now!!! Oh, the torture...:((


Psst, you don`t keep Gael hostage? Do you? And you don`t force him to say crazy retiring things to us? ...Gael, try to overpower her, you know her weak spots!!...XP (And what was your answer to my previous question? Hm?)


Hostage? Only when he asks me to ;) No retiring orders from me, nope. I did make him say some lovely sweet things about you tho, You're welcome. XD You have to come to Twitter for the other answer...


Lovely, sweet things??? Huh? ...and please no twitter for me, sorry:( Can`t you just tell me?...tell me, ganz liebes Bitte? :)


Yup, told him to be sure to mention how brilliant, creative and hospitable you are :) I'll give you a hint- tomorrow is the second Super Moon in the past month.🌔🌜


Ähh?Danke?... You know it`s 2.30 a.m. here, and I don`t get you...häh? Ja, the Super Mond, so? :)


Full moons make people crazy... and he got bit by that Irish wolfhound a few weeks ago...


So, you think he gets super-moon-alpha-irish-werewolf-crazy?? Sounds...interesting ! (Better than my crazy Brad-theorie! )Hahaha... and you proof it on twitter? XD


Exactly! Something like that... lol. Yes I can (prove) it to you on Twitter ;) Why are you awake so late anyway you vixen?


How clever, I believe you (I like werewolves)! Can`t sleep, I`m still in the woods, the men are snoring, I don`t have enough space in the bed! Perhaps it`s the almost super moon, thats keeping me awake?...:)) I try to sleep now, gute Nacht, Schätzchen! Tell me when your moonstruck theorie comes true! Bye...


I felt like I'd inhaled too much helium, I think I just forgot to breathe.


I made a "music video" with my cousins to Say My Name 🎤 when it came out. So bad!! The sun was going down at one point so I had a flashlight pointed in my face while I was singing in a walnut tree. 🙈Bitter sweet nostalgia.


You will have to give him some phonetic lessons! Hey, at least rolled the R! 😬


Anyone around? Looking for the banter train. Did I miss it?

Anonymous (edited)

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2022-02-13 06:13:12 高いのが良いのか低いのが良いのかよくわからないマン( ˘ω˘ )
2016-11-14 06:17:12 Hahaha.....😂😂 You do need Swedish lessons! 🇸🇪. Thanks for giving it a go, and for the laughs. Also for my sexy shout-out 😘

Hahaha.....😂😂 You do need Swedish lessons! 🇸🇪. Thanks for giving it a go, and for the laughs. Also for my sexy shout-out 😘


Sorry! Lol I'm just checking back in before bed 😕


I just can't even. Loved this aha


I know, right? I've replayed both of my requests a fair few times already! I really want to splice my whisper-out & my later request together with some editing software so I can re-play them as a set. (I think they'll go really well together.) If only I could figure out how to download the ramble from the Patreon website on my laptop! I can do it on the phone app, but only if I'm not on Wifi (there goes my data allowance again!) & I'm almost out of storage space on my phone. :-(


This was really good,I saved it for work..I hate Monday's,thank you all I'm officially turned on for the rest of the day😎


Oops here's what I missed! Going to give it a listen now to make work go by faster. 😏


Yeah... about downloading... what format is it when you download?... my phone is stupid and I can download, listen once, then suddenly I don't have the right program to play it again. Help please!!


Duuuuuddeee not only am I wet but I'm rolling! Sexy and funny as usual.


Gah! I'm not answering to anyone who doesnt pronounce my name the way he does. 😍


Ha! I was thinking this is the weirdest orgy I've ever been in.

Anonymous (edited)

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2022-01-09 23:38:25 Tell me about it! I was just joking to my girlfriends that the ability to sweet-talk in Gaelic is in danger of becoming a prerequisite operational spec for any potential future male partners! Good thing I live close to a city w/ embassies & language schools!
2016-11-15 00:55:24 Tell me about it! I was just joking to my girlfriends that the ability to sweet-talk in Gaelic is in danger of becoming a prerequisite operational spec for any potential future male partners! Good thing I live close to a city w/ embassies & language schools!

