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Hey!  You wanna come over and watch the All Ireland Hurling Finals with me?  Don't worry I'll teach you all about it!  I've even got you a jersey!




I am so not ready for this


Oh yeah😍


Oooooh, I’ve been waiting for this😍😍😍 Hi G! 😘😘 Tipsy? 😏 Sounds fun.


Lord Jesus here we go.


Oh boy I haven't started yet but oh boy


I know nothing about sportsball. Please. Enlighten me. And by enlighten I mean do naughty things.


I think I’m starting to really like sports 😂😍


😘😘😘😘😘 of course I’ll watch the game with u


Omg yaaaay!!!! Ive been soooo looking forward to todays post 😁😁😁 Made my evening!!

Ms. Donovan

30:48 Glad I hydrated.


I hate sports. Only thing you better be hurling at me is that third flip flop in your hurry to take it off.


I love Wednesdays ♥️


*looks down at shirt I’m currently wearing that has the word “Hurley” printed across my chest* U fuqn wat m8 (Hurley is an Australian surf brand) (Stop doing that coincidence thing immediately)


I'm still emotional how am I gonna listen to this😳😳😳


When you’re shopping with your mom and debating if you should listen now or wait 🤔🤭


Wednesday’s with Gael 🤗💋


Love ya G, we've been worried about you!


I just told myself you probably won't update and I'll go to sleep. Glad I checked back XD


Game time!! Woot! Woot! I died last night with The Pleasure Key, but for you....ding ding!! Bring it! *muah!!*


Yes!! Game time... AND I get a jersey!! Touchdown, home run, SCORE!!! 😉


Seriously I'm going to Ireland in 25 days, not that I'm excited and counting down,and hurling is something I want to check out. I feel like this game needs to come to Canada!


Hope you are doing well, we've been thinking about ya!


I am with family. Fuck it. I will lock myself in the bathroom for half an hour. Pray for me 🤣


game on!!

Ms. Donovan

“You must be my lucky charm.” Is it too soon to make a magically delicious joke? 🤔😏💪🏻


I am too emotional to listen to this after our Twitter talk and Emmy’s post! 😭 I am keeping this for tomorrow. Thank you for posting and I hope you are doing well.


Ohhh yes! And I get a jersey??? Is it yoouuuur Jersey? 👀 I can’t wait to listen to this later 😍


YES SPORTS! I love to watch a sports!! THE SPORTS DID A GOOD!! GO THE TEAM GOOD! 🙌🏼🙌🏼


I am so anti-sport, the first thing that came to mind was some sort of weird contest where people throw up (hurling). 😂 I'll have to listen to this later to figure out what this sport even is, but I'm hoping the lesson isn't long. 😉😈


Come on ya! Clatter dafecker! Already practiced some cheers😉😁


hahaha the beginning reminds me of watching my uncles watching hurling or rugby... or gaelic football. I swear to god nothing is more entertaining that grown men screaming at a telly XD AND THIS SHIT GETS TERRITORIAL AF.


Hell to the Meh.


Also hurling indoors... what kind of dangerous behaviour?! what u trying to break?!


Now this is MY kind of sports 😉😋😘


It's never too soon. He's a leprechaun, after all! 🤔




Omg! Absolutely joyous! 💗


I'm normally not a big sports fan, BUT I'll make an exception for this game! Search up "The Fastest Game on Grass" on YouTube -- I dare you not to be impressed with the sheer levels of skill, strategy, & multitasking required! Seriously, I can totally see how it was the game of warriors for 1000 years (well, 2000+ if you count right up 'til now).


Oooo nice i like this! Nice work!


It was so hard for me to keep a straight face and keep my breathing from changing, lol. 😂😍

Ms. Donovan

This was so cheeky and fun, G. I hope it brought YOU smiles 😊 Your name has been on the lips and hearts of all of us this week. Take care of yourself, love ♥️


Ba mhaith! 📺🏑☘ (Also: so excited! A Twitter friend of mine in Dublin has offered to take me to my very 1st hurling match up by her when I'm in Ireland this summer! Féachfaidh muid iománaíocht! Tá mé ag súil mór leis!) No jersey, though, and pro'lly no game-inspired sexytimes -- though she *is* awfully cute, agus tá Gaeilge aici... 🤔😎)


Now that’s a homerun 😉😂


OK I caved in and I am listening. It’s adorable. ❤️ « There is definitely Irish in ya. I mean Irish blood. » 🤣 Oh the puns!


