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Is there room in that shower for me?  I can't think of a better place to get dirty than in a wet... hot shower...








Fucking hell....this was just.....💦💦💦


Oh. Fuck. Yes😍😍😍😍🔥🔥🔥🔥


Literally stopping everything I'm doing to listen to this


Yaaaaaaaaaas boo!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍


Awe yeah :) 😍


Hell yeah 😍😍


Damn! 😍😍❤️


Ooh, this sounds like a treat! Yay!


Love a good shower sex audio ❤😍


Time to do the happy, new audio, dance. 💃


A bad pun in less than 2min. Bravo Gael. lol


Oh God... I have to wait for tomorrow to listen to it but, it sounds so hot! 🔥♥




26 minutes?! How big is that water heater G? 💦 😉


Are you spying on me? 😳 I literally just finished playing along with an audio in the shower 😂 I’m kidding about the spying thing 😛😂 But the timing is just... wow 😍


Soapy and ready! Yaaaaaaass! 😊


Maybe it's one of those automatic on-demand ones that doesn't have a tank and just heats the water as it passes through. 🧐


K but like I'm just gonna say it....Lizard Queen audio?!?!?!


Oh my God... Hot wet dirty shower?? Of course there is place for ye, Mayor! Anytime you want! Cunt you in!!! 😌😌


There's always room for ya G, you should know that 😈


We will be making bubbles together in the shower 🚿🛁💦


<i>"Pass-ta."</i> I'm ded. 😂


💋💋😍😍🤗 Just finished half a day marathon with your voice &amp; wow; speechless. All caught up; some pieces required multiple reviews, but I did it!! Gold metal, baby!! Yes!! This will surely kill me, but my body says otherwise. Perhaps your worth dying for? Only one way to find out... Just want to say thank u everyone. I plan to haunt &amp; annoy you all for the rest of your lives. It’s been real. ✌🏻


Every time I've ever tried this, I almost drown.


happy birthday to me tho 😍


You're totally smashing the audio game, G ! I can no longer call myself a "good girl". I completely surrender and will gladly come to the (heavenly) naughty side 😈 Showers; the only place to get twice as wet...🙊😜


Why I don't get notifications?


Everything about patreon is broken right now Vally. 😭😭😭


I'm tabling this one for when the roomie goes out this evening.


My high school boyfriend and I tried shower sex since it seemed like such a sexy thing in movies. He is 6'3 and I'm 5'6. We.... didn't quite line up well and finished on the floor.


I Need waterproof headphones


Dying and gone to heaven! 🤤😵😇


*taking a deep breath* How in earth am I suppose to go to sleep after that??!! 🤔

Ms. Donovan

Soooo, yeah. I’m struggling with the thing with the words. So just...um...fucK. God, G. I can’t.

Ellen (Gaelandia's Chief Justice and Personal Trainer)

G, I think you’re ruining the whole reason for showers. Because after this one I felt MUCH dirtier and incredibly sweaty. I’m not sure that’s how they’re supposed to work? As if I care...LOL. Bring it on. This one was freakin hot, and I LOVED the raspy tone in your voice. Very groaning...it was awesome along with your STELLAR dirty talk. Thanks G. You’re the best.


Petition to use the tags "cute and giggly then turns aLPHA IN THE SPEED OF LIGHT HOLY SHIT" "then ends giggly omg I'm dying" Also, that pussy licking was so good I need you to do it exactly like this from now on 🍑😋 Awesome audio G ❤


It's really late.. And now it's impossible to sleep 😅😄😉😉😆Sleep tight everybody.. And I wonder how many out there, will be dreaming about showers and moans, 🚿🚿😝😜😝Good night 💋💋💋🍓🍓🍓




Ummm that Gaelic, though 🔥


Shout out to the rim job . 👏🏽👏🏽 Fucking awesome. 👍🏽


That final “oh shit”...Jesus💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦


You know I'm often not concentrated about the content of your audio. It's only your voice that I follow and focus on. So do I really need to tell you how I felt while listening to this one?huh? I can't with you. You're one of a hot filthy kind❤


