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I received this message today from a guy who has apparently been letting a woman believe he was me.   He is a creep.  

I want to be very very clear about this.  Your safety is important to me.

If anyone is EVER attempting to get you to believe that they are me, and we are in a relationship... 

It is NOT me.

One thing I take very seriously is your safety and your trust.  

The whole reason I create the work that I do, is to help you feel confident, strong & beautiful.  

My hope is that you would take that confidence out into the real world and life a full, happy life. Not so that you could become focused on the guy with the microphone and be robbed of that full life.  You deserve something real.

I want to help you overcome your difficulties, not become one of them.  That is why I keep a safe personal distance from my listeners.   

If there is someone you're talking to online that is pretending to be me in order to get something from you, I promise that it is not me and that you can feel completely justified in calling them a creep and never speaking to them again.

You are worth so much more than this poor treatment.

I adore you all.  I value you all.

I do not get involved with my listeners because of that love and respect I have for you.

You are all wonderful, special people who are worthy love and happiness and it is because I respect you all a great deal that I would never abuse my platform in that way.

I'm sorry for such a strong message but I felt it was so important that you know this.  

Be careful online, my Lovelies.

There are many good people out there but there are also liars and predators.

Keep yourself safe.  Don't share your information with people you don't know.

Just please please be safe.





You are the sweetest thing Gael. You take such good care of us. I love you for that! but you are a delicious fantasy. 😘💋❤️


You are the sweetest to take this seriously. Not everyone would


Wow. I have no words.


What a sick, twisted person!! Why anyone would get off pretending to be someone else is beyond me!! 🤬


Wow what a jerk well at least you caught on before anything else happen


You are an actual angel for looking out for your listeners!


What in the! Thanks for the heads up G ♥️♥️


Wait...yeah I do. WHAT. A. JERK. I think it might be best for you to post some sort of warning on all of your online platforms as not everyone is on Patreon.


Oh my God, how awful!!

Violet Grey

What a creeper! 😣 Seriously, what is wrong with some people?? 😤


Thank you for the warning, especially this time of year where people might be a bit more lonely and vulnerable 💕


Fucker asshole goddamned dicksucker dickhole cock fucker dick jerker of a person! (I literally paused to realize that I too am in the literal sense of the words each one of these things) but dear lovely I am so so sorry! Hugs! So many hugs!


WTF.... There are really freaks outside. What I am concerned about is also the fact that there a few listeners the attention that you give us through your audios, confused with the reality - and this is the easy sacrifice for such, disadvantaged by the evolution of people. But to have also the stupid idea of him to contact you and inform you about his fail as human being - the evidence of brain failure.


You said it right holly


Thank you so much for warning us ❤️ Very well written post! 😌


The gall of this clown! Fools like that can put dirt on good people and make them look bad, Gael in this case... how impotent can one be to steal another's identity... infuriating... Either way, thank you for the warning Gael. We all appreciate the heads-up and your iron fist when looking out for us. Thank you kindly, you're the best! 💗😄


Yikes. That’s awful! 😤 Thank you, G! ❤️


You've always warned your lovelies about creepers online but this instance is extreme. Thank you for making us aware. Be careful everyone!


This is how we know you Gael and one of the reasons we feel free and comfortable joking around with you or Seanie character. I feel sorry for some people treating you and us with such a creepy behaviour. I can speak for myself and I never chat or DM on Twitter with unknown guys neither believe anyone telling me it's you. They going to be blocked. The only person me/us interact and trust it's you and Seanie from your official accounts. We know you too well 😂 Nevertheless we'll be more careful in future. Thank you for warning 💗


He doesn't know you at all if he thought you would help him scam that poor lovely *smh*


Girls, ALWAYS remember that my goal is to be an author, voice actor, artist. I’m not looking for romantic relationships. So I will never ever approach you like this, ever. I want you to have fun, meet new friends, heal, be entertained and be happy. Any artist that carries on the other way is only looking for trouble and will cause it. This is at this particular time my career. To be too personally involved with people would destroy that career. I love chatting with ye, having fun on twitter and making audios, and my pay off is the laughter and fun I have with ye. So please be aware. Please, please watch for it. You NEVER know who you are talking to on the internet.


