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If you've won a PA recently, be sure to download it to your phone or PC within the next 30 days.  I need to purge the place I host them on because it's fulla moans like!   So I'll be removing everything to make space.

You should always download the file anyway to make sure you have a copy.  I wish I had unlimited hosting but alas!


Have a lovely weekend Lovelies.

The next erotic will be up on Wednesday!  I've some things I wanna add to it before I release it.  Brace yourselves like 


This week's draw winners:

Lauren L 


Personal Audio $4.99 tier
If you are interested in this tier or have won and don't know what to do:
Check out this thread to read  Frequently Asked Questions about Personal Audios! 



Congrats ! ❤️


Hi G❤️😘


Congrats loves! <3


Congrats Y'all! Peace to you sweet G!


Can’t wait, G! ❤️❤️❤️❤️😈😈😈😈






More ASMRS please 😩😩


« Fulla moans like » 🤣🤣🤣 Congrats to the winners!


Congrats winners! Rosie, drop us a line when you recover from the shock. 😂😂😂😘


😱😱😱 Are you serious? I have no words. Lol. I’m speechless 😅


Congrats ladies


Yay! Rosie! Congratulations ladies!


Congratulations, Ladies! 🎉💖😍


🔥 Congrats ladies!!! 🔥


Congratulations Lauren!!!!


ROSIE!!! Yay!! Congrats ladies!! Enjoy it to the fullest! 😊 Wednesday can't cum soon enough!! 😋


Congrats ladies!!! Soooo happy for you and totally jealous too, like!! 😍😍


Congrats ladies!!!


Consider me braced, G!😅 Thanks for wishing us a nice weekend, I hope yours is good, too. Hugs and kisses to you, Gael.😚❤ Congratulations, ladies! Woo hoo, congrats, Rosie!!😘💕


Congrats ladies! ::Consider me braced:: 🔥🔥


Congrats Ladies!!! ✌✌✌💗💗💗


Congratulations Lovelies!!! 🎧 ❤️


Congrats, lovelies!!!! (Gael, I'm bracing myself already....😂😂😂 ) 👏👏👏👏


Dear me, sounds like we're in for a treat come Wednesday ladies, well it is hump day! 😂😂 Congrats Lauren and Rosie.


Smooches, G. You're setting some expectations, boy! I can't wait!

Ms. Donovan

Congrats ladies!!!!!! ENJOY ♥️ I’m not sure bracing is enough. I’ma just lay right here on the floor until Wednesday and beat you to the punch on this one.


Congrats Rosie and Lauren!!! 😁


Congratulations ladies. Yay Rosie😂🎉🎉🎉


Congratulations to Lauren and Rosie!!! Braced mode...is locked and loaded. Ready when you are.


I love that her comment was the next one after yours 😂


Congratulations, girls! Happy new week, everyone 😘

Stella Rose

Congrats Lauren and Rosie!


“Brace yourselves”. Oh my 😋😘 . So odd; suddenly feel compelled to clear my schedule Wednesday. Have a nagging suspision that I’ll be a bit under the weather and will need some a alone time to.... *ahem, rest. 💋


Congratulations ladies 💗💗💗


Congrats ladies😘🎉🥂 Rosiiiiiieeeee😁 enjoy it to the fullest👍🏼😜


I’m getting back from from a family vacation Wednesday! Perfect timing 🤪


Woohoo. ❤️


Self: braced. Loins: girded. ...girden? 🤔


Congrats, girls! YAY, Rosie!!! 😄😄


“Brace yourselves” *grips table before fainting backwards pulling the table cloth down with her in sheer ecstasy as the contents topple along with her down to the floor*


Oh I was so afraid of loosing it I just downloaded it again to be sure to be sure😂 gonna save it thrice + on a sd card and usb one you never know if I loose my phone or something 😂😂 Felicitation Lauren & Rosie yay🎉🎉🎉!!!Enjooyyyy to the fullest🎉🎉😊!


I thought you said Happy New year for a sec😂. Happy New week back at ya Laura💋


Congratulations lovelies muah Gael <3 ;)


Congrats ladies! Yay Rosie!!! 🖤💋


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A pleasant Montag to everyone. Uuughhh... Monday again. :( My weekend was sooo nice, sunny and lazy. Hm, let´ s make the best of it... how about some vintage Fragen? :) Who´ s your celebrity crush? Book boyfriend? Celebrity twin? Pre-Gael, what porn or erotica were you into? Lit? Erotic photography? How is your dream date? What was the silliest, scariest, or best Halloween costume you' ve ever worn? Danke for your answers, Schätzchen. Bis später. XD


Congrats Lauren!! I really hope you enjoy yourself!!! Miss Rosie!!! Girl are you alive????? Rosie? Rosie? Come on get up off the floor..have a sip of water and get your request in....