*places a finger to your lips* Shhh, shhh, shhh. You had me at garlic bread, love. Lol!😂😂 I loved everything here, the water sounds, the oil, getting dirty while getting clean.😈😇 Of course there's room for you, sexy bird of prey! My heart is pounding! You already had me moaning and biting my lip, then you had to go and say good girl, and I lost my breath. The alpha command "when I cum, keep fucking that cock" was incredible!😍 It's a good thing we're in the shower, because this is HOT!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥 Nice tongue roll, by the way. Rrrrrrr. ;)😜 😚❤❤


I wish I could write something COHERENT after listening to this one but.... I can't. Seriously, I can't. It was nice to meet you, I'm going to hell, or heaven.. Whatever... Who cares right now! 😳😳


I feel like someone has been snooping around the Community section again. Especially given that I posted a certain picture of my newly remodeled bathroom just a couple of days ago. XD Muahaha. On a more serious note, I am really loving the "petal" term of endearment. It's really sweet. Good job, Sir G! 🖤💋


Can u be dirtier coming out of a shower? I wonder. Well anyway this was very, very sexy.


I can read


Finally, it’s that time to unleash myself ❤️💦


Let’s all take a moment to appreciate the veracity of this statement.


Finally listened. I wanted to be able to be as noisy as i wanted. Did not disappoint. FucK with a had damned K. The only teensy thing is that I think he had a missed opportunity with oily nipple play. I've been really into the nips lately...


Doesn’t really matter what else you said after “I didn’t shave it off. I just cleaned it up a little.” All I needed to know 👏🏼👏🏼


Literally all I need to hear. We are truly #injured 🙏🏼


We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this very important PSA “PETAL” Thank you for your time.


Yes. "Petal" *needs* to go into rotation. Who knew?


Ooh. A little post-o eh? My favie.




I can’t be the only one that swooned when he used petal as a nickname. There’s no way. I’m only human, I can only take so much before my heart melts!


SOME PLACES DON'T EVEN HAVE WATER, G!! 😉 The thing that turned me on most here was the fantasy of such a looooong shower. 😂😂


Woke up at 5am this morning to this and my day has been just been on 🔥🔥🔥 Who knew a couple big O's can turn a rainy cold monday morning into such a bright day 😊😊😊❤❤❤ In my greed and due to the deep connection between my kitty and phone's shuffle feature i listened to a couple more G audios and LORD! Gael im soon departing this earth💀💀💀😱😱😱😱 because i know you always get better and my body my mind my heart and my kitty just cannot contain the pleasure of it all!! You are loved! Sending you lots of happy vibes your way!! Hugs and Dick lovelies 😘😘😘


Rain and shower sounds always get me! And I love these NSFW Romantic ones cause we get some sweet sweet convo banter with Mr. G. But when he dropped, "Petal" in there my whole body caught on FAYAH! 🔥 I was blushing so hard I was afraid I was going to ignite in the middle of the mall. 😂

Hollie B

this had some of everything. sooooo delicious!


