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What are ye all up ta? I've a wedding tomorrow! Not me own though :(



Yeah! First! I plan to spend my time listening to new audios *hint hint* 😂


Good morning! Yay more wedding stories. :P I've got my nieces first birthday this weekend, they grow up too fast she should still be tiny. :(


Morning Rhea! 🤗


I guess this is the silver lining to having a dog with swamp ass tonight😷😷


It's wedding time for me as well - well, neither mine, but hey, it's still fun! Also some birthday celebrations. And lesson planning for Monday... Hope you all have a great weekend! <3


Guten Morgen, Mädels, Herr Gael! :)


🍀GAEL, are you a Groomsman? Pictures or it didn't happen! Show us a photo of you all polished and looking sharp, please? Thanks Sugar😚 I have a friend coming to visit. I'll be playing tour guide.


Lol! We can always count on u to push the envelope. Luv ya! 😙


Good evening Sirens & Gael, hopefully we get to hear some wedding banter 😝 I'll be at a leadership conference (😴) and catching up with friends tomorrow night which should be fun 🍻


I wish I knew more Virgos! My immediate family and friends are all Scorpios (including myself) so I feel like all my weekends are gone during October/November 🌹 Where are you off to, Rhea? ☺️


Good morning. I'm off to a wedding too, my own mama's wedding in fact! It's gonna bs a very short thing though, I'll be home tomorrow night, so other than that just lots of homework. 😑


Thanks! And there's not a lot of planning to do honestly, we're taking the photos and they'll say their vows at the wharf, and then away they go on the honeymoon. For both of them it's the second wedding so no need for a big shebang 😂


This was all a ploy by GAEL to distract us while he sneaks off for the weekend.


Yup Rhea, he's hiding in plain sight.😎 He doesn't ask us questions, what are this?


Good Morning Ladies, from across the pond !! We are going to a college football game this weekend, American football that is 😀

fran darling

Not much. Music practice and gym - but need a breather from the troubles!


Why :( Gael?Do you wanna get married? :P Serines Gael is looking for a bride :P


I mean, he already has his harem here with us...I suppose we just need to make it official! Yikes, a wedding between two people is painful enough to organize...imagine 86 brides!


I'm spending my day at the library :-) And I'll take some time to pamper myself tomorrow and to enjoy the nice weather. Have fun Gael! Have a good day Sirens! :-)


My weekend will be busy! I will be welcoming two kiddos into my home. So excited and oh soooooooo nervous. 😁😳❤️ Have fun, Gael! Make sure you know which door is the bathroom and which is the exit! 😂 Have a good day, ladies! 🤗 Happy Friday!


You too, Jessica! Enjoy your me time. 😀


This weekend I have errands to run, a sign language class and a party to attend ☺


Wow! Lot's of weddings this weekend! Lesson planning? What do you teach?


Good morning Gael and all you lovely sirens! Hope you all have lovely weekends! I will be at work for most of it 😕 so keep up the crazy, ladies! And Gael, I hope you come back with a couple stories and a picture... WildSage was right, haha, pics or it didn't happen! 😉


Morning lovelies and handsome Gael! This weekend is spent working. So so much fun-not!!! Get your sexy on at that wedding, with that dance you did for us the other day...you can beckon a bride:p


HAPPY FRIDAY everyone 😍😍😍 So good to see you again. This weekend I'm thinking I'll go on a hike and enjoy the Fall weather creeping up on us. And maybe go out and watch a movie? Haven't been in a while! Last movie you watched at the theater? I think mine was...The new Ghostbusters. Have a nice wedding Gael! Don't break anyone's toes with your dancing! Again. 🚑


Morning Anna a hike sounds fun. 😊 I hope you have a wonderful Friday!


Good afternoon girls and G 😊 I have ab-so-lutely nothing planned for this weekend! So nice haha. Think I'm gonna do some things around the house and go on some bike rides. Hope ya'll have a great weekend ladies! 😙


I wish I could have the energy if a dog. I'm sooo tired. 😴 I didn't get hardly any sleep. 💤😴 💤 Does a tone have any extra energy they can lend me?


TGIF! Happy Friday all!!! I'm dogsitting all weekend. And hopefully working on branding and copy for my website. Wishing you all a great weekend!


