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I have been longing to hold you all day long.  

Having you in my arms sets my day right...




This place is reserved for Laura😂😂


Wow me first?


Wooow. So early. 😊


Yay!! This is so necessary right now! 😚😚😚 Muah, muah, muah!!


Awww babe...


Bastard app wouldn’t post my comment again 😤 thankfully, our gorgeous Mayor has calmed my inner mafia boss aaaaaahhhhh 😌😌😌😌😌😌😌 lovely fuzzy feelings to all of you 💗💗💗💗


Boy, can I use this right now! And I do love your five minute feel betters! Yay!


*clings to you like a koala* Thank you G, your timing is as ever impeccable. Happy Hump Day ❤️


🔥🔥 flammable 🔥🔥


Mornin' G! With this, I know my day will be great already!❤❤🤗 BTW would love to come upstairs with you darlin' but a woman gots ta go to work xp


Oooohhh.... Can't listen to it right now! (well... Maybe in the wc, but that would rest romanticism ... 😂😂). Gonna save it for tonight! 😍😍


I was just about to get up and start my day....wait! What’s this!? Ok baby 5 more minutes! Mmmm so dreamy. ❤️😊💄


Morning G, I'll take a cuddle!


Aww that was sweet ♥️


I needed this sooo badly as my whole week been horrible yet. Somebody give me a hug 😢😢 *hugs pillow*


Oh, now this is dreamy.😍 This really put a smile on my face, Gael. :)💕 Lead the way...😚💋❤❤


hi! thank you, g man!


Is this a valid reason to call in sick? Asking for a sleepy friend. 😴


You can make it Berti. Common you only need 5minutes😍




Thank you! I was just about to draw a bath to relax because I have such a bad migraine. This will help for sure!


Getting my hair done but I'm very excited to listen. Squee.


I had the best cuddly and cozy 5mins of my day. Attacking you back with kisses💋💋 p.s I love that gif so much😍 #spooning


I needed this. More cuddles, please? I'll be in my Fox Hole. 🦊




Sweet sexy way to begin hump day! Loved the "smack attack". The idea of kissing those lips😍. Gimme a smack I'll smack ya back!!!😘


A fantastic way to start my morning 😊


The BEST 5 minutes and 16 seconds of my week. I'm melted. *swoon* 😋😍 "collecting you all to myself" #thesweetestwords


It’s early morning here, and a nightmare woke me up. Listening to this calmed me down ❤️ Thank you, G 😘🙈


Yes.. Only five minutes (plus 16 sec.) can change it all.. We had snow this morning, and more to come.. But This will Melt it all 😋😜😛.. Have a wonderful giddy day.. together with "the king" 🐕.. Goodass Prana 😊😄😘❤️♥️❤️😛😝😃😄😃🤣🤣


I am nothing but a puddle of melted sugar, sweet nothings and everything nice 💕😍😘💋🌺🌈💗 highkey: realllly wants to hug you and fall asleep in your embrace 😌


*hugs* closest we’ll probably ever get to that in real life




😍😍😍😍 Happy hump day G! I loved this one, so sweet. Hi lovelies! 😘

Ellen (Gaelandia's Chief Justice and Personal Trainer)

Gael, I feel like you can read my mind sometimes. I was having a very rough day yesterday and this morning, and this was exactly what I needed. Actually made me stop in my tracks and wrap my arms around myself and just RELAX for six blissful minutes. May have had a few happy tears roll down my cheeks as well. Thank you for these sweet audios mixed in with your spicy ones (which I love with equal enthusiasm!). You, sir, are special. MWAH!


Just lovely to,wake up to this...melt! 😍


"You never fail to set me on fire"... right back at ya G. Such a sweet end to my day. Thank you for being such a gorgeous person. xxx

Ms. Donovan

Seriously. You magical creature. It's like you KNOW. Just starting a looooong workday and about to head into a super stressful meeting and Patreon pings me all like, "Oh, hey. Look who has a present for you." <3 (The app is hungry this morning. This should've posted 3 hours ago. Grrr.)


Snuggles and hugs are the best! With your big strong arms we're bound to get a good dose of oxytocin, so relaxing. I woke up with a headache so this was the perfect way to set my day aright. 💖 Happy humpday G! Hope you and all the lovelies have a grand day. I eagerly await part two, (please say it will be so) I can't wait to see what you do to us upstairs. Grrrr! 😏


Audios like these really make my day that whole lot better. Work has been testing today (working with children; 1-2yrs, has its up's and downs) So, this was lovely to come home to. Thanks G 💛👌


Been fighting a headache all morning, with barking dogs & screaming niecelet (she's 3 & catastrophically allergic to "no"). What a sweet little 5-minute oasis! I feel a lil' bit better already! 🙂💟


As someone with that same affliction ("No" allergy) I feel her pain. But as an Auntie I feel yours too. Feel better Brig!💖


I am running on about 4 hours sleep, so this is kinda necessary for me atm. Upstairs? I'm a poor white girl. I have no idea what stairs even look like. 😂 Thanks so much for this, ya big ol' sweetie. 💋


So very sweet and soothing -- really needed this today 😚 Funny, though -- the muse always seems to need coaxing to come up to bed with you. I know of well over 1800 Patrons who would jump at the chance, no questions asked and no coaxing needed 😉😊 Just sayin'...


Saying that we should be more hard to get. Mmmm...So I should take the bow off it? 🎀


Justa short and oh-so-sweet Heavenly audio. "Feeling the warmth from your body sink into mine" Oh the imagery your words bring to our souls. 😍 Thank you sweet man.