Listen, I am in a committed relationship now, but before that, I was single for a looooing time. I did a little online dating in the past, Lotta creeps out there . Be safe ladies☺ . it hard that l


That's scary 😳😳😳


What a douche! Would love to see how you responded 😂🤣😂 Thanks for being a good guy, G.. you have a lot of power here, and some in your position would abuse it. ❤ I really appreciate how seriously you respect our privacy (and your own). You've built something which truly empowers us.


I hope this woman won't fall in this predator's clutches IRL. I know it's comforting to live in fantasy land when one's unhappy and feels miserable but it's not a real life. Thanks for your respect 🙏


Actually Valentina, Seanie gives me so much freedom because he’s a character, a zany outlet where I can to know ye a little better. And he’s closer to my sense of humour ;) So you’re dead right to have the fun with him.... Xd




Beets we both need to wear our kick box pants. Gael and #Lovelies need our help 🥊🥊🥊😂😂😂


I think it can be Hard for some people, to undertand, if they are in a bad place in their lives,but Gael Force is a character a fantasy. The real Person the private person we don't know and that's fine.☺


Jesus Christ, that guy is a terrifying sociopath. A bio online he can use on her? Fuck all the way off with that, buddy. G, thanks for this message. Because of the nature of what you do, I think a strong dose of reality is called for every once in a while. Fellow Lovelies, please listen and be careful.


You're a good man Gailie. The balls on this dude to email you with this shit, smh.


More balks than brains as my dad would say, what a sicko


See, I believe that there are a lot of guys in this for that reason There was a huge event on YouTube last month This ‘Daddy’ guy was meeting his fans and he’s hugely popular He ended up beating them He was outted What did he do? He made a video of himself driving to the desert and digging a grave To threaten his accusers


Wtf!?!? an he had the full gall not only to tell you about it, but ask for more shit to mess her up?!?!?!? He sounds effin dangerous! He has no care or remorse on any of this! A full predator! See if you can ask the authorities to track his I.P address and investigate if it's possible at all, because he sounds like he may go out of his way to find another victim. Oh girls, please please, user your heads and be careful. This is absolutely frightening! and he says she's cool with him now?... She needs to stop taking to him!!!!!


Also, any person who refers to women as “females” can fuck off on general principles. It smacks of dehumanization and pick-up artist bullshit. Keep walking, asshat.


Who is this guy tho? What's his name?


There are perhaps more of them....jeesus folks get a life. I don't know What do they gain or whats their fucking story?


His name on you tube was beg for jay


He's a very bad dangerous individual someone needs to beat his ass

Cherry Riley

Thank you for the warning Gael. 😘 I dont know what makes me more angry, is that this man is such a douche! God, I think of a person has to resort to trickery to get attention perhaps that person needs 1. A friend to punch them on the face to wake them up and 2. To look at themselves to find and fix why they have to do this shit.


Wow. Nothing like the realisation that there are all kinds of sick predators out there


I think it's interesting that he contacted you to brag about being a horrible person and get tips.


Thank you for warning us Gael.❤️Be careful girls.


And this is why I was always told to be careful with whom you talk to online. I’m a little more lax now, but I’m still cautious. You never know who or what kind of person they are. This is just scary and sickening. Please, please, please be careful of who you talk to online.