I am en route to a family memorial for someone who lost their life way too early - 22yrs old. It's put the whole world in perspective.


Oh Julie, I'm so sorry for your loss :( You're absolutely right; 22 is so young, far too young to lose a life. Just know we're here if you ever need to chat <3


I just realized that on top of a wedding and accompanying photoshoot, I have 29 things on my to-do list for this weekend...time to go into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!! I hope everyone has a great weekend, and like I've said Julie, if you need to talk I'm here :)


Fun! I love dog sitting. Can't believe people have paid me to hang out with their dog, I'd do it for free! (I always leave that part out though) 😬


Extra? No 😕 But I hear releasing endorphins can help diminish your fatigue. Go listen to Gael's arm workout video on YouTube. That might work 😁


Good morning everyone! I have a ton of homework this weekend but first on my list is the chiropractor. Just woke up and I can feel the knot under my shoulder blade without doing anything. Got to get that taken care of and then maybe massage... Sounds heavenly. :). Somewhere in there I'm gonna go get some work outs in too. Ita been pouring rain here for the last 48 hours so I think I'll be inside ;( And I'm sure I'll be checking in here quite a bit ;). Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


The only interesting thing happening to me this weekend is attempting to get over my shyness and finally say 'Hello' to all you lovely people. Hello! :-)


Hello!!!! Welcome ;). Great job crossing that one off your list!


Hi Erin!!! 🤗 It is raining here too! Love it! 😁 Have a good day!


good morning my fellow sirens and gael! what am i going to do this weekend not sure yet :) but its going to be a gorgeous weekend sunny skies and crisp weather <3


Idk yet tbh lol... Going with the flow 😁 And aww Gael, I'd marry you 😍 We could have beautiful Irish/Black babies haha


Good morning ladies and Gael! :) I don't know what I'm going to do. I will spend some time outside; it's really nice out :D


Nothing better than going to a wedding that isn't your own..haha. Clearly, I'm older and way more cynical than most here. but..been there, done that. I love being single. There is nothing more precious than personal time and freedom- at least from my own experience. Companionship is wonderful..marriage..not so much. What will I be doing? Going to Palm Springs overnight and waiting for my new vibrator in the mail. You killed my last one, Gael, and that was Ol' Trusty, that I've had for YEARS! Your audios gave it a heart attack. I'll have to have a funeral for it.


Hi from a very un-Fall like day in Texas but it is warm, bright and beautiful outside! I hope y'all have a great day!


Hey lovely ladies! I survived my flight! So glad to be back home and get myself started on lazing 😊 Sage, I see what u r doing... I m watching u 👁👁


Wedding too!


Man, y'all have been busy this Friday


Trina, I always knew I liked you! Btw- Hello🤗Bienvenidos.


Guten Abend, Mädls! I see you`ve been busy bees...and I missed Gael...again :(


Good evening lovely. 😊 It's ok he'll sneak back in at again lol


So here I am, writing a dramatic monologue, searching "writing" on 8tracks and letting it do its thing...and now I've come across a playlist of Irish tunes. I'm always blown away by how beautiful the language sounds, and the music itself is gorgeous too! So underrated imo


Good morning & happy Saturday! 🌞 looks like I missed out on all the fun! Hope you all have a lovely day ~


I agree! My step grandfather is an Irishman who often plays his Celtic music around the house whilst singing along in Irish. It's really lovely to listen to ☺️


Ok ladies, Ashlee B is going to compete in an Eel wrestling competition and has chosen me or Gael to be her opponent (Look under Claudia's post for details ) And wants all you lovelies to come up with unique stage names for us 😁 So step right up and give it your best shot!


