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Sorry about the fail this morn haha!


Oh my those dance moves! Certainly will help with my imagination @Sage if that doesn't cure what ails you...


OMG, Gael you Irish nutter. That`s too funny!! Hahahah...It´s just....Bahaha...:))))


😂 awwww! So sweet for our sick little siren!


Haha, this is great ~ love it 😂 get well soon, Sage 💐


The app is being buggy so it won't let me watch the whole thing, but oh how I love what I did see! So sweet of you to think of Sage in her time of need ❤️ Although...that song is one of our go-to warm-ups...and I won't be able to take it quite as seriously anymore 😂


You are so cheeky !!! (Pun intended 😉). Sage I hope you feel better soon !!!

Gri (Sassy_One)

Well, you gotta have a good day after this! 😂😂 Thanks, Gael! Sage!!!! Hope you feel better!!! Great day, ladies!!


Poor moonstruck Sage! She`ll think she hallucinates again...Hahaha...


Lol thank you for this gem!! I love your sense of humor! 😂😂 I think Sage is in a NyQuil coma, she'll be surprised when she wakes up LMAO


What a great way to start the day! 😂 You have such a great sense of humor! Get well, Sage! 😃


Nice... jeans and moves, lol. I feel like I've watched Not Another Teen Movie again omg. xD


Awee!! So funny! I hurt myself laughing! Get well soon @Sage... Out of sight. Out of mind. My ass!💋


HAHAHAHAHAHA! Good morning to you, too!


I love the respect here. The first thing said could have been nice ass but no one did, instead there's laughing and wishing Sage well. I love all you Sirens! 😍😍


I agree, it's a nice community to be apart of ☺️🌻


I had to go through SO MANY internet issues, refreshing and refreshing and letting it buffer and groaning in despair, before I could finally watch the whole thing. WORTH. THE. STRUGGLE.


I choked on my coffee


Sage, this will definitely cure you! Talk about a great way to wake up. That was so funny...nice thrust moves, btw, Gael.


But.....did he eat the banana afterwards? 🤔


Not gonna lie but I was hoping he'd lift his shirt a tinsy bit😳 im trying to be good😇😣


Guys, I went to the cafeteria to get a snack before class and my fruit options were: apple (too loud for a lecture), orange (annoying to peel), and banana. I didn't get a fruit today.


Rehab is working, Tina! You are doing well girl! 😘 New Magic Mike routine?


I hope we dong break Patreon again... 😂😂😂😂😂


For real, though, how awesome was it for him to do that. I love how he can be silly, goofy, and funny and doesn't take himself too seriously. Audios aside, he really is just an awesome person!


Agreed x100! We need more like him in this world! 😊


Good morning, all! That was definitely worth the ordeal of trying to watch this video!😂😂😂 Sage, I hope you're feeling bettern😚


Lmao! nice dance moves, Sage I hope you`re feeling better!


WHAAAATT!!! Is everyone else seeing this, or have I finally overdosed on the NyQuil? Here lies Sage who died from a Laughing-Coughing-Snorting fit. 😂😂🙈🙈


Thank You GAEL!! My spirits are definitely lifted😊😋😚💕


So...I had an early meeting this morning. Guess what my colleague was eating 🍌...I couldn't help but giggle. I got some curious looks! It was my little secret! 😂😂😂😂🍌


Lol omg 😂 Was not expecting that at all! Is that actually him ??




I'm finally home after a long and annoying day, I tried to watch the video in my office but I couldn't :-( And now I'm glad I didn't because omg I would have laughed so loud! haha Nice banana! :-p 🍌 🍌


Yes Ladies! That's GAEL and his banana!


Lunch time check-in....hey ladies! Anyone eat a banana yet? 🍌


No and I don't know if I'll be able to eat one again! At least not for the next day or two LMAO


Thinking about the process of filming this video actually makes me laugh harder than the video itself...first Gael chose the right banana....haha Lol😂


I'm interested in how he filmed it. Did he do a test run to make sure the footage lined up properly? Was he using the front-facing camera on his phone? Was someone filming for him? So many questions.


