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 I had a nightmare and am a bit shook up.  Would you hold me? 




Aww so excited for this!! 😍






I loved it. That was so touching *hugs* 🤗


This was so cute ❤️ I like the idea of holding and comforting a man who had a nightmare 😍


I can’t with you. ❤️ It’s a Gael weekend, I see. You weren’t kidding when you said you planned an attack on Patreon 😂. Lemme hold you, you cutie ☺️ aaacckk!


Awwww, lovey! I'll hold you as close and tight as I can! <3


Aaaw this is the cutest 😳 feeling so special 😺🍀💕 thank you for taking such a good care of us this week-end Gael 😊👌


Aww, my poor baby. ❤ I got you, G. Now and always. 💋 xo


I loved this! So believeable and touching! You were amazing showing your vulnerable side. Beautiful, you sweet, sweet man! Smooches!


4:50 am here and I couldn’t sleep. Now I know why.


Aww you poor baby - come here ya! 😜❤


I have an extensive selection of lullabies to choose from and extra soft blankies at the ready. Monsters hate all that cute shit 👊🏻


Come here Gael, I'll happily hold you and squeeze you in my... tiny arms?? 😄 Thank you for this G-Weekend! Mmmuack 😘😘😘


Tsssss.... weak little, tasssty human male... you ssshould get eaten... *slithers away to look for a better male specimen*


Makes me want to have you lay your head on my breast while I stroke your forehead with one hand and your back with the other until you calm down. My empathic nature makes it impossible not to want to take care of others. It literally hurts me when others hurt. This one got to me. I heard it on YouTube first, and even though I know it's not real, I can't listen again. The after care on this was really touching. Very sweet. 💖


I adore the shy and sweet side of you Gael...ugh and when you shiver!!!I loved this piece to the dreamy stars and back😍I'll always hold you...P.s. ...a man being vulnerable is my weakness....I actually didn't want to tell that but now you know....


That was very sweet❤️ you can always wake me up if i have to comfort you


Went "awww" as soon as I read the description ^^ Thank you Gael


Actually this is very moving.. The closeness shared, this heartwarming love which can melt Any iceberg, and drive away any nightmare.. "If you light a lamp for somebody, it will Brighten your path".. And that was Gandhi who said that 😃This is a very good way to start up the day 😃 Have a wonderful gorgeous day 😃Goodass Prana 🙂😃😘❤️❤️❤️🙂😃😃🤣


Loved this! Sweet to see you getting comforted for a change. ❤️


You have plenty of lovely ladies here that would hold you all night and battle any and all monsters for you Gael! Takes a real man to show vulnerability 😚😚😚


This made my heart ache with want. It's so beautiful to hear you ask to be taken care of like this, which I would so willingly do. It made my arms long to hold you close and comfort you until all felt right with the world again, and then a bit longer than that.❤❤ I loved it more than these few words can say.😚


😍 Absolutely adore this 😍 The comforter trait in me does cartwheels every time I listen! 💞 So glad we get to comfort you for once. It's a pleasant switch. 😋 {{{🤗Come here 🤗}}}


Ugh! I can’t, the whole weekend has been amazing, I’m so incredibly glad I joined as a Patron! I love a man who can be both sensual and sweet, protective and vulnerable...I swear you are too good to be real, but if you are bless your multitasking soul! 😴💙


Vale is a lazy bone today.....I don't wanna leave my cozy bed...


Awwww...so cute and sweet ❤️


Awww, I love a man who can show his vulnerability. It was very lovely and intimate. 🤗 💕


Bertita is too... We only need a certain Irish man to hug beneath the sheets and we'd never leave bed, right? 😄😄


Yeah so this beautiful sweet lovely audio and that dang heart-squeezing baby audio (😩) both make my psyche immediately flick that mama bear switch on. I can freak out over a strange noise in my room at night easily when I’m alone, but if someone else is frightened in any way I’m ready to heckin’ Search and Destroy! Sooooooo yup. If anyone needs a car lifted off them... 🤙🏻 hmu 🤙🏻


Love love love this its so amazing and so wonderful just like Gael.