First part: (Gael speaks) Me: *stop the audio* owwwww. -- Several seconds later: (Gael y his cute accent) Me: *stop the audio again* OWWW. --- 💚 I can do this forevah like💚


There was not a doubt in my mind I was havin’ this tonight. My face hurts from grinning at the first half. And you know...the rest of it too.

Jasmine sanfi

I always said the same thing but...really...you keep getting better...I am so dreamy right now.This is real,funny,entertaining,so deep and so spontaneous.WOW GAEL JUST WOW you are everything a woman can dream and hope for all wrapped in one...man.....ok this is definitely in my top list.Not gonna lie.


Okay this is officially the best “game” ever ☺️😉


You say tipsy huh?beschwipst? Cause a man's true character comes out when he's drunk🥃I'm getting more curios...


An interesting kind of sport.. And how it developed into higher 🌶️🌶️Hot stuff 🌶️🌶️😅by the way, I have been thinking about you, how are you feeling.. Take care and have a wonderful giddy Thursday 😃Goodass Prana 😃😃😘❤️❤️😃😊🍓🍓


Yeah, I'm going to need all kinds of tutoring in this sport, G.😅 With you as my coach, I'm raring to go, teach me about ALL the sports! XD How cute, you even got an extra jersey.😄 Your enthusiasm over the match is infectious and adorable. I was grinning so much!😊 Oh baby, on a pool table? G, you just keep checking off my fantasies one by one.❤ This is so hot and sexy and cute. I'm all out of breath, and not from the sports! I loved, loved, loved "I wanna come kissing you."😍😍😍 That gave me a pang in my heart. I loved this!💋💋💋


First off, I hope you're doing alright, G, and still taking it easy 🤗 Now, this audio was rather cute, especially since "we" got a jersey 😁 And heck yeah, our team won!!! 🙌🙌 I was smiling so much when you yelled and stuff at our team; it's almost as if you were actually watching a match while recording. And watching a fast paced, exciting sport AND being taught how to play it would totally be me! You did really good with this one 😊


Dear God man! Are ye trying to kill me? This is everything I love! Funny, goofy, and romantic. I'm at work now, trying to grade 🤪 but I couldn't resist. A's for everyone! 😆 Can't wait to get home and give this audio the full attention it wholeheartedly deserves. 😏 Brava maestro! Thankfully I know some of the rules of Hurling so I wasn't completely lost. Listening to you get all worked up over the game gave me the giggles.

Ms. Donovan

Vally - I promise, this will give you the giggles and make you smile. A nice salve for a tender heart ❤️

Ms. Donovan

Literally laughed out loud at the end - “So you wanna go watch the replay?” I loved this one for how much smiling I did 🤣


Girl he says two of our favorite words in this one. Wanna know what they are??


This was good, this was really good. Go Team Go!


well, that was...intense....


Just in time for the ride home! Then a relisten later n


Ahhhhhhhh!!!! So excited to listen when I get home!


The clapping and giggling 😂 I can see G hopping up and down on the couch now


My favorite line in the whole thing: “are you sure?” Love a man that knows boundaries and consent!!!


If every game day is gonna be like this, we can watch the Puppy Bowl and make some things happen! Gaaaaawwww dammit!! And atop the pool table no less! Fuck yeah! Plus all of the Gaelic 😍😍#hecangetit #behindthe8balllike 🎱 #SCORE!!


This was unexpectedly very romantic and intense ❤🔥


The particular innocence of this audio caught me off guard. I remember that time and that fella - but this summoned the feels. Enjoying being together whatever the activity, simple/tender loving, the intimacy of wearing his shirt, needing a bit of liquid courage to start it rolling. What a gift. Cheers G.

