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Cristina J 


Third PA this week:

Our lovely resident ♣ Reptilian Queen 

Something tells me she wants to share her adventures with the community

Indiana Gael has his whip in his hand and the key stashed

Come and get it Queenie!

 ♣ Personal Audio $4.99 tier
If you are interested in this tier or have won and don't know what to do:
Check out this thread to read  Frequently Asked Questions about Personal Audios! 



Stella Rose

Congratssss loveliessss! Thisss issss sssso awessssome 🎉


Congrats ladies!!


Yay!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


Congratsssssssss 🐍


Congratulations, ladies! Oh, Queenie, you are in for a treat! Bessst of luck, Mr. Mayor, in sssatisssfying our sssuper sssexxy resssident reptile! 😚💕🤞🤞


Oh my god, I'm so excited and it's not even my audio 😂

Ariel Diamond

Congrats, ladies! 💖💖💖


Yay 😁 Congrats, lovelies 🤗


Congrats ladies!!!


Congrats lovelies have fun with ur audios




Ahahahasss... The only thing I´ d want to hear from you, juicy Irish langer isss what you´ ve done with my damn Cock Key! But I guesss you won´ t tell me... hm? Tsssss... you re right... I refussse this PA!! Lissten up humansss!... Because I´ m asss generousss as I am gorgeousss, I demand sssomething elssse instead. I want you to create an audio for me and all my loyal, tassty human subjectsss! Hm?... Oh... and of courssse this fabulouss audio shall take place in my famousss, sensual queendom! The deliciousss, clever femalesss and I will devissse a little ssscene for you... won´ t we my dearsss?


whoop whoop!!! congrats!!!


Congratulations ladies and Queenie!😄 Best of luck to you, Gael!😅🍀


I need indie Gael in my life! Like that would be a cool series to do! Gael would make it sound so fun.


Congratulations ladies. @G. I'll have you in my thoughts. Be strong luv. You got this💪😥❤🙏 maybe it's time for some DoubleGael 😈vs😇


Congrats ladies and Queenie!! Poor, G. Bless your heart and good luck! You're in for a wild ride! 🎢


Ooooh, G. You're playing with your sick leave there, luv 😮


Congrats ladies!


OH MY GOD, YESSSSSS. Congratulations to Cristina J and to Crystal, and...oh, my...a showdown at last. Eek!


Congrats Ladies👏🏼🍾🎉🎈👯‍♀️ And the best of luck for you Mister😜😁 🍀♥️🍀


umm should i read this while eating lunch? i mean, no Gael will be harmed during this dialogue , right?


....Pulls up a seat...can't wait to see this! Congrats lovelies! Thankssss Your Highness for ssssharin' with ussss 😍


Comhghairdeas Cristina J and Crystal!! And Gael??? You like to live dangerously taunting the queen as you do. One of these days, she's going to get you where it hurts the most!!! lol


Congrats Lovelies and Queenie!!


Congratulations ladies. And thank you Your Highness for sssharing Indiana Gael with the rest of us, humans. *kneel before our glorious queen*


Congratssssssssss and did I see something about Cock Keys???🍃🌿👀🌿🍃(you drew me out of the lurky bushes with that!)


Saw my name and almost fell over. Unfortunately for me, I’m not the lucky Crystal this week. Fortunate for her, though. 😀 And I’m not going anywhere. Still need some Gael to make it through the week every now and then.


You wrong for this picture 😂😂. Just asking for it. Get him Queenie.


Congrats lovelies!! Cannot wait for this awesssssomenessss...


THHIIIIIIIISSSSS Might just be the best gift of all, today! 😆👌🏻👌🏻 ✨🦎🏰✨ (You better leave the place clean once you’re done with it boi, there’s a wedding scheduled! ☝🏻)


Happy Hatchday tassty Cassssssie. Don´ t you worry about your wedding ceremony... we will put him into a maidsss outfit and let him ssscrubb the floorsss,,,


Lmao this is the best thing I have read all day <3 congratulations ladies <3 And to her Majistey, many thankssss for your tastey offering. ;P


Congrats, Christina, Crystal, and to our great, magnificent, beautiful Majesty! 😄😄


Congrats ladies! Every time there is a draw I get a mental image of Elle Woods in Legally Blonde screaming "It's me!!!"


Guten Morgen meine Lieben. Hope everyone has a nice Dienstag!? Hahaha... thissss thread. I´ m really curious about the outcome. ;) I don´ t have much time tonight, have to finish some plates. So here are some quick and easy Fragen... Your favourite drink on a very cold winter night/ a really hot summer night? The most exciting secret you´ ve ever been told? Your best hair day ever? The hardest question a child has ever asked you? Your favorite aunt or uncle? Your one favorite item of clothing? Danke my dear Fraugen, as always. Bis später. XD Danke Frl.Doktimus for yesterday´ s Fragen. I hope your pretty eggs will occur in thisss audio! :)


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! Oh...that's right, Doc's eggs should be about ready to hatch by the time this audio's storyline rolls around, oughtn't they? Oh dear...tiny royal lizard babies born to wreak havoc on Indiana Gael's plans. Hehehehe... And now, this: <b>Best beverages</b> — On a cold winter's night, nothing beats a good hot chocolate, even if the effort to make said hot chocolate is much greater now that I can't have dairy. As for hot summer nights...a good 7&amp;7 will do just fine, thanks. <b>Secret-keeper</b> — I was pretty stoked when my friend came out to me as bi a year ago, although I suppose it's only a secret from her childhood family. It was just that moment of <i>"fucking FINALLY."</i> <b>Fabulous fringe</b> — I had everything working nicely for a colloquium/seminar I gave a couple years ago now. It was back when I first got my current style (an asymmetrical bob), and I managed to get the crown to fluff and the ends to section just how I wanted them. Polished but sassy. I owned that presentation hard. <b>Kids' questions</b> — So far, the "hardest question" has been "why do I have brown eyes and [my sister] has blue eyes?" I, of course, want to answer this with talk of melanin and genetics, but that doesn't quite work on a three-year-old. However, the explanation I gave at least staved off the sentiment that preceded the question, which was, "I want to take out my eyes and put in blue ones." My goddaughters are...creative. <b>Favorite parental sibling</b> — Being perfectly honest, I'm not a huge fan of any of my aunts or uncles. Easier to say which one is my least favorite, because that's the one who never should've gotten out of prison. :V <b>+1 Boost to all Charm checks while wearing this item</b> — I really enjoy this sleeveless dress I bought while I was still working retail, even though it's ridiculous to try to wear it most days in the lab. It's navy blue and knee-length, with a sweetheart neckline, a fitted bodice, and a flared skirt, all patterned with light blue brocade patterns (though they're just printed on). Paired with a white shrug (or nothing at all), it looks lovely.


...There's a lizard hemipenis joke in here, I'm pretty sure...


Congrats to the winners, and DAYUM, the thought of Gael in Indiana Jones attire. *fans self*


Comhghairdeas, Cristina &amp; Crystal! And my mosssst ssssinccccere congratsssss to Your Ssssscintillating Majessssty!