Because he assumes that’s the only reason guys would do it. There are tonnes of good guys too, like Cardlin, he’s a sweetie. But I learned very early on that authors can be really weird. You never know motives


First of all, do people actually meet complete strangers they “meet” online?!? Why?? Second, why is he so brazen about his pathetic exploits in cat-fishing? He has no shame just asking you for help. I mean, if he can’t figure out how to lie the knickers off a girl on his own, then he should accept the fact that he needs to grow up &; become a freakin man, or he’s not getting any. It shouldn’t be that hard, 😂 Wow. What a sad little creature. Thx for giving us the heads up. Hope she’s ok. 😘


When I started reading this I was shocked, but then sadly realized not as shocked after all. It can be such a sad world at times. I’m a cautious person to begin with and have had nothing but good experiences on line... the few that have attempted something shady are quickly weeded out. You know the old saying...If it seems to good to be true, then it probably is too good to be true. From my perspective Gael, everything you create in your audios are for entertainment, comfort and healing! Your dual personalities, or if you prefer “characters” on twitter and elsewhere that you portray are fun and wonderfully interactive! I for one, think the integrity you show in your dealings with all of us would be enough to prevent any of the lovelies from falling into such a trap... Thank you for bringing this to our attention and once again showing us you are a person who has not just one person under your wing, but instead ALL OF US ♥️


Also Gael, I really want thank you for making a safe place for us single and loving it ladies to feel what we want to without worrying that some cocksucker is going to insert himself into our lives just because we want some. I actually met another guy who does asmr on YouTube and I really wish I hadn’t. Not like he’s anything like you at all, but really the best part of all of this is that we get to “live” these fantasies out alone. I need to do me right now and all that I really missed was my sex life. Now I don’t miss that and can really focus on what I need to do for me. Just so you know... what you do works. And thank you again. So much. for keeping it safe! ;-*


😂😂😉 my sentiments exactly. Weak. that’s their fckng story.


Really? Just...really?! First, to you G: thanks for being an all around decent dude who gives a shit. That’s important and significant. Who would’ve ever thought you’d need to spell it out so explicitly. 😒 Secondly, to the GIRLS: please please please read every word of Gs post and take it to heart. It’s not a game when crazy people like this take it too far.


Hi BB Gael, thank you for the warning. ❤️ I'm so worried about this listener of yours. I hope she wakes up RIGHT NOW and realize that she's making a mistake by continuing their communication. I hope you can share this on your other platforms as well. There are a lot of listeners outside of Patreon and they could be at risk, too. Please lovelies, please be safe always. 💜 You too, Gael.


What a piece of trash, honestly. You can DEFINITELY tell he doesn't know you, or he would have never asked you to give him informations to scam people online. So, other than being vegan, there are other things he has no idea about. Anyway, Ladies, please be careful, always. Not just with people pretending to be Gael, but with anyone. I know it's hard to tell when someone is honest and has good intentions, but please, be always careful ♡ p.s. Gael, you wrote beautiful words, I am so moved. I adore you so so much, and I wish you'll get everything you want from life, because you deserve it all.


Man alive, that is wild. I cannot begin to imagine how this weirdo thought it was acceptable not only to do what he did, but then to reach out to you for "tips". Cold world. People, please be safe in these internet streets. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. And you are too valuable to be playing crazy reindeer games with creepy randos on the 'nets (and irl too for that matter). ❤


I can’t get over the fact that he thought you would willingly let him take your identity! What an idiot 🤦🏼‍♀️


Wait... where did the decent guys go? Lately it feels like the world is filled with creepy guys 😔


He is a sick, disgusting mother fucker.. What an asshole.. 😡😡😡 I'm sorry this happened to you Gael! This is called identity theft and if he was caught he should be punished in a way.. Always remember, like you have many who loves you and appreciates you there's also haters! I have been stang with someone through online dating and it was the worst time and experience EVER so I know exactly where you're coming from! You too Gael be safe and remember we all love you, adore you and appreciate you so so so much!!!!! Much love to ye, hugs and kisses ❤❤❤🤗🤗😙😙😙

Misa Amane

Wow this guy is a piece of garbage. Thanks for the heads up! Be careful everyone!


Like I said in Sugar, it's sad on so many levels. Thank you for being you!


He is a desperate mother fucker.. I'm sorry I'm just super annoyed by this person and his ugly act..