Trisha C

You’re so cheeky 😂💖


Incredible!!!!! Sweet and spicy! You are adorable! I'd love to watch a game with you. That excitement was giggle-worthy. I'm the same way. The Hurling tutorial..totally not fair! There is no way any of us would be able to square up with your massiveness. The pool on the other hand..Yep I'd fake it too! *In my little girly voice* "Yes, can you please show me how to hold the 'stick'" Then I'd wipe the table with you! (LOL) Yeah, you would have to always break because I'm short, but that's beside the point. The spicy...woo! Scorching! First time lovins! Yummy!!! Well worth getting 'felt burns'. Mm mm mm! Thank you sweety..well worth the wait! Smoochess and licks for this one!


I’m horrible at playing sports but I love watching them! And why does the sentence “oh no beour you look savage like,” hit me all in the feels?!


This one is cute. Didn't mess my scanties on the way home, but it was sweet. I liked all of the slang that filtered in, actually. Who knew G could squeal like aittle girl meeting a Disney princess? And still, this is why G has 2000 freaking patrons: there is something for everyone.


This. Is. Everything.


Your accent is fookin' CUTE Gael!!!🤩🤩🤩


<i>"Know your feckin' hurlin'....I'M NOT CUTE!"</i> I'm dying. 😂


I giggled so much bc I seriously was all “you’re so cute” and then he pops off “I’M NOT CUTE!” Cue the twilight zone music 🎶 hehehehehe


This one was so much fun! I have a special fondness for guys who get super excited watching sports - and yes it is so cute! Also, sex on a pool table was something I never knew I needed, but there you go.


Perfect date??? THIS ONE!! Absolutely! Love the plan, love how excited Gael is when his team wins, love the beers and chips, and love his jersey! BUT... The pool table killed me! Aaaaww G.... Weak point there... So yes, yes, yes!!! Let's go watch the replay!! 👏👏 😋😋😋


Was I the only one that expected one of them to get a foot/hand stuck in one of the pool table holes? 🤣


I'm so tempted to make a balls joke but I think I'll refrain. 😂


Hurling??? 🤔 Step 1. Google Hurling...because I like learning new things. Step 2. Look up hurling on YouTube, because I don't even know what I just read on Google. Step 3. Listen to audio...promptly forget everything I read and saw...and bask in the glory that is a Gaelforce audio 😏 Favorite parts: Having the muse wear your jersey...sexy👍 all the excitement for the game 👍 Being a gentleman and asking permission to move forward...classy 👍 Favorite dialogue "Baby please" "I really fucking want you" And G... 'you're the bestest'. Thanks for uploading today. Hope all is well.

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

Awwwww, man!... this was soooo feckin' (I'm officially adopting this word) adorable, I can't even stand it! 🤗... all the awkward, self-conscious, hopeful excitement - both for the game and the "after party"... the suspense for the same... my heart started pounding as soon as the game started and still hasn't quit!... same for the doofy grin on my face 😋... if there's a hurling cheer, I need to learn it (cuz that's as close as I'll get to participating in a game)!... I don't drink anymore, but if a guy went to the effort of figuring out and acquiring my favorite throw-back frosty adult beverage, my favorite chips, AND let me wear his jersey - regardless of the sport (unless it's the Dodgers - *grrrr!* 🤨) - I'd SO be there!! (a few sips certainly wouldn't hurt)... and then trying to so patiently teach me about something he loves so much so I can feel welcome and included???... soooooooo sweet!! 💜... *sigh* 😍... I'm totally in love with this audio!... game, set, MATCH!!... excellent job, Mr. G!... YOU are DEFINITELY the BESTEST! 😘 🏑🏆(and I hope you're doin' alright, all things considered *hugs*)... tankies!!... byeyas!! 🤗


I think I may have to rethink my disdain for sports. What are you doing to me, G? What are you turning me into? Ugh. Damn you and your leprechaun blood! 😂😜💚💋


Good morning everyone! I hope yer all doing good! Happy Thursday! Xd


Can't believe I'm not 10hrs late seeing this 👆


You pointed out something really important. There's nothing more attractive to me than listening to the people I care about talk endlessly about what they love, no matter what the subject is. Whether you like it or not is a mute point. Passion is the most beautiful thing on earth. Just seeing the way their eyes light up and watching that passion come to life is the most breathtaking thing to me. xo


I enjoyed this audio specially the part when you got excited and start screaming and clapping at the end of the game and also when you were mad and start swearing at the players lol.. a true Irishman like!!!


