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 You're just as beautiful now as the first time I saw you... 




Oh yeah😍😍😍❤️❤️ Where’s the dirty version? 😏😏😏




Laura where are you???


Nothing like listening to Gael while editing an old story!! ❤😍


I waited to let someone else be first—see how thoughtful I am 😇😂


Awww ☺️


Sssssome dayyyyy.... when I’m awfully low... 🎵


That was my first dance song with my husband at our wedding 😍






Excited to see this notification pop up while listening to the earlier posted ramble, finally got enough downtime...51 minute ramble, whoa! Thanks Gael!




Lol, was checking out dresses online before this popped up


I know this isn’t meant to be an emotional audio, but for some reason this made me emotional. Doesn’t help that a guy I used to like a year ago broke my heart, and then found me again on twitter and talked to me. He just brought all the hurt back.


First of all, I LOVE that song!! Crooners do something to me.😍 This was so good. So goood. ❤❤


Aww 😍❤


If Eric Clapton songs could come to life... 💞


I'm not crying, you're crying. *sniffles* Seriously though, G - this is on another level romantic. Thank you, sweetness. This is so beautiful. 🖤💋

witch's brew

Perfect timing. Just settling down for the night 💗💗💗


Oh my gosh... *fans myself while looking at you with adoration* this was just... Wow 😳 this is the type of love I hope for one day ❤ it was so sweet and soft, like every word was a cloud that rained down on us with love, feeling the caress of each one along with your touch... This was quite a beautiful piece, Gael 😍 I think I'm literally a puddle of sweetness now lol and when you talk all low and gentle and sweet, you're so peaceful and relaxing that I could fall asleep 😌 thank you for such a wonderful piece 👍😄 (oh, also happy easter!!)


You swept me right off my feet, this is so romantic! Haven't even left yet, and can't wait to get back home? Ooh la la!😍 I've always loved this song, and I'm sure I'm going to get the same dreamy little smile I have on my face right now every time I hear it from now on.🎶 This was beautiful!❤❤

Ms. Donovan

“I lost my breath because of you.” Mmmmmm.... Oh but you’re lovely ♥️


The picture is lovely...❤


Just amazing 👍❤


Thank you for this one. Quite precious and delicately romantic...and such a classic and beautiful song. 👄❤ Now back to bed I go. 🙂


FFS, G !!!!! That was soooooo romantic!!!!!😍 I'd suddenly get amnesia.....what party???🤔😌


While listening, I literally felt my heart grow (if possible). I think this is also a feeling that no one can explain. This is the kind of romance that I love. But that you chose this song that was covered so many times in this version... it really took my breath away... just perfect. You literally made my heart cum!😏 Your choice of words, the song and of course the Gaelic have softened my knees. I'll be walking on air all day long☺️ This was so beautiful and it touches my heart...😍💗 I‘m full of love now... ♥️ Hope your day will be as beautiful as this gift you shared with us☀️♥️😘♥️🍀


This will expand every heart who listen.. And everybody will start up the day, with such a good spirit ❤️ Ravishing romantic and beyond beautiful😊 Have a wonderful breathtaking day..And a lovely walk with your dog ❤️🐕 Goodass Prana 😄😘♥️♥️😄🤣😊😊😃😃


That was just *so* beautiful and ending it with that song...Im just gonna go drift away to sleep on a cloud! Gnite you darling man.....😇😍😘


Well I am not crying. YOU're crying! It made me all warm and fuzzy. ^^


Oooh you sly man, you. Playing a romantic slow song as an ending. Make a woman all starry eyed with that sir 😋😎😘


Ugggggghh the sweetness!! I'm gonna die. This is gonna kill me.


I did an amazing thing this morn I slept in! It was much welcomed after a real long fortnight of hard work Feelin feckin fresh out now like Hehehehe


Thanks for this one.. Perfect way to start the day ❤❤


Sinatra always makes me swoon


Isn’t it the Tony Bennett version?🤔


Love that songs, Gael! But I pictured two scenaries... A) ... By this time the waiter would be thinking we are going to cancel dinner (again), so we could just stay here dancing barefoot and Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... (You Know I can't resist unbottom that dress shirt!) Then we could have something to eat in the terrace. B) Grab the keys right now and save me that dance for after dinner, then we could dance barefoot and.... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 😂😂😂 By the way.... Morning!!! 😄😄😄


💞💞 The hopeless romantic in me needs a defibrillator, an oxygen mask, and a fan💞 So elegant and seductive, my lil heart skipped a few extra beats. The instrumental sax, the Gaelic, and the swoon worthy words ...*😍* And the sensual connection in the end was perfect. #headinthestars #hecangetit


This was without doubt the most perfectly romantic thing I have ever heard. My heart grew 9 sizes and tears sprung in my eyes. It made me very nostalgic for the moments I used to have with hubby (and am sure will have again eventually) before ever present smol changed our lives. Thank you for this Gael, I will treasure it 💋💕💕💕😙


