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Because you are ok, you are perfect.

Movie: The Snapper




Oooh, yay!


*clappy hands*


Perfect timing :)


If im in love with with the title, this should be goood! Mmmhmmm Happy listening everyone!


Hi everyone! Hope you like! ( Thank you for the inspiration! )


🤗 Yay! We must have been good girls hehe


This is soo sweet. Kinda needed this....I actually need this. I want this...That's why I shy away from these audios. The angst is back oh no!😣 no I won't let it...I'll make my own bath...😌


Oh my GOSH. This is so me lol. I'm constantly procrastinaitng then beating myself up. I worry that Gael has gained the ability to read minds! I hope he will use this power for good and only the occasional (sexy) evil xD


Was grinning all through this 😊, I've been rendered speeechless 😍


Aww, like an absolute Gentleman. (Not sure a man like this exists, but it's a nice thought.)


This is exactly what I needed. And perfect timing again because I just had a bath. Now I just want to curl up in a blanket, watch a movie and drink hot chocolate (with delicious almond milk) before going to bed. You're seriously so sweet! :-)


He should write a book: "How to be a perfect Gentleman" by Gaelfore :-p


Oh. My. Gosh. Gael, this was so...sweet! How do you do it? How do you know women so well? You, kind gentleman, have a gift! *sigh* ☺️


@Jessica yes and all of us and his other female fans will be the ones reading it. Lol


Yay! I'm so happy ye like! Have you Sirens seen that movie? It's brill and it's on YouTube 😜😜


Yes! Jessica, I 100% agree. Men (some at least) are always saying they don't understand us. Well, a book like this would help! 😁


Lol Sweetz I'm the same way. That's a scary thought there, a mind reading Gael could dominate the world lmao


Heck, it can just be an audio book! 😆


No. Is it sweet? It's cloudy today and would be great to watch. I'm going to look it up...


And the nice lady at the laundromat keeps chattin me up. 2 days in a weekend having to wait....struggle.


Nope haven't seen it, I know what I'll be doing tonight after you tell us the title lol 😝


'The Snapper' It's from 1991 It's really really funny


Aww...especially after the talks we had here last night, this is just what I've needed! ^.^ I love all the sound effects you've been adding recently...doors opening and closing, footsteps, the movie in the background. It feels so much more real this way! I might have also gotten some slight ASMR shivers from the water sounds XD


Erin you should just go ahead and purchase that Struggle Bus company. Cut out the middleman😉


I might have to check it out tonight...once I'm all snuggled up in bed with a cup of tea, of course! The hardest part shall be picking the tea of the evening...I have far too many flavours to choose from!


Thanks! Waiting makes the heart grow fonder, right?


@Amanda Agreed!! Those sounds are my favorite. I get lost in them. Don't fix the creaky stairs, they sound amazing lol


@ws. Amen sister! A new business adventure..I got the books covered...who else wants in?


Thank you Gael. You have once again soothed you beautiful Sirens with songs from your heart.💖


*casually hits play again*


I completely agree with the sounds! And Amanda with getting all sentimental last night this just tops it 😁


ROFL Rhea! I was all ensconced in the sweetness of it and then "lay across my thighs" - oooh - no no bad Sweetzie


Woohoo something else for me to listen to on a loop. Wherever!


YES. Fading out is such a nice gentle way to let go of the moment.


Thank you so much Gael for this wonderful gift 💖😁. What did we ever do to deserve such sweet and wonderful and sexy audios?


Tá mé abhaile = I am home. Who's learning all the Gaelic?! THIS KID!


Couldn't help myself Rhea, I've lost my filter and mind long ago 😂


Ta me abhaile freisin!


Amanda is having some trouble posting so she sent me this to post (this idea is too good not to share!) - Amanda: Hey! You know what we should do if enough of us are available?? Get "The Snapper" in The Harbor chatroom (look for Sweetzie's post in the Community section if you haven't yet) and watch it together! A Siren movie night! - Add your timezone here - <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/6687555">https://www.patreon.com/posts/6687555</a>


OMG this is brilliant Amanda! I think we totally should. And Gael need to join us if possible.


Oh Ashlee, 100%! Our Harem King is always more than welcome! I think the trickiest part will be getting all our timezones figured out and a date/time that works for most people




Oh my Ashlee...you got me blushin over here! 😳☺️


Yay! A virtual slumber party! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😁


You guys!! We did break it!😨😨😨


Ta Ceist agam. Cad a deir an sionnach?


The force in Gaelforce is appropriate. The force is strong with this one. His Sirens are also a force to be reckoned with. Hmmmm...where ever Gael goes servers crash and panties drop? 😳😱😅


Heee!! Make audios for another 20 years please so I can learn all the nice things!


Did I just say that last part out loud! Sorry...I am in a mood today! 🙃🤓


I swear, by the time I can travel and visit Ireland someday, I'll at the very least be semi-fluent! Though my pronunciation is absolute crap...


Sweetz I like the name change 😊


That made me want to curl up on my couch and watch movies but unfortunately I'm 3 hours away from home in a casino...not exactly a great place to relax


Finally got to listen! The guy walking past my car in the parking lot was probably thinking...crazy person....I don't even care ;). That was so stinkin sweet - I am keeping this one at the near top of the list! I think I had a bit of a moment in my car with "everyone thinks they are....... missing something". That is/was me (WIP here - aren't we all?) I would like to curl up on my extra deep couch and a heavy comfort blanket now......however I am going to workout. But later tonight Netflix and chill with myself is happening! Thank you for a lovely gift, Gael.


