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Let me hold you, lovey.  

We'll focus on right now, what's true, and help you find your footing...




Number 1


Omg there it is there it is


How did you know I needed this? You can read my mind G. Thank you 😊


❤❤❤ today has been hard for me, this is a nice thing to pop up. Thanks boss 😍😘


Knows just what we need! 😘


Thanks G, you always know what is needed and when ♡😘


Being embraced in your big strong arms, my hand placed on your chest, holding hands with fingers interlocked, kissing, listening to your heartbeat while you speak Irish, this is all so soothing and lovely. Just beautiful.😍😙❤❤


It’s been a panicked, stressful kind of weekend. Yet these always seem to pop up just when I find myself struggling 💜💜


I adore these audios. Truly, it makes my day when a comfort and safety audio drops. Xoxo




Yayyyyy! This is for sleepy time later :)


He’s glurking again, you guys 👀🕵🏻‍♂️💛


😒 I can't stand y'all. And by that I mean you're all in my will.




Sounds like a lot of us needed this, and our lovely G was all ready for it. I got as far as "hey lovey" and I'm already feeling so much better. Can't wait to listen to the rest. Thank you, G ❤❤❤


Was Traumatized from realization that tomorrow is Monday. Your are so good. So so good. Exactly what I needed. Sweet dreams, a mhuirnin. xo


As someone who has anxiety attacks sometimes, I love these kind of comfort audios. Thank you, G 💋😘


I love this soooo much ^_^ So soothing!!


Gael, My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer last week. Tonight I was overwhelmed with emotions and you comforted me. You always seem to be there to support me just when I need it. Love and hugs.😇😘




Oh no, Cindy 🙁 I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. But treatments are getting better and better all the time, and I’m sure she’s a fighter! I wish all the best to you and your family 💖


I had to laugh a bit at the birds going crazy in the background noise. I just imagine you silently cursing them as you're trying to record your hearbeat. 😆 It kind of added to the ambiance though. Very soothing. I know what I'm falling to sleep to tonight.


I can’t even with this. This audio Just made me cry....G is an angel on Earth


I was just looking for a sleep audio. I'm really stressed out about a choir competition in another country in literally 3 weeks and i'm currently sick with a bad cold and I needed some sort of comfort to get to sleep. Much love, as always 💕


I wish you had released this on Saturday when I actually had a panic attack but thank God some Lovelies are just as soothing as you are. The way you bave added the heartbeat in the background is just brilliant.


There's that force again, always knows what we need before we do.....such a rough day, got home & saw this post, yeah,it's that force.....


All these stress relieving audios are giving me life ❤️❤️❤️


😂😂😂I read this as soon I woke up and I've dieded from laugh attack...


Awww, yes for bear hugs, please! 🐻🐻🐻❤️❤️❤️ I never really had a real panic attak, thanks god, but I'm so happy for this piece, seeing how so many Lovelies are loving it and finding it helpful! That's a huge thing! ❤️ The heartbeat/breathing was a really nice touch! ❤️


I was stressing big time because I have a cardiology exam coming up. Did not even register the irony until I woke up. Vena cava to right atrium through tricuspid valve to right ventricle through pulmonary valve to lungs to pulmonary vein to left atrium through mitral valve to left ventrical to aorta then out to the body of this dear, amazing human who probably helps stitch together more broken hearts in one week than a cardiothoracic surgeon can do in a lifetime.


This was so great! 😍 Not just for panic attacks, but also for cases of severe pre-exam anxiety attacks, like I have! 😅 And the heartbeat sounds 🤤 it feels like really being in your arms! It’s one of the most comforting feelings! 😌 Thank you G ❤️


Thank you. 💓💓💓🐻 🤗


Exactly what I need today, some comfort. As always G you are perfectly on time ❤️❤️