Oops I deleted the comment I was gonna change it to say ur my opponent now. 😂😈 Ooor Gael could be the other contestant hehehe😈


Ok girls, I'm off to bed. But I can't wait to see what ya'll hopefully come up with! ;) Night! 😙


I would just like to share for the amusement of the group that part of my weekend plans include taking a cake to my mothers new neighbor whom I was told is 25 & single- I fear the ferocity of my southern momma who has desperately been trying to marry her daughter off for the better half of a decade....I keep telling her it's called standards and good taste- she keeps telling me my biological clock isn't just ticking its screaming...so maybe Mr. 25 and single and I will make a baby this weekend- 😂😬😂


It`s midnight, I´ll follow Saskia, I´m off to bed. Enjoy the contest Mädls...I´m afraid of what I´ll find here tomorrow morning...Gute Nacht. (Love you girls and this place, where else could I find such topics...and willing girls to play along???) :)) <3


Lol I hope he's handsome for your sake and pleasant. You poor thing being subjected to your mommas matchmaking lol


Sage: I think somehow I caught your sickness 🤒 I just stocked up on vaporub puffs and cough drops... The tea is always in supply ;)


Nooooooo! Bad news Bears :( On the plus side, you got the Puffs Vaporubs! Ahhh,those are the best!


Hey Lovelies! I hope everyone had a good Friday 🤗


Morning lovelies! LMAO!!! I see everyone is enjoying themselves while I sleep. And Eel wrestling competition??!!! 😅😅😅 What's wrong with people nowadays?! 😂


Morning P :) It looks like it's changed to naked chocolate pudding wrestling with Gael LMAO


Hey Crystal :) Hope your getting a good start to the weekend :))


Oh Sirens, y'all make me smile!! I can't wait to see how that naked chocolate pudding eel wrestling turns out-lol....just popping in to say I love you all! For all interested parties I will give you an update late on Mr. 25 & single...I'll be around later....behave or not :)


I went to the theater and watched a movie about cowboys. Why are cowboys so sexy? Oh and when is this vegan chocolate pudding match going down? I gotta add it to my calendar. Because priorities.


Yes. I missed a lot. I'm going to bed.


Hahahhaha Anna! U can join in the match 😎 but just for the siren of the mth, u can call yourself Cowgirl 😂


Bed time for me too.


Good morning lovely ladies and Gael, happy Saturday! Have a wonderful day you all! Can't wait to have my coffee - I just need to get out of bed. I'm way too cozy in here.


Guten Morgen! A satisfying Samstag - Saturday to all of you!! I see we skipped the eels (thank God,,,the slippery beasts already appeared in my recent dreams....don`t ask! ;)) It`s pudding now, eh? Welllll if I could get some mashed potatoes, I´m in for a round...XD


Morning Angie! Exactly the same here!! I think I give in, and snuggle up for another hour! :))


Morning claudia! 亲爱的! Still going back to yr mashed potatoes eh? 😂


Morning everyone!! Just woke up, having some coffee in the company of my mom and my cat, and it's almost time to get ready for the wedding! I'm kinda glad it's not a huge affair though. We're taking pictures at 10:30 and then we go to the wharf where my parents will say their vows. That will take like 10 minutes...then we're done and it's back home for me! Fun but simple and relaxing! Angie and Gael, have fun at the weddings! Or maybe...just maybe...I'll see you all there #SurpriseSirenMeetup2k16


G morning puppies


Good morning!!!!! I'm off to work for the weekend 😕 hope everyone has a good day!


Good Saturday Morning Sirens !!! Hope all have a wonderful day 🤗.


Good Morning Sexy Gutter Puppy Sirens! Looks like y'all were busy yesterday. Eel wrastlin', playin in puddin, travelin,, misbehavin, and havin some fun! Good girls!!! 😂👏🏻 I'm sorry I missed it all. I hope you all have a relaxing, fun Saturday! 😘


Have fun! :) I ❤️ #SurpriseSirenMeetup2k16! Can you imagine the amount of trouble we could cause by meeting in person! 🤔😆🍌🍾🎉

Gri (Sassy_One)

Good morning/ good afternoon, sexy ladies & sexy Mayor Gael!! Hope you're all having an amazing Saturday! Been having some fun in here, huh?


Good morning! Have a wonderful day/evening/morning! I'm off to the library with my awesome accessory: puffs with lotion. Hahah. I can't wait to check in later and see the wonderful banter! Oh and thanks Gael. I was asleep after relax your forehead and jaw in the insomnia audio... That's a record!


Have a good library session. I can be your tiny dancer later if you want. 💃🏻


Morning Trish...okay now it is afternoon, but let's not get technical 😉


Hey, Lovelies! It's a stormy day here so we're doing a movie day...starting off with 'In Bruges'. I hope y'all have a great Saturday!


