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Hi G! 💋


Happy New Year!!!


Halloo !!


Ello loves!


Well, hello there! Family & friends are always first! No worries. You do what you have to do. Hope everything turns out ok!


I hope your friend gets better soon G! No worries, we’re patient. 😊 Take care of yourself too! ❤️


Be well!!!


I can assure you G, that not one person thought that the audio was unprofessional or worse than any of the others. We want you to do your best. And at the time that's what you did. ❤️❤️ I hope your friend is ok and you're not stressing yourself out too much. You have us Lovelies looking out for you! Xx


Having something sudden happening to a friend is scary (to me anyway), so I hope your friend gets better! And take your time. Get those things taken care of first, we’ll be here~


Aw, tanks for soldiering on as it were in creating content despite life's little hiccups. I hope your friend gets better soon. This audio from the car does sound a bit different, but it still sounds pretty good. I'm not surprised that this Patreon channel is near the top, it 'tis the bestest. Your positive enerdree and work ethic definitely show through, never fear. Just make sure to keep relaxing and kicking your feet up from time to time, my busy little bee. Your laugh always makes me smile. 😊


Hope your friend gets better soon! It does kinda sound like diabetes. When my mom didn’t keep track of her blood sugar, she would collapse or black out for a few minutes. It can be scary, and I hope he figures out what’s up with him soon! ❤️❤️❤️


Hope your friend gets better quick. It sounds like you're just as much of an amazing friend as you are Galanandia's mayor. We all love you and understand that you aren't super human and sometimes things happen that may slow things down here a bit. Thanks for the update on upcoming content and what to expect. Take care of you G.


Keeping your friend in my prayers ♥️ and make sure you take time for yourself G ! Don’t worry we aren’t going anywhere 😉


G I swear to you. If you think even for a minute anyone in here would be like oh his last upload was shite. I'll slag ya in to June. The countdown audio was perfect and I thankyou for that. I know life is a bit harsh at times but still you need to do what you have to. I hope your friend is ok and I hope he feels better but still don't ever feel like you're obligated to apologize for taking care of something personal. See you when you get back into things and Take care of yourself alright. 💚


Take care of you. Take care of family. Take care of friends. Totally love you for these updates. You don't have to but you do. SN: That laugh snort! 😂🤣😂


Taking care of yourself, family and friends are always number 1... XD ❤️


Gosh, Gael, first things first, I'm so sorry that your friend fell ill. I hope he'll be ok! Secondly, you have NOTHING to apologize for with that Countdown audio! If that's you at 80%, lord have mercy. Hot, loving, close, it was steamy!!!😍🔥🔥🔥🔥 It was very interesting to hear how you're managing your audio creations, despite any bumps in the road.😊 I hope you get enough rest and take care of yourself. Sleep sweet, and dream peacefully, love.😙❤❤ Oh, and by the way: We're no. 182!!☝️ We're no. 182!!☝️😄😂😂😘❤


Hope your friend is on the mend! Take all the time you need for yourself. If i have learned anything the past year is stress can do some horrible things to your body. Take time and relax 🥰🥰!


No worries... I’m shitching with you 😉😂


Good to hear from you, G, but I’m sorry to hear about your mate’s illness! The stress can be pretty draining, so while looking after everyone else - look after you, too, please?! Having the audios and PA’s is wonderful - but knowing our Gael is healthy and happy is more important! Pace yourself! And ALL of the audios over the holidays were fantastic! The one may not have been perfect to you, but this Lovelie fully enjoyed it! Relax and take things easy, yeah? ❤️


That snort laugh though 😂🤣 Hopefully your friend gets better soon 😚


I’ll write for Seanie 😏


Don't ya worry - life happens. You take care of yourself and your friends, and we will be here whenever you are ready to come back ❤ Much love! ❤🦊


Great to hear your ramble G and just so you know only you could talk and write for our Seanie. I hope 2019 is the best year ever for all of us! Hugs!