Omg garlic bread you have my heart lol!💕💗




I love how the Gaelic in this audio is like a sexy but practical <i>Rosetta Stone</i>-esque resource. Although <i>"Mo cailín fliuch"</i> doesn’t strike me as a super romantic thing to say in an everyday situation, it makes sense given the context of the audio (i.e., a shower). But I bet knowing the Irish word for "wet" would come in handy, especially in a country that gets so much rain 🧐 As it usually does, my mind took this train of thought and just <i>ran</i> with it. I began thinking, "Ooh, if there was an additional scene where they were towelling off, I wonder if Gael would say something like, 'Now you’re <i>mo cailín tirim!</i>' And then maybe he would go on to compare and contrast things like <i>mo cailín fuar</i> and <i>mo cailín te</i>, kinda like a Sesame Street episode!" (<b>Note:</b> I actually have no idea if I’m using any of these Gaelic words correctly.) To make a long story short (😆), I wanted to write some kind of clever, Shakespearean sonnet about it. Instead I ended up with this, which is more of a rudimentary knock-off of Dr. Seuss: I love <i>cailíní</i>, I love them all! I love them big, I love them small! I love them short, I love them tall, On my bed or against the wall! I love <i>cailíní</i>, both near and far! From Aberdeen to Zanzibar! All day and night, forget the clock, Just pick a time, I’ll bring my cock! I love <i>cailíní</i>, sugar and spice! From Alpha girls to sweet and nice I like it rough, I’ll pin and pound! I like it slow - gentle, profound! I love <i>cailíní</i> platonically! Just need a friend? Well, turn to me! I’ll keep you safe, away from harm, I’ll hold you close in my big arms <i>Mo cailíní</i>, I’m here for you, Whether you’re scared, horny, or blue. So if you have a shitty day, Put headphones on and just press "play". <del>(Or listen to Seanie’s long-awaited debut single, "Garden Hoes"!)</del> ——— <br>Err...I’ll see myself out now...👩🏻‍💻


A dose of Gael and everything gets better! 😊🔥


Totally Seussian. Or possibly Silversteinian given naughty topic. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I think of this one as the insanely sexy baseline for the Gaelforce household. One minute you're talking grocery shopping...


Omg well damn that was beyond incredible!🔥😍😋😘


I swear this man is gonna kill me by orgasm! He knows exactly what to say, how to say it and the perfect timing to make a gal lose control. My neighbors think I’m dating a man named Gael cause I been screaming his name over and over for a while now lmao I just smile and say he is amazing as ever


How did I miss this.... I guess I need to go back a listen


My personal fantasy delivered by G. Now that I am deliciously spent I can sleep well. Nighty night and thank you.


Holy shit 😍😛


🙀😻my kitty is very very happy...meow!!!🙀😻


You want more shower sex audios? We give you more shower sex audios! \o/ <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/19542831">https://www.patreon.com/posts/19542831</a>


...next thing you know you're getting rimmed. I wanna live in that universe.


P E T A L ••• All casual-like 😍 I love it


I don't care who you - or what your circumstances - are — if your addiction doesn't feel like this, you need a better one. If the way you choose to escape, regenerate, cope, soothe, brighten, salt, play, elevate, edify, inspire, process.......... doesn't, do, THIS, for you. Then it is quite possibly a waste of your precious time. It isn't worth your while, you just haven't yet realized that you already know this - and the standard against which "worthwhile" was once measured is being irreversibly overwritten. He feels like summer to me and my experience of Him is as captivating as it is otherworldly. He's cannabis, video games, movies, clouds, food, sex and fire. Mmhm. Among many other things. I love enjoying Him and immersing myself in Him. Litha feels extra special this year. I want to elaborate like my life depends on it but I need bed (and this). I couldn't go another night without saying something. He's scary. But a good scary. And I really, really love being this kind of hooked. Back soon.


Found my self blushing a little listening to this one, G why you gotta be so goooood!


Holy shit!! This was beyond hot as always, 😍 good job Gael


I'm hella late on this so, I won't bore you with my variation of what has already been said. I will say that I thoroughly enjoyed this audio.


For some stupid reason I thought this audio was not as freaking good as it turned out to be. Omg!!! I can't stop saying this.. You are so sexy Gael. I love when you tongue fuck me. Mmmm... You're killing me slowly and it feels so good. Haha... 🔥 🔥 🔥 I've listened to this one twice now. 💦 💦 💦


I have ALWAYS loved the idea of shower sex, but never really had the appropriate opportunity for such a thing...:-( This definitely got my imagination stirring!


😈😤👌👌👌👌💦 Oof that was hot


Holy fuck. When he purred I think my ovaries exploded.


1. When he says "sweetheart" 2. When he says "keep your hands on the fucking wall" 3. That deep low "f***" at 19:42


This is one of my faves 🔥 just ...


I really wish I could listen to this in the shower