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I didn’t stay up late last night, just used scheduling...

So I wanna say happy new year to each and everyone one of you

You’ve been so lovely in here and supporting me in general

I was lucky to get home so I could get to record ‘Countdown’

I really wanted to get something out for New Years!

Everything will return to normal ( as if it’s normal haha ) in the next couple of days!

Let’s start 2019 with a bang!

What are your resolutions?

( I linked a very inspiring yoga video above, just to show you, YOU can do anything you put your mind to )




Vance's Incredible 365-day transformation will blow you away.

What would you attempt to do, if you knew your success was a certainty? Just one year ago, Vance Hinds was inspired by comedian Bert Kreischer's sober October challenge enough to decide to make a change, and to say "yes" to anything. The results after just one year are mind blowing and proof that anything truly is possible when you set your mind to it.



Happy New Year, love! I hope you have a wonderful day and an awesome 2019. 😘❤ Let's do this! 😄


Just take your time 😊And Happy New Year everyone!


Happy New Year G! Love ya to bits and hope this year is your best yet. 💖💖😻


Happy new year, Gael! I hope you had a peaceful holiday! My resolution is to have a wonderful 2019! I hope it's good to you!


Happy New Year! Only resolution is to be better than I was yesterday! Love better, live better, Do better, Know better, Be better! 2019, we're about to take you over!! 😁


Happy New Year, Gael!! So looking forward to spending 2019 with you! I don't really have any resolutions this year. I just want to be happy. And you've become a big part of helping that happen. Enjoy the day and hopefully you'll be back with us soon. We'll be here waiting for you when you return. Love you!!! 😚💚


Thanks for the reminder. Hahahahuhu. Happy New Year!


Happy New Year, Gael! Congratulations on a very successful year last year and I can’t wait to see what 2019 will bring! I want to be braver and more confident. I want to overcome my anxiety and go back to college. Hopefully this will be the year I can get a place of my own so I’m looking after my needs but also my parents as well. I’m so thankful to have met amazing people here. Love and hugs! 😁💖


Happy 2k19! For me, I don't do resolutions, but I do, do themes. Last night when those fireworks popped I realised how much hunger I have this year. It is filled with abundance. I have stepped up my game and pushing my business (currently on a job lol) So I do hope the hunger I have, resonates with you all. Have a hunger, a desire, to do better, to feel better. Be passionate! Happy a wonderful year everyone! The audio equipment ain gonna run itself lolol


Happy new year! Resolutions: -react less, reflect more. -be kind -be patient (😒) -be present


Happy New Year, lovely G! ❤ Resolutions: - learning German again - getting back to the gym - finishing up that amazing library of yours - having fun in here with you and my girls ❤


A very happy New Year to you, G! Working on New Years, how like you, busy bee 🐝🐝. No real resolution this year -- I'm trying to get a bit more organized, meet more people, and I'm trying to get back into my gym habit. Been taking a weekly yoga class, which I love, now I'm adding Zumba. Fingers crossed 🤞


But you are perfectly perfect in every way, my Letty Bear 😉😘😊


Happy New Year ... such a motivating video.... I’m not tearing up at all 😭💕💕 <img src="https://data.whicdn.com/images/311849197/large.jpg">


Happy New Year, G! :3 My resolution is get healthier however I can. I have permanent joint damage from my job and I'd like to not hurt so much all the time :)


Happy New Year! What, you didn't stay up and snuggle Seanie into 2019? My resolutions are being good to others and trying to be good to myself, too. I'm excited to see what 2019 has in store! Bring it on! 🤘💪🤗


Yes for zumba ❤ we did that as part of our house party last night with an XBox game and it was so much fun! Miss a good zumba class - maybe I'll look one up too! I live to dance so much 😄


Happy new year!! 🥳🥳🥳 It was so lovely being here in this amazing community and I can’t wait for another year all together!! 😊😊 My resolution for the new year is to finish up all the exams I have left and graduate by the end of the year!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻 You’ve all been such a great company last year, and I know this year is going to be even better!! ❤️❤️❤️ Love you all!! 🥰🥰


Happy 2019, G! Hope the new year starts for you, shining and full of promise. You’ve given me a gift for the new year in this amazing community of Lovelies. I solemnly promise to live up to the warmth and acceptance that they have shown me. And I’ll try not to be too much of a disruptive class clown (my natural state of being I’m afraid - it’s the redhead in me!)! Looking forward to the year and getting to know you and everyone better! Love, Jules