HA Angie....I was thinking the same thing, and was going to write the exact same thing from your first sentence! ❤️


Awh babe, we’re here for you. All the best to your friend and take your time, don’t feel pressured at all ♥️


💚 Wishing your friend well Gael! We’re all really glad to hear from you and that you’re taking care of yourself first 💚


I swear to christ Patreon hates me! I have typed this in twice now without having the sense to copy it. Annnnnyway as I was sayyying. I loved your little ramble and thank you for taking time to do it on the run! I also giggle a little every time I hear Seannie. The little laugh-snort and accent. I also can’t hate your lip-smacky thing awwwrr <3 <3 <3 AND I was saying that I appreciated your NYE audio just fine *wink smile*. It had some great things (many many great things..fuck it was awesome) in there and it must have shadowed any other little “disappointments” because I didn’t hear them whilst breathing. Plus, you just added some “shits” and “fucks” and it’s all sooo good. But especially the “shit!”s. We lub ewe too! Mwah! kisses and big hugs -`ღ´- 🦄 Ps you’re a good friend Or just a guy who doesn’t drink and can drive. xD good vibes for him! *****edited like 4 times for grammar. don’t hate a half blind girl****


Baby, the last audio was great as usual. I love how responsible you feel for your creations, it feels like you were born for this, creating and making audios. And you’re right, you have your own signature in every audio, because they feel as if it is the real you. I heard other creators who make audios that were scripted by the fans and they don’t feel as original and creative as yours. I feel like if I listen to them, I can listen to others because they would be the same. With yours, I can always feel your sweetness (even on the rough erotic audios) and you always surprise me with something new and original, therefore, you’re the one for me (for erotic and romantic audios) 😜. Keep holding on sweetie, don’t feel pressured, I wish all the best for your friend. Hugs!


Life comes first. No worries. 😊


I don’t really follow what you’re trying to say, Gael, but it sounds like you’re struggling a bit. Keep your chin up, just keep going. You are well capable, Sir. 💪🏼❤️❤️


Thank you for the update G. I'm so sorry about your friend, but it's great that he's on the mend. Hopefully they figure out what happened and he can go back to hill walking and all the thinks he likes to do 😊 Countdown was amazing, Jaysus lad if that's what you consider less than 100% 😳. You are seriously a "force" (eh? EH? 😀) to be reckoned with. I guarantee those Patreon numbers will keep goin' up 💜 Can't wait to hear everything you have in store! HOWEVER! Though it might be difficult please be sure to rest. You do so much work and offer so much content it's important you take time and care for yourself too. You'll always have our support xd


Sending supportive feels. Please take care of youuuu. We are all down to support you in establishing balanced goals! I relate, also, to the recording struggles and the sense that working from home means lots of interruptions as well as opportunities to develop deeper skills. Argh, mixed blessings. Hope your friend's health stuff sorts itself out (with help from doctors if need be), too. :(




Psss. Your thumbnail is gorgeous! It’s green here but we can’t see that far. The forest can be a real asshole. You win! XD


Have you seen “Whip It?” We’re no. 2!✌🏼 We’re no. 2!✌🏼🎉🥳😂😜 Seriously tho, no. 182 out of thousands is crazy good.👌🏼


I hope your friend gets better soon. Holy moly, that's crazy! And i totally understand. writer's block is bitch! But you got this! You've richened...enrichened... um filled me up with smiles from hearing you (lol you sound like me) You take care of yourself, and we'll be here.

Angela R.

My God you are adorable, Gael. I could listen to you ramble day and night. It’s like chicken soup (veg soup for u!) for my soul. Honey, your audio for New Years was just fine! Great even! Bless your heart. It is always in the best place. Please take care of you too though. You deserve a happy life (I’m not saying you don’t at all, I just worry that you put your interests on the back burner for our sake). Thank you for all that you do. I hope this fresh new year brings you good health, joy, love and an abundance of fulfillment. Take care of you! Nurses orders.


First of all... You sounded sexy AF in this ramble.

Angela R.

Well said! His *self* really does feel like it comes through and it feels genuine. He separates the men from the boys in audio land.


“Life first, then audio. Things are hard, just not the hard you’d dig. Also m8. You could flop yer noodle at 30% and we’d still listen. Just sayin’. Also, pet Bobby for good luck” - Unknown (definitely not me, but I bet this person is v wise and stuff) Sending all the healing vibes to your friend! Hope things get better for him :)) ***sorry for saying “flop yer noodle” and mentioning yer friend in one comment.


Gael, you are fantastic, absolutely awesome with everything you do and the work you put in to it. Take care of yourself too. You always tell us to take care of ourselves ... well, hardest thing to do is take our own advise😉😉You work so hard and put 100%, even if to you it doesn't sound like it. It's amazing ... I don't know how you do it💋💋


Haven't heard your update audio yet but looks like from comments above you had an emergency and that's totally fine. That's what friends are for. Friends are there for each other and to support each other. I hope your friend gets well and better soon. Then, you do not need to apologize about your last audio! Are you kidding me like! You did a sexy job in that audio. I'm not complimenting here I'm saying the goddamn truth. Audio was super hot and sexy! And if others didn't like or didn't feel the audio, it's their bad really! Gael, Luv, don't stress yourself out please. I know deep down that you love your job so much and you want to deliver 100% which you actually are but also take it easy on yourself. Your health (mentally & physically) is important than anything. So just chillax and everything will be alright 😊. You'll always be the bestest 😍😘