Today is my nieces first birthday. 🎂😀 That means there's a family gathering... Wish me luck, my loud nephews will be around


Love that movie. I met Colin Farrell once AND his eyebrows ;)))


I have literally nothing to do xD I'm mostly worrying cos I go back to university on Monday D:


Hi Mädls! Seems like a quiet day in Gaelandia. Until Gael appears...Hehe... In the meantime, I`d like to share a little story with you...It´s about my almost, first, real live chat in Gaelic. Earlier today I watched a parade in a neighbouring village, and there was this Scottish bagpipe group. After the parade I lurked around them - totally unobstrusive, of course :) - to overhear some Gaelic and maybe have a little chat with them. I think, maybe they spoke Gaelic? I couldn`t even understand their English!! They were kind of big, intimidating guys in kilts and full regalia!! And all Gaelic phrases I could remember were: cailín maith, póg mo thóin, and suck my liathróidí !! Hahaha...so I gave up my Gaelic mission and sneaked away... But my story has a happy end - sort of...at one booth they had smoked eels, I laughed sooo hard, I nearly choked!! :)))


Work sucks today, ladies! Avoid it at all costs! I work in health care so I can't give any details, but I have to report one of my coworkers/friends for violating a safety procedure. Nobody got hurt but you don't cut corners when it comes to the safety of the people in my care! Claws are coming out!


Bahahaha did you eat some? 😂 You should have told them póg mo thóin lol


Hi Lucy! Don`t you worry! Try to enjoy your free weekend,relax - and if need be, you can still worry on Monday! :))


That sucks. I know the importance of safety. I do animal health care and safety is just as important. It's a good thing you were there. I'm sorry you have to deal with that though.


I'm finally home, gals! The wedding was short and sweet, but glorious and full of love <3 My parents are on the way to their honeymoon destination as we speak!


Popping in as promised to give y’all the update on my mother’s latest match making scheme otherwise known as Mr.25 and single. Let me just start this by telling you that while quite unplanned I was in a cocktail dress with stiletto heels. Why you ask? Because I had to be at a gallery opening for a friend of mine and there was just no time for a wardrobe change in-between. At this point I very clearly knew that this was probably going to be awkward, the only question was whether or not it was going to be good awkward or bad awkward. Here’s the thing my life is pretty much built on awkward moments, inappropriate humor, and copious amounts of untamed enthusiasm so with this in mind, cake in hand, I marched myself to his door. Knock on door, door opens, “Hey, I’m Jillian, Cynthia’s daughter from 3 doors down.” “Hey, uh, I’m Sam.” Now Sam doesn’t look like a bad guy and while I cast no judgment whatsoever on him I did however quickly come to question both his good judgement and common sense. Why you ask? Well it’s half past 2 in the afternoon and Sam in his boxers, there are very distinct sounds of porn in the background and Sam’s a little stiff if you know what I mean. Now here I am thinking ‘WTF!! Why would you bother answering the door??? Are you expecting someone, oh God I hope he doesn’t think I’m some kind of welcome to the neighborhood call girl…. ‘ Now based on the rapid blinking of Sam’s eyes I can only speculate that perhaps he was having similar thoughts- ‘WTF!! Its half past 2 in the afternoon why is there a girl in cocktail dress and stiletto heels yielding a cake standing on my doorstep, am I dreaming, how much does she charge??’ I decided that I had to take pity on Sam but also satisfy my mother or I’d never hear the end of it. So with my brightest smile the following words came tumbling out of my mouth, “Sam, how do you feel about children, specifically do you want them, can you picture yourself being a daddy?” Sam, the poor guy looked so confused and he said, “Um no, no I don’t actually like children.” At this point I am just a stone throw away into giggling my way into a strait jacket so I’d like to think that I left this little moment of ours on a high note “That’s too bad Sam, you & I, we could have something beautiful. But we’ll always have this moment..” I quickly handed him the cake and walked away and I looked over my shoulder at the end of his drive and Sam is just standing there in his boxers in his doorway looking at me like I am bat-shit crazy so I called out “Enjoy the cake!” The best part was my mother asking me how its went and I just started a fit of snort-giggle-laughing and she stood there with the mom stance saying “Jillian Nichole! Jillian Nichole what did you do!” Finally, I looked up at her and smiled and said “Nothing that the situation didn’t call for.” My mother God bless her heart, she means well but oh boy do I have a catalogue of these encounters and they all have a file name- I’m going to call this the Sam Incident of 2016…ok I am headed back to the gallery. Good morning those waking up/ Goodnight those going to sleep and a happy day to those in-between! Love y’all!!