Happy New Year Gael and may the sun shine merrily on our new year and continue its ongoing journey with joy, wonder, and plenty of laughter! Never let anything stop you from following your dreams!... and that goes for all of us here! Happy New Year's to everyone of us beautiful and special persons whomever you may be that we can ALL accomplish whatever we set our minds to. Best wishes to everyone and may we motivate not only Gael but ourselves together as well to make it through the whole year! Lots of love to everyone 💞😘😊💞💞💞


Happy New Year Everyone! So my resolution for 2019 would be: -taking more time for writing down everything I've accomplished at work or personal life -walking 1000 more steps a day, so I can reach my planned 15000steps -making one healthy date with a friend or family member, at least once or twice a month -going to sleep earlier, and at the same time every night. -more travelling -working on Seanie's career and giving him more love and attention😭😂 #justbeingdisciplined I actually have many plans and wishes but as my Cherry BB said there's one thing I want the most and that is no matter what happens, be it good or bad, I don't want to give up. I want to move forward. Just moving on and live my life to the fullest... Much love to all of you❤


Happy New year!! I hope 2019 brings nothing but the most amazingly good things to everyone!! 🎆🎉🎊🍾🎇💖


Happy New Year Lovelies! I’ll be taking a break from being a patron for a bit but it has to do with my resolutions! 1. Drink more water. (than soda) 2. Record footage every day for a once a week Vlog video for my upcoming YouTube channel. Lol.


Happy New year everyone 🎊🎉🥂🎊🎉my resolution is definitely to laugh as much as possible 👍😜😂🤣😅😁😀 😜👍


Happy New Year!!!!


Not a resolution per say but finish these last 10 months of nursing school and pass boards! And as always let the Jayhawks win a National Championship ❤️💙❤️💙


Happy New Year Gael and All the Lovelies!! My resolutions are the same every year. I want to make a difference in the world. To be kind- to myself and others. To be a light in the darkness. To be fun and have fun. To be grateful for every moment that I have been given, even those that cause me to stumble and fall. To be a Warrior who doesn’t let life break me. To never give up. To be a blessing to the world, so that when I leave it, my life and my actions will have made it a better place than it was before I came. But I do have a new one this year. To make Seanie famous. Kanye famous. And we all know it will take a magical unicorn to make that happen. 2018 will be his year, to be sure! 😉😂😂😂


Happy New Year, Gael! Thanks for lots of fun in 2018. Looking forward to more good times with you and the amazing Lovelies in 2019. I just registered for my 13th (I think) half marathon for February and my 7th marathon for April. I think you should run a marathon in 2019 😉❤️


Happy New Year! I wish health and happiness for everyone in 2019. This year I plan to continue my own yoga journey, pushing myself a little more every day and I aim to get healthier (and bendier 😂) That video is amazing Gael, thanks for sharing! Looking forward to sharing the next round of adventures with you and all the lovelies. ❤


Thank you Lizabeth 😬


🙌I'm with you on your goals. Yep all of those things you've said and make Seanie more fame 😍 You're GEM ❤


Happy 2019 to you, Kind Sir! I don't do resolutions. I take things on day at a time. I have to, my body doesn't cooperate with me. I try to make each day better than the last. I'm the one who is always wiling to away my smiles. Life's too short to waste it being grumpy. Yea, I struggle with various health issues, but I try not to dwell on things, even though I'm having a rough day, someone somewhere is having it rougher. Thank you so very much for sharing your talents with us! Your audios are a bright spot in my days most days! Best wishes to you &amp; yours for the upcoming year. Much Love, Kind Sir!!!!


😘😙😚😍😚😙😘 Been there, done that! You got this!


Thanks! 😍😊


Happy new year guys ❤️ the only resolution i can think of is to stay true to myself and allow myself to be loved by others 🦋 I love you guys and am sending joy peace and happiness to all of you 🌸🌼🌻🌎

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

Here’s the link to the video Gael shared: <a href="https://youtu.be/iz9nsEjSS1o" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/iz9nsEjSS1o</a> Be unstoppable!! Every one of you got this!!!! Thanks for being YOU!😘 All my love to Gael and all the lovelies!💎🦋🦄💝


Happy New Year, G and lovelies!🎉🎆😙❤ You have been a big part of making my 2018 a memorable and a happy year, and let's all rock our 2019 like the stars we are!😄 Sending you much love, G.❤❤❤❤ Also, that video is amazing! Thanks for sharing your light.💋


We don’t really do resolutions, but we set goals. Mine are generally about getting closer to my max potential. I want to give more and do more this year. I also plan to start being more consistent in how much time I put into my art. I expect 2019 to be a good one for all of us❤️


