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Look what we did!!



Stella Rose

Congrats! It's onwards and upwards from here, Gael! Go get 'em, tiger!








Oh my!!! This is so awesome G! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Congratulations! 😘😘☘️☘️


Awesome Congrats Gael, well deserved!


Well-deserved, G! Keep em coming :)


Woop woop!! Congratulations Gael, you deserve it soooo much ❤️❤️


Congrats!!! 🎉


Congratulations! You deserve it :)


Thats so cool! Congratulations! 😄


Yay! I love how you say “we” like we do anything other than listen and enjoy you. 😉 good job, dude! 💕


Congrats❤️ u beautiful man!!!!!!!


Congratulations Gael!!! You deserve it so much! 💚


Congratulations, G! I don't think any of us had any doubts 😉😙💕

Jasmine sanfi

Higher and higher I'm so proud of us,so proud of you!so so so happy Gael you deserve this and more


You're awesome, G... of course you'd be #1!


Well deserved 🍀❤


Big G!! 💪💪👏👏


You deserve it (and so much more) ❤️ Congrats!

Mimmie Pedersen

I knew you could do it. 💋💋💋💋


Congrats! 😁🎉😍


Congratulations, G!!! You deserve the world ❤️


That was quick!!! But it doesn’t surprise me. You‘re are the best, and you deserve this!!! Luv ya♥️😘♥️


Congratulations,go celebrate🎉


That's so awesome! I love how you say "we".😊💕 We did that! Congratulations, G! 😙😙❤🍀


*“This Land” from the Lion King soundtrack plays majestically in the background* 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 onwards and upwards! Semper ad meliora! ❤️


congrats, G!


Congratulations 💋 well deserved!! 🍀


You rock!


I dreamt of this G.😍Congratulations to your well deserved success. Yes you "we" did it ❤

Knight Of Nightmares

Congratulations! "Reaching blindly, believing somewhere in the darkness is another hand to take ours before we fall. That is what it is to hope." I hope things only get better for you from here!

Ileandra & Raven

Yey! AWESOME!!! Do that thing! 😍😚👍❤


Yaaaay. Good job Gael. Well done and well deserved. 😚


I can't really count myself as a part of this because I haven't been able to buy it yet, but this makes me happy nonetheless. 💕


We da best!!! (You da best) 😍❤


FUCK YES!!! Who else does this? SO PROUD! 😘

Riley Carter

Hell yeah! Way to go, Gael!




Congrats, G! That’s wonderful news 😎👍 And a huge shoutout to all of the Lovelies who have been promoting the album on social media - that makes a difference, too 😉


This is just fantastic, and Five Stars... You are a talented giddy Irishman, spreading this wonderful Prana out to the world..It's very well deserved.. And it is very moving and wonderful to be part of.. 👏👏😃 Have a wonderful happy day 😃 Goodass Prana 😃😘❤️❤️😃😃🙏😃😃

Greek Goddess

Congrats Gael!You deserve it! 💕


Congratulations, this is just the result of the great job you've done. Let's celebrate!


Gael.. Don't you think it deserves a very special audio to celebrate? Maybe another SCIENCE experiment?? 😝😝


Our boy done GOOD 🙌🙌🙌🍾🥂 Congrats G!!!


Congrats dude!!!!


Congratulations! I am so proud of you right now 😍🍀❤️


Woop! Woop! Congratulations G! You worked hard for it and you truly earned and deserve it!😊❤



Deidra Goodman

Oh hell ya! Our boy number 1 on amazon!!


Wow congrats!! That was quick! 👏 💞


Awesome!!! Congrats, G! 👏🏼💗


Congrats Gael!!! It's no surprise to any of your sirens that you are #1. Especially to all of us 😘 you are always going to be *on top* lol. We know you will reach all of your goals and you have a wonderful support system who love to help. 😁😁


AYYYYY!!! That’s our AudioBoi right there!!! 🎉🥂💖✨


That's what's up! Right where it belongs at #1! Cheers to many more weeks in the top spot! 🥂 You've earned it and deserve it 👏👏! 💛💚😚


YESSSSSSS! G! Absolutely elated but not the least bit surprised! So proud of you! 💗 👏👏👏


Yay! Quite right too ❤️❤️❤️




You spent months of hard work on that, honey. Even passed up on holidays and weekends. I'm not surprised you're on the top spot. Do us a favor and give yourself a break, alright? U deserve it. U've been getting sick days these past few weeks and we all don't want that. Love u!