OH MY GOD! Jill that is hilarious!! What a lucky man, having some sweet treats brought to his door by a pretty lady, but oh LORDY WHY WOULD HE EVEN BOTHER TO ANSWER THE DOOR IF HE WAS...doing the do. Yikes. lol


Hot tea question: do you add anything to your hot tea? I'm just starting to try them out and the hot tea makes my mouth really dry. Right now it's cinnamon spice.


Not sure if there's been a daily question today, but here's one either way: If you could choose between winning a million dollars and the chance to spend a week with Gael...what would you guys do during that week? ;)


Strangely, I think there would be a lot of talking going on. I would also like to show him around. Lots of sex!!!! Lots of sex!


I have a busted lip and a bruised butt. I was running with my bf and told him to go ahead while I tied my shoe. Some guy with a very hard knee didn't see me and ran me right over. He scraped the skin off of his elbow when he fell, busted my lip with his knee, & I bruised my butt when I fell backwards. He said he had his eyes closed for a few seconds and didn't see me. 🤕😡


Thanks, Rhea! He was a nice enough guy. He thought I had a concussion and wouldn't let me walk by myself. I had to call my friend to run back for me. His elbow looked pretty rough, poor guy.


Heya sexy Sirens! 😙 How is everyone doing? Feeling good? 😎 I crashed last night and woke up 12 hrs later! The longest sleep I had in years! Hahahaha! I am quite sure it is becos I met all of u. So thank you lovelies 😙😙😙


Hey P! It's still Saturday for me, I'm at a concert waiting for the show to begin 😊 What are you up to today in your corner of the world?


It's 1:30AM and I know I'm going to pay for it tomorrow, but I had to stay up tonight! After a crappy day at work, I came home to my roommate and our neighbors re-doing our patio space! Just for me!!!! They moved a huge bit of garden and paved it over with brick so I could put the little 2-seater patio chair near the house for star gazing! I used to have to just lay out and hope the neighborhood skunks were busy elsewhere! They finished a little while ago and we all took a good look at the stars before they left. Can't wait to drag a blanket out there tomorrow night and break it in properly... Haha could do with a new audio (*cough cough, GAEL! cough*) to listen to 😊


Gael....that wedding should be over by now....just sayin....


My Sunday is over soon. It is f**kin 3pm over here already. My body is still aching and I din manage to book a massage. And there is no new audios. I am withering and dying over here 😢 Gael, u might as well put me down right now.


@Tina 🤔 I see your point & bow to your intellect!


Goodmorning Gael.Goodmorning sirens.Have a nice day :)


Good morning, Afroditi! Have a lovely day too 💐💐


Gael....if I hear that u fell in love with someone at that damn wedding....


Happy Sunday! (Why does the weekend go so fast?) Sounds like we sirens are getting unruly.😈😘


The mayor of Gaelandia has been out of town for too long, and the sirens have gone wild!... er... wilder...


Good morning everyone! 🤗


How's everyone's day going so far? I see Gael is still a no show around here 🤔


Maybe the wedding will inspire an audio or two?


YES! Fucking the bridesmaid works for me 😂


Hearing him wax poetic and romantic also makes for a good audio .... Aw hell, anything he does works for me!


Except maybe hearing him wax. that just sounds painful. xD


Día dhuibh! *waves* Just joined the Sirens. Why not both? It could start out as fucking the bridesmaid, then in the afterglow it turns out that the bridesmaid was his beloved cailín the whole time. Her being in the wedding meant they couldn't be side by side during the ceremony, BUT it gave them (you? us? every known or secret Siren?) a chance to live out his and/or her fantasy. Dunno about you, but I'd listen to that audio every day and twice on Sundays. ;-)