Happy New Year Gael 🥳 I hope you’ve had a great start to the New Year. So my resolutions; Things to change in 2019 - Trying to please everyone - Fearing Change - Living in the past - Overthinking - Being afraid to be different - Sacrificing my happiness for others - Thinking I’m not good enough - Thinking I have no purpose Things to do; - I want to work on myself, for myself. I’ve been more considerate about the planet and how much we waste. I’ve bought a book on how to be more eco friendly and purchased reusable straws and a reusable glass coffee cup for in the go. I’m going to stop buying plastic bags and use canvas ones instead. I know I won’t make much of a difference but little steps, right ? Lastly, I’ve been slacking on my workouts 🙈 so I want to get back into them including more yoga. I can sometimes get really anxious and I find yoga really grounds me and sets me right, plus, I enjoy it too; increases flexibility 😉 L 💜


Happy New Year Everybody! I hope everyone has an amazing year ahead and you’re able to surprise yourself with your potential and strength😊 I don’t really believe in resolutions as such cuz I often end up being a brat and not following them, but in general my main aim is to be kinder to myself, I am huge critic to myself and way harsher than one should be, sometimes even leading myself to the edge of breakdowns. And being a part of this beautiful lil universe has had some positive impact and so I consider this a stroke of serendipity to end up here❤️ Also another thing that I analysed is that we often find ourselves killing our joy by scrolling past Instagram and comparing our lives with others, so if anyone is hoping for positive changes, I suggest you start from there, less comparison and focusing on yourself more😊


2k19, I’m coming for you bitch! Get enough confidence to go to the free weights part of my gym, even when the muscle squad is there. Ask for a promotion/raise Read/buy/watch more POC stuff Invest my savings Don’t let someone mansplain/whitesplain things to you. Extra credit to trigger a mansplainer 😈 Give back to the American Library Association ❤️ Learn Seanese 😘

Gri (Sassy_One)

Hey, everyone👋🏼 Happy New Year! Personally, 2017 was a difficult year, 2018 had me learning the best lesson: to honestly love and embrace myself, flaws and imperfections included. As for 2019 resolutions, I’m working on my biggest challenge yet: getting out of my comfort zone, personal and career wise...🤞🏼🤞🏼let’s see how it goes. Have a great 2019, Lovelies🥰😚😚


Happy New Year, everybody!! Here's to 2019 🥂🤗💖 Resolutions? I've more of a goal...get a new job!


I saw 9 magpies today. So I'm hoping to fill 2019 with loving kisses ❤️


Hi G! Hope you're well and enjoying the holidays 😘 I Was travelling like mad for the past week and the plan was to get back in time for new years eve night. I had a stop over flight but my first flight had a delayed landing and I ended up missing my connecting flight so in short what would have only been a 2 plane ride journey home ended up being a 5 plane ride journey home but BUT I made it an hour before New year's!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 New year's resolutions? More like a work in progress is to put myself first more and remind myself I am worth more than I allow myself to think.... Happy new year to ya G and SEANIEEEE! 😂😊♥️

Angela R.

Hiya Gael and all of Gaelandia! Happy New Year to all! May 2019 be filled with great health, joy and filled to the brim with love. This nurse is nursing a bit of a not fun virus at the moment. 😷 I had to go into town yesterday and noticed sooooo many people walking about coughing and hacking. Take cover! It makes me want to crawl into my winter cave and not be seen until the thaw of spring. Alas, I'm a nurse, wife and mother, so I'm needed. As far as resolutions go, I plan to just keep on. Try to do better than the previous day. Sometimes the previous minute. I have my hopes and dreams and I just keep putting one foot in front of the other each day. So keep going, guys. 2019 will be great! I love you guys! Gael, you bring this tired gal such smiles...and shivers, and...stuff😉🌋 😘 Thank you. Happy New Year everyone!


Happy New Year Gael and Lovelies! As for resolutions, I know how much change can happen in a year, so these are just some of what I’m focusing on going into 2019 while allowing flexibility for growth and change to happen: Write Write Write! This includes everything from journaling to poetry/prose to a fiction project I’m working on. As much as possible, accept help with gratitude when it’s offered. (Practice openness and receptivity.) Make decisions and live life in the way that’s best for me. Playfulness. Simplicity. Continue to make my physical health &amp; well-being a top priority. I am healthier than I’ve ever been in my life - I still have to be careful, but I'm feeling SO much better than I ever thought was even possible. &lt;3


Happy New Year G and Lovelies. First let me just sat that DDP yoga is no joke. The local VA uses it to help their disabled vets lead a more active and satisfying life. It works people. Second my new years resolutions. My entire life has been about making others happy frequently to the detriment of my own happiness. So this year i am going to be learning to live my life for me. I am not 100 % sure what that exactly that entails yet but ill figure it out. I am planning a trip across the country to visit some Lovelie 😉 new friends later this year and thats a huge step for me. I am going to continue with my art and see where that takes me. Maybe even figure out how to make some money with it. As always i will strive to make a positive mark on the world. I wish you all a happy healthy new year. Love you all.