Y'all are making me use Google Translate for the first time!


That one I knew, it was part of a lesson on tenses, lol. But I need help all the time, it's such a dense language. Do you speak any other languages, Erin?


I was just thinking the same thing! Between this and my personal audio last month .... I can't even..... either Gael is psychic or we're that transparent? or both? Ay, ay , ay I swear if Gael spoke Spanish it would be the death of me


I took 4 years of Spanish in highschool but that was a looong time ago. I can pick up bits and pieces now.


Si, hablas espanol Erin? Good ole' HS Spanish, did they give you a "Spanish name" for roll call en la biblioteca?💃🏻


gaaaaa i wish i could find a man like you gael! love it!!! you just keep getting better


Well I wanted Elena. But since my last name is at the end of the aphabet someone else took it. In our book it said Ursula was the translation for Erin. One word:NOPE. So I went with Lola ;)


"I wish I could find a man like Gael" is a common sentiment around here, methinks!


WildSage brings up another fun question: languages! Aside from English, what other languages do you all speak? Is English your first language? English is my first language, mais je parle aussi le francais depuis la premiere annee! Le francais de Canada est tellement different de le francais de France, et je doit pratiquer parce ce que c'etait des annees depuis que je l'etudie a l'ecole...mais c'est assez pour la travaille bilingue ici!


Si usted sabe lo que dice el zorro, todavía estoy curioso?🐺


You saw that did you? Here I thought Erin and I were chattin' quietly in the other room... :)


Ok, I speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, some French and I'm currently studying Irish and German.


English is my first language. I'm not fluent in anything but I can understand a little bit of French, I actually sort of understood what you said Amanda. I took 2 semester's of French in college but I forgot a lot of it. I'm actually starting to relearn it now, I found a good free app for language learning. I'm halfway dabbling in learning Gaelic with my app but I'm focusing on French. I also took the obligatory Spanish in highschool, I took 2 years and have forgotten it all.


Morning ladies!!! 😙😙😙 or maybe good evening!!! 🤗🤗🤗


Wow that's awesome. I would love to learn that many languages.


I think I want to try learning Irish...for no reason in particular...none at all... I've given Japanese and Spanish a go in the past and fell through on both of them, but it never hurts to try again! Which app are you using Ashlee?


Of course my first languages are Klingon and Navajo ;))


Hi Philotes!! It sure is the evening time over here...almost bedtime, actually!


It's called Duolingo, I really like it so far. They have a bunch of languages for free.


:o that's incredible!! I can barely handle two languages, the thought of learning a third is exciting but seems so out of reach...dang girl, your skills are on point!


Merci! I loove languages❤️ I want to learn as many as possible.


De rien! :) I wish I had kept up with French and learned other languages before now. There's still plenty of time to learn though ;).


Downloaded! I just tried it out for a few minutes and it's pretty fun! :) Though I was a little thrown off by how it just throws you into the questions..."listen to this audio and write out the words" I DON'T KNOW HOW IRISH SPELLING WORKS YET C'MON BRO GIVE ME A BREAK


Hi there B and amanda, gonna have sweet dreams again tonight??? 😊😊😊


For sure, do it! It's really good for your brain- it literally creates brand new neurological pathways and helps prevent things like Alzheimer's and dementia.


Yea, it really threw me off as well when I first did it. I think that's why I haven't done much with the Irish lol. I think their website has a little more to help you out. I noticed the French is a little more in depth, they say the words out loud more than with the Irish.


Here's hoping!! This new audio will certainly help with that 😊 how's your morning so far?


Oh hi Philotes! What am I, chopped liver? No sweet dreams por moi!😜


I ain't ready for bed yet, it's only 7:30pm where I am. There's still time for a party lol.😊


I am rushing for work now. So the audio gotta wait. But to answer the question: I am effectively bilingual, English and Mandarin. Both r my 1st language from where i am brought up. I suck at new languages tho. I think I have a stiff tongue 😴😴😴


It's also pretty fun learning a language. I'm having fun so far. :)


Lol it's okay Sage, the rest of us love you! It's only 9:30 here but I need to get used to waking up early again...school starts Tuesday 😪


Oh sage! I am sure u r having sweet dreams everyday. Such beautiful mind u have there 😙😙😙


Sure, go and be all sweet and adorable about it! Fiiine, I forgive you😘😘

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-09 23:49:11 Alright, bedtime! Goodnight, gals! &lt;3
2016-09-05 01:01:08 Alright, bedtime! Goodnight, gals! <3

Alright, bedtime! Goodnight, gals! <3


Languages I love 😊 Dutch and English are my first languages, Other than that I speak German, some French and had two years of Spanish in school but I can only remember a bit. And a <i>little</i> Italian if you count singing along to Laura Pausini while making dinner in the kitchen haha ;) Gaelic is just gibberish to me when I see it in writing, I can say the things when Gael says them but somehow they don't stick except for things like Póg mo thóin, mo chroí, mo stór, the simple things (and yes I totally used Google to see how you would spell that haha! Because, well, gibberish xD)


Holy smokes Sage! That's a lot of languages and tongue twisting haha. Especially Portuguese...


Saskia, twisting tongues is a favorite pastime👅👄 When I first heard Portuguese I thought- "Who are all these drunk French people trying to speak Spanish!? It would help if they took the marbles outta their mouths!" One smokin' hot boyfriend later...I was near fluent.


I still think French is the prettiest language to listen to! I would love to be fluent eventually.


