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Hi all! How are you all doing? Staying sexy? It's ramble time! Suggestions? Shout outs? Jokes? Stories? I'm all ears dears ( well eyes really :P)XD Let's have some fun!



We answered this DAYS ago! You have to read out loud everything we said under the wet audio and the sleep one!


What cologne do you wear? Or which brand of tofu do you smell of? :PP


What's your favorite type of cuisine? And I second what Tina said 😈


How do you make the perfect cuppa tea? ☕️ (Americans lack this skill)


More sex, less rambles..heh. I can hear the rambles on youtube...


Please shout out ;) I love everything you do, and i want to Thank you because your audios helped me through rough times :))


Repeat the word "fuck" in different ways for 30 seconds.




Your first kiss?💋 (Mine was a game of spin the bottle☺️)


Sing? Pretty please 🍒


Best place you've ever been and your favorite spot in Ireland.


What do you think about us calling ourselves sirens? How do feel about having a harem of women to fuck? Hmmm? I want to hear some raunchiness....we are all gutter puppies now.


Do you practice any sport? I'm curious about it since you posted a pic of your strong arms (and fapping doesn't count as a sport!). :-p :-p And do you have funny or weird travel stories to share? (in France maybe?)


Do folks still wear Claddagh rings? Which hand and what direction is/would yours be pointed?😬


To add to Saskias questions, do you have to be in a certain state of mind before recording an audio or do you most wing it?


Any bad habits you have? Currently mine is posting on Patreon while I'm at work 😛. Bad girl


To piggyback- How much do you workout, because those arms + vegan = huh?


In between rambles I always think of questions...and then never remember when it comes time to request them! Gotta come up with some on the spot... Since you're such an ACCENT EXPERT (lol) perhaps you could indulge your Canadian audience (hi) with an attempt at a Canadian accent? Also, have you ever traveled to Canada? Now I'm curious! Have you ever been interrupted/almost "caught" while recording? I laugh at the idea of your neighbours hearing you through an open window or something 😂 Finally, a shoutout would be fantastic!~ I'll be back to talk to you gals tonight! So many new things to discuss in this thread...but also so much homework 😫


Haha! I love the banter! I love how no one really takes it too seriously in here.. I love that people are bonding and it has little to do with me.. I really really like the idea of it not being all about me, there's something very cool about that.


What do you actually kiss when you pretend to go down on someone in your audios? :p (namely, do you make out with your own hand? Lol)


You mentioned your other job. What do your coworkers think about you doing erotica? Do they know you have this other life?


I'm curious about that as well. Talk to ya later 😊


Hmmm.. Not really.. They're not interested., they know I have a YouTube channel but they don't really ask..


I've no habits left.. The worst thing I do is drink two cans of Monster a month.. But that's pre-workout juice ;) I can pick up habits but they fall away very quickly.. I'm free from habits, it's kinda cool.


Lol! They do! Not as much though! I'll wear one when I get married one day ;)


Do you believe in soulmates / aliens / Santa Claus / Bigfoot / global warming?


What's your job?


Can you give me a shoutout ? 😀


Oh also , what are your hugest turn ons, sexually ? 😊


Do you play an instrument (other than your well-known one...)?


I remember hearing in another ramble you talking about spiritual experiences/something around that. I always find those really interesting..


Maybe a talk about your journey into veganism? I'm a vegetarian and I'm thinking of transitioning to veganism, so it would be interesting to hear your experiences with it. :)


Celebrity you would fuck?😋 (Or have fucked?😳)👊🏻


What's your perfect day?


If you learned another language which would you choose?


Soo Gael, I wonder, are there scenarios you`re uncomfortable with? Something you`d refuse? Not obvious things like cruelty, abuse etc... I mean something like...ahem..oil wrestle an other guy, to win your girl over or make sweet love in a bathtub filled with...hmm, let`s say... mashed potatoes? Not that I`d ever wish for something like that - just curious – promise! I mean I`m asking for a friend...a friend of a friend...;))


I don't want a shout out. I prefer a yodel out ;)


Hey sexy, what are you wearing?😋😊 What do you wear to bed?🙈


You said you traveled to the US. Where is America have you been?