My resolution is to travel and open up my heart more. Happy new year everyone and gael thanks a million 💚

Angela R.

Well said! I’ve stepped away from Facebook for that reason. Everyone is different. Different needs, ways of learning and growing, etc. Keep your eyes on the prize that is you!


My resolution is live healthier and to love myself for who I am rather than what others want me to be. Happy New Year, everyone!


Thank you Gael! Happy New Year! 💚


My resolution ... To make more people smile and to have more faith in themselves


Well first off, that video made me cry so...thanks lol. My resolutions are to take more risks (I'm a bit of a scaredy-cat), and go back to being fully vegan. I've been mostly vegetarian this past year and I do notice a difference. Have a wonderful day, all!!!


I loved that video. It's wonderful what people can accomplish when we support each other. Happy New Year everyone and much success to each of you in the coming year.


Happy new year G!!


Happy new year you lovely people ! May you all get everything your heart wishes for and much much more ❤ Hopefully this year is the year I finally master the art of being as kind to myself as I always try to be to others. Insult myself, I'll probably end up with a bastardized version of kindness that makes me insult myself very sweetly 😁


Thank you G. Happy new year to you too sexy. 💋 💋 💋 💋


Maybe this year is also the year I learn how to use my phone keyboard to build proper, coherent sentences 🙈


Happy New Years Gael have a great one! I definitely want to try to become a better early bird. Also, practicing more self-love! ☀️


Thank you so much for sharing that video G - what an incredible and inspiring journey to watch. "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm Possible'." - Audrey Hepburn Happy New Year! I hope you had an amazing little vacation and feel rested and rejuvenated 💜 (... maybe all that time around the woodland creatures will inspire you to sing a lickle more to us in 2019 ...... #thedreamwillneverdie) On top of my hopes to travel more this year, I'm going into 2019 already having started taking slow steps towards the changes I want to make. I've lost weight in the past few months and will work to continue so I feel healthier and more energetic, I am excited to finally be returning to dance after a hiatus due to injury, I've also registered for a career-realted workshop at the end of the month which I'm both excited and terrified about. But most importantly, I will continue to work on myself, self love, self worth, and growth. 💜💜💜 Kisses to you, G, and all the strong beautiful lovelies here. When it comes to what's important to us, it's never too soon or too late to start. And when we trip or fall , there is no shame in trying again. Just keep going: "Don't let your dreams be dreams."


Happy New Year, ladies and gents! Part of me wanted to write some grand speech about how we need to just go out there, grab 2019 by the balls, and make it the best year ever. But I don’t know that I entirely believe that myself. I imagine that 2019 will be just like any other year in that both good stuff and bad stuff will happen. After all, life is like a sine wave where we can fluctuate between euphoric highs and miserable lows, although we probably spend most of our time in the <i>"Well, this is okay"</i> realm. I suppose a lot of it comes down to our perspectives and how we choose to respond to the situations we find ourselves in. Almost 18 years ago I was given some advice that I thought was really helpful. It’s basically 4 things you should try to do in any situation: 1. Do what’s right 2. Do your best given the circumstances 3. Treat others the way you’d want to be treated 4. Always remember that you’re special I’m awful at writing posts full of feels, so I’ll stick with wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and safe year to come 🙂 As far as resolutions go, since listing things in bullet points is much more within my comfort zone ☝️🤓: - Be more punctual (yes, I’m one of <i>those</i> people 😞 ) - Worry less about things I can’t control - Achieve a better work-life balance <img src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/59544dc2c9e71bbeafc93d8e45f475c2/tumblr_p4vfpjywTE1qfr6udo1_400.gif" width="180">


HAPPY NEW YEARRRRR G!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR LOVELIES!!! G, you've been so many things...kind, thoughtful, inspirational and very encouraging. I wish you the happiest, healthiest, most successful (whatever that may be in your own definition), productive, enjoyable year ever!😘💚 This year I plan to continue to step outside my comfort zone. It's been something I've been doing since the end of 2016 (precisely when I joined your Patreon) and it has brought about new adventures, new hobbies, pure laughter and enjoyment, a sense of self and well being, and new friends that I hold near and dear!💖💖💖


Happy new year, G 😁 My resolutions: Learn to reduce anxiety and stress Find a job Be confident talking to people I don’t know That’s pretty much it 🤪


Happy New Year! My resolution is to learn how to drive, which has been a difficult process due to having a disability that affects my spatial skills and executive functioning. But I’m a grown-ass Woman now, and I believe I can do it!