I’m sorry to hear that your friend’s been unwell, but I’m sure his doctors will have things sorted out in no time. Loads of things can cause someone to pass out, but most of them are treatable 👍 Life throws wrenches in everyone’s plans from time to time, so there’s no need for anyone to be hard on themselves if/when it happens. The nice thing about your current audio career (or at least with respect to your work on Patreon and YouTube) is that deadlines can be flexible. I doubt that many people would be fussed if they were to get a Santaforce PA at the end of the month if now isn’t a great time for recording. And audios can always be edited, if you ever did want to add more to Countdown at a later date. Your 80% is like the equivalent of some other artists’ 250%, and I’ve never felt like I <i>wasn’t</i> getting my money’s worth on Patreon. And speaking of Patreon, when you say that we’re #182, how is that ranking determined? In terms of income generated, or number of Patrons, or growth over time? Because if it’s a measure of something like overall sexiness or awesomeness, then there’s no freaking way that we’re in 182nd place. We’d be in the top 10 <i>at least</i>. <img height="190" src="https://media.lastnightoffreedom.co.uk/images/shop/1/35886/8507-35886-3-500.jpg"><br><i>(There </i>has<i> to be some kind of Golden Cock award that we’d win as a community, right? 🧐)</i>

Ana (Atomic Angel)

Ok, I’m going to put my two cents in from a work perspective (because some Lovelies encouraged me). I work in a creative field (way different) as well, for myself, with a studio at home. There’s a lot you have to do artistically as one would expect, and that you have to be in the right headspace for that. And you have to fill every other role on the business end of things too, which is a very different mode of thinking. It can be overwhelming at times. When you have momentum, there’s a huge temptation to ride that momentum and keep going until it runs dry. It can make you feel unproductive to stop and feel guilty when you know you have the burden of both business and personal obligations on top of the creative process. But that momentum can lie to you. If you don’t take time away from work-life, that creative part of you withers. You have to stop for a brief moment to fill your cup. When you work for others, you have delineated time away, but when you work for yourself, you have to be the boss that reminds you to take time off for you. I’m a night owl anyway, but I’ve had to move studio time to later at night as well. I work on non-studio stuff all day and then work in there from 10-3am most days. People don’t often understand that working for yourself is WORK. Funny, isn’t it? You end up working far harder than people realize, and it can be exhausting. Dealing with personal issues is made that more complicated, because you find yourself having to be super accountable for every aspect of your business on top of all that. But you have to remember that you’re a single human being trying to do ALL this, even if you have support for some aspects of it. So don’t apologize for needing to fill your cup. You absolutely HAVE to take time and mental space from work. You can’t pour from an empty vessel.


He'll reach the top cause he needs to be on top. On top of the world like 😍🏆


awwww Gael no worries, if you didn't mention the countdown audio, I never would have thought any thing was amiss,It was a wonderful audio I thoroughly enjoyed it, as I do all your content.Thank you for the professionalism , the hard work, and of course more importantly your Giant heart,you never, ever disapoint. And last but certainly not least, I hope your friend is on the mend really soon.☺ stay strong😛💪💪

Gri (Sassy_One)

Aww, G, hope your friend feels better soon. Just don’t stress about us, we’re always around.😌 Take time for yourself, babe. Another thing: can we get some more car audios, like? There’s a nice, intimate feel to ‘em🤔 Also, you’re cute when you get distracted🤣


Thanks for the update. So sorry to hear about your friend. Hope everything gets sorted out and and he feels better soon. As for you, Mr. Mayor, Gael, Sweetie. 💚. Ye are are the bestest. And we love you to bits. ❤️❤️❤️ You are such a hard working little 🐝. Take care of you and yours. We’ll be here. 😘


What was different or bad about the Countdown audio quality or storywise that made you feel the need to apologize? I had to go look at the comments, surely it was FULL of bad reviews. NOPE. 😒. I agree with Ana she makes perfect sense. But IF you truly believe you'll loose your creativity if you don't work yourself into the ground then what can anyone say to change that belief? You should be a little easier on yourself in 2019, Bud.


As much as you worry about here, we worry about you. We aren’t going anywhere. We understand priorities. The attention you give to everyone else says a lot about who you are. Also, congratulations on the 182nd ranking! You were 200th back in September, so you’re moving in the right direction. Plus your work continues to get better and better. Pause and take a breath once in a while to enjoy it. P.S. About that take a breath thing, it’s meant metaphorically. Those times when you’re holding your breath as you approach climax, I’m good with more of that.