WHAT IN ALL BUGGERY??? Like?? Listening to your audios and how frigging respectful you are, what the fuck kinda mental leap does it take to listen to you and think 'aww yeah, here's a langer who preaches respect for women and romance in general pretty much every damn day, he's TOOOOOOTALLY going to be up for helping me scam/seduce/abuse the trust of some lass on the internet!!' Fucken hell like ❗️❕‼️❔❓⁉️❓❔⁉️❕❗️❕‼️❔⁉️❓❔‼️❕❗️


Also... I don’t often get long winded on our CP but this really irritates me. Every step women take forward there is always some asshat that tries to set us back again... so tired of constantly having my guard up. At least here I don’t have to do that and for that I’m grateful!!


Gael... did you respond to “Gary” and set him straight?


That's what makes me sad most of all. I wish she never went this far. She's been perhaps very hurt by now. I wish we had possibility to protect them. A real and honest talk is needed....


I'd give that guy some hard punches on his balls 🥊🥊


I've been there too!!! It gets ugly for sure with online dating..


Did this asshat specify if he was talking to a listener who was specifically on Patreon, or could it have been someone who follows you on just YouTube, Twitter, or the Playroom Tumblr? It might be worth releasing a public PSA on those platforms in case the person he targeted isn’t a Patron (or in case there are other douchecanoes out there trying to impersonate you) 😐<br><br><b>Edit 1:</b> Oops, I see a couple of Lovelies already pointed out the part about potentially posting on other platforms!<br><br><b>Edit 2:</b> If the listener who was targeted does happen to be reading this, I hope she knows that she has nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. I bet most of us have been conned by someone at some point in time, online or otherwise. While it’s always important to be careful about whom you try to get close to or share personal things with, the blame always rests with the person who’s doing the lying and manipulating.<br><br>I know it’s easy to say that Gael’s audios are fantasies and nothing more, but I’m sure they nevertheless instill real emotions in listeners. And if someone is feeling lonely or vulnerable to begin with, I can see why they’d might be prone to indulging a bit too much in a fantasy. As awful as it sounds, there could very well be listeners out there who are so entrenched in abusive or toxic situations that the only kind words they get to hear are ones from audios. Wanting to befriend the artist behind those audios, or perhaps thinking the artist and the character they portray are one and the same, is far more likely born out of a natural human need for affection, rather than desperation or delusion on the part of the listener.<br><br>But with said, I think Gael’s audios <i>are</i> handy tools for getting actual care and affection...because his audios are how I found the wonderful people in this community. Although I’ve had my share of horror stories are far as interacting with people online goes, I certainly lucked out here in Gaelandia. I don’t expect to meet the love of my life on Patreon (unless Dwayne Johnson is secretly a Patron here, in which case feel free to hmu 😍), but I’ve made some wonderful friends, and it’s reassuring to know that the online world doesn’t consist 100% of monsters.


Thanks for keeping your lovelies safe and putting “Gary” on blast 🤬 what an eejit!


I just finished reading all the comments here, and Jesus Christ. Filming himself digging a grave and uploading it online to threaten people who watch his videos? This guy is a real fucking creep. I have always been careful of who I talk to online, but this has made me more cautious and more aware, and a bit fearful. Thanks for the warning, G, and thanks for looking out for us ❤️😣 PS: You be careful too. People like him scare me to be honest, and I’m sure you also are being careful, but I felt that I had to say that. Please be careful, G 😣


thank you for the heads up


'tis a sad world. Not only that violence seems ok and love and happiness get banned, but that people are so blind to it, they assume some ulterior motive. Bad enough that he's a lousy creep, but using your name and reputation for it is terrible and I hope he'll never get a single chocolate chip cookie again in his life! Please be careful y'all! You too, G!


Wow! Unfucking believable 🤬😡! The nerve of that guy. Thank you for caring for your listeners and looking out for us, G. Obviously this guy is a clueless sociopath if he thought you would go along with it and help him do God knows what to this girl. This is exactly why we have to be careful online.