Ha, what a coincidence! Just yesterday I spoke with Saskia about a yodeling Gael. Lol!


Morning everyone! 🤗🤗🤗 Damn... the party over already????


Hi Philotes, the whole day this place was like a graveyard...and now...:))


Mr Gaelforce... how dare u ask us want we wanna hear?... U r not paying attention to your sirens... 😴😴😴


What is your favorite body part on a woman? (besides THAT! ;)


Does Bobby seem to have an opinion about all the sexy goings on when you are making audios? Does he hear you?🐕


Hello handsome! What is the most corny thing you've done or said to get a woman's attention?


Can we have more childhood anecdotes, like the one with your astronaut suit? I loved that one!


I would really like to hear the process of u making an audio. Sometimes (maybe most of the time) when I listen to yr audios, I will imagine u just kissing the mic or licking it and I literally go "ewwwww" or end up ROFL. 😂😂😂 Pls humor my hyperactive imagination.


You know he's gonna literally sing, 🎶pretty please, la la la🎶


When you read what you wrote about David Bowie's death (which was a beautiful piece of writing btw), I think you mentioned that as a kid you thought you might be gay (it related to your feelings of being an outsider). Unless I misheard you, and since no one here would ever suspect you of that, I was wondering why you had such an idea...If this is too intrusive then skip it...


U sound like u have 5000 stuff to do in a day. I mean keeping up w us is already a feat. What's a typical day like for u now? How do ya manage?


Oh I suppose weekdays r different from weekends. So a typical weekday and a typical weekend?


And I always love a cringe-worthy story. So imma request again. And I want a sexy whisper out 😎😎😎


New girl here & feeling a little shy to comment but I'd love to know what music you listen to ~ I feel like you can tell a lot about a person by their choice in music ☺️ (ps, sorry if you've already answered this elsewhere) 🌿


Hi Amanda! And welcome, fellow Siren. No need to be shy. XD


Omg me too 😂 Sometimes it takes me a minute or even a second listen to get into it because my mind always wants to analyze how he did it. It's good for me to tell that part of my brain to stfu and juuuuuust listen.


Ok, one more question Gael. When you`re recording erotica, how do you do it? How can you talk intelligible the whole time? And stay in character, too? I mean, in the throes of passion...most men I meet can barely utter some coherent syllables. At the very most my name...if I`m lucky. ;)) So, I`m off to bed. Bye Mädls - Gute Nacht!


Kinky C 😙 u know when I heard big cock fun and he said words just pop into his head when he is turned on. I am like "omfg! this man is that good?" So hot! Stuck with me since then 😂😂😥


I really wanna go to Ireland eventually & was wondering if you could recommend anywhere in particular? :)


looking forward to it!


What is the craziest thing you have ever done?


If you could go back and tell your teenage self one thing, what would it be?


Ireland is beautiful. Fell in love with the country and ppl. There is something darling and magical about Ireland. Galway is Sweet. I have to go back to see so many other places.


HI Trish! Good questions :). Hope you had a stellar day!


Hey girlie! My day was CRAZY!!!!! 😱😁 How was yours?


And a shout out would always be lovely :) Remember - Lee-more, with the stress on the "more". You pronounced it really well last time, for someone who's never heard it irl. I'm training you for my personal audio ;)


Please read out some more of your favorite Rumi poems, along with your personal interpretation of them. I really enjoyed that audio you did.


Do you wear glasses?


What is your favorite quote and why? What is your favorite thing you see, hear, experience or do during an ordinary day (other than reading our comments - just kidding 🙃). Favorite color, children's book, animal and/or food. Umm that's all I got for now...I should stop procrastinating and read..next up...Is Beta dead? Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone!


Shout out, please!


