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Okay Y'all: Add more shout outs and sheet right here!

I will be doing another ramble in a few hours :)




Yaaaaaasssss Gael!


Welcome back - we missed you!!!


Finally, yay! Welcome back, Gael! Good start to my Saturday...literally woke up less than 5 mins ago and can't wait to listen ☺️


Glad to see another ramble! ❤️


Yay! Love these :)


Woot! Welcome back! Thanks for the new ramble -- I've got a lot of grading to do this weekend (end of a term today), and this should help considerably!


Random question. Do you like roller coasters?


Yay!!!! My Gael withdrawals are appeased again. For the moment anyway...lol. Can never have too much Gael💖😆💖


Glad I'm working from home today - Gael, since you challenged us to listen at work, I think it's only fair we issue you a challenge.... but I don't know for what... any ideas, ladies?


Yay! Prefect timing! On my lunch break! 🙊😬


Another in a few hours? You're a glutton for punishment aren't you? LOL


Love the beginning Darth Vader bit... you turned my mood right around! How about a shoutout for Your Sweet Sarah ;)


Hi everyone I'm new here. Nice to meet everyone! I look forward to learning more about myself. 😈 may i have a shout out Gael.


Random crap: how do you feel about about tattoos either for yourself or on your partner? Do you have any tattoos? So you think your charismatic do you think you're sexy too? And my last question for now is this when was the last time you had a mind-shattering blow job?


Yay! Hope you're doing well, Gael :)


By the way I don't really care about the last time you had a blow job I just wanted to see if you'd laugh when you read it..... and if you'd actually answer it 😏


Oh and welcome back, I hope all is well. I don't know how I left that out. My goodness. Where's the facepalm emoji? 🙄


Yay, a new ramble!!! Something to look forward to after work!!! I've been having Gael voice withdrawals 💋😆


I just want to hear you moan my name and growl.... Will you do that for me ? Please Daddy? Haha Oh and call me Tati btw 😏❤️


You can just whisper my name over and over and I'll be happy 😆😆


Was gonna nap when I got home from work, but I think I can squeeze in a Gael ramble. 😉 I do have a question for your next ramble, though. What childhood pets did you have, if any?


Tell me abt it lol... That Friday Challenge audio he put out last week.. Was just so... I want more .. Let's just put it like that 😂


I love the way you laugh Gael :-)


You got these girls going wild. 👏👏👏 . It's fun to read how excited they get for a post, a tweet, a sneeze. Also helps to know I'm not alone. We're all nuts.😂😂😂


Shout out to The Asylum please 😁 Glad to have you back handsome.

Kelly S

Oh it's SO good to hear your voice with something I don't already know word for word already! ;) So, question... Proud of yourself for causing me to get freakin' lost yesterday? Yep. Your fault. And it was totally worth it! Okay, serious question - You kinda skimmed over a mention of Frank Sinatra back when talking about the date mishap with the singing daddy. I literally became a tad bit scared that you were about to say something negative about Old Blue Eyes. So, Frank Sinatra? Yes or no? Best of the Rat Pack, in your opinion?


And I want a shout-out for me too 😉


Question for the next ramble. Do you have a big family? Did you and your cousins all hang out together as kids? (I have 16 first cousins and we used to have a blast together - lots of shenanigans! 😂😂)


How about a sweet shout-out (maybe not so shouted?) for those of us who've had shitful weeks, like Jillian Nichole & (to a lesser extent) me? And anyone else who's had one, I officially invite you to pile on by replying to this comment...

Kelly S

Sidebar - I'm commenting while listening! hehe Sry! You get my stream of consciousness and immediate reactions today. PLEASE do a Podbean! Even if it's just a little ramble here or there and just loading up already made audios.


Question: glass or marble dining table?


Please tell me to stop working so hard, so I can tell my clients it came from a home higher power 😇


Bon Jovi is not Bodhran 😶 You said you'd dig up some trax.


Ug! I can't wait to listen!!


Spanking sounds!


Oh I need this ramble I can't wait to listen! My day has been stinky and itchy 😂😂😂

Kelly S

We Southern folks take our time to say what we want to say b/c there is no need to rush everything. Take your time, savor the moment, just relax... And, darlin', please... don't... I LOVE your natural accent and you're just wonderful. But, please don't do the U.S. Southern accent again. You're killing me, Smalls. Killing me.


Are u a neat freak?


I can't understand what Gael was quoting from me around 28:12 Good point about people not reflecting the negative judgment about yourself you might have floating around in your own head..and that people are generally more caught up in their own things/thoughts than analyzing you. That's a good thing to remember.


Who taught you how to cook, or did you teach yourself? Do you cook more now that you are vegan (as opposed to getting take away or eating out)?