‪G, I’ve said this before - but thank you so, so much for not being a creep! 💜 This has become such a wonderful space where we feel safe discussing our issues &amp; we feel equally safe making jokes about dicks and #Definitebuttstuff. And that is because YOU are a gem of human being who doesn’t prey on his listeners or make us feel uncomfortable. I really can’t express how important that is and how much it means to us!!! In fact, before I joined Patreon, I had to check out your Twitter to make sure you weren’t a creep! Thank God you weren’t, and I’ve found this amazing community that has helped (and is helping me) through a lot of shit. ‬ ‪A lot of the lovelies know this, but I grew up in a pretty extreme evangelical household, and let’s just say I ended up with a lot of issues around sex &amp; shame (and PTSD). On top of that, I’ve had to fend off a lot of creeps (some of whom I worked with in a professional context 😡), which has made me even more wary of men. This community is one of the first places I’ve felt completely safe just talking about sex without fear of shame, judgment, or being preyed upon. I mean, I made a separate Twitter account just to follow the lovelies, and the creeps have come out of the woodwork just because I follow your account 😡 I’m really just so grateful that you are committed to making us feel safe &amp; never vulnerable. I swear, it really means more than you can imagine 💜🤗‬ <img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/xT0BKhunZXlEsnpz7q/giphy.gif">


I absolutely hate that you had to make this post - but it was a necessary step to make, I know. I would go as far that maybe you should post this one outside of Patreon too (your website, link it to Twitter, or even make a small PSA on Youtube), because this is something that goes against everything that you are and what you stand for. This is taking advantage of the women who are listening to you and trusting you. This is taking advantage of you and the place, the platform you created, the safe place where we can be who we are. I'm really greatful that we have such an amazing creator in you that is looking out for his listeners. You could have easily just shrug this off - but we know that is not who you are. I absolutely adore you G, and I'm really lucky to call you my Mr. Mayor ❤🥇 You go G! 👏


And maybe also post a reminder for the Lovelies outside of Patreon to never believe anyone or anything that is not coming from your official platforms and sources.

Betul Todd

Man i thought he was going to talk about being safe because snow is coming hahahaa.....well that escalated quickly....the online word has its brilliant and beautiful side (i.e. Gael)....and then we have the exploitative dangerous-as-fuck side.....stay safe peeps!


I think Seanie needs to be involved in this.. He should mess up with the guy since Seanie is messed up himself and in a way he is giving him a lesson not to mess up with innocent women online!!!

Angela R.

What a skeevy langer! Thank you for looking out for your lovelies,G. One of the things I love most about you and our community is how safe I feel, especially considering the vulnerability concerned with letting go into the fantasy. And it is fantasy. Please take good care, my beautiful community.

Monique (Mimzz)

The dark side of the internet will never go away. The fact that he thought you would give him tips and advice to convince an innocent unsuspecting woman to be lured to him is mind blowing. That shit (excuse my language) is sickening and disgusting, he needs to have a restraining order put on him. Ladies, we NEED to always remember that it will forever be hard to find true love, but when we do it would come in such a blessing form that we will cherish it, adore it, and thank God that that person is in our lives. Don't fall for a pretending (or predator) idiot online.


Wow! The nerve of this...I don’t even know what to call him. Calling him a dog or a pig is an insult to the animal kingdom. Gael, thank you for letting us know and I completely agree with everyone before me who suggested posted a warning on your other platforms. Every lovely needs to know that perverts like Gary exist and, unfortunately, can easily be found everywhere nowadays.


There are wonderful people out there, and there are dangerous, disgusting and disturbed people out there. This creep is one of the latter ... and asking you help him continue his deception? Makes me sick. Thank you G for being one of the good ones 💜 you are an amazing human. Stay safe everyone xo


Holy shit G, that is so scary. Thank you for the sweet PSA.