I've heard Mandarin is crazy difficult. You are going to be in high demand in the global workforce with that.👍🏻


I'm with you on that one Sage. I'm tied for French and Italian on the prettiest language tho.


I have some good friends in Holland, in Groningen. I like to listen to their voicemails whenever I need a little pick me up, hehe. Dutch is just so cute to me :)


@sage, i think i got my stiff tongue from my Mandarin background tho. Tho i do find that knowing English & Mandarin does allow me to travel around more easily around the world? After all Uncle Sammy and Uncle Tommy do seem to have huge influence globally.


Gah... I managed to steal away from my work to listen to this audio. I swear Gael is seducing us with whatever Gaelic magic or power he had accumulated over the years. So Gael sweetie, this is your way of telling us that it is fine to procrastinate at work and listen to your audios? And that we are perfect for getting distracted by you? --------------------------------- Ok, we believe u XD


😆 I should have known lol! And it's a good one too ;) Drunk French with marbles speaking spanish xD xD! My idea exactly when I first heard it!


Aww that's sweet! 😊 Usually Dutch sounds a little harsh to people lol. And I've lived in Groningen for 10 years! 😀 Now live in a small town near it.


Ok, I'm off to bed, 5 AM here. Stayed up late to Skype with parents who reside in the US of A, but I can't keep my eyes open any longer... 😴


I may have just put this on repeat...🙃. Too bad running my own fingers through my hair isn't the same..... Good night to my fellow sirens ;)


Saskia- put it this way, when we first met he spoke zero English and I spoke zero Portuguese. Nothing like a love affair to teach you new tricks. Portuguese does have a very peculiar sound to it, but now I think it's quite beautiful.


Good morning everyone!


Morning Gael!!! This is when I am glad to be of a different time zone 😂😂😂


Good Morning Gael


I speak English and French... Falling out of my French. Currently learning Korean and Japanese Pray for me please!


Just popping in to say hi to my fellow Sirens! 🤗 Those still awake anyways!


Annnnd... Now I'm headin to bed! Nighty night! 🛏😴💤💤💤


Morning Trish! Morning Tina Morning Frishawn Morning Philotes! Phew!


Hi Gael. Good morning to you! And good night to me 😞


So sweet. Good morning :) So how's it having to be loving to a whole harem-like club wahahahahah


Oh pooh I missed everyone, oh well lol. Morning Gael!! And goodnight for me 😪


Did I miss the good morning train?? Dangit! Well, good morning to you all anyways 😊


IS THAT HOW YOU SPELL THOSE PHRASES?? I would not have gotten any of them right lol...Gael makes it sound so effortless! XD


@amanda the train passed me by also. 😊. Good morning everyone!


Hi fellow Sirens! I`m finally back from the mountaintops, apparently y`all had lots of fun, naughty girls! ;)) I really regret that I can`t spend as much time here as I´d like. But it`s still fun to drop by, now and then and wade through the mass/mess of comments. So, I´m off to a hot bath and gloriously, finally my long-awaited audio. Eine wunderschöne Woche - a nice week to everyone. XD


Welcome back dear Claudia! I hope your trip was fun! Enjoy that audio! (and the new one!) ♥


Tee hee!! Hello lovelies!!! Oooh Tina too!! YAAAAY!! *tackle hugs Tina*


I think he makes his audios under 15 minutes as a kindness to people who have breaks at work. Beware the 16 minute audio that will test your commitment!


I am fluent in English and Pig Latin. I can understand 40% of the Spanish I hear around me and 0.1% of the Gaelic in audios xD


We're all going to get to be so good at timezones in this group lol.


I just read that Erin. Netflix and chill w yourself. Hehehe


Haben sie eine gute zeit gehabt dort oben Fräulein Claudia? ;) haha. Welcome back and enjoy the audios, they're great. Und auch eine wunderschöne Woche natürlich! 😊


True, Sweetzie! Lmao I think I've figured out that Gael is 4 hours ahead of me...his early morning is my middle of the night lmao 😂


good morning i mean good afternoon lol love to sleep in on my days off

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-13 06:59:37 そう勘違いされちゃっても仕方ないエロさ…(˘ω˘)
2016-09-05 16:06:52 Good morning Sexy Sirens!

Good morning Sexy Sirens!


Hi Sirens! Oops I slept in lol, seems I didn't miss much though


Hello Ladies! 🤗 How is everyone today? I am being lazy and just chillin on my day off!


Hello Claudia! Good to see you made it back safely! 🙂


Totally ladies! I have never thought about time zones this much! 😂


Hi Miss Anna! 🤗 It was goodnight for me too! Lol


Hi @Trish Had to work earlier. But I have a break now!


Ladies... If you had to come with a quote that summed up the way you feel after a Gaelforce audio. What would it be?

Gri (Sassy_One)

Hi Sirens!!! Good morning/ afternoon/ night! To those enjoying a lazy day, hope you're well rested. To those who had to face a Manic Monday @ work, hope it is/was a good day! 3:13pm over here, in Puerto Rico, hot as hell, lazy day, and hoping my amazing Sirens are doing wonderful!!!


@Gaelforce Ummmm... I really cant use my mind when you're on it. Unfortunately, it doesn't come with call waiting!!🎧📱


Hi ladies wow I've missed a lot


Hi Trish, I've been lazy lol. Hi Trish and Fri Shawn!