I hope your friend is ok!! And I’m sure I’m not the only one who couldn’t tell you weren’t 100% in the Countdown audio...I loved it and it certainly got the job done for me 😇 Thanks for sharing an update, I really enjoyed hearing about how you try and prepare for a Spice audio, haha that must be so frustrating to get a knock on the door right when you’re all set to go 😆


Sending you love and light, Mr. Mayor! Praying for your friend! 💖🙏


1) Go us!!! The best group of people on Patreon in my opinion. And we have the best leader who is not only inspirational, motivational, lovable, adorable, generous and compassionate but also damn sexy. So of course he attracts the best crowd!! 2) Who is actually leaving? I can’t imagine finding you and also us (by default) and choosing to leave. We’re full of love like……. 3) So sorry about your friend. I hope he is better soon. I hope you were able to get a wee bitty bit of rest during your trip but it sounds like you weren’t able to. But I am glad he had you at his back, no one better. 4) Please don’t stress about the audios. You know we always understand that Life happens. It happens to all of us, we know you are only human and it happens to you as well. 5) I heard those sniffles, take care of yourself. 6) Last but certainly not least: Never ever, ever lose that snort when you laugh. And give us a small 30 second Bobby little update?? Please!!!!!!!


Hi Gael. you're far too hard on yourself. Life happens and all of us understand that. It always seems to be the ones who don't drink or smoke that have medical stuff happen. I'll never understand that. I hope your friend will be okay. It must've been scary as fuck when he collapsed, Big hug to you.


I hope your friend gets better Gael dont worry about us, we are a patient and loving lot! Big hugs to you and lots of love to your friend too! Rest well!


Oh fuck! I forgot to congratulate you on your unexpected numbers and the mind blowing success! In our minds you deserve it all and more! I was like “180-what? No way” Then you were like, out of a “giant number” of Patreoners. I’m really fucking up the congratulations but just HELL YEAH!! That’s pretty fucking awesome! Yay! Congratulations! *quietly whispers, Don’t let it be putting pressure on you. Really don’t*


Don't be too hard on yourself. Everybody needs some rest.. We all understand that..Life happens.. Hope your friend will be ok.. We aren't going anywhere.. Please take good care of yourself..🤗💚

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

Oooooo... car ramble... interesting 😊... I do all my best talking in my car... unfortunately, it's exclusively to myself 😕... anyway, thanks for checkin' in... it's always nice to just hear from you, though I am sorry to hear about your friend... scary stuff... be safe, be happy, and we'll be here whenever! 🤗 *huggles* PS... I need more snortles 😋

Cherry Riley

Don't be discouraged, a vast majority really loved your Countdown audio. You are amazing, Gael. We love you and want you to be happy above all else. We are so happy to be involved in the community and be allowed to enjoy your art. Be kind to yourself. We are so proud of all you have done!


I hope your friend get better soon! If you need to take multiple breaks from recording, Gael, please do that. We’ll always be here for you whenever you need us. Best wishes to your friend for a speedy recovery! 💖

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

Honey, you treat us so much better than some of our own family with how you communicate with us and keep us updated! I am sorry to hear of your friends’ health challenge and hope it gets sorted quickly. Medical emergencies are scary for us in the medical profession, so I know it was scary for you to witness. He was lucky you were there I’m sure!🙏🏼 The way in which you describe your job as an audio creator reminds me of when I attempted a home based business (for 9 years on top of my nursing job). It’s always on your mind and the mental energy put into it even when you attempt to “take a break” never really happens. Life happens and you certainly don’t need our permission to take time to take care of the ones you care about and love first. You go above and beyond in keeping us in the loop which is always appreciated👊🏼❤️ I can’t imagine anyone here in this amazing community arguing with me when I say we are stuck to you like glue, have your back and will continue to support and love you no matter what!!💪🏼😘❤️❤️❤️


Hi Gael!! It’s always so great to hear from you, no matter what you have to say, good or bad, we’re always here and happy to listen! It’s such a pleasure! 😊 You’re doing a great job, don’t you worry if things don’t go exactly as planned! What you said about keeping going and keeping busy, I agree on that very much and I’m actually taking it as a very sensible advice for myself as well! It’s never a good idea to stop, maybe slow down, that’s ok, but otherwise action is always a good companion! 😉 It was also so nice to have an insight in your work process and how you achieve things! Very interesting! Yours is a full and demanding job, worthy and deserving of respect and admiration like any other! We know how much work, dedication, time and energy you put into it, and it shows! We really appreciate it! Until next time, have a great time and don’t be afraid to ramble too much, there’s never too much of your friendly voice and heartwarming laugh! You’re always so upbeat, it’s one of your best qualities! 😊 And I love the way your voice sounds in your car! 😉 Take care, always and foremost!! Bye bye!! ❤️❤️❤️