WOOOO congrats sweetness u deserve it


Congratulations, babe. 😘🌈✨




Congratulations, bae!!! You deserve this and many more top spots.🖤😻🖤


Congratulations! You deserve it! You hard work pays off!




The only part I played in this is my muse duties. I'm definitely not the reason it's number one. Lol.


Congratulations and well-deserved! 💖💖😘😘🥂


Congrats hun. Hard work pays off.


I mean I know I got my copy. <3 You deserve that number 1 spot. When you put out a good product, and genuinely care about your clientele...it shows.


Now would you look at that!! 👏👏👏 Top of the pops! 👄👄👄 in its rightful place on the number one spot xx


Congrats on the success & hard work! 🎉🍾❤️You have such amazing talent. Happy we get to experience it ❤️


Yayyyyyy!!! I’m so happy for you, G-force! You’ve come so far from 2013 to now. I’ve seen(more like heard) you grow and change the way you do audios. I’ve noticed how much of your hard work is evident on popular worldwide websites. You deserve every amount of praise for your progress.😘😊💓💖


Congrats!! Yay!! Well deserved.


Woohoo!! 😄 Congratulations, G!! ❤️


Love the power of love! You're smart, kind, and well loved, honey. I know you don't care so much about the accolades and money, but it's still gotta feel good. Congrats Gael!


Congratulations G!! 😘🎊


That's awesome Gael! Congratulations. You should be proud.


Here and now, doesn't that look like all is right in the world? Grinning. A lot. Also echoing what everyone has already said — congratulations, well deserved and thank you (G, his crew, all of us). ❤


I am so happy for you G and you are so deserving of this. You are gifted at what you do and it does not go unnoticed. I can not thank you enough for sharing your time, your talent and yourself with us. It is such an honor to be on this journey with you! Let's 🥂 it up to many more to come!!! 😘😊


Fair recognition to your talent and comittment , congrats Mr Gael.


Someone mentioned a celebratory audio. I'd been thinking in the past few days how interesting it would be to hear something unscripted in which G has (actually) had a drink or two. Ramble, fap, both, whatever. Everyday G is open and sexy enough. Moderately-to-rather-inebriated G would be...fascinating, I suspect.


+Cum +Buy +Love +Share Helps a LITTLE XD He's got a great team. And he's always fully loaded. HELPS A LOT. XD XD

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

He doesn't drink, though, right?... maybe somebody can send him some vegan cake and virgin punch recipes and he can make a 'Baking with Gael' ramble (I LOVED the cooking rambles 😊)... he can wear a party hat (which we can't see) and have some noise makers and thumpin' party tunes in the background... and then *we* can all get drunk and listen while wearing our own party hats and noise makers! (I know - you don't 'wear' noise makers... send out the syntax police!!)... although - it would be kinda sad if he had to make his own cake 😕... maybe we can all send him cakes and he can to a 'Tasty Cake' ramble! 😁... *then* we can all get drunk and listen... or we can get drunk and bake along with him?... like 'Drunk Kitchen'... I dunno... as long as we're drunk... and there's cake... ... ... 🎂🍾🍰🥂...? 😋


Congrats lad! All that HARD work paid off! (Sorry, had to be done LOL) 🤣🤣🤣😍




This is absolutely amazing <3 so proud of you Gael :)




Congratulations Gael! We love you so much. Thank you for all your hard... work. -clears throat-


Guten Morgen Sirens of Gaelandia. A happy Freitag to everyone. Any interesting weekend plans? I think a little winter pic nic may be nice. Sitting in the sun, wrapped in a cozy blanket, some hot chocolate, a piece of cake... mmmhh... Again I have some daily Fragen for the Fraugen... vintage edition... What´s your örtlicher - local slang? And how much do you use it? What’s your most common first Gedanke - thought when you wake up? If you had a Krankheit - disease named after you, what would be the symptoms? What’s the most absurd thing that has become reality for you? What looks like it should taste better than it does? When you listen to a Gael erotic audio... do you play along? ...cum freehands? ...just coolly listen? Danke meine Lieben, try to enjoy your day. Bis später. XD