God! I'm laughing my ass off reading through these hahahaha Good morning! You wild and funny creatures you :D


Limor, you ask things that I never think of but really want to know 🤗


So...4-hour ramble, yeah??? 😁😁😁


DAMMIT! I keep missing Gael! FML!


Hi Philotes!!!!! I'm heading to bed but good morning to you!


Good night and good morning my sexy gutter puppy sirens!!! 😘 😴


Hahahaha I forgot about gutter puppies 😂😂😂


How much Gaelic do you actually speak on a daily basis?


And I think you should cap off each ramble by teaching us new words / phrases in Gaelic, Professor Gael (there's a new character for your collection ;)


Do you have a favorite constellation? And a shout out would be fun. 🙃

fran darling

All your firsts! Explain your first kiss, first girlfriend, first time. :P I see you're a First fan on YT. :P

Gri (Sassy_One)

Hi lovely ladies! Hope you're all doing great!! So, ramble material, huh?? Here goes...🤔 -What is the nicest thing anybody has said, or you believe they would say, about you? -Are you more of a night owl or a morning person? -If we, the Lovely Sirens, decided to form a band, let's say we call it "Gutter Puppies", what song would you like us to perform for you and why?


Hehhehe gri 😊😊😊 a band called gutter puppies. It will be a hit! 😆😆😆

Gri (Sassy_One)

I think it will!! Hi Philotes!!


Try to say “Irish wristwatch” 5 times fast 😁


Are there any other pets you would want or are you a dog person all the way? Have you had other pets in the past?


Hi to all the new names here! More fun!!


Reading this thread is messing with my work ethic. Want to play, have to work. 😂


Hello New Sirens! Hugs!!😁😁😁


This day is kicking my ass...not in a good way. Anyone got some virtual hugs to give?


Guten Abend, Sirens! Hi Erin..poor girl! ...Hugs, and would you like some virtual chocolate?...:))


Do you like dancing? And can you dance a traditional Irish folk dance? If yes "Darf ich bitten?/Shall we dance?" ...would you dance for/with us? I wanna hear it...Hahaha If you can`t I wanna hear it even more..;))


I'm not usually a chocolate person but today I'm game ;)


WAHAHAHHAHA CLAUDIA! Irish folk dance! I love it 😙😙😙


Since we're being raunchy, (ROFL damn I'm already laughing) how do you feel about guys, or YOU specifically, getting fingered in the ass by women. 'Cause y'know your g-spot - well, so they say - is up your ass. LMAO Well, have you ever had it done to you? Or would you ever try that? I can't believe I'm asking these things HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Whoa! Jhasmine really asks the PROBING questions!!! Her curiosity runs DEEP. Girl, quit BROWN-NOSING up to Gael ;P


Have u checked out your Gaelforce Vibes playlist yet? It's here: Gaelforce vibes: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCeM0jkpvbg2pnt4pSg4hlGpiBT4_GXx-" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCeM0jkpvbg2pnt4pSg4hlGpiBT4_GXx-</a>


Happy Friday Sirens! You ladies have asked Gael some pretty great questions. I propose a little quid pro quo. What is a sexy secret that you want Gael to know about you?


Love!!! 😘😘😘 hehhehe... quid pro quo, clarice... quid pro quo


I own a set of really skimpy turquoise bikini, triangle top and brazilian bottom that I was too self-conscious to wear outside. But I will wear them around the house on some days.


Movie Night Tonight/Day! - <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/6723604">https://www.patreon.com/posts/6723604</a>


Oh girls...I can already tell it's one of those days...only 10am and so angry about something that I'm almost shaking...movie night is gonna do me some good.


I've been trying for a half hour lol but I have class in 2 hours and still need to get ready so I'm on a bit of a time crunch. It's the silliest thing in the world to get mad about I know 😂😂


Hey if its important its important, period. Feel free to own it! Just breathe and think happy thoughts ;)


How is Gael going to know where the ramble questions end when we keep posting on this thread?😝


He can interpret the comments how he may choose! lol