Needed a break, watched again. Laughing out loud, realizing I love the weirdness of my life. Gael, you are priceless.


I was gonna do it to Beethoven's 5th symphony: BA NA NA NA! BA NA NA NA!


Danke Gael! Now I have this crazy mixture of Beethoven`s 5ter and the lion sleeps tonight stuck in my head... schrecklich!! xP


I've been good today, I can't resist any longer. Sooo was anyone else just a tad jealous of the banana 🍌..... 🙊


Cucumber next time?


Hahaha how lovely 😁


Hi Loves! So today was totally bananas! LOL....I thought I'd share a somewhat funny story about my day- So today I was at a CrossFit class with a friend and we were laying on the mats doing an exercise and I turned to her and said "Good god, do you want to know why my life is unmanageable, I just can't seem to keep my legs shut- I mean my entire body is screaming I'm open for business come on in!" Now here's the thing, I am terrible at whispering so this came out a bit louder than intended- My CrossFit instructor happened to be standing behind us and he laughed and said "No judgment here, I see nothing wrong with that." I was so embarrassed! Ugh! Anyway I hope all of you are having a wonderful day/night. Love y'all!


@Trish I died a bit inside- I was totally referring to the fact that I couldn't quite get into the correct position to do the exercise- I don't think I'll be going back to CrossFit for awhile!


Did we break sendvid too? It could also be my phone... I can't get it to play ;( Edit: Got it!!!! And it was worth the wait. Love your sense of humor ;)


I become a Patreon and this was the first thing I see...and my stomach hurts from laughing so hard!


Welcome Kris! There's a lot of interesting humor around here. You'll love it :))


Good evening everyone! I'm finally home and ready to relax for a while :) How was everyone's day?


Hey! My day was good. Honestly that little surprise and the banter this morning put me in such a good mood today something that would normally piss me off didn't. :) How was your day?


Good evening, lovely ladies! I had an awesome day today! Lots of sales and revenue....they just poured in! I think the dance was a good luck charm 🍀🍌


I hope everyone's happy mood and love of 🍌 carried them through the day!


Oh Ladies....is this typical for Irish men? <a href="https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1752089401708439&amp;id=1462368500680532" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1752089401708439&amp;id=1462368500680532</a>

fran darling

Oh, Gael you know how to crack me up! XD by the way, guys with flat asses are fucking liars if you know what I mean. ;) when you pull the jeans down...


I am so glad that you had awesome days ladies! My day was very productive. I am so happy and inspired! Thank you ladies and Gael. I truly love you all. WORKING WORKING WORKING!


Sorry, hon. 😕 Give him a couple days...he'll prob forget before long.


Today was a great day! So much better than yesterday! I think the video had a little to do with it! 😆 I was even able to buy bananas at the store without blushing! 😂


Trish!! I'm glad you had a great day!! I need to go buy bananas lol 🍌🍌🍌

Gri (Sassy_One)

Hey lovelies! Glad you had a great day! Happy Wednesday for the lovelies about to wake up! In case you've not heard it, there's an audio on Tumblr, it's from 2014, 'Wedding Night'...hot and very darn sexy! Enjoy!! Good nite!!! Love ya!!!


Thank you for the well wishes. Y'all are sweet as cherry pie!😘💕🍒🍰


Well, I have to say, since he's "uncut", a banana IS the most appropriate choice... OK, that's it, I'll shut up now.


Glad to see you back! 🤗 You feeling better? Being sick at the end of summer is no fun! Ps. Cherry pie is pretty sweet, but how about banana cream pie? 😉


Good morning all! *Yawns*


This place is pretty damn inspiring! Make sure you spend some time in your book fort after all that work!📚


Good morning sleepyhead! Thanks for the great start to the day today! 😆 Will there be an encore? 🤔🤓


Good morning sirens &amp; Gael! Hope y'all have a beautiful morning❤️ And goodnight sirens on the other side of the clock😊 Sweet dreams or should I say banana dreams😉 Love you all!