Oh I went to bed close to 3 AM, not partying, but watching TV haha.. Happy New Year! Bliain nua sásta! You have been great to us! And we thank you every day for your hard work, love &amp; care! Go raibh mile maith agat! My resolutions are, to start the new year with a smile. To always be optimistic and believe in new opportunities. To finish my university degree. To never stop dreaming and to continue chase my dreams from 2018 until they are become real! To overcome my fears. To stick to this yoga app I installed recently and follow it day by day as I've been slacking last year with other exercises.. and the year before lol. To eat better and healthier. To plan my vacation. I'm thrilled you've shared this video as I was watching it yesterday and I was stunned with the guy's persistence and I loved the positive vibes in the video.. And I shall join my voice to yours and let's start 2019 with a bang! ☘☘☘☘☘☘☘☘☘☘☘☘☘


I’m gonna stay the same. No resolutions this year. Maybe spend more time feeling? Like actually recognising when I feel sad or happy or anxious and just relishing the moment. Yeah, I did a lot of development over the past 3 years so I’m set for this one x


This made me weep! What an amazing man! Such determination! Im starting this year off down 69 pounds. Im determined to grow that number! Thank you so much for the Gael ❤❤


‪You really rang in my new year!! I really want to thank you. No I mean REALLY...For the gifts you’ve continually given this year and for letting me get to know your Lovely Angels! ‬ ‪This has been the best decision..As I get to know your work.. “the adventures of Gael xD”, listening to your audios (new/“old”) you never fail to impress. I am continually surprised by the helpfulness you have offered on many fronts! ‬So thank you for being you and for all the pleasure, comfort and medicine you’ve shared with us. I do love to see you take care of YOU too. Feeding your own soul and stuff, all the while taking us on occasional little trips to Ireland! Again...really from the very bottom of my heart ♥️ I appreciate you. I’ve listened to you other times as well of course but some of the times that you’ve been especially helpful are when I’ve had nowhere to find peace in the hospital, the stress of my mom hanging on by a thread, the need for pleasure when I’ve had no desire to find it, and all the things I didn’t know I wanted (like my tribe I’ve found here with the girls!). These women are quality amazing loving human beings! Thank you Angels and Lovelies! You girls have been an incredible addition to my life in ways which I never expected♥️🥰. More than words. The timing of all this love has been beyond perfect and I cannot begin to tell you ALL of the reasons why. Too many. Lol. I want to thank G for helping us find this crazy silly fun supportive loving team of girls! Kisses and so so many hugs! -`ღ´- ♥‿♥ Ps I don’t believe in all those silly resolution things. xD ;p


Happy New Year G and my lovelies! Let's see, hmm resolutions? I rarely make them, but I plan on making 2019 a transformative year for myself. The only real goal is to keep my resolve for the changes in fitness, nutrition, relaxation, and finances I want to make. So sticking to a sleep schedule will be key, because when I'm tired I give up way too easy. If all goes well I hope to see a new me by summer. 😀


Me resolution this year is to finally purchase my first home! I’m hopefully going to try a little after my 23rd birthday in August so wish me luck! ✨❤️ I hope you had a wonderful New Year celebration Gael! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Cherry Riley

Happy New Year, G! My resolutions? Hmm, I mean, the usual. Lose weight, make more money, etc. This year I added journaling. I was never good at it and my mother frowned on it...a lot. I am an adult and my sister in law keeps assuring me it will be a big help so I am giving it a go.


New year resolutions... In this times of renewal, I just want to keep on moving forward. To set achievable goals so I allow myself to win sometimes. At forty years old, I'm going to be a student again! So I guess I'll need a lot of strength and perseverance because it's a five year plan. It's huge but I'm not afraid :) I just can't wait to begin!


Happy new year!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🍾🍾🍾🍾


Happy New Year, G and everyone here! Had a quiet day with my family - unconditional love is a pretty great way to end any year. My resolution? "Now I'll do whats best for me". Thanks for guiding me through another year of self-discovery 😊


You did good girl! XD happy and medium and tolerable year to you! Hehe &lt;3


I love this idea of living for me! What is that again? I’m gonna figure that out wit you this year but I’m pretty sure you’ve got some of it figured out.lol. Maybe I’ll even have a chance to do some of it! X’s and O’s and loves! -`ღ´-