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

Thank you Gael, I appreciate your message and looking out for us. You can’t fake the genuine, loving, kind spirit of a true gentleman you exude!! ❤️ It’s sad to think there are predators ready to take advantage of your success and use it in such disgusting ways. Be smart and safe everyone!!💪🏼👊🏼


The level of nerveee this scum-sucking bottom of the barrel human waste of semen has, to continue with his charade and then try to get you to participate is infuriating and disgusting. He and others like him deserve to be put on blast and reamed a new asshole. Thanks for the heads-up G, your level of care and respect is palpable and we appreciate you.💚 Lovelies, please be careful who you speak to, if you feel the least bit of reserve in dealing with anyone both online and/or in public, trust your initial gut reaction, your intuition is a gift.


What a loser that guy. Total catfish. 😠


Just to clarify: I dont think Gary (asshole#1 trying to impersonate G) is the same person as the one G warns about on Youtube (asshole #2 grave-digging to threaten his victims) I think that may have been misunderstood by a couple of sweet lovelies. XXX

Ariel Diamond

Ugh...I already feel gross reading that email. I knew there were horrible people in the world, but that was incredibly low. This loser is willing to ruin the lives of two strangers just to boost his own ego. And thank you for looking out for us, Gael. You’re amazing and a bonafide gentleman. ☺️


Thank you Gael. You're such a gentleman. What's really gross is that this guy is asking for your help to prey on this woman and I'm guessing that's something other guys do with each other. UGH! Effing asshole. Someone needs to be taught a lesson, but why waste the time and energy to do it? Plus I'm not smart enough in cyber warfare but I hope he gets his comeuppance someday. Karma may take awhile, Gary, but she's a vengeful bitch when she shows up. Dick.


Just a heads up, the guy who makes videos isn't this guy, but another guy who took advantage of his platform and power over others.


Wow, what a creep! But on the other hand, it's a good reminder that this is all fantasy amd we shouldn't get too wrapped up.


In my experience, anyone who refers to women as "females" in casual conversation is usually a major creep, and an entitled one at that. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Gael, and for doing your part to keep us safe. It's so easy to get caught up in online relationships (romantic or otherwise) nowadays, so PLEASE, Lovelies, be careful. Don't share personal information or get attached to any random internet stranger. Most people are friendly but there are many that are not, and you don't want to get involved with the dangerous sort.


What a disgusting human being. Thanks for the warning, Gael! You’re super sweet and a true gentleman. 💜


Okay, I'm new here, but I just wanted to say thank you, Gael. Because I've been scared of men for the most part and since I've listened to you I decided that not all men are terrible and some are worth to talk to, but in the past, I saw a guy take his dick out to touch himself, in public, in front of me. Guys stalking me on social media or messaging me, asking for my address to "go out with me", and even guys cheating on me, which ended up with me not being able to trust men at all, and the only thing that has kept me safe, I think, is my fear. But it makes me sad because I can't enjoy the company of any guy that approaches me with a good intention because I feel that he'll take advantage of me, and it's so sick to think that a guy like this asked you for help to keep doing something so nasty and horrible to this girl. I also want you to know that I love you, your work, your kind words and how grateful I'm for all you do as it has done nothing but help me to get better. And to the lovelies reading this, please, please girls, don't ever let this kind of stuff happen to you, I know I shouldn't ask you this because none of this is you fault, but please be careful not only online but in the real world as well. Love you, and please, stay safe, too. Besos y abrazos ♡


And his name is Gary lmfaoooooo what a fucking loser 😂


I don't...<i>what?!?</i> Did he really think this was going to work? Seriously? What, does he email these sorts of requests to George Clooney and Keanu Reeves, too? Ridiculous. He'll get what's coming to him eventually; but until then, Lovelies, know that you do and always will deserve better than a creep like Gary. 💜


What a dick...and a loser. OMG. Did he *really* think you were going to tell him what he wanted to hear? Geesh...some people. *shakes head*


That is so messed up. I would feel violated if I were in your situation and in a weird way responsible, even though it would totally not be my fault. Don't let this sicko make your soft-hearted self feel bad. Sorry this happened dear, but there are some real sick narcissistic people out there. So gross, not to mention scary. I can't believe the hubris of this guy to contact you thinking you'd help, as if! I've watched Catfish one too many times to trust someone I've only met online, but it is a good reminder. None of us are really safe from creeps like this, anyone can take your online info and photos and pretend to be you. Sad reality of the internet.