Hmmm, great question! Depends on which kind of audio... Relaxing="calm after the storm" Sweet= "happy and floating high above the clouds" Sexy= "sexy, alive and wanting more!" Funny= "ah, my stomach hurts from laughing so much" 😜


Lazy days are needed! Lol Especially after working all weekend! Haha


@gri,yes I must say it was a lazy day no work for me back at it tommorow though,3:30pm this way(USA by way of Ohio)


@ashlee good how are all the beautiful sirens😍😍


@lauren I've been having a super lazy long weekend and hanging with the lovely Sirens


Claudia I missed you! I guess the St. Barnard never made it? But you found your way safely down that mountain. I hope you are, enjoying all the Gael coated goodness.


Ummmm...ladies you may want to go check out Gael's youtube. There is a new video...can I just say, holy hell that boy knows how to go straight to your core! You're welcome! 😁


Just listened to the new YT audio. I reiterate... Mush... Those growls get me every frigging time and fuck is my new favorite word 😍


Fuuuuuck! Yes! Only when he says it tho!😱😂


Thanks muchly! Ja, I made it back, because I`m a genuine Bavarian mountain-girl.Hahaha! @Frishawn You just can`t rely on these St. Bernards, nowadays. And I still have to work through all that Gael-ness....@Saskia mein liebes Fräulein. Danke der Nachfrage, ich hatte eine...uhm..interessante Zeit. Ich bin kurzfristig auf einer Alm als Sennerin eingesprungen, es war ganz schön, aber auf Dauer nichts für mich...zu viele Ziegen..Haha


❤️ thought you would like it! Excuse me while I go listen again and again and.... 😆


@frishawn @trish look what that man does to us 😍😍😂


I know, right!? I was so innocent before... 😈


The one on YT... I love those kind of audios, sexy, soft spoken, intense, with a sort of secretive twist. It's so hard to want someone right then and there but you can't... Usually the frustration and lust keeps building up so you want it even more haha. But when you're finally home... Fireworks! xD


That's why I don't like him. Sneaking behind our backs posting sexy ass content. Makes me loose my dayum mind....


Spot on Saskia! Oh the sweet frustration! 😅


Something to the effect of...I can't feel my legs anymore. 😋


...WELP...my evening walk is gonna have to wait another few minutes XD I'll give it a listen right after dinner!


I was soooo innocent. I was a prude too. But now....slut. bucket. For him. 😩


It was pretty creative wasn't it! He must have some new muses keeping him busy with learning new skills 😁


Or...you could listen on your evening walk. Just sayin.😆


We've already been asked our fav thing that Gael says but what's your fav sound that he makes? 😈 I'm partial to the growls and that damn laugh. That laugh is a panty dropper!


@anna he must get tons of pms, and I'm sure our hundreds of comments help 😅 and @tina he does open your mind and eyes and um..... doesn't he.


Ditto Ashlee! The growls...damn! 😈 mmmmmmm!


Nah dude, I need pump-up music when I walk 😂 if I tried listening to Gael I'd get all melty and mushy and bleeeeh


Hehe! I wouldn't get very far either! 😂


His laugh is the best! It always puts a smile on my face! I also like the kissing sounds, and the cute "hmmm?". And I love the adorable voice he has in his soft romantic audios. Good night Sirens :-)


The laugh. Hands down. Didn't even have to think about it!


@anna oh yeah the snorts are absolutely adorable 😊


Goodnight Jessica!


I like the growls when he gets really naughty, sort of a growl with giggle haha. Also the shaking breath... and exhales that go from one ear to the other.


Yeah I definetly think the alpha growl is sexy AF, he has the sexiest moans I have ever heard and when he cums laws💥💥


Ladies! Damn! Too early for me 😂😂😂 i just woke up and thot I will check in. U ladies r always helping me to start the day. Hehehhe


Well FUCK. I just listened to it. How am I supposed to function now? At least I've done all my work for the day!


Do you ladies have a favorite audio from Gael. I know that is real hard or your top audio,mine has to be tantric moans,primal play,his latest audio is nice too


Ooh, Lauren, I gotta agree with you about the orgasms. Especially that whimpering he does when he's right on the edge...Lord have mercy on my soul I could listen to that forever


I can't pick a favourite necessarily, but Sexy Stream of Consciousness has gotten a LOT of replays, as well as the Patreon exclusives


I thought the same thing. Only trouble here is that is it only 2pm!!!! So much more to do today! 😆


Oh HEEELLLOOO Amanda... did u just shout f**k? Heheheh


@Amanda I definetly go back to literotica and do some replay's here and there!


Have to agree to all of you!! I adore his little "huh ?" sound, and I don`t mean the "hmmm" (which is also sexy af! ), :))


Haha Trish, it's 6pm here so I'm good! Today has been extremely productive for me so this was a nice little reward ^.^ And Philotes...I sure did! lol listen to the new YT audio if you haven't yet...right after he said "fuck" I actually said "holy fuck" aloud in response. I couldn't control it! XD


There is no possible way I can choose a favorite. But at the top are all of the pateron ones, pounded, and sensual bdsm and there are just too many good ones to choose between


@claudia yes I agree with those as well! When he asks a question followed by hmmm, I get shivers galore


He seems to be having that effect on a lot of us today! 😆


I know it's sooo hard especially when each one is better than the last, he is making it pretty damn hard for these men(or women) out here


@sage hehe you like rough and sensual alpha Gael too? I've discovered a lot since listening to his audios


No way I could choose just one! @Lauren he is definitely refining his craft! Makes all tingly just anticipating the next one! Oh, he is definitely setting the bar high for all those poor unsuspecting guys out there. 😆


@Trish I didn't realize how sexy pillow talk was until I heard this man do it☔


Ashlee- mmmmm hmmmm😏😏😏 Love when a man is a MAN. But then he's so sweet too... DEADLY combination.