Have you ever been to Disneyland, Gael? I feel like your sweet happy soul would fit right in :))


Check your PM lovie! 😉


You seem even goofier and cheerier than usual in this ramble somehow? I'm not sure what it is or if I'm just imagining things, but I'm digging it! And thanks for the shoutout and encouragement, love <3 It means a lot! What's your favourite kind of weather? Sunny days? Rain? Thunderstorms?


Am I too late?! Shout out :) Just because xoxo


I'm nearly done with this audio and I have to say you are just the loveliest human, Gael. That is all 😹 Oh and can I get a request? I laughed at your Southern accent...please show us an Aussie accent 😜


Oh! Another one! Thinking of recent audios...have you ever been in a situation where the girl you're with intentionally (or maybe not!) turned you on in public? And if so how did you...deal with the situation? Was it at all similar to your audios? ;)


How are you at shoulder rubs? xD


If you could only speak one foreign language, which one would you choose? What is it about that language or culture that appeals to you?


I just want to say helllloooo (like Mrs. Doubtfire). to everyone ;). Do you have any advice on how to decide between multiple job offers ? And on the lighter side of things: what is one thing you can't refuse?


Last one - thank you again for this week! Hope you saw my sappy YT thanks, I get the feels sometimes 😂. Looking forward to the next ramble (and this one once work is over 😊).


Thank you, sir, for the warm welcome! Someone in the other rambles mentioned funny/awkward sex moments and you mentioned Marvin Gaye..SO Story time: Back in high school I had my boyfriend over and was giving him a blowjob, when my brother (who didn't even know I was home) suddenly started playing "Let's Get It On" in his room directly above us. Boyfriend and I thought this was the funniest thing ever and started cracking up. I think it's lovely when sex can be friendly and funny and not always super serious and passionate. :D Anyone else have funny stories?

Kelly S

This is just a comment more than a question. I put up a post in the community page a few days ago that I think you should read. Well, the comments from the other lovelies , anyway. You have been in some way a part of helping a good number of us through some things, or helping us come out of our shells or whatever. (Even if your part is that you brought this awesome group of women into one place and we've been there for each other.) I just think you should read that for yourself if/when you have some time. Just so you can see what a wonderful impact you have had on some of us. It's always nice to know that ones efforts and time are appreciated, right? :)

Kelly S

How much time ya got? ;) I will say, of course, the Mr. and I danced to that song for our last dance at our wedding reception. Kind of not my story, but kind of... My best friend and her husband (oh, did I forget to mention they're both in ministry, her in youth and he's a pastor) were late getting to a Mardi Gras party with my family. Not all that uncommon but she was all flustered. At one point, she bent down to put something on the ground and her shirt rode up a little and her pants down just enough and I saw this giant bruise on her lower back. I was about to ask what happened when I recalled that I actually had a VERY SIMILAR bruise still healing (from about three weeks before) on my lower back in the exact same place. I BUSTED out laughing and took about five minutes to calm down to tell her why I was laughing. She blushed and was all "Oh, I... I just backed into something"... "Oh no honey! Don't you DARE lie to me! That is a water faucet bruise from slipping getting off of your knees in the shower, dammit!" And... IT WAS! :) Just like mine.


I want an audio of this 😍 I am obsessed with his massage one on YouTube (listen to it nearly every night)...I need another similar one 😋


I'm curious to know too! I love men who can cook! 😍


95th!!!!! \o/

Gri (Sassy_One)

Hiya! For the next hour, we need a shout out for the girls at Gaelandia's Asylum...these crazies send you some lovin'😘🙃


Aww, look who`s back again! Hi Herr Gael! Geht`s dir gut? :)) Finally another ramble! YAY! Sadly I have no time to listen :( Soo, something to look forward to...I`ll be patient...really paaatieent... XPP


Can I get a whisper out? :P Or quote that Rolling Stones song to me. Hehe. ❤

Kathy M

Gael, I've never heard anyone refer to speaking 'Bostonese' before. That's a new one on me. Love to hear your take on the infamous Boston accent 😁 Everyone say it with me, "Pahk the cah in Harvud yahd." Park the car in Harvard Yard. You're a man among men Gael. You make us all so happy and give us all so many kinds of feels. Thank you for doing what you do and who you are 💗


Question. Are you a witch? I believe I'm under a spell.


Hey Darth Gael Vader! I don't know if it's my naughty mind but when you say "poem" I hear "PORN!" haha XD Thanks for taking the time to read our comments and questions. Looking forward to the other parts of the ramble! 😊


Yay! I love listening to your rambles - so fun! Nice attempt with the Dr. Suess. :)


I'm curious when you talk about doing healing audios, what kind of audios do you mean by that? Like what direction with it? Tank you gorgeous 😊


Oh, and just one question... what colour/pattern are your current Bettwäsche - bed linens? Hm? ... I hope it`s something incredibly sexy, like... little cars or puppies? Hahaha...XP And of course, a shout out is always willkommen! Danke!