Tell me about it! I was just joking to my girlfriends that the ability to sweet-talk in Gaelic is in danger of becoming a prerequisite operational spec for any potential future male partners! Good thing I live close to a city w/ embassies & language schools!


@Trina, on my phone, the problem is that it stores the file without the .mp3 extension in the name. I go into the folder where it's stored & rename the file to Whatever.mp3 (making sure there's no punctuation in the "Whatever" part of the filename). Then I can play it again. Hope it works for you too!


Ok! Slowly ruining me for all others. Ah well, whaddya gonna do?


Sirens: "An orgy or a picnic? An orgy or a picnic? An orgy or a picnic?" -- Criminologist / Mayor Gael: "It was to be... no picnic!" -- Sirens: "Yay!!! *general cheering, applause, and ripping-off of panties*"


So... I looked up "I want to fuck you" in Irish, just to see how it would come out w/there being no actual word for 'fuck'. Gael, you're right: "Ba mhaith liom go fuck tú" doesn't sound that sexy, but it *is* pretty hilarious! I mean, I know "go [verb] tú" in Irish doesn't actually mean 'go [verb] yourself' in English, but the visual similarity is just too good. As an English speaker, the way it seems to go from polite request to angry suggestion made me giggle until I squeaked. X-D




Ba mhaith liom fuck a thabhairt duitsa I would like to give you a fuck Haha And the 'duitsa' is for politeness The 'sa' part.. You prolly won't find that in google translate


So the 'a thabhairt duitsa' is basically the same phrase from "Ba mhaith liom póg a thabhairt duit" in Grinding for Gaelic, right? (Also: Ceart go leor -- d'áit nó m'áit? ;-) Hahaha!)

Meghan McDonald

Ohhh yeah! That's right.I love it when you call out my name Gael.Nice and loud! Mmmm so good . He he he.Also I love how you said my last name.Too cute!


Late here but, oh la la your French! And I'll take a slice of that big baguette, please! 😜 (and don't forget to untie me!) XD


Haha, no slicing the baguette, please; we like our Mayor in one piece, as it were! Drop the bread knife, or you stay tied up! (j/k - *muahs*)


Haha yeah poor Gael, can you imagine... a sliced Gaelian baguette!XD 😈 I drop the knife! 🔪


Aw you so cute saying my name wrong. By the way, it a capital i in my name so I blame the font hehe my name pronounce "e-yah" or "ea" lol so the i is an e when you pronounce my name (⌒▽⌒)


😜 Héléna, tu es française aussi ?? Notre club des Sirènes francophones s'agrandit !! 🇫🇷


Haha oui, aussi 😉 ! J'avoue que j'ai été absente pendant un long moment, je savais pas qu'il y avait d'autres françaises ! Alors comme ça y a un club des Sirènes francophones ?


Nous sommes deux, et Brigid's Ember et Mary sont francophones. Et je crois qu'Alice parle un peu français également. Oui j'ai auto décidé qu'il y avait un club des Sirènes francophones puisque nous sommes apparemment les plus nombreuses après les anglophones ! C'est peut-être parce que Gael a du sang français qu'il attire autant les petites francophones 😜


Ah oui? C'est super qu'on soit plusieurs alors :). Pourquoi pas ! Je trouve l'idée d'un clubs des Sirènes francophones assez marrante ;). Attends, quoi?! Comment ça ? Mais non, pas possible ! Gael a du sang français ? Mais depuis quand 😂😰? Ohlala j'ai vraiment raté trop de trucs là 😅


Oui certains de ses ancêtres sont français d'après lui, donc il a un peu de sang de chez nous qui coule dans ses veines 😁 🇫🇷


FYI, around the 24th minute he discovers the couch squeak, birth of team creaky


this will always be my favorite 😂😂😂


I'm loving the rambles can you nibble in my ear and tell me what you want to do with me please xxxxxx