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My poor baby.  A migraine again.  Come here and let me gently massage your aching head and make you feel better...




Missing you Gael❤️❤️😇


Ok am rapidly running out of vanilla PA ideas.... Welcome back G 😙😙


Just listened to it .... your voice is so soothing hmmm.... thanks G.... welcome back luv!💕


Welcome back G! Hope you and your family are well!


Absolutely perfect!! I've needed this.

Ms. Donovan

I said it all on the Sugar post 😉♥️ Stiilllll sooooo relaxed....soooo slleeeepy... I’m gonna be face down, out cold on my keyboard sooner rather than later.


Didnt realize my shoulders where up to my ears until you said let them drop. I had to turn away from my computer to focus on this. I needed it. Thank you. ❤


Sit back, listen to it and relax... ❤❤❤




Oh that was perfect 👌🏻 ❤️


Oh, G, your tone of voice is so gentle and soothing here, perfect for relieving tension. The sound of you running your fingers through hair was nice to listen to as well. I found myself instinctually taking deeper, slower breaths as I felt myself relaxing into it. The kisses!😍 Thank you, I loved it.😙❤❤


G. it's still there....pls check again😂❤

Trisha C

Thank You Gael 💋 this will help immensely!


Perfect for working today


I’ve been feeling a bit sick and very stressed out lately so I needed this. Thanks, G ❤️ Welcome back 🤗 I hope you and your family are okay ❤️


Hi G! Hope the sun's shining on you! ☀️


Thank you sooooo much, have been waiting for this one !!!!! Will listen once I am on the plane towards home. Glad to have you back G 😘


Hello lovely ones! I'm back! ( as you may have guessed haha) I have lots of stories to share about my visit to England, you won't believe the stuff that happened lmao! I have some spicy audios locked n loaded Thank you for being so kind and giving me the time and space! Yer the best! The sexah show is back on the road like 😍😇😍


Yay that means another ramble😍 Space?! That reminded me of something sry 😂😂😂


Thanks for this, G! I will def be getting a lot of use from it 💗💗


Am I the only one that’s not seeing all the comments here on the app? There’s 24 comments, but I only see ten of them. I have to log into patreon on my laptop to see all the comments 🤔 Probably just another patreon app issue 😝


After a 2nd listen. Yep, Def going to use on repeat. How do you know just what we need? Must be the "Force" thing 😆😅😄


Gotta be honest. I have never suffered from migraines. I rarely even get regular headaches. But I'm sure I could make an exception in this case. 😉🖤💋

Ellen (Gaelandia's Chief Justice and Personal Trainer)

Thanks for this, Gael. I get debilitating migraines 6-7 times a year where I literally sit in a black room and get sick from the pain. I appreciate you making an audio for people like us...I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


Cluster Migraines here. I have actually had to go out on disability for 3 months at a time when they are at their worst...I have often pondered if a slow death by being starved and then picked at by buzzards is more painful or if it would be a welcome reprieve. Thank you for being so thoughtful Gael. I hope this audio will help those who need it. ♡

Ellen (Gaelandia's Chief Justice and Personal Trainer)

Aww wifey. I wish there was a way that none of us could suffer like this. I think of those who don't get migraines and they're SO LUCKY. I always know when one's coming (because I have a few triggers) and it sometimes causes some panic/anxiety just waiting.


Having only suffered through a handful in my life, I can honestly say (for me) it is less about the pain and more about feeling like you have no control. Like, your own body is betraying you and there is nothing you can realistically do to stop it. Having a "grounding point" or center to focus on I can imagine would be a great comfort. Additionally, for those in partnerships I'm sure it is equally traumatic watching someone you love suffer and there's not much you can do to put an end to it. Thank you for posting this G! :*

Scarlet Kitten

Gael- Thank you so much for this. I've had days where even being alive is difficult, because of migraine pain. This helps a lot. Seriously need a Gael button wonder if someone with programming experience can make me one. Any time you want to listen to Gael audios just push the button...huh sounds kind of like one of those plush toys now I think about it. Although that would be a wonderful gift a Gael plush that talks.


Just in time, going to bed with this wonderful and relaxing audio ! Thanks G hope everything’s ok for you ❤️ Hugsss


I feel like after all this time of listening to you (6 mos and still going strong 😉) I've developed a somewhat Pavlovian response to your soothing voice. Within a minute I'm totally relaxed. This one is so relaxing though. It's definitely going in my download library for stressful days. I had a smile on my face the whole time. Ahhh....thanks G.


I’m having the same issue here, I thought it was just me!


Yay! Welcum back G! And on a roll right away. 😉


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A happy Mittwoch to everyone. Another warm night here. The peonies smell delicious! The kittens are hunting for bats, good thing they had their rabies shot. So, I have to quickly finish some Sparschweine - piggy banks, ja the kind you have to smash :) Can one of you ask the daily Fragen, bitte? Vielen Dank meine Lieben, wie immer. See you later. XD


Perfecto! I like it😘, G your voice is always soothing. I don't get headaches but I definitely felt better and cared for after listening. Great Job!


Omg....just laying down with a splitting headache and opened my phone to THIS!! G is an angel on earth!!


<i>Mein Gott!</i> 4 hours later and still no <i>Fragen?</i> 😧<br><br>Perhaps I can spice things up a bit to draw the ladies out... 😉<br><br>- What does your ideal penis look like?<br>- What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever asked someone to do to you?<br>- What’s the sexiest compliment you’ve ever gotten?<br>- What’s the sexiest compliment you’ve ever given?<br>- What’s your biggest sexual fear?<br>- Have you ever made an erotic fantasy come true?