Haha! Tanks! I LOVED my shout out! Ya know what I mean? 😂😂😂❤️❤️


I would like to hear my name in your next ramble 😊


A sexy whisper out would be nice too! 😊


Where can I apply to be your french teacher? I speak french so well that even when I talk in english you could think I'm speaking french (And I speak London very best :-P). And thank you for an amazing ramble 'number tree', you can sing to me again whenever you want!


Patreon keeps eating my comments today 🙁. Did you have a defining moment with a woman which made you more interested in the female viewpoint/experience? I ask because you genuinely seem to love women, and are curious about how we think and experience the world.


A question for Gael...you've mentioned Irish rom com movies in some audios. Can you recommend some? Old or current, doesn't matter. You can also say my name (which is Kathy, btw) in a shout out, if I'm not too late for that. Whisper it, growl it, moan it...the choice is yours sweetness.😆💖 Much, much love and thanks to you!💋💖


Hey Gael :) in the next following weeks will be my nursing finals and a word of encouragement would be great! ❤️❤️ i am this close 👌to becoming a nurse☺️

Kelly S

I haven't been committed to the asylum as of yet, but I do visit regularly with cupcakes with keys baked inside. Now, I've yet to find a key that actually opens one of the doors to the asylum, but I'm gonna keep baking until I find one!


I swear I look forward to the comments almost as much as the Rambles! There is always some 'deadly craic' going on! Hope I said that correctly! 😀


Okay, I will ask the ONE question, I`m sure many of us thought about, but I`ve never seen it in the vast ocean of the ramble requests. Here goes ... What will happen, when you fall madly in love?When you meet your one and only soulmate?... Will your Gael character simply, suddenly...POOF!... pass away? In this epic moment, will thousands of women, all over the world shiver and feel a (little) pain in their hearts...? (Don`t get me wrong, you certainly deserve mad LOVE and a perfect soulmate XD but what about poor Gael...(and us poor women)? XDD


Working on something mindless tasks so I can enjoy the ramble :)


Ooh, your "tes yeux sont si beaux" was beautiful, and thanks for indulging me! Hope I didn't make you self-conscious with that one -- I really thought you'd get a laugh from "scallion-eyes," but I might've misjudged. A++ this time, though! Looking forward to helping you w/ the French for your mystery audio! You can get on me for that anytime, rawr!

Kelly S

"Oh no... I am so special, I have too many places wanting to hire me. Whatever will I do?" ;) Srsly, that is AWESOME! I mean, I'm assuming this is an actual concern for you, right? Congratulations, lady!


Oh, also even though it's passed, do you have any favorite Halloween movies? :)


Btw Gael, no worries about getting back to us late. I ended up getting one of the jobs that I really wanted. :-)


LOVE Leonard Cohen (my dad played his records a lot when I was growing up), and am a bit jelly of those who've had the good fortune to see him live. Maybe someday... Could you read us a bit of "I'm Your Man" or "Tonight Will Be Fine"?


You don't have to worry about that. I'm not going to be able to get to Ireland for at least 6 months. And I won't make him quit doing the audios. He may have to increase his prices though.🙃


Oh, and I hope you do get a chance to follow up on the sensual kink fanfic audio idea at some point! Though between your voice and all of our combined minds, the Internet might melt. ;-D


Welcome back Gael! How about a shout out? Thanks.


Hey, Frau Ashlee! If you`re accidentally around. Here it`s midnight, so Happy Birthday!! Left something next door XP

Kathy M

I think my post got eaten so please forgive if it's a duplicate. If you had to choose only one kind of audio, out of your many categories, which would you choose?


He's back!! :D :D Thank you for the shout out AND answering my question, Gael! That made my day! Heck, this audio itself made my day :)


The dubstep F bomb song (lol at the background music assistance) right after reading Dr Seuss had me on the FLOOR! LOLOL


Gael, darling, if you inherited a million dollars tomorrow what would be the first thing you'd do?


Hi Gael just wondering What experiences have you had in your life that caused you to have such a deep connection with women,most men don't get it but you have such an amazing way of making women feel confident and sexy!


😳 I was blushing so hard when he said my name omg lol ... Is this what the PA's are like ??

fran darling

Oh, Gael, you could give The Wiggles a run for excitement money! <3 #cheeringmeup


You guys i replayed my shoutout so many times am i the only one? Okay asdfghjkl 🙃


Nooo, you are not the only one! I'm a newbie too and my first time to participate in a Ramble. Geez, soo much fun!! Gael is just the absolute best. I wanna make my shoutout a ring tone or loop it and fall asleep listening to it. I can just imagine the dreams that would induce...YUM! That damn sexy ass growl of his made my entire spine tingle!! (Haha, I just listened to mine again and didn't realize yours was after mine!!)


You read Leonard Cohen!!!Thank you Gael :) I like him very much.He is very talented!


omg I love patreon just joind a few weeks back but its awesome :) xxxxx