Happy Sunday/Monday to all my fine ladies out there. Frau Claudia, I'm happy you enjoyed your weekend. I hope everyone else did. Went to the movies today to see "A Quiet Place." I'm typically a big ol' chicken (as some of you know) but I was proud of myself. Yeah, I jumped at every last 'jump scare' they had but I didn't scream...I didn't cover my eyes..I was a big girl! Today I had to break off a friendship with a person I met about 4 mo's ago. This guy turned out to be very self centered and greedy for my time. I tried to help him! I really did, but he drained me emotionally on a constant basis. This last month was just mind numbing. A part of me feels bad, but the other part of me...slapped that part. So, here we are. Fragen time. Celebrity crush? Hugh Jackman! It's been him for years and dammit, I'm loyal! Book? I haven't read a book in soooo long I can't think of one. Twin? Hmm..No clue.. Erotica? Literature. I like reading it because I get to formulate what the person looks like. And my imagination suits me well. Dream date? A nice romantic dinner, dancing, a stroll under the stars. Costume? When I was about 6 me and my sister were our parents going to a big party. I had one of my mom's prettiest dresses, a wig, her stole, and makeup. My sister had one of my dad's suits, his 'cool cat' fedora, pencil thin goatee. Years later, our neighbor 3 houses down was spring cleaning and found the picture she took of us that night. We looked sooo cute. (if I do say so myself) Alright that's it for the Fragen. Have a great week all of you. I'm on vacation for the week so I'll be doing some spring cleaning around here along with a few other loose end stuffs. Love you guys!!!


😂😂 Yes, I’m still alive, lol. And I already did 😁




Congrats ladies!


Congratulations ladies, enjoy!


Same! I have mine saved on my laptop, my phone, and my google drive....can never be too careful 😂🤣


Congrats ladies! Enjoy!


Congratulations Rosie and Lauren L. Take your time G...we know that you are worth the wait, like!! Have a great day!!


You'll be under the weather and yet, up in the heavens. 😁


Congrats ladies!


Congrats Ladies 😘❤️


Guten Morgen Mädls. Hope everyone has a nice Dienstag!? I sip tasty verveine tea (btw, my Oma always said it´ s good for the voice. Ahemm, Herr Gael. :)) and listen to the rain. It´ s a sweet, soft spring rain... in the morning everything will be double as grün - green and lovely as yesterday. Mmmhhh.. I have some assorted daily Fragen for the daily Fraugen... Do you dislike verschlafen - sleeping in? What is your favorite book series? What is your favorite Wochentag - week day? Do guys look more attractive with a beard or without? That´ s enough for today. Danke meine Lieben, as always. Bis dann. XD


Hallihallo Claudia und meine Damen! I agree with the verveine tea also green tea with pure honey is very good for the voice. Talking about rain I love it so much😍well we're lucky since it rains enough in Deutschland. Straight to the Qs, 1. If I dislike sleeping in? Mmmmm yes definitely! 2. What's my fave book series? The lord of the rings! 3. What's my fave week day? Friday and Saturday 4. Guys with or without beard? Definitely with. I don't like it clean shaved. Ich danke dir Liebes😘

Kiara. B

Congrats girls!!!!


Guten Morgen Gaelandian girls. A happy Mittwoch to everyone. It´ s a quiet night here... the kittens just brought me a frog... Hmm... I have nothing else to chatter about tonight. :) Instead I have some sexy Fragen, if you are in the mood? Ja? This or that? Tongue or no tongue? Girth or length? Small penis or premature ejaculator? Spit or swallow? Cowgirl or missionary? Rabbit vibrator or vibrating bullet? Phone sex or dirty texts? Blindfold or handcuffs? Give or receive oral? Danke for your answers, Schätzchen. Bis dann. XD PS: I bet The King´ s answers to these would be quite interesting, for science of course! ... ahemmm, your Highnessss!? :))


Hi Claudia! Sweet kittens teaching you how to hunt for your own food 💜 I hope you had a wonderful evening! The fragen are challenging tonight! So many difficult choices: Tongue or no tongue- tongue. Always. Girth or length- girth. Not much else to say about that Small penis or premature ejaculator- oohhh that’s difficult. Wow...I think small penis. There are other ways to get there I suppose. Spit or swallow- Not to make this a mechanics discussion, but let’s say I choose “spit” — where am I going to spit it?? I guess that leaves swallowing on a technicality. Cowgirl or missionary- cowgirl. No missionary. No, cowgirl. Final answer. Rabbit or bullet- this seems like an obvious choice in favor of the rabbit...but that bullet is no joke! Dirty texts or phone sex- I think dirty texts. You can get them any time of day and respond at your whim. Cuffs or blindfold- cuffs. Such a tease to see what you want but not be able to touch it. Give or receive oral- another difficult choice...but I would say give. To be the reason your partner loses control is undeniably sexy.