Sage are you my long lost sister??? 😲


Hmm, an almost unanswerable question, the recent ones are all very intense, but have you ever heard the "Take it - Give it to me " one? I think it was on his soundcloud? It`s a long time favourite.


Oh my.... miss B and sage... dirty girls ------------- same here. He hehehehe 😙😙😙


Liebe Fräulein, bitte 😊 Aber auf der Alp als Sennerin? Wirklich? Sennerin für die Ziegen? Oder waren sie da nur auch... Das ist tatsächlich eine interessante Zeit haha ;)


Nah, it's not dirty to me (I mean it IS) but it's not a bad thing. It's beautiful and powerful and intense and just sexual!


Well, u get really DIRTY only if u r really comfortable with showing the most raw and vulnerable spots in your soul... i mean how hot and intense is that?! 😥😥😥


Aah you ladies have been busy! I wish I could stay on here with y'all. So much to catch up on. I have to say favorite sound..tight lipped moans, the sound of an exhale or inhale, telling me not to do something..haha. Favorite audio? Don't remember the name but its when the tables are turned and the female is the dominant. I think I'm now caught up? Back to research but I'll check in later!! ;)


You're the long, long lost sister? I mean, you in China, yes?


Oh I missed ya Erin 😙😙😙 I see u enjoy power play? Hehehe hehehe...


Ja, Ziegen und ein paar Kühe. Ich war aber nicht alleine dort, Gottseidank. Ich bin nur für einen Freund eingesprungen..hab tolle Alm Butter gemacht. :))


Yes I do 😍😈. I wonder if Scorpios have an aptitude for that or of its just me...thoughts me fellow Scorpio?


I guess it really would be the illusion of power since a submissive has all of the power.


You're both scorpios? Hehe... Scorpio is generally considered the most "sexual" sign of the zodiac, followed by Leo, then Aires. Interesting...


Now I see how ya sexy mind works.... wooooo... power play is super sexy imo 😎😎😎


Sage... I recalled u mentioned u r a fire sign... Aries?


Erin you can't come here and not end up with ur mind in the gutter 😘 and I agree with ALL scorpios


Gute Nacht, Ladies. It`s almost midnight here, have to go to bed, before I turn into a pumpkin. XD


Sage, I have v good experiences with Aries. My career mentor is an Aries. He taught me a lot. And so did my other Aries friends. Aries and scorpios think and feel different. They open me up to a new world actually.


I hear ya Amanda! My brain was goo after: "stand behind you". I did manage to listen in the library (with headphones). I'm slowly getting bolder. Haha


Ahh, stop distracting me, it`s nearly 12.00. Und auf Wiedersehen Fräulein WilderSalbei! :)


The female dominant audio, if it's what I'm thinking of, is an OLD one! ...I want him to make an updated version...very badly. Lmao


That's awesome! Sounds like you're open to it, so even better. Aries are the initiators of the zodiac, well all the fire signs are, but most heavily Aries. Scorpios are very curious and interested in the world. Those two energies can motivate each other a lot!


Ahhh, Salbei, I didn't know that, thanks! Er, Danke!


I think that one is Your Revenge, ya? I would love an update on that one as well! 😈


Glücklich nicht, das soll doch etwas sein... Ganz allein auf der Alm.. *Jodelahiiihooooo* xD Schuldigung, konnte es nicht lassen haha. Ein bisschen wie der Anfang von The Sound of Music, aber mit Kühe und viele Ziegen lol. Aber frische Alm Butter, hmmm. Das klingt köstlich 😊


Yes! That's the name of it. A for the day Trish! (Sorry that was my moms teacher voice coming out) haha


That one was fun! I like how the tables were turned. 😈


All you lovely ladies, enjoy the rest of your day, time for me to turn in :) Night


Well he does seem to somewhat keep up with our comments so fingers crossed :))


I didn't really believe him in that one, know what I mean?


I'd have to listen to it again and see... Oh darn ;)


Sage that's partially why I want a updated one because his skills have grown over time.


@christy I had that reaction with just about every part of that audio lol


I would agree now he's got skiiiilllz instead of just skills ;). Its vintage....just kidding!


Listened to it now, doesn't get me excited. And I wouldn't want to spit on my man either☹️ Maybe it's just not my kink.


I haven't listened to it yet. I'm not one for spitting either


I need to listen to it again, I forgot about that part... I'll just stick with dom alpha male for now ;)


double. shudder. breaths. (cuz damn) - but also snorts lol


Ok so I did the skimming version of listening....maybe I'm mixing certain parts of different audios together. I'm definitely all about the power and control aspect. The candle...that would hurt poor guy, not a spitter. Switch out mistress for my siren. I think because his work has really developed it would be different in terms of delivery. I think it's probably a challenge to make one where he is the submissive one, just from audio phrasing/wording perspective. Even a continuous change in power dynamics in an audio would be awesome. And it wouldn't have to have all of the bells and whistles for me...I know others here like it but maybe in more of a (Less pain) but not vanilla way? Ok I just wrote a book here. Oh well. More thoughts are never a bad thing ;)


I've given up on favorites . He keeps making me change my answer lol. As of now it's Sleep Soundly, My Treasure but tomorrow it'll be new lol


hehe yeh he was tied but dominant. The overall tone was "You get what you want but when I get out of these ties... mistress.... you're in for it!"


Ashlee I'll meet cha over there, half hour good? I'll bring some fresh coffee.