I didn't get a chance to say it before G because I was so worked up about this, but I really appreciate you also, all you do, the kindness and respect, u show us all is unparalleled. And you made this shy girl a little more vocal thanks!! ☺💚💚 up


The audacity this guy had to actually message you and THEN even think that you would go along with it. Disgusting. Thank you for being so transparent and warning us about this. It is so important especially in this day and age where people get bolder and more predatory the more they hide behind a screen. Much respect to you G!


That's truly awful. Thanks for sharing!!


Thank you, G - for sharing the information and in a way to make us feel empowered not just scared. Am I the only one that struggles with feeling terrified of people (men) and just wanting to crawl in a hole and stay safe alone in my hermit habitat after reading about guys like these?? I know I shouldn't let it affect me, but I honestly struggle after reading stories like these. It makes me wonder if kind men who can be trusted even exist or if they're all just like this... and even though I know people like Gary and Jay are supposed to be the exception, it makes me wonder if maybe they're the rule... *sigh*


That letter was bold. "Hey, give me some info so I can fuck up your reputation." So dumb. Thank you for having boundaries, Gael.


Should expose this individual. If that's not pure perversion then I don't know what it is. As you grow bigger and reach a larger audience, that's certainly NOT something I'd want you and many of us to have to deal with , along with pantygate and all that madness . Unfortunately the anonymity we have on the internet attracts these kind of predators and some have more brain cells than this one. Some red flags can be sent but sometimes not . So be safe everyone. Got enough and too many of them to constantly try to protect ourselves from outside of here. You're one of the good ones lovely G.❤


This is so sad ☹ I hope that poor girl is alright and stays far far away from him. What's even worse is the fact I read it and wasn't even surprised . . . You can't expect anyone to be a decent human these days it seems. There has actually been a lot of anger in my country at the moment, because of grace millane. It's interesting how the vitriol has suddenly shifted from the one guy to men in general. I mean, we have a terrible problem with domestic violence here. But only now are people starting to realise what that email up there highlights - most men don't react like g. Sure they might not help, but they treat it like a joke. They don't take any responsibility. Be careful of those men too, because they shift that line, and then they shift it again, and suddenly you are dead and people are asking, but what was she wearing?


I agree and it's troubling to read listener comments here indicating that they believe they are in a real relationship with "Gaelforce".




Wow. Nothing surprises me anymore. And it's so sad and very unfortunate. Thank you for looking out for us G


I cannot understand how he thought it would be a good idea to message you with such an absurd request. Also, he is talking about it so nonchalant as if it was a normal thing to catfish and to take advantage of someone's platform. That is so so bizarre. I hope she has cut all contact with him. It says so much about him that he thinks men are only nice to women in exchange for sexual favours. It presumes men and women can't have mutual respect for each other. Thank you for looking out for your listeners. You're an incredibly wonderful, loving and respectful human being. Im so lucky to have come across you ❤


there's just something wrong with some people. Good looking out for us, G!


What an asshole! What was your reply to him?


The pure arrogance of this guy amazes me, not only to do this to this poor girl but to ask you to provide him with personal info to help him do it, and the fact that he thinks its right to do this just leaves me without words, I never post comments but i just have to say so much respect goes to you Gael for posting this and for taking care of your listeners, you are indeed one of the good guys, thank you :)


Whoa...Wow... just Wow!!!! Scary! Please do ALL be safe &amp; sound, Lovelies &amp; you too as well, G!!! A very good warning to heed! Thanks, G!!! And, this guy, well he’s a damned friggin’ IDIOT! As if... NEVER even in his wildest deluded dreams!!!