2 audios in one day...BEST BIRTHDAY EVER🤗🧡


I’ve been away for a while 🙃 so nice to hear your voice again 😘😘


Ok I'm loving this piece as much as I love Pizza 🍕❤ <a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/Bgha18MB-d4/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.instagram.com/p/Bgha18MB-d4/</a>


Oh my! ☺️☺️☺️ What have you done to me? 😚💘 Hihi! brb. I'll just try and contain my heart now. 😘


This audio led me to listen to some swing, jazz and big band's songs this morning! Put the speaker on and I'm enjoying some great songs 🎶🎺🎷🎙️👠💄

Gri (Sassy_One)

I’m a softie for romance, and this audio hit that spot😌 Lovely, sweet, and a great finishing touch with the song?😍😍😍


The jazzy song had me distracted until I deciphered it. My musical brain had to figure out the puzzle, the refrain is <a href="https://youtu.be/H2di83WAOhU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/H2di83WAOhU</a> also another great song. This was very sweet G. I got slow danced and serenaded tonight so this was a nice addition to my lovely night and a great send of to slumberland for me. Night all, see you on the flip side.


It feels good to take a moment to stop running after everything and to hear some positive and encouraging words. 💜


You’ve given me happy tears today Gael. One of my nans favourite songs, I always said if I ever get married, I would have it as my first dance to honour her memory. Much love to you and all the lovelies 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 Ya gots me in the feels today 😘😘


Ah so nice to wake up and listen to this loveliness. So romantic and sweet 💗 Thanks G 😘

Monique (Mimzz)

Congrats Gael and everyone else! We have reached 2000! 👏👏😙🎉


how so so sweet 😭😭😭😭💕💕💕💕💕


Gently sweet and so romantic, thank you Gael❤️


This was fantastic, it kind of reminded me of my wedding day. When I started to walk down the aisle, I locked eyes with my husband and everyone else disappeared. Thanks for the reminder G 😘


I love jazz, this was absolutely darling 💙


Tony Bennet is seriously one of the my most favourite artists on the planet. That song n this audio just totally made my whole week n will probably make ny week next week. You really couldnt have made it more perfect if you tried!!! I love you G 😍 Thank you 😚


This was absolutely beautiful I could not stop smiling. I absolutely loved it Gael.


Just like 'time stood still' for you in that moment in this audio, G, I got lost in this piece. It's almost noon on my end and the sun is beaming on a clear day...and this piece turned it into a clear night. I easily pictured myself wearing a very nice dress with you standing behind "me", kissing "my" shoulder, and just swaying slowly before "we" left for a nice evening. I knew by the title alone that I was going to adore this. And I do 😍 And I was <i>hoping</i>, in some form or fashion, that you'd play that song. That song just completed the audio 💖💖 Gosh, G, you're turning me into a romantic ✨💞 Years ago, I used to hate romantic stuff, but now, thanks to you...I kind of like it 😳


Gael... This is romantic and sweet... I don't even know what to say... Thank you 💗💗


Well damn boy. Hit me right IN the feelin’s this morning. Lol love it. 👏🏼👏🏼


So sweet! 😍😘


This was sweet Sir😄


Absolutely lovely Gael!


This melted my heart. One of the most romantic audios . You know the way to my heart 😍 I needed to feel special, told I’m beautiful &amp; feel loved. The music was the icing on top. Perfection 😘❤️ Just what I needed today. You are such a sweet gentleman ❤️


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. Hope everyone has a wonderful Sonntag!? Don´ t have much time tonight, have to search for the kittens. There´ s some jowling and clattering coming from the attic. :) Oh and it´ s der 1. April - April Fools´ Day. Will you jemanden in den April schicken - make an April fool of somebody? :) Here are the daily Fragen for the lovely Fraugen Do you match the Farbe - colour of your socks? Do you hate the sound of balloons when it' s making that squeaky noise? If you were reading a book and you found out it was a about your entire life would you read it till the end? How much of your lottery winnings would you donate to charity? If you could change your Augenfarbe - eye colour, would you? Danke meine Lieben, as always. Bis später. XD