I'm pretty much on board with you Erin. I loved the concept of that audio, but for me it's a bit too much with the candles and the spitting. I couldn't see myself doing any of that stuff nor wanting to, so it did pull me out of the moment a little bit. If I'm gonna listen to that audio, I skip to the parts where he's begging, or trying to restrain himself from cumming too early...that's the kind of power/control stuff I'm really into. Dominant but not full-on dominatrix. I do think that an updated version would be great given all the feedback we're been providing here...not to mention that audio quality itself has improved tenfold since then and he's learning so many new tricks!


Amanda we are always so on the same page its spooky....and awesome!


I see u guys really opening up here 😊😊😊 especially now we have amanda and saskia on board to Gutterville. 😆😆😆 it's really heartwarming. LUV YA sirens 😙😙😙


Oh u 2 my fellow Scorpios, had been in board since Day 1. Just that u r hiding. 😂😂😂


At this point I'm only a virgin in body...my mind is a full-time Gutterville citizen lmao


Spitting!? I guess I didn't listen to the whole thing. Ya, not into that. I was thinking it was more like what Amanda described. I like the idea surprising him by taking control. I am really shy and reserved and it makes me totally feel sexy when I can do that! 😊


Oh yeah and rock on Aries Sirens! My bestest friend in the world is a scorpio! Aries and Scorpios are def a good match!


Haha! Gaelandia is our land, but we hang out in the village of Gutterville!


Hahahah Trish, we r gonna be able to draw out a map in no time 😁😁😁


What have you been asked to do with a man that just didn't turn you on? Waaait, don't everyone chime in Anal all at once... Jokes, jokes. No, seriously tho?


Im pretty sure I dont have any Aries amongst my close friends :(


Haha! Dang, you stole the one I was gonna say Sage! 😂


Oooh, I can picture it now. No wait...that was the map Lord of the Rings! 🤓


Can't you just picture it that way? Or would it be more like Harry Potter's map and we will have to say" I solemnly swear I am up to no good" To make it appear? Our very own secret Sirens map! 😂


Seriously, threesome with my best friend. 😣


Lol 😂😂😂. Seriously tho anal in a semi public area


I love storytime! No juicystories to tell here, though.


Heheheh Trish, I was thinking about the map in game of thrones. 😆😆😆


Ashlee: Oh my dear, that's all sorts of NOPE for me. But hey whatever floats ones boat. (I thought it needed a revision)


Nah I did it, he's very persuasive, it was just once tho. I tried to enjoy anal but never could... Hurts too much and grosses me out. We came to an understanding tho so never again.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🍻 Ashlee, they are so gddmn persuasive! I totally understand. He gave you that look didn't he? The big puppy dog eyes and the coy smirk.


Oh man... never in my life have I met a man that persuasive 😆😆😆


Honestly, nothing really turns me off when I am revving up. I m really quite open but well, to get me there is the tough part. Hahahah


I must say miss B sure have some deep bonds w the man. Not puns intended. Sorta envious here.


@Sage It was a guy that asked. I was like no way we are like sisters! Eek!


Mhhmmm Erin it's good, but pitiful it was even something to talk about. Sage it's so frustrating when they are that persuasive and I don't mind telling. It was a big subdivision that was being developed so it was in the open in the car with no one around. Thinking back I roll my eyes at giving in...


@Anna OMG! Feeet. I had a guy ask me to send him a pic of the bottom of my feet toes spread!


Really Anna? I once had a man who asked to suck my toes and I am like "whateva". Nice feeling but does little for me. He was very turned on tho. Like I said, I like being experimental, makes me feel alive. So sage, your story??? 😆😆😆


@Ashlee 😳 at least no one was around and you had the talk afterwards.


Not familiar with that one. Have been wanting to start watching it tho.


@Trish 😆 yeah that's a thing. So...did you send it??? I once picked up a quarter off the ground with my toes in front of him and that was the point of no return 😂😂😂


Unexpected guests... story coming. I wouldn't leave you high n dry!


Oh but threesomes, orgies or even swinging, are no-no for me. Hot to think Abt but not keen to try. 😒


@ P I agree. I want him alllll to myself! 😈


Well, my sexy cohorts... I've gotta run. I can't wait to cone back to see where else this convo leads. Chao! 😙


@Trish my mind went to GoT because of the language and the sex... hahaha... go watch it.


@Phil yeah I don't seem to get off with the feet stuff. But damn was my shoe collection on point then lol! 👠👡👢😜


Ewww to feet!!! And huge no to threesome would never ever consider it. And aww P don't be envious


I'm all about feet massages but I think licking or sucking on feet is a bit too far for me.


Hahahah ladies! As long as he doesn't expect me to return the favor 😂😂😂


@P I agree on the threesome comment. Pretty sure I'd be like grace in will&grace when she is asked to be a part of one....haha


This fella confessed to me that he had a micro penis. I was like, "a micro who now"? I had to look it up. He would wear a chastity cage to prevent from jerking off, and he wanted me to keep the key, so he could beg me... but he wanted me to humiliate him, make fun of him. His fantasy was to go down on me while I described blowing my ex, and describe how big his cock was, what it felt like... and ask him humiliating questions and call him names.


Wow that's a lot to process there. I couldn't image how id react. What did you do? (I had no idea what a micro penis was either). Informative story!


Whoa Sage just wow. I totally looked that up. I have to ask did you do any of it?


I kept hanging out with him just because I was so confused! Ha! I could not wrap my mind around how that turned him on. I told him I wouldn't want to do that, I'm not a cruel person like that. But it wasn't cruel to him! It was really sexy.... Tbc


He would say guys with small dicks are automatically submissive to beautiful women and guys with big dicks... if you can't give pleasure than you don't get pleasure back.