Is patreon glitchy for anyone else? It says there’s 50 comments on this audio, but I only see eight.


I think the app is always sucky. I usually try and get on the top of the comments for the page to refresh, that usually helps loading some more comments/replies.


You are an angel, thank you, Gael - very soothing and very welcomed. 💕


It is a lovely audio G... Your voice is like a painkiller... What makes me think... When an audio for backs?? I can't with my back today!! Everytime I bend down I literally see the stars!!! 🌌🌌🌌😂😂


So many tingles and comforts, I wish there was a loop feature on here. Also whatever angle you were hitting at the end there sent insanely massive pleasure spasms up and down my spine. This might be unique to my physiology but if you were to divide my head into thirds vertically....the places where the lines would be...if someone talks to me there, like breathes on the back of my neck or whispers something in those spots, it sends really intense and pleasurable impulses up and down my spine. Like ASMR tingles but way, way more intense. It's like more peripheral or something. I wonder if anyone else has this? Either way...that spot is lethal. Still in refractory period from that. Woah.


I'm grateful to be getting the siding done on the back of my house! But....after day 2 my head hurts! So happy I saved this audio for times like these!! (((Hugs ya G!)))


Guten Morgen Mädls. Hope everyone has a nice Donnerstag!? It´ s a gewittrige - thundery night here. Ahh, I love to watch thunderstorms... well as long as I am safe inside. :) Let´ s have a midnight cookie and some daily Fragen... Do you weinen - cry easily? If you could only brush your teeth just one time a day, when would you do it? Would you rather be a superhero or a villain? Which zoo animal newborn would you most want to have? Danke for your answers, Schätzchen. Bis dann. XD Danke Frl.Doktimus for yesterday´ s Fragen. :)


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of the Funky Bunch!<br><br>It’s a grey, cool evening here, although I don’t think we’re expected to get rain. But I must say that I much prefer a somewhat chilly day with lots of cloud cover over those hellish 36°C-with-the-humidity days that make you wonder if the apocalypse is imminent 🌞😓🔥<br><br><b>Crying rivers or slight trickles?</b> I suppose it depends on what mood I’m in. If I’m in the middle of a depressive episode, it doesn’t take a whole lot to set me off. But if I’m otherwise okay or if I’m at work/surrounded by other people, I can keep a pretty stiff upper lip until I can get to the privacy of a bathroom stall.<br><br><b>Cleaning those teef!</b> I once read that the worst brushing to miss is the bedtime one, since bacteria have all night to do their dirty work and people tend to produce less saliva to wash it away. So I would probably keep the bedtime brushing, and then use mouthwash and gum to get the minty fresh feeling in the morning 😁<br><br><b>Superhero or supervillain?</b> I’d be a superhero. Crime doesn’t pay, ladies and gents ☝️🤨<br><br><b>Baby animals!</b> Umm...if I had to take care of it myself, I’d pick whatever newborn animal is easiest for a complete novice to raise. Lots of zoos have butterfly gardens, and surely caring for butterflies can’t be too hard as long as I have the proper equipment, right?<br><br>However, if “having the animal” means having ownership of it that I could promptly transfer to someone else, I’d probably pick a newborn from an endangered species. Then I could arrange for an animal sanctuary or wildnerness preserve to give the wee one a proper home where he/she will be well looked after 🙂


-Yes, I cry too often! Sentimental fool, I guess.... -before bed, in the morning it just makes your coffee taste bad -both! To be the villian, like the Penguin, to create the mayhem &amp; then sit back &amp; watch, but then to catch the villain &amp; stop the mayhem, that's be priceless! -giraffe they're so cute with their gangly legs


Thanks so much for this. I have a nasty ear infection and sinus infection both right now. Audio totally relaxed me


I'm loving this Mayor😍


Currently laying in bed with a migraine. You are a godsend!


When I have a migraine, I don't want any sound. Darkness, silence, a large enough bowl next to the bed, painkillers, something against vomiting and a cool, clean bed. When I dare to open my eyes again, that's where I could possibly think about maybe playing any sound at all ... tomorrow. I'm curious how other people experience migraine. Do you guys also throw up? How long does it last? Do you feel it coming or is it a surprise?


I’m one of the lucky folks who doesn’t get migraines, but nausea &amp; vomiting, photophobia (headache aggravated by bright lights), and phonophobia (headache aggravated by loud noises) are actually part of the diagnostic criteria for migraines. You don’t <i>have</i> to experience them in order for the headache to be classified as a migraine, but many people do get these symptoms.<br><br>As far as duration goes, I’ve heard many of my patients say that their migraines can last for hours, or even sometimes days 🙁 Some of them can feel it coming on (especially if they get auras with their migraines).<br><br>I’ve heard a few people say that ASMR can be helpful for their migraines. But when I was listening to the audio, I got the sense that it would probably be really helpful for tension-type headaches. These are the ones that are often associated with pain around the temples and muscle tension/stiffness, and they can be brought on by stress, eye strain, etc.<br><br>I think ultimately the audio can be useful for several different ailments, but I also think it’s medically legit that some migraine sufferers might find that it aggravates their symptoms. (For more info, <a href="https://www.ichd-3.org" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.ichd-3.org</a> is a cool website, albeit a bit jargon-y)


It's been a hot minute since this was posted so this might not even be seen but I *really* love it when you whisper/speak very, very softly.


This is golden.🙂