When the fucking weather is such shit that it messes with my Wi-Fi and I only Now realize this was posted! Fuck you snow, it's April, go home you're drunk. This new vid should be interesting 😉😍




I couldn't wait until I go home from work tonight. So I am listening to it now while I am getting some work done in the office. I. Am. A. Puddle. These kinds are my favorite! &lt;3 Thank you, Mr. G! Hihi!


Stream of thought: -Reading description- “OH YES YES YES I LOVE FRIENDS TO LOVERS AHH” -listening and googling- “oh man how have I never watched this before it’s baseball and hockey?!” Basically 1. Thanks for the TERRIFIC orgasm and 2. For turning me on to a new sport! Baseball and hockey are my two fave sports, I’m really excited to get to know this one!


I've been a patron here for almost 2 years....just realized that...


Eye contact + the word "please" = my kryptonite.


This was amazing as always. I loved your sweet acting skills. The way you kiss and cum is like pure love, so intense and full of enerdree. It's life. Perfection❤ I've had headache which could lead to a bad migraine but now it's all gone and I'm in a better mood...


I declare this audio as the cutest and romantic, definitely. --- I want an Irish guy like this, like. XD --- ¡Eres una mezcla de risas, amor y ternura! ❤


I finally got to listen....that was the best combo of sweet n sexy! What girl doesn't look hot in a jersey? Loved it! You're adorable Gael and I wanna smooch ya! 😍


*wanders into the office all hot and flustered* Maybe listening to this on my drive in wasn't the best idea! That was so sweet and funny in the first half and super hot on the pool table. Never mind #teambreakthebed this is #teambreakALLthefurniture


The most appropriate use of hashtags I’ve ever seen 👌🏼😂


This is my little rom com heart talking but I just love the part where you kiss "her" for the first time and goes all: "is that OK?" and "she" obviously kisses you back immediately. That just melted my heart.


Sports nerd self HAD to look up what hurling was couldn't help but be elated when our 'home' team won. 😂🌟✨ seriously adorable (I am one to shout at the t.v. during basketball game as well)🌟✨💖


Awwww we are lucky Lovelies 😍


Aww.. This was so sweet and sexy💗


I love the audios with a bit of acting in them, they're my favorite, and you have a real talent for them. This one especially was cute, fun and playful! Wonderful job as always 😊❤️️🌟


I have to know "Corcaigh guh boo?" I know by context it means something specific, but I'm flummoxed as to what. Enlighten me please. My brain is such where I have to figure out puzzles or die trying. 😆


👏👏 So fun and playful then hot and lustful then back to sweet and downright adorable. Perfect combo, another treat audio. This man is magic! ❤Keep lifting yourself to the positive love. You are doing great things. I notice and I appreciate you.


How’d you know my shirt size tho?😳😂


“We’re FOOKED”


I'm listening right now. Omg, I laughed at this part 😂 😂


Gael almost having an orgasm because of a game is kinda sexy! 😄 OMG, that oral scene! 🔥💦 I like the little fading effect between two scenes, I noticed you are using it more lately. It makes it easier to imagine the whole story.


Oh Gael 🤤🤤🤤 that was one of your best yet! I don’t know if you were actually tipsy or what else made the difference but 🤤 oh Gael 🤤 oh Gael 🤤 you sounded so deliciously amazing 😍😍😍 oh Gael you’re the best and you just lifted my day ❤️ thanks for existing ❤️❤️❤️


For those wondering Corcaigh abu basically means Cork to victory. I googled it. Lol


"Oh you look savage like" my new favorite complement ;P


So close to the mic oh hoooonnnnneeeeyyy lmao yas!


Oh Gael, I believe this is one of your more intense romantic ones and I love it! I found out I have a severe shoulder injury when you posted this but been so busy that just now getting to listen. So I got some sexy sweetness to soften the blow of my bed news. Plus.... the growls!!!! I love the growls.