You taught us a beautiful phrase in Gaelic a while ago and I would like to say it back to you dear Gael which is "Tóg go bog é" so, Tóg go bog é 😊🤗


Completely off topic, but DAMN your voice sounds good in the car! Not sure if it’s the mic or the enclosed space or both but it was super soothing to listen to 🤤😍 Your rambles are the best. I’d listen to you all day. I wouldn’t even care if you spent the whole time talking about bread, like seriously 😂 Back on topic, all the best to your friend, and wishing you a healthy and happy 2019 ❤️


So happy to finally be hearing your voice again, Gael!! I had to go 2 days without and I was starting to go into withdrawal. 😢💚


Sending you the biggest hug out there💓💓💓 First of all - A disciplined man is a huge turn on. But, please look after number one. I know for sure 2019 has way more in store for you than barking dogs, laughing hyenas or airplanes almost crashing into you as interruptions while you record. May all your audios sound crisp, clean and smooth. 🙏 And one more thing ... I-I have your snort laugh on endless repeat 😂❤


🙏🏾🙏🏾 for your friend , and take the time you need Gael ❤❤


i love these update videos. Its so conversational. 😍


I think I laughed a little to much when you said "is that a plane? Hopefully it doesn't crash into me." 😂


your snort is very endearing. But I am biased because I do it as well ;P


G, do you have any pre-erotic audio rituals?😀 just wondering how you get pumped or in the zone...scented candles, wine, Maybe you do ten push ups to wake your blood or maybe you are pensive and relaxed. What do you wear?👀 don't worry with answers.... using my imagination💋


I hope he wears nothing. I imagine him naked. Always like!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-09 20:59:54 You should do more SCR’s-Spontaneous Car Rambles!!! Geez, I for one (of many I know), get lost with a silly smile listening to you go on &amp; on about whatever, so never worry about going on too long in your rambles. I absolutely love them!! I do have to agree that there’s something about the sound of this one, that, I dunno, it just did it for me... Anyway. It really is lovely. Real. You. In fact, I’m lying here (instead of sleeping) with a stupid, silly smile plastered all over as I push play yet again... BTW, you a night owl?? YES! Finally!!! You get the Solitude, Peace &amp; Quiet of the Night that I so very much enjoy &amp; frequent!!! Haha, I knew you’d come ‘round eventually to the NightSide... 😘😘 Anticipating your newest story &amp; positive energy, love &amp; prayers for your friend. Happy 2019 and may this one be your best-est one yet!!! Muahs!!! Love Ya, G!!! ~C
2019-01-05 07:38:55 You should do more SCR’s-Spontaneous Car Rambles!!! Geez, I for one (of many I know), get lost with a silly smile listening to you go on & on about whatever, so never worry about going on too long in your rambles. I absolutely love them!! I do have to agree that there’s something about the sound of this one, that, I dunno, it just did it for me... Anyway. It really is lovely. Real. You. In fact, I’m lying here (instead of sleeping) with a stupid, silly smile plastered all over as I push play yet again... BTW, you a night owl?? YES! Finally!!! You get the Solitude, Peace & Quiet of the Night that I so very much enjoy & frequent!!! Haha, I knew you’d come ‘round eventually to the NightSide... 😘😘 Anticipating your newest story & positive energy, love & prayers for your friend. Happy 2019 and may this one be your best-est one yet!!! Muahs!!! Love Ya, G!!! ~C

You should do more SCR’s-Spontaneous Car Rambles!!! Geez, I for one (of many I know), get lost with a silly smile listening to you go on & on about whatever, so never worry about going on too long in your rambles. I absolutely love them!! I do have to agree that there’s something about the sound of this one, that, I dunno, it just did it for me... Anyway. It really is lovely. Real. You. In fact, I’m lying here (instead of sleeping) with a stupid, silly smile plastered all over as I push play yet again... BTW, you a night owl?? YES! Finally!!! You get the Solitude, Peace & Quiet of the Night that I so very much enjoy & frequent!!! Haha, I knew you’d come ‘round eventually to the NightSide... 😘😘 Anticipating your newest story & positive energy, love & prayers for your friend. Happy 2019 and may this one be your best-est one yet!!! Muahs!!! Love Ya, G!!! ~C


And 182!!! Shazam!!! SuperRockStar You Are!!!