I love when guys show their vulnerable side urgh 😍💕😚


I JUST CANT. I LOVE YOUR VULNERABILITY SO MUCH GAEL. JUST LET ME TAKE CARE OF YOU, MY POOR BABY. AAAAAAAARGH Just the other day, i suggested gael being vulnerable and its like a dream come true. I can finally die in peace 🖤


Nice to feel needed while listening to this x


Hey Queenie... if you don't need him... can I have him? For Fox Science.




OH MY GOODNESS!!! The vulnerability that was displayed in this audio was so real. I love how you were open to showing this side. Being comfortable with who you are as a man and showing that men can be vulnerable just like women. I also loved how you were not afraid to vocalize what you needed in that moment which was to be held and comforted. So masculine... so real... so beautiful! Thank you G!!!😙😊


D’aww 🤗 Did anyone else mentally insert <i>“Feel my small, yet reasonably strong arms around you, holding you close and keeping you safe,” </i>into the audio while they were listening to it? 💪😌<br><br>This was a sweet change of pace. I can’t think of too many audios where the role of comforter/protector is flipped from artist to listener, and as Sammy mentioned above, it’s nice to feel needed. It’s also nice to feel appreciated. (Although in a scenario like this, I’d put forth that the listener’s character was merely returning the affection they’d received so many times before, and that no thanks was necessary 😏)<br><br>Even though I think society is getting better at it, we probably still have a long way to go in terms of dismantling the idea that men shouldn’t express feelings of vulnerability. I’ll admit that I initially thought, “Dude, you’re twice my size! Are you <i>sure</i> you need me to hold you?” during my first listen, but the truth is that feeling afraid/lonely/vulnerable/in need of comfort has nothing to do with size or physical strength. Even though the audio is fictional, I hope that any men (or really anyone who’s always expected to always be the strong, stoic one when in distress) who listen to it take home the message that there’s no shame in showing your emotions and seeking comfort 🙂 Thanks for including translations for the Gaelic! It’s like having my own (much more reasonably priced and sexy) copy of Rosetta Stone ☝️🤓


aww bring it on in for a hug 🤗


Such a sweet audio! I can hear the chorus of ‘awww’s flooding across patreon. Hands up for an audio of Gael falling asleep 🖐🏻 gotta love those sweet murmurs and soft breathing - if he’s already done one please tell me the title!


This was nice! Is there an audio of the muse having a nightmare?


"You are the music of my heart...when I get afraid I get bilingual and poetical" *swoon*😍


Loved this!


Hey Amanda, try this one: <a href="https://youtu.be/gtGYFC5Xt0c" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/gtGYFC5Xt0c</a>


I’m glad I only saw this right when I wasn’t busy, otherwise I would have had a blow off all my other plans, like. “STEP ASIDE BITCHES, MY BABY NEEDS ME”


AWWW COME ON, G!!!! Now I wanna hold you and smooch that face!!🤗💋


Sweet Gael, loved to see your Sweet side . beso!


Alone and afraid is the worst. 😢 But you are the best, you sweet hunk of man, you.


Gave me butterflies 💙 love love love this.


Happy Sunday sweet earthlings ❤️❤️


This is awesome! Women are natural caretakers and I know I now have the urge to hug someone lol. I also struggle to express when I need something and end up dealing with feelings/stuff alone. Which is fine! We all deal with stuff in our own way. But I know if one of my friends told me they needed me I'd be by their side to help. Lol I digressed a bit. Great audio!


I loved this.


This this this this THIS!!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


So sweet, and loving. &lt;3 who wouldn't want to hold you is my question.


Aww, Gael! Of course I'll hold you, sweetie 🤗


Listening to this and my body goes completely into nurturing mode. I'm like come here let me hold you to my bosom while I run my fingers through your hair, give you forehead kisses, and hum sweet songs to you to calm you down. Snuggle mode engaged.


The frustration of being turned on by Daddy Gael and having to make do with my own hands is nothing compared to the frustration of having my caring side nudged awake with nobody around to care for. Strangely, I loved this to pieces anyway 😊


A role reversal? Gael, what are you doing to us? 💗 I am at a loss for words. I never expected this, I guess I'm more familiar with your alpha male self. I know you've done sensitive and caring audios before but this is different as the tables have turned and it's you that needs the comfort. For you to show such vulnerability and to ask to be taken care of was simply touching. I, myself, am a naturally caring person so to hear this definitely made me want to hold you and soothe you. Hugs all round 💗


I find it to be very intimate when a strong man is not afraid to show his vulnerable side. And of course not a single one of us would not wrap you up in our arms and hold you tight.