Tesssting...Tesssting...1, 2, 3... (Bah, human technology is needlesssly complicated! And it is hard to type on thisss keyboard with my gloriousss clawsss!) Greetingsss, Frau Claudia! I am Igor, the man(lizard)servant of Fräulein Doktimusss! She has asked me to convey her well wishesss and given me permisssion to update you on her sssituation... I am first pleasssed to announce that she ssssurvived her oviposssition, which took place a week ago! Her four eggss are currently in our grand Queen’s ssspawning caves and ssshould hopefully hatch sssoon... 🥚🥚🥚🥚 Unfortunately Fräulein Doktimusss has fallen on tough timesss since the birthing, and ssshe has retreated into the Queen’s sssecret cavesss. Being the proud and ssstubborn woman that she is, she brushes off my questionsss and says ssshe only has a “wicked case of indigestion”. But I sssuspect she is lying! For instead of guzzling Maalox and eating Tumsss like candy, I sssee her popping thingsss like...oh, what were those pillsss called again?...They had such complicated namesss... ...Ah yesss, venlafaxine and bupropion! I am admittedly unfamiliar in the teachingsss of human medicine, but I do not think members of her ssspecies take such pillsss for bloating or flatulence...🤔 I also hear her muttering to herssself at night...I guesss she is on the verge of being ousssted from her job at the clinic because she believesss in providing quality care and refusesss to have patients in and out of the room in under 5 minutesss. But it ssseems her lousy boss valuesss money more than people! At any rate, Fräulein Doktimusss tells me that she needs to “disssconnect from it all”, take time to “reflect on her life choicesss”, and figure out how ssshe is “going to get out of ssshit creek without a paddle”.... (What a sssilly name for a place - “Shit Creek!” It mussst be a common tourissst attraction for I have heard many humans say they have had extended staysss there. None of them ssseem to enjoy it, though! It must have a terrible rating on Trip Advisssor 🧐) Ssshe hopes you all have a happy Eassster and wishesss you all the best! (Except for that bloodthirsssty physicist who sssevered one of my legendary hemipenisesss! I, the mighty and virile Igor, refuse to pass on Doktimusss’ greetingsss to <i>her</i> 😠)


Oh god, Igor! Give Miss Doctimus my love and good vibes! (And this little package from the Fox Queen... 😉)


Masterpiece 💚


This was tender, beautiful. Such poetic warmth. The music was the perfect backdrop. Enchanting, Gael.


Did anyone think about friends? The episode when chandler made a mixtape to Monica , and that song was on and then you hear Janice singing 😂😂😂😂💕


OH. THE MUSIC. you did such a FANTASTIC job incorporating the background back and the outro. 🌟✨ (this was also empowering considering I chose a bomb ass outfit tonight 😆🌟✨) thank you as always. 😍😘


Might be tearing up just a little bit, happy tears, of course. This piece is so sweet and lovely. &lt;3


I blissfully melted into a puddle &lt;3 thank you Gael muah


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A wonderful Ostermontag - Easter Monday to everyone. Don´ t have much time tonight. Just a quick kiln check and then back to my amorous, tasty man... Hehe... Hm... yesterday´ s Fragen were not answered properly. :( :) Perhaps you´ ll like some vintage ones? What would you have been in the past? Choose an era of your liking... do you think you` d have been male or female? 3 people, dead or alive, you` d like to invite for breakfast? ...and what would you serve? What is the most unattractive accent you ever heard? What` s the main colour of your bathroom? What is one line, you`d never ever wanna hear from Gael? Danke for your answers, Schätzchen. Bis dann.XD


What would I be in the past? I feel like I would have been a suffragette in the 1910's in America. Era of my liking- I would have wanted to be a woman in the roaring 20's think Gatsby. 3 people to invite to breakfast- Amelia Earhart, Jennifer Lawrence, and J.R.R. Tolkien. I'm serving cinammon French toast! Most unattractive accent I've heard- I find myself to love accents and be a bit of a connoisseur of them, however the one I like the least I guess would be maybe an Appalachian accent or perhaps Long Island accent. They just seem to be harder for me to understand, I do better with international accents than I do with some of my fellow Americans accents. Main color of my bathroom- Ugh boring off white. One line I don't want to hear from Gael- "Oh yes, oh that's so fuckin good, oh I love it....wait.....I'm feeling a little queasy...I think I ate something bad...get off me I've gotta puke!"


Okay...I just listened to this and something about it just hit me right in the feels...I don’t know what but it’s left me with thoughts like, “I’m so lucky to have him,” “I can’t lose him,” “If he hadn’t’ve listened to that small voice, I would still be sitting at that bar, wondering why everybody has someone except for me...” Holy fuck, Gael...I think you cracked me a little bit with this one...I’m a weeping mess right now...


&lt;3 oh wow. This was so tender, romantic, and sweet. I loved the spatial movement of this? Placing the listener &amp; Gael looking into the mirror, gazing into it, and then turning her around....I love the extended memory narrative and HOLY CATS I've never heard the Tony Bennett rendition of this song? I always though the Sinatra was the only classic version but I may have changed my mind. I thoroughly warmed inside &amp; out by this Gael, thank you for putting so much effort &amp; imagination into these softer moments. &lt;3 My grandparents have been in &amp; out of the hospital &amp; I've dropped everything to be with them and this moment of romantic sigh was a blessing. &lt;3


I feel so young everytime I listen to this. You know, young as in smooth skin, healthy hair and much less flabs ago. lol.


So romantic! And the music is perfect! I feel so beautiful and sexy listening to this!!!!


So perfect 👌🏽❤️


i was listening for a few weeks on youtube, this convinced me to become a patreon. 😍😍 very much looking forward to the 'close to me' album.. xo


One of my favorite songs in the world. I actually cried happy tears at the end when the song started. So moving. Wish someone loved me that much in the real world.


Warm fuzzy feelings on deck


That song is beautiful This audio has me speechless