Its the fruit! The whole fruit had nothing but the fruit! You want the fruit? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE FRUIT! So help me gawd ( dunno why I added that last bit, probably the coffee :))


Goodnight peeps 😴


Good morning/Good night girls! I have a busy day today so... I NEED A BANANA!!! 🍌


Guten Morgen süße Sirenen, n`morgen Herr Gael! A nice Mittwoch to all of you!!:) (I`m a good girl today and won`t mention anything banana, fruit or cream related...):))


Good evening sirens &amp; Gael, I hope you've all had/are having/are about to have a lovely Wednesday 😜🌞🌿


Morning everyone! Happy Wednesday!


Good Morning Sirens! Gael! Ladies... we each have a Siren Song that we sing to the world. Something about us that attracts attention. What is your song ladies? I wanna hear some lyrics? DAILY QUESTION.


My Siren Song is empathy. I have the ability to sense what people need, and give it to them. I have an innate ability to see the good in people, and draw that beautiful light to the surface. I am always seeking to understand. Never to judge. Like the moon. The best of me is a reflection of the best I see in you.

Gri (Sassy_One)

Morning, lovelies! A song I used to play whenever a shitty day @ work wanted to get the best of me...imo a good one to go for a run or a walk: "I'm not afraid to take a stand, everybody come take my hand we'll walk this road together, through the storm, whatever weather, cold or warm Just letting you know, you're not alone, holler if you feel like you've been down the same road"


No particular lyrics come to mind, but my Siren Song as you described it would be optimism. Of course I have my moments of weakness, but I find I'm almost always able to see the bright side of any situation, and I try to bring out that optimism in everyday life and hope it makes someone else smile too. My coworkers always used to tell me how they were amazed that I was always able to be so chipper first thing in the morning. I think that's part of why I admire Gael so much; the way that he so effortlessly bring smiles to all of our faces is something I aspire to do every single day.


I would say my Siren Song is passion. I'm passionate about life, learning, social issues, equality, people, happiness (and bananas 😉)...I care so deeply and intensely about everything. I don't half ass with my emotions. I'm grateful for everything and everyone and anything. I always thought it was a curse to feel so deeply but these past few months have taught me that it's anything but...


Hey ladies, my Siren song is gratitude. There's always something to be thankful for; there's always something you can find in another person to appreciate.


And humor. Humor is what I use to build relationships.


Good morning lovely ladies! Wish your fellow siren a happy birthday please! 🎂🎂🎂


Rhea's ponder to the group? What would you renew? What would you renegotiate?


Good afternoon Sirens! My siren song would be easygoingness. It takes a lot to get to me. People at work are always commenting on how laid back I am and how things just don't bother me.


Ok popping in just to say s quick hello and to share this tidbit- 10 minutes before a work presentation I was in our break room eating of all things a banana whilst revising some notes, a co-worker walks in and says don't you just love bananas thier just so delicious! I dissolved into a fit of snort-giggle-laughing until I had tears. Gael look what you started! 😂 @Frishawn I love that daily question and I'll send you an answer later....


Happy Wednesday, all! It's world peace day as well as day of gratitude. I'm grateful for everyone in this group and happy this week is half over.


My siren song is fearlessness. No hiding anymore.


Guten Abend! Listen everyone!! Ladies, Sirens, cailini! I think we should declare the 20th of September the 1st official Gaelandian holiday!! "The Banana (Dick) - Dance - Day" (the dick is optional ;)) I hope the Gaelandian climate is suitable for cultivating bananas...otherwise we`ll import them - because only the juiciest, biggest, yellowest, organic specimens are suitable for our delight! Hahaha...XP


That song is still in my head!! I woke up and it was there. I'm at the salon and it's still there!! *Sighs* I guess I'm destined to have visions of bananas dancing in my head.