You are wrong, Gael. YOU are the one that never fails to set me on fire. Now I'm wet. And horny. In a bus. With nearly 30 people around. (THUG LIFE 🕶️)

witch's brew

Aw Gael I've been having a not so good start of the week. This made it alot better!


very sweet to feel your kisses and hugs so close ...


Guten Morgen Sirens of Gaelandia. Hope everyone has a pleasant Donnerstag!? It´ s a quiet, rainy night here. Nothing much to do, the kilns and kittens are behaving. I´ m sipping a nice cup of tea listening to the rain :) Tomorrow will be a holiday, Karfreitag - Good Friday. I dug up some vintage "interactive" Fragen, maybe you´ ll like them... Okay, here we go... sit up straight, raise your head, look right in front of you... what exactly do you see? ...what is the most pleasant thing you see? ...what` s the most annoying? ... would you like to change something? ...can you see something blue? :) Now look down...down... what do you see now? What do you call your parents, your grandparents? And a Gael related one... do you like it, when Gael says his name in an audio? ...name a Beispiel - sample, if you like? ;) Danke for your answers, Schätzchen. Bis später. XD


Well hello Frau Claudia and the rest of you lovely ladies. Happy Wednesday/Thursday to all of you! Snowing here still but very happy it's ot sticking to the roads. I'm feeling blah tonight..not bad, just...blah. Looking to frolic in some Fragen...I think that will liven things up. Here we go. 1) At eye level a bunch of video games candle holder, binoculars, photo album. 2) Pleasant- It's the photo album: wrapped in a maroon silk, trimmed in lace and ribbon to tie it shut. It's filled with pics of my daughter from her day of birth spanning to about 8 yrs old. 3) Annoying- the video games. I like v/g it's just that my dear old daughter, who's on spring break, has been playing them and have left some of the out of their cases and left them out. 4)I would like to change the fact my little darling hates to put things back where she got them from. %) Blue - a video game case. I want to say it's "Finding Nemo" but i"m too far away to be sure. 6) Looking down- It's the Kitty Cat. It's next to the sliding glass door so she can peer out and watch the squirrels as they cuss her out after she scare the shit out of them. 7) I love when Gael says his name. I love that "curled L" sound at the end of it. I'd love to see it being said. I know I've heard it in his Rambles. Well will you look at that...my "blahs" are gone! Thank you My Dear Frau! Ladies, and Gael, have a wonderful Thursday!!!!!


Wow! I really needed this! Had a bad day and would love some cuddles. Thank you for this! ❤️


I adore these cuddly audios. So sweet! And it’s so comforting to know that you’re always here at the push of a button, so that if we’re scared or lonely or just feeling blue, we can close our eyes and instantly be in the arms of someone who loves us. 💕 Thank you 😘


What a lovely way to start my Birthday morning... Shall I progressively listen to more loving, then sexy, finally downright dirty Gaelforce audios.... I think I shall 😅❤️😌


It's your party you can do what you want to! Lol Have a beautiful birthday Lovely <3


And Ladyciara!


Is this how it feels to have a boyfriend? It sounds so sweet! ☺️


Happy Birthday beautiful. Have a wonderful day. Enjoy every bit of it🎉🎉


Lol yup Sadie. I was in thanking mode. And I thank you as well. 😄


Guten Morgen my dears. A happy Freitag to everyone! Any weekend/easter plans? If the weather will allow for it, I think some hiking and a nice spring pic nic will be due! Mmhh... the moon is really pretty tonight, such a beautiful pale yellow. :) So, I´ m too lazy for the daily Fragen. Can one of you ask some? Bitte? Sexy ones are always popular... just saying. :) Danke meine Lieben for your Fragen and answers. Bis später. XD Oh and has anybody seen Frl.Doktimus lately? Did I just miss her or is she really missing?


I had to go back to last night's Fragen because I freakin forgot to answer 1 question. I called my mom and dad Momma and Daddy. I guess it is a "southern" thing we do. Both my parents grew up in Louisiana. Grandparents. I've never known either of my grandpas' but I think that what I would have called them. I've only known 1 grandma, and Everyone called her Madea. For a long time I thought that was her name. Then i though it was just "country" for grandma that our family made up. I didn't hear anyone else say that word until I was an adult. It wasn't until her funeral (I don't know if I'm right or not) but with all of the people packed in the church I figured out it was short for "Mother Dear". She was surrounded by all of her children...


Still no Fragen? We can't let this happen! 😲 FOXIE FOR THE RESCUE 🦊 <b>FRAGEN</b> What is your go-to Gael audio for... ...comfort? ...fluffy feels? ...a good laugh? ...sleep? ...sexy times? The last thing you... ...bought? ...broke? ...baked? ...burnt? XD Foxie out!


I love this audio, it is the perfect balance of sweet and cheeky. &lt;3


Vale for the rescue... Let's give a quick Yays: My go to Gael audio? I love them all. No jokes I can't pick anymore. All of them brings me a good laugh, makes me feel sexy,fluffy and comfortable😍😍😍 -The last thing I bought today was a book from Amazon... - I didn't break anything. I actually never broke things...also didn't bake or burn!!! XD Vale out💝


I love these kinds. I use this to curb my anxiety and loneliness at night while I unwind. This is the perfect thing to help me sleep. I prefer these over nsfw


I adore the these soft and gentle audios 😍 the cravings are strong 😊 x


Sexy😳I don’t know if you’re a little extra husky in this or if my headphones are just that good. I am having a shit ton of anxiety today so I’m paging through my Gaelbook. You just made 5 minutes of my life bearable.. enjoyable if I could breathe😁