Omg that was hot &amp; sweet 🔥Loved it! ❤️😘


This audio is so sweeet ! I really liked it 😍😍🔥❤️❤️


I thought this was savagely endearing and the parts leading up to the good-good were properly good good. I found the warmth in his voice pleasantly palpable. It's super cute when guys get so excited about games, or anything, really. Passion is good. I don't <strike>have</strike> want to make much time for anything else in this life. Pool sex (both kinds) is on my bucket list and while I'm not yet the best at the game (it's been some time), I remember that I used to enjoy it quite a bit. I believe it was the lovely Valentina who said something about G's acting being particularly good in this - I agree. I'm a(n almost lifelong) movie buff and I think I figured out the main reason I love my favorite actors so much: they don't really act. Nicholson, Pacino, Brosnan, Willis, Hopkins, Gibson, etc., always play themselves in every movie. They are channelers of emotion and the reason they convey it so well is because they know it so well - by experience and observation. I think that's also why writers and artists can't just sit or stand in their space and "decide" to create their ultimate masterpiece. They can certainly jug the inspiration but it's necessary to first tap into it. The creative process is much like making love - it's not something you do with your head. I'm almost falling asleep already (in a good way, thanks to the audio, because I needed it), so I'll close with the aftergame score: I think that was a draw. What say you, boys and girls? Edit: Hurling looks fun and similar to Lacrosse, which, if spelled "la crosse", would basically be a Québécois slang for "jerking off", as a noun, kind of like saying "the jerk". Yeah. Easily amused.


Gael, You make me smile so much my face almost aches. Thank you for what you do. Since I have started listening to your audios (A couple of months) my insomnia is almost gone and my anxiety is way down too. You are my oasis in this crazy world. Thank you! Love the eargasms, more please Sir!


You’re adorable when you get excited like OHMYGOI UR SO PRECIOUS💓😍😚


Something tells me it's no acting but really him when he get's excited. Like a little innocent child. That's pure and sweet❤


I'm gonna hear it again tonight!! (vvvbbbbvvvvvvbbbb.. bbbvvvvvvv...)


Holy meow....listening to this while hubs is driving. Me....dying with those open mouth moans going down! Aaahh....and he thinks I'm mad smiling at the scenery......my poor panties!!!


Aww this was amazing! I was imagining during the game I was watching you watch the game rather than watching it myself, you’re too cute when you get excited! 😊 it was all just 🙌 your acting skills are perfect 👌🏻 Thanks G you’re the best! 😘❤️☘️


Guten Morgen Mädls. A happy Sonntag to everyone. Hope you are all well!? Yesterday was a really sunny, wonderful day... and I had to work in the dark, damp clay cellars! :( Well at least I had the company of two strong, half naked muddy men. :) I don´ t have time for the daily Fragen tonigh... have to check on Lil´ Seanie. He´ s making this rattling sound again. O.o Can one of you please ask some Fragen? Ja, for science of course! :) Danke, Schätzchen for your Fragen and answers. Bis dann. XD Danke Valentina für die gestrigen Fragen meine Liebe. :)


You are early with the <i>Fragen</i> post today, my dear Frau! If I may step in... - What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made over the last 72 hours? - What’s been your biggest accomplishment over the last 72 hours? - What’s your favourite confidence booster? - Warm weather is hopefully on the way (at least in the Northern Hemisphere)! What’s your go-to beverage to quench your thirst on a hot day?


Gael I swear to Jeebis my fantasy is have sex wearing a bfs jersey. Wore my exs GAA jersey and it was the best sex of my life . Withdrawals 😂


I must say I love to hear the tones of awe and joy in your voice when you go down on your ladies. It gives me the feels!

witch's brew

How could I pass an offer such as this one! Go team go! 😉🌼💕


Ahhhh yay thank you! I’m so excited for this! I’ve been waiting for another friends to lovers since “Truth or Dare”! Can’t wait to listen to this when I have some alone time later today!