I caved. Bought a banana. Not eating it yet though, I just ate dinner so I'm waiting until tonight when I get hungry and can more fully enjoy it. In other news, I am ALL ABOUT the Hamilton soundtrack rn. What music are y'all listening to?


RN I'm listening to Foy Vance "Be the Song" I 💚 him! Also, it doesn't hurt that he's from Belfast! It's a gorgeous song. You should check it out on YT.


Man, I was lazy the other night and now my work is catching up with me lol. Let's just say that if I get caught up tonight, I'll be awake late enough to greet Gael good morning since it'll probably be like...3-4 am my time! I have late classes tomorrow though so it's all good~


I feel your pain 😩 what are you studying, Amanda? ☺️


I had an audio inspiration at the Spa.


I thought up a new question!! There's a trend going around right now (which I've already done on FB) to describe yourself using three fictional characters. Which ones would you use? Here are mine: Belle from Beauty and The Beast: wanderlust, love of books, idealist, hopeless romantic, sensitive, caring Eevee from Pokémon: versatility, adaptability, easily influenced by my surroundings Scorpius Malfoy from Harry Potter and The Cursed Child: dorky, book-smart, a bit awkward, timid, just wants to be loved and tries his best every day


Sage, are you feeling better?


I am! I am Sam Sam I am Do you like green eggs and ham I do not like them, Sam-I-am. I do not like green eggs and ham.


So I thought I'd share my Thursday with you all so far in the hope yours will all be better than mine or you can at least have a little bit of a cheeky laugh 🌿😂 I have training for my internship in the city, it's rainy, windy and freezing...I have since managed to break my umbrella, have my skirt blown up by the wind, rip my jacket and I've just spilt dressing down my white top...and it's not even 1:30pm yet. Sitting here laughing at how much of a dill I am...😂


Oh Amanda, that sounds like a day I would have lol. At least you can laugh about it. I have a feeling the rest of your Thursday will be awesome! 💚


Hi Ladies! Finally checking in to see what I missed! 😃


Every time I visit this page I see Gael's ass...😮


Hi Ladies, I just got home from a ridiculously long day- tried to read the thread here and there so @Frishawn my siren song is embrace the journey and @Amanda my musical influences of late Eminem, Tupac, Carly Simon, Fleetwood Mac, &amp; Noah Gundersen. So good morning to those waking up/ goodnight to those going to bed. So much love to y'all. And that guy Gael's pretty swell too. ❤️


Hallo Mädls! Greetings from the cold, foggy alps It´s saukalt - flipping cold today! I´m freezing and waiting for the sun. Wish all of you a warm, pleasant day! XD


Good morning everyone! It is way too dang early to be up (4:52). But big day ahead! It was lovely getting caught up on posts... Y'all are pretty darn funny and amazing! Ok to add my two cents: @frishawn my siren song is tenacity in both the meaning of determination and perseverance. Gotta keep pushing and fight for what I want ;). And loyalty is a very close second. Loyalty to myself, my family and friends, and to the pursuit of justice. @amanda. I have to keep thinking about my three fictional characters... Great question! And I'm at the moment listening to Whitney Houston to wake up but since I've been doing a lot of studying, classical/instrumental/choral music has been my go to. Gagliano Strings/Eric whittacre/debussy/ravel. Not study music has been Matt nathanson, Trevor hall, Andy grammar, and Dan+shay. Have a wonderful day everyone!!!!


Dearest Sirens! Hang in there ladies! We are on the tail end of retrograde. Just a few more days, and all will be righted. As for what I have been listening too. Vivian Greene's Emotional Rollercoaster on repeat. The muses in my head. Chris Brown and The Weekend. Three characters that describe me. Cheshire, Alice In Wonderland. Belle, Beauty And The Beast. Sherlock Holmes.


QUESTION OF THE DAY! Now that things are cooling down outdoors. The time has come to start thinking COZY. Where is your go to spot for cozy at home? What are you wearing?