Then this progressed to him wanting me to fuck another guy and let him watch!


Actually I could understand him a bit. It's a bit like extreme bdsm. For 2 persons to do that to each other. IMMENSE TRUST. But hell, I can't do that to another person. HOW??!! We r not awful and don't wanna be.


@Sage WOW. So much to ponder. Especially in that last statement... ::recalling past lovers:: 🤔


Sorry this is so scattered guys... People in the other room, unexpected people!


Wow that is kind of interesting, the way he thought. I see what you mean P about extreme bdsm. I could never ever hurt or humiliate someone.


"A micro who now?" 😂😂😂 Sorry you are just hilarious. Such a cliffhanger...


Yeh I'm with everyone on the "no humiliation" thought pool. I spent 99% of my time peacekeeping and trying to make sure everyone is ok. being awful to someone on purpose - even if they wanted it - just doesn't do it for me at aaaall


He had all these stories/fantasies... basically of catching me having my brains fucked out by a guy with a massive cock. And being so turned on by it that he would jerk off while watching... To make a long story short😂😂 I told him I couldn't do it, I need a big cock☺️ Thems just the facts. Well that turned him on even more! I couldn't do any of it. It just felt too mean-spirited. But it was definitely a MIND FUCK!


OMG I can't believe that turned him on more. He was being turned down for bigger cock, wow. 😂 And yeah that is a complete mind fuck. I don't see how you even handled that Sage, it's baffling just imagining it.


I am sitting at a casual dinner and pie resturaunt and I see an advert placeholder..."make the best of a sticky situation" immediately thought of the sirens . hha


It still makes my head spin. It was so upside down, opposite, backwards to how I feel.


Hahaha 😂 Erin is ur mind stuck in gutterville? That tells me ur one of us for even thinking that 😂. Maybe it could be our slogan 😆


Wow! That is a lot. I met a guy online a while back that was looking fir something similar. He wanted a woman to boss him around and be in control all the time. I just can't do that. I am too nice I suppose. But Sage...I can't even imagine being in you in that situation! 😳😣


Hahaha! That is special Erin! Perma gutter brain! 😂


My brain is always in the gutter. My bff can confirm ;). I just don't usually share the thoughts...but you guys are cool like that!


Waaahhh I missed so much!! I missed anal talk!! 😔


Good evening, Ms. T!!!!! Feel free to add ;). I am sure everyone will come back to read and comment!


Lol. Anal can go very well or very very wrong lol!


Actually in a way, we are not like black or white. We r all grey. There is always a bit of sub or dom in all of us. Just takes the right person and situation to coax it out. But damn.... sage... that man is way too extreme


See... like I said, I knew u were on board the train to Gutterville all this time. 😂😂😂


Can we be seatmates, philotes? Cuz I know you were one of the first aboard that train!


Imma just let u sirens in on a secret, the 1st pornography I was exposed to was Japanese. F**k man, the Japanese are creative. It is hard not be have a house in Gutterville. 😂😂😂


Mine was american, made by men...they aren't creative or realistic


Well I must go...its almost midnight here and I have to be up in 6 hrs for class. Woop. Anywho. To all of you waking up: Dia duit ar maidin , solas na gréine. ( if that doesn't translate to "good morning, sunshine" I'm blaming Google translate). Have a great day!


Good morning Sirens! It's the first day of school for me so if I'm much quieter from now on, I'm just super busy. Have a great day! 😊❤️


Good morning and have a great day! Go be your awesome self ;)


Wishing everyone a great day! 😊


Hey @AshleeB are you up early? Not sure with the different time zones


A bit earlier than I'd like to be, I work today. Its almost 8 here so not that early I guess.


Have a good day everyone!!


You too Ms. Tina!


@AshleeB it's after 6am for me. I worked overnight so it's bedtime for me. Have a great day at work.


Morning Tina! Night Poppy! 😊


Good Morning Amanda! Have a good first day! 🤗


Good morning Ladies! 🤗 Have a great day!


Hahaha!! Ja, maybe I`ve got a new, kinky dairymaid scenario for Gael.....imagine how he yodels! LOL


ughgh back to work.....morning everybody!


Hello Mädls! Good morning, night and everything between. I take a quick break to "warn" you all. I "worked" my way through all the new Gael-stuff . And Sirens, we have to be careful! With our united Sirens-force, Gael is evolving into a kind of Über-Super-Women-Whisperer!! All those new details and flavors he is showing...he is getting better and better and...where shall it end? Hmm? No one will be safe, I suppose it`s already too late, we`re under his spell! Aaand I totally love it!! Hahaha


Wait! Something isn't right... We're under a spell?!? How is that possible! What kind of mystical being is Gael that he puts sirens under a spell! Lol I love it too though claudia hahaha


I didn't think he was weird, you like what you like. I just wasn't turned on by it.


Oh Saskia, that wasn't directed at you, more of a general post script :) We're all weird to somebody, my friends think this whole erotic audio thing is loopy. Especially male friends, they don't get how listening to a guy's voice can be interesting or arousing to me. Dummies😏😎


Claudia, did I hear a high-pitched cackle from you?😁


I think I'm the only Sagittarius here...😔 oh well!😆


Hahaha, who knows, I would love to hear that! xD And thanks for the 'convo' with me in German, my grammar isn't always on point and I really had to think hard on the structure of the sentences haha. But still fun ;) Danke Fräulein Claudia 😊


Claudia...blissed out? Hmmmm! Happy!!!!!