Thanks for warning us Gael.


I appreciate you taking the time to warn us, Gael. Good looking out.


I go away for a few hours and....well good of you G to show concern for your listeners aka legions of fans.😁 I'll assume you're a decent human being, good person and all because I don't know you from Adam😏. I wish you, YouTube could also, get by the throat, the poseurs who claim your audios. You are a keeper! I thank you, the "flesh and bone" lover thanks you to. He don't talk pretty like you💋


Thanks G, !


Girl I did not know this! I’m guessing you and I have had very similar experiences! If nothing else in the way that the religious beliefs of my parents were unhealthily pushed into me. Sex was a shameful thing. I was even uncomfortable saying that word SEX. Girl, I finally was able to say it around the age of 30 but I still feel weird and don’t say it around the fam. This platform and Gael as an artist has really helped me in this way too! I feel so incredibly lucky to have found this group of girls (if there are guys out there, please join our conversations!)! I can’t even express how much I love having somewhere I can feel comfortable and crazy (and yes even kinky😬). I’m sure you understand more that most where I came from and the repercussions of growing up the way I did! I am so thrilled that I can be in a place where I don’t constantly have to worry about a man taking advantage of me. And I get to trust that Gael won’t do that. And is pretty much the one man who right now who I can trust not to be coming onto me while I explore my fantasies and kinks. And I can let my guard down and figure out what I like and don’t like. I can’t express girl. I’m sure you can. Lol. So Gael, Gael Gael..,you’re just an incredible person who truly does make the world a better place!!! Ps. My vision is all screwy right now so if I’ve made any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes that would be why! Lol Love to you Becks! We must talk xx Revised multiple times because I am having trouble writing what I am thinking! Haha


Whaaaa!?!?! OMG What a dirt sack...and that is another reason why you are an angel on Earth! Be safe everyone! Love and hugs to The Sugar Daddy and my Sugar Sisters!


Ok now I am officially frightened for both Gael and the ladies.


Wow. Can’t believe the audacity of that dude. First he pretends he’s you without you knowing, than he has the nerve to ask you for personal information so he can continue his trickery! Honestly... Thank you for the heads up, we will all be careful. We’ve all gotta remember internet safety rule #1: You never know exactly who you’re talking to online.


Thank you for being so caring G. 😘😘😘I have actually had something like this happen to me where the person pretended to be a famous person that I follow on IG. I knew it wasn't the really person however it really upset me to know that there are people out there doing this to gain a person's trust in order to use them for their twist game. I really hope that this person comes clean so this woman doesn't get her feelings caught up any deeper. This could really damage her. Please everyone be very, very careful and use your instinct!!! 💚


Thank you so much for this warning, Gael. THIS shows how much your care for and appreciate your fans - Your seriousity regarding a matter like this is part of WHY your fans appreciate you so much, too. Setting this kind of boundaries is necessary for all of us. I appreciate the concern and the care you´re expressing this way. *smiling*


Gaeldoctor XD ... as a doctor with his patients ;-) The work you do is very personal and intimate and can be misunderstood by those who strongly want to deal with people like you. Honestly, I think it's right to be clear in these situations. Personally I have already experienced such experiences .... I am inclined to the infatuation towards people who give me an artistic or intellectual stimulation ..... I have had and I still have some beautiful artistic experiences of collaboration with these people .. .. at the end, the infatuation passes and remains a good experience. There is nothing to do when the feeling takes your heart and your mind .... if the other person also feels something for me everything is ok, just know each other better, why not? Otherwise I have to let this feeling flow until it disappears. I think it's not love to those who are giving me something that I want or that I miss ..... I call it artistic infatuation : -D is a strong desire to do something beautiful and rewarding together. In any case, thanks for the message "guy with a microphone" ;-) .....I hope to do something nice with you in some way :-P


Thank you Gael 🙏