Lately I don't know what to comment on the audios. But not in a bad way. It's just that Gael has been surpassing himself. He completely satisfied me that I don't know how to thank him or congratulate him for his dedication. (So if you don't see me around here, it's because I'm speechless, hahaha) Luv ya'll ❤


Welcome to my world Crissss. Day by day and audio by audio I'm getting speechless too. I can't find the right words to express myself and tell how I love and appreciate and adore what he is doing for us😳


Wow, Gael. This is so breathtakingly beautiful... Yes, we would all hold you through any nightmare ❤


Can't get enough of the Gaelic!!!

Stella Rose

My hugs may be too small for my strong man, but I'll try!


Wow, you've outdone yourself Gael! This reminded me of the time I had a nightmare so bad I couldn't get back to sleep, but I've had the feels too. It was nice to play the reverse role and comfort you. Im a small person so I just imagine facing you and cradling your head as you bury it in my chest and wrap your arms sound me. So sweet to show us this side. I loved it! ❤😊


Guten Morgen Mädls. Hope everyone has a nice Montag and a good Woche as well! Was your weekend enjoyable? I visited my Tante - aunt, she forced me to eat dry cake and then to assemble an ugly cabinet. Usually I´ m fairly good at that... but this particular model must have been designed in the deepest pits of furniture Hölle - hell! And the manual written by especially playful/sadistic demons! Well in the end I bested the beast! Yay! XD So... I think one of you should ask the daily Fragen today. Ja? Bitte? :) Danke dearest Fraugen for your Fragen and answers. Bis dann. XD Special thanks for yesterday´ s detailed, sexy and frank Antworten!


I listened to this quite a few times already. ❤️ It is nice to feel needed and to be a source of comfort.


i hate those times when I'm shook up after a scary nightmare. I always turn on The Golden Girls and they help me back to sleep. Snuggle sex after a nightmare leads to babies...or so i hear


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of you cosmic cuties!<br><br>Gah, I would love to eat almost any kind of cake right now, even if it was dry! But sadly the closest thing I have to dessert in my apartment are caramel corn-flavoured rice cakes. I mean, they still taste decent, but they’re definitely not cake 😞<br><br>How about some random <i>Fragen</i> that I shamelessly stole from <a href="https://conversationstartersworld.com/good-questions-to-ask/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">this website</a>?<br><br>- What weird food combinations do you really enjoy? - If you couldn’t be convicted of any one type of crime, what criminal charge would you like to be immune to? - What’s the most expensive thing you’ve broken? - If magic was real, what spell would you try to learn first? - When was the last time you immediately regretted something you said?


Set status to BRB - off to rescue Gael


Awww, Gael!!💜 this audio, I just can’t. I loved this so much cause I want to hold you and nurture you, but it makes me sad hearing you be so scared and bothered.💜 I’ll always hold you, love.😍


My sleep is sacred lol but I'd gladly wake up and comfort you anytime. :)


&lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3 this was the SWEETEST. Such a different feel, I had to pull myself off of high "mama bear alert" when you sounded so truly scared! but the change from the beginning to the end, in how you sounded, the gentle stroking, the calming....it really felt like you could hear the listener comforting you. &lt;3 thank you for recording this!


This....hmm. I feel something, very different. I can’t put my finger on it. It’s deep tho. And ...sad? Hmm. This was a bit intense for me. I liked it, very much, in an unsettling way. ♥️


You don't even need to ask; I am a natural born hugger and cuddler


Definitely yeah 😇


I would hold you thru the night till dawn touches the sky!

Brooke Hunt

I absolutely loved this audio

Hallie Balloon

I would definitely hold you to comfort you as well as my own selfish reasons 😚😙😙😚


Youre the only one who can wake me up whenever ,love.


This is so sweet! ❤️❤️❤️


This comment section is the best! Every female sent straight into protective overdrive by Gael. 🤣 this is golden!!!

Queen Zelda

Awww, honey, come here *hugs Gael lovingly and tightly, strokes his hair* it's alright to be scared but you are safe now &lt;3