This makes sense.... <a href="http://www.irishcentral.com/news/colin-farrell-helps-irish-beat-french-for-sexiest-accent-in-the-world-68840277-237766571" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.irishcentral.com/news/colin-farrell-helps-irish-beat-french-for-sexiest-accent-in-the-world-68840277-237766571</a>


Oh you guys 😭 it's only been one day back at school and I'm exhausted...doesn't help that it was so hot I thought I was gonna pass out earlier XD I feel like I'll need to listen to this audio again very, VERY soon 😑


See??? I told ya so... Gaelic whispers and spells with magic mic 😍 But dun ya worry Abt us, the sexy Sirens, I fear we r evolving too... Gael has also a lot to do to keep up with us... Muahahahaha 😂😂😂


Good morning ladies!!! 😊😊😊😊


Morning Philotes (or evening for me lol)!! :D How are you?


Good evening Amanda! 😙 I just woke up n gonna do my workout soon. 😊 looks like u had a tiring day? 😥 take care dear 😊


Is patreon eating up anybody else's comments?


It was doing that to me the other day, but nothing I've noticed today...not that I've been here much to comment XD


Awesome, I hope you enjoy your workout! Yeah, today's been rough...but I only have 3 tasks left to do before I can relax and go to bed!! I must push through!! D8


Amanda, it hides the comment under "load reply" but never appears?


Why, Patreon maintenance, whyyy? D:


Hi Ashley! WildSage, I read the title and literally said "Well, duh" out loud lol.


Hi Philotes, Sage and Amanda!


It is sooo stinkin hot here too! Just got done with class and now to homework. We can be study buddies ;)


Hey Erin! Yeah it was a scorcher today...at least 40 degrees Celsius and the sun was out too, so I was roasting on the walk between classes! I just got done my homework! 😜 time to relax!


Not much, procrastinating about doing some housework lol


Sounds like you had a rough day. Hopefully it will get easier for you. I'm glad to be out if school.


Eh, the first day is just always a little shock to the system, I think. Give me a couple days and I'll be golden 😊


And I'm done with hw! Gotta love 13 hr days. Tomorrow's easier! ;)


Jederzeit, gerne wieder. Und dein Deutsch ist sehr gut, Fräulein S. :))


Huh? Nobody around? It`s like a ghost-town, I can outright see the tumbleweeds...or did I destroy my patreon?? XD


I had a v productive day at work. Heheheh. The sirens were very silent 😊😊😊


How Abt u? Everything going well I hope? 😊😊 enjoying the audios???


The silence of the sirens. Haha.. I´m fine thx..Waiting for a customer, he`s notorious for beeing late :(( Ohh and I enjoyed, and enjoyed...


Like what ms T said, fifty-eleven times? Or u just played the audios on loop? 😂😂😂 and yes, for now we r the slient siren 😎😎😎


Morning Ladies!!! I thought Patreon wasn't working. Glad to see you!


Hahahah! Fifty-eleven squared 😙😙😙 that's A LOT! Morning Trish dear 😙


I was hoping for some action here after knocking off at work... 😆😆😆


Eww the first day at school, I remember...:)) And there`s my customer, bye Mädls, see you later.


Good morning ladies! So...has anyone heard if the mini-audios are actually gone from the rewards now? 😧


Yes. He discontinued them. Could you imagine if he did them for an unlimited amount of people on that tier? He would never have time for himself. 😕🤔😱😙


Today is my first day with kiddos! Wish me luck. 😱😁


Morning lady! You have a great day too! 😁


Morning everyone! Hope you all have a great day/night.


Hello beauties🤗❤️ You're right Trish. It was cute while it lasted though 😁


PYP- me too. I don't want to get up. It hurts...


Oops that's what happens when you sleep-comment. Wrong box.


Just imagine what that personal audio will be like...*sigh 😊


Morning Ashleeeeeeee! And all my other beautiful siren friends! Today is already starting out to be amazing! 🤗😁


Oh man, I am lying in bed. Physically tired but mentally active 😑😑😑


Thanks B!!! 😙 morning Trish 😊 u ladies have a great day today


@rhea @saskia I have to pass on Gael tonight. 😅😅😅 He works my mind hard. I will be awake the whole night 😂😂😂


"You're a fhine ting Luuv!" -favorite part of this, on second review.


I don't think I fully appreciated this the other day in my car while in the parking lot. After today listening with my heaphones this is #relationshipgoals.


Hmm... overall, I loved "Your revenge", but I do take your points on a few of those concerns. I liked that there was some candle play -- it's not something I'd heard in an audio before, so it felt very daring... BUT it did go a bit too far for my tastes. Nipples & stomach / chest, yes -- but really nothing more sensitive without informed consent, and nothing with hair *at all* -- even with the special, lower-temp-melting candles people use for that. And I couldn't help but notice that the wax was never removed prior to entry, unless I missed it? Most problematic accidental condom ever! Still, he did sell the role for me, acting-wise: he sounded positively shaken on the "frankly a little terrified but so turned on" line! I just wish the female character had been a little more safe, sane, & consensual about the whole thing -- it felt the wrong, unloving kind of reckless at a couple of points. But as you've all said, it's an older piece; if there's room on the bandwagon asking for an update to it, I'll gladly hop on!


(Though I think I missed the spitting, too, or forgot about it -- not my kink *at all*.)


Loved you singing along lol too cute - but I have to admit, in that setting, I'd be asleep in no time LOL


A1 Sharon!!!😍