You don't know how much I needed this. Thank you. 😢


Guten Morgen Mädls. A happy Dienstag to everyone! It´ s such a nice night here. I´ m enjoying my nightly cookie and the sparkling fireflies, the chirping crickets and some very loud, rather annoying croaking frogs. I wish the kittens would eat them. :) I have some daily Fragen if you are in the mood? Have you ever had an Streit - argument with someone through text? Who is the person you are the most eifersüchtig - jealous of and why? If you were a Riese - giant, what would you like to do? If you were to bury a time capsule, what is one thing you would put in it? Danke for your answers, as always. Bis dann. XD


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! Well, I think I actually got a successful stream done on Twitch tonight...except for OBS crashing on me halfway through and having to start a new stream. But at least it chose to do so at a convenient moment! Tomorrow, I'll be setting to fix another thing for my paper—turned out my simulations used the wrong geometries. Oops. This means I'll have to change one of the figures for the 19th time, but better to catch this now than have it pointed out when the paper is "done." Assuming this paper will ever <i>be</i> done. 😩 And now, this: <b>Arguing in pixels</b> — Text is how I prefer to have most of my arguments nowadays. It's easier for me to communicate with a clear head and stop myself from responding with language that's too hurtful. Yes, I run the risk of losing context without body language or tone of voice, but even so, this is safer for me. It also gives me the complete freedom to disengage at any time. In person, that sometimes can't happen. <b>Green's not my color</b> — For as petty as I am, I'm surprised to find that this is a tough question. I'm jealous of others' privileged positions, sure, but I'm struggling to come up with a particular person whom I envy above all others. I guess maybe my friend who jumped out of grad school with a master's and is making bank doing data science while also being happy and fulfilled in her marriage? But I don't envy her the reasons she left <i>at all</i>, so it's still complicated. <b>BIG dreams</b> — If I were a giant, I think the first thing I'd like to do is climb a mountain. I'm hoping here that my long stride would make up for any pronounced effects of altitude sickness. <b>Enshrined in time</b> — In a time capsule, I think I would put a collection of reactions to news stories from the year I buried the capsule. Tweets, videos, blog posts, whatever. Then in 50 years or whatever, we could see what solutions—or failures—rose from those reactions.


This one put me last night to sleep. And I slept like a baby! 😊😊😊😊😊😊

Ms. Donovan

When you suffer from a panic disorder, it’s kind of like being a prisoner in your own body. There’s a very large part of your mind that understands what happening, knows its largely a chemical response, often unfounded in reality. It is logical and wants to calm you down. Unfortunately that part is stuck behind bars, unable to do anything but watch while the rest of you is hijacked. Personally, my hands and feet go cold, my breath shortens, my lips sometimes get numb, there’s a buzz in my ears and an elephant on my chest. The fear is unbearable. Touch and sound are the two things to bring me back to center. This one was amazing, G. I thankfully haven’t had ‘need’ for it yet since it was published, but it makes an amazing sleep audio and was quickly added to that playlist. But when those nights come back, and I know they will, you’ll be a lullaby. Thanks for this and being you ♥️


The mixing on the breathing and heartbeat sounds was damn neared perfection. Nice work, G. That said, this made me bawl like a baby. It's been a while since my last full panic attack—over 3 months now—but I think this would have worked for me if I'd had it at the time. It wouldn't have stopped the panic attack in its tracks, nor would it have undone the social and professional damage that it caused, but it would have helped me undo those knots in my mind with less ripping and tearing. I've been in need of a good, hard cry for a few days now, with everything that's going on in my life, so I suppose this is a thank-you. This one will be going on my emergency list tout suite.


Thank you for this! You don’t know how much it has helped so far and how much I know it will help me in the Future! 💓

Rachel Baird

Thank you. I needed that.


Thank you 💖


Thanks G, your amazing. This made me feel so safe and the heartbeat 💓 always gets me, always! My new Favorite audio


I wish you could teach my partner how to cope with my panic attacks/anxiety, he makes me feel like such a burden on him when they flare up 😔 this audio is amazing Gael 💖


This was so well done. I love your voice in these types of audios.


I wish I remembered this audio for last week during my panick attacks. thank you!


never had issues with panic attacks, but does wonders for relaxing and napping