Believe it or not. My cozy place in my house is my bathtub! There is nothing like a soak ina nice hot bath! Kindle and tea included of course. Then its onto the fluffy robe and fuzzy slippers. Ohhhh... I can feel the warm fuzziness!


My bed and my bathtub are my two favourite places! I agree, Frishawn, nothing better than a hot bubble bath with tea, candles and a good book. And I also love to wear comfy slippers and my pyjamas!


For those in the northern hemisphere September 22 is (or was) the Autumnal Equinox, so happy Fall y'all 😁


Yay, my favourite season!!! Hope it`ll be long, warm and golden!! :)))


Hi everyone! I hope everyone is having a great Thursday!


Maybe it's from coming off the cold meds but... I'm starting to get the shakes and stomach cramps. I need a fix💊💉 a new Gael audio. I'm strung out man!!


Oh no, Sage :( You need to get better soon!! Which means Gael needs to come back with just the medicine you need!


Hi Sirens! I had to backtrack through the thread and here are my answers to @Amanda my three character combo would be Ginny from Harry Potter, Bridget Jones, &amp; @Frishawn I'll be the Watson to your Dr. Holmes😉 For the QOD, my favorite cozy place is a tie between the bath and I have a chair in my room by a big picture window where I can stare up at the sky tangled in blankets as it were and always with a book/kindle and a cup of Sri Lankan Tea🤗


Girl, I am upset :( Rebecca and I can't do zumba anymore this semester because the time changes and it doesn't work for our schedule anymore! We've been taking walks together instead but ya can't shake your booty to "Work Bitch" on a nature walk...I mean, you CAN but...




OMG!!! All my banter about piracy was heard!!! This just made my week!! I need to go listen again- seriously never going to forget this moment 😂😂😂 Note to management: I've a moniker if you've a memory problem! 💋

Gri (Sassy_One)

Hey guys, what's up? Hope you're all doing well!!




Hey everyone! Hope y'all had a great day. I know it at least got better with the new audio. 😂


That's the best pirate I've ever heard in my life 😘


Hey pretty lady! My day was good but got 10x better after hearing pirate Gael. 😂 Hope yours went well too 🙂


This is too amusing not to tell you all. I contacted Patreon about my app messing up and the reply email is from a Jake from Patreon. 😂😂 All I can think of right now is the Jake from State Farm commercial. 😂 I'm easily amused.


You should have asked him what he was wearing lol. I'm sure he has been asked at least once.


Anyone in search of a new job?! 🤗👫 <a href="https://youtu.be/9hgTL92OtxQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/9hgTL92OtxQ</a>


What were you searching for lady? PS- my dog just farted and the stank WOKE ME UP!


Good morning sirens &amp; Gael, happy Friday! I'll pop in later to play for now I'm off to bed- perhaps I'll dream about that scurvy dog pirate &amp; his lost lust...


Hi girlies and Gael! Hope you all had a great day! The new audio was flippin HILARIOUS! 😂 What wicked talent Gael has! Again...laughing out loud in my car got me some very strange looks! Hahaha! Happy Friday to some and Friday eve to the others!!! 😁


Haha! There ya go! 😂"I'm not crazy...just listenin to a great audio!"


Hello Ladies! Happy Friday! I am so happy to see you all here! Sage, I am so glad that you are well enough to grace us with your wit and humor. The things you say to Claudia!!!! Priceless! Trish, Rhea, Jillian Nicole, Tina, all my loves. Hugs to you ladies! Gael... just 💋


Frishawn! My darling how are you? How was your Friday?


Lmao glad I finished watching it. 😂 And hello to everyone! 💕




i break together... damn i wish i was a part of this craze back in the day!! 😜


So this is you? Why am I not surprised? Lol!!

Emma Ranson

This made me giggle Gael haha your a good dancer lol and love that song xx


LOL you are so funny! wasn't expecting that


omg hahahaha!! this made me laugh so fucking hard I choked on my food haha!


Lmao! That poor banana was probably like, really dude, really???