I'm with you on Sitting and watching Vally. Watching it all go down!!!!!. 👀😂


Mel- please take care of Little Sassy for me if things should end badly 😂😂😂


Erin-----I'll sit side saddle and she can drive.😳💀💀💀 Danielle----Me no married, BUT..a buff between "Friend" should be no biggie. "No buff is 2 tuff" 😂 Lady----- Always room for you! Vally----Keep the drinks flowin. 😁👍


Guten Morgen Mädls. Hope everyone has a nice Donnerstag!? I have to reload Lil´ Seanie, who is a good boy tonight. :) So just some quick Fragen for the Fraugen... If you found out your best friend was a Serienmörder - serial killer, would you turn him/her in? Do you get Sodbrennen - heartburn? Would you break the Gesetz- law to save a loved one? Would you rather hear the bad things people say about you, or the good things people say about you? What is your favorite Stephen King movie? Danke my dears, as always. Bis dann. XD Let´ s hope His Highness won´ t mess up the Fragen again! XP


Hi Claudia!! I very sincerely apologize for my part in today’s fragen destruction. 🤦🏻‍♀️ lol but it really was all the Kings doing!! Fragen time- Turn my friend in? Yes. I want to live. Heartburn? Only when pregnant with Little Sassy. Break the law? Probably. Bad or good? Good. People’s negative opinions of me are none of my business. Stephen King- no thank you. I watched “The birds” as a child and couldn’t go to the beach for months (I live at the beach so this was especially challenging) Dearest Lizard King...be a good sweet Lizard Boy and don’t screw up Frau Claudia’s scientific research!! I’ll see you in the community posts. Until we meet again...💋🦎


Guten Morgen Gaelendia. A happy Freitag to everyone. Hope you are all well? Any dreckigen - dirty weekend plans? You know, my man is away... so I will invite his two sexy brothers to do very dirty things with me. Ja, cleaning my clay cellar and mixing some new clay. In the end we will look like pro mud wrestlers! Grrrrr... XDD I have some sexy daily Fragen, if you like? This or that?... Sex in the woods or sex in a cab? Sexy strip tease or dirty talk? Oral for hours or quickie penetration? Older partner or younger partner? Dirty books or dirty movies? Danke meine Lieben. Bis dann. XD


Good evening (here) Claudia!! That sounds like a very dirty weekend indeed!! I’ll be getting dirty as well...from the sand at the beach. Can’t wait!! Fragen: Woods or cab- woods. Strip tease or dirty talk- dirty talk. Every time. Extended Oral vs quickie- oral for hours. And hours and hours. Older or younger- older. But I always said I wanted to be a cougar... Books or movies- books!! I’ll create the image in my head. Have a lovely evening/night/morning??


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. A wonderful Samstag to everyone. Do you have to work today? Mmmhh... it´ s a really beautiful night here, so warm and sweet. I´ m sitting outside, wrapped in a blanket... the kittens are playing with some bugs... mmhhhh... I´ m too lazy tonight for the daily Fragen. One of you has to ask some, bitte? Come on... a few sexy ones are always popular. :) Danke meine Lieben, for your Fragen and answers. See you later. XD


Hallo Claudia. I agree it's a beautiful night tonight! Hookay so let me try with some sexy Fragen. There you go: 1. What does it feel like when you orgasm? 2. What do you need to happen for your orgasm to be absolutely mind-blowing? 3. What’s one thing that’s made you feel unexpectedly good in bed? 4. What’s one thing that you hesitated to try during sex but ended up loving? 5. Are you a screamer? A moaner? 6. What’s your favorite kind of foreplay? 7. If you had to choose, would you be a dominatrix or a submissive? 8. What’s the dirtiest thing you’ve ever sexted someone? 9. Do you like taking naked photos of yourself? 10. What’s your personal record for the number of times you’ve had sex in one night? 11. What sexual position makes you feel most like yourself? Best of luck. Enjoy and have a good day Lovelies😘