This is so adorable!! &lt;3


just looked up hurling on youtube. Hurling to me is like tennis, only difference is that everyone gets to play haha xD

Lisa Lisa

I had a huge grin on my face when Gael yelled excitedly, “Fuck! Yes! Yes!” at the TV. If my friend did that I would have given him the side eye. It’s cool — I’m not into sports, but I could be supportive. 😊 As for the content of this audio, I like the flirting and the amusing puns. And most importantly, even though Gael admits to being a little drunk, he asks if the lady is sure about, you know, beforehand. That’s respect. Good work, G!

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

I just discovered that there are hurling leagues in the US!!... nobody watches, but they're here!... there's one in New York, New York, Tampa, Florida, and Madison, Wisonsin for sure... although the one in Madsion is an indoor league and their field looks to be half the size of a hockey rink, but still!... and they are, apparently, associated with the GAA 😁... who'd a thunk it??


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. Hope everyone has a nice Montag!? Jaja... Montag again, ugghhhh! ;) And my weekend wasn´ t really relaxing either... hmm, maybe I will have a lazy Monday. :) I have some easy daily Fragen, if you like? Ja? If you could go pro at any sport what would it be? Do you or have you ever had a Reifenschaukel - tire swing in your yard? Do you ever put your head in the Gefrierfach - freezer to cool off on hot days? Can you bite a Lutscher - Popsicle? How many times have you laughed today? Danke my dears for your answers, enjoy your day. Bis später. XD Danke Frl.Doktimus for yesterday´ s Fragen. :)


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! I got (almost) all of my chores done today—didn't manage to wash bedding or get to the grocery store, but my laundry is done and my floors are clean, and that's not nothing. And now, this: <b>All-pro Rey-Rey</b> — I suppose I'd choose to go pro at figure skating. I've always loved to watch it, and I put a pair of ice skates on my feet for the first time this past Christmas. Could be fun. <b>Swingin' in the round</b> — It was just off my property and technically on my uncle's, but we had this gigantic rope swing (the seat was a 2x8 with a groove made for the rope to sling around) that swung out over the creek that ran through our properties. It was decommissioned last year after a friend of their side of the family fell from it and broke some bones. <b>Brain freeze</b> — I haven't done it in a long time, but I've used the freezer to cool down once in a while. <b>Setting off brain freeze</b> — I can't bite a Popsicle until it's near melting point. Even then, I sort of use my teeth to start a crack and then leverage it off, rather than biting clean through. Been a while since I had a Popsicle, actually... <b>Giggle factor</b> — Hmm...I'd say I've laughed six or seven times today? Best one was of an old review of the Jacob Black character in <i>Twilight</i> (from before <i>Breaking Dawn</i> was published) that said in the author's note "I hope that in this book, Jacob will find someone who appreciates him—someone he can grow up with?" Technically, they got what they wanted, didn't they? 😂


I’m all red😳


Love how cute this is 😍


Ok girls, so the secret is not the lingerie, wear a jersey and you're on!


Some of the best sex I've had was wearing a jersey after an (American) football playoff game. 😏 When the Vikings pulled off an upset this past season let me tell you, all the hot sex was had 😉


Oookayyy...had a listen...like I said in another comment, not much for wearing sports stuff just to turn a guy on...but damn, this audio actually made me just a little bit curious about hurling. I mean, I like basketball and hockey well enough, as well as my own personal favorite--Tae Kwon Do--to understand how you'd get excited about a sport you love. :-) As for the NSFW part--ohhhh, damn!! I could FEEL my heart rate go up and by the end I could tell my breath had changed dramatically. And here I was trying to fall asleep. Gonna have to cool down with a regular YT vid if I'm to get any sleep w/out the chance for release. :-P


Seriously my favourite audio. The whole watching the game, the competition in the games room and the ending just...😍*sigh* my all time favourite audio, I can’t even put it into words ♥️♥️


Cute and sexy!


So freakin’ adorable and hot af 🥰🔥 &amp; that ending made me grin like an idiot 😘😊

Michelle Ross

Friends to Lovers category is my favorite. This was a fast transition. I guess alcohol is a good courage/truth elixir, especially for an Irishman.


I think this is one of the better uses of a pool table 😉