Hallo, Claudia, I love these questions! I will answer them whilst wishing you a most wonderful winter picnic!😘 So, Texans say y’all A LOT and I have definitely picked it up in my every day speaking now. The first thought that crosses my mind when I wake up is ‘How can I delay this process as long as possible?’ Hmm, my disease symptoms would be a combination of narcolepsy, sex addiction with a side order of hypomania!! For me, just being married and having children is an absurd reality! Something that looks delish but I don’t care for? Definitely cinnamon buns. I WANT to love them, but I don’t care for them at all. And lastly, AS IF I could get through these audios with well behaved hands!!😂😉 😘✌🏼


Ah! See, I told you 18(00) is a lucky number! Mazel tov! 💙


As we are talking about #1... I wonder which of these Patreon audios is the most played one? Do you know it, Herr Gael? Do you have any statistics? That would be really interesting... :)


That would be interesting! He can’t see how many times individual Patreons have played an audio, I hope...😳😂


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. Hope everyone has a pleasant Samstag!? Do you have to work today? I´ m in a rush tonight... have to kick Lil´ Seanie in his little metallic nuts. :) So just some quick, assorted, scientific Fragen... Did you blink after reading this? How long are you usually draußen - outside in a day? Who is the last person you texted? Can you raise one Augenbraue - eyebrow? Have you ever cried from being too glücklich - happy? Danke my dears, as always. Bis dann. XD PS: If your answers are ever eaten by the Patreonator and you want me to resurrect them please just tell me. Because I don´ t re-post them when I´ m not sure if you maybe deleted them on purpose. :)


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! Well, I think my bags are all packed, which means that I'll inevitably realize I've forgotten something once I'm on the plane. :V But I also went to a salon for the first time in years to get my hair put back into place, since it really was too long to pass—my asymmetrical bob looked more like a half-blind stylist didn't know how to do a shoulder-length cut. I also had the stylist trim a purple clip-in extension to match one side of my hair so that I can try out the color without having to fret over whether I can maintain it yet. Should be fun! I'm telling myself this so that my crippling social anxiety doesn't end this before it starts. And now, this: <b>Blinker fluid</b> — Yep, sure did. <b>Time in the outernet</b> — Typically, I spend an hour or less outdoors on any given day. However long it takes me to get from my mode of transportation to my office or home. <b>Text messenger</b> — My friend and former officemate at work. Wanted to show him the new insert. Just realized that for some reason, I didn't get his latest text message until just now—and it was sent 4 hours ago! <b>Eyebrow of intrigue</b> — Properly speaking, I can't arch just one eyebrow. What I can do is sort of furrow one down into a straight line and then pull the other a little higher. <b>Happy tears</b> — I'm not so sure I have. I've cried at what are ostensibly happy events—weddings, for instance—but it's usually more because it's a moment of great change, and change is scary even when it's a good change.

witch's brew

So happy for you Gael


Ssso quiet today, tasssty humanss? Well... I hope you are doing ssomething entertaining at leassst!? Hm?... The King and I ssspent the afternoon in the sssun... his tail even got a little suntan. Ssso rosssy... awwww, it´ s too cute!...


I hope the two of you are still rolling in riches because I’m having to spend a ton of money being your personal egg incubator. My appetite for food is insatiable, so my grocery bill has been through the roof! And my appetite for more...hedonistic desires has also skyrocketed, which is a trait that I can only assume comes from His Horny Highness 🤨<br><br>I can’t act on the latter because my legs and back are killing me, what with having to haul around these eggs everywhere. Igor continues to be a godsend by building the nest and massaging my back and feet, but he still bemoans his missing hemipenis from time to time.<br><br>He’s apparently signed me up for Lizard Lamaze classes next week, so we’ll see how well <i>that</i> works out soon enough...😯


I’m so proud of you babe.


Ugh can't believe I've not been able to listen to your audios for over a week I need to catch up


Congratulations, good for you baby!