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So good to be BACK!  

Gotta lotta done today!!


This week's draw winners:

♣  Melina K 

♣  Vanessa M 

Personal Audio $4.99 tier
If you are interested in this tier or have won and don't know what to do:
Check out this thread to read  Frequently Asked Questions about Personal Audios! 





Congrats on the winners!!☺️😃


Congratulations ladies! Glad you’re well G!


Woohoo, I’m back on top! 😜😂🤣 Congratulations, girls. Glad you’re feeling better, G. 😘


Btw I’m so glad to see you back, Gael. Missed you!💜


Congrats Ladies! Glad you're feelin better Mister! ....and the Trump joke? 🤣🤣🤣


Congrats on the winners, glad you’re well Gael!


Top gear Laura, speedy!


Congrats lovelies! 🎉 Glad you’re feeling better, G 😊


Hi G!!! Glad that you are back and feeling better. We have missed you. 😘 Congrats ladies !


Congratulations ladies! Have a good week everyone😊


Congrats to the winners and welcome back Gael! :3


Congrats ladies!! Enjoy and have fun! Love your excitement, G! Glad you're "back"!! 😚




Congrats Ladies!!


Congrats ladies! Enjoy!


Congrats Melina + Vanessa👏🏼🎉 Enjoy your well-deserved free time and sleep well, babah😁♥️😘♥️


Herzlichen Glückwunsch Melina and Vanessa. Enjoy your PA💝


Congratulations ladies!!!


And we're good you are back!! Ooh yes, we are! Haha congrats, ladies!! 🙌


congrats, ladies!! eeeek, enjoy!! and I'm so glad you are doing better, g money!


I literally panicked for like a solid 15 seconds before I realized it wasn’t me 😂 phew 😅 😅 😅


Welcome back, glad you are feeling well! Congratulations ladies!

Stella Rose

Congrats Melina and Vanessa! 🎉💝

Stella Rose

Not to worry! Judging from my crystal ball, I'm sure your turn will come around 🔮🍀


The satisfied feeling of being caught up on work is the best. You're work is much more fun than mine though. Now go get some well-earned rest Mr. Gael. Don't make me use my teacher voice on you. Haha. Congrats ladies! Now comes the hard part, deciding what you want, but what a glorious decision it will be. :D


Heya, I saw the valley girl. I'm from Cali too. Central Cali to be more precise. Como estas?


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. Hope everyone has a nice Montag and a good week as well. My weekend was quite enjoyable, sunny and cold as fuck! :) I built a little playground/fortress for the kittens out of boxes and cardboard... before they develop a winter Hüttenkoller - cabin fever. Maybe I overdid it a little bit, my man looked at me as if I´ d be a crazy cat lady. But a proper fortress needs a drawbridge and a dungeon! Hahaha... I see that yesterday´ s daily Fragen were slow again... hmm... you know that´ s fine (somewhat... JK! XD) If you are not in the mood or don´ t like them or was auch immer - whatsoever. Just in case let me tell you, you don´ t have to be shy around here and I assure you Herr Gael doesn´t mind them. Else I surely wouldn´ t ask them since... oh my, let me think... since like forever. Hahaha...


So here are some vintage daily Fragen... When was the last time a stranger made your day? Would you volunteer to go colonize another planet if it meant you would never return to earth? What’ s something you’ re surprised no one has figured out how to do yet? What’s your “back in my day, we…”? What useless bit of information have you memorized and will probably never forget? Danke Schätzchen for your answers. Bis dann. XD Danke Frl.MamaDoktimus for yesterday´ s Fragen. :) PS: Sorry, had to post this in 2 parts and maybe it´ s double... But Patreon is a bitch tonight... :( aaaarghhh..


Guten Tag, Frau Claudia and the rest of the 1780+ Sexy Musketeers here! Oh, that was awfully sweet of you to build a little playground for the murder kittens, my dear Frau! 🤗 I would do the same for my own little darlings, but they already consider my entire apartment their playground 😑 The adorable buggers also don’t understand the concept of personal space. There has been many a night when I have woken up with a cat butt mere centimetres from my face. And then when I sigh and roll over onto my opposite side, BOOM! Another cat butt 😒 I remember answering these vintage <i>Fragen</i> before, so I shall try to come up with different <i>Antworten</i> this time around... <b>Go ahead, make my day!</b> I was recently in line at a Tim Horton’s (coffee shop) to buy one of my numerous daily cups of coffee. When I placed my order at the cash register and pulled out my wallet, the employee told me that the fellow who’d been in front of me in the line had given her $10 to cover the orders of the next few customers behind him. The generous stranger had already left the shop by the time I got my coffee, so I wasn’t able to thank him. But I should pay it forward the next time I go to Tim’s for a coffee 😏 <b>To boldly go where I’ve never gone before!</b> I probably wouldn’t volunteer for this one-way trip unless very specific circumstances were met: 1. I’d either have to be the last surviving member of my family or, for whatever reason, not have anyone who would compel me to stay on earth. 2. My fellow colonizers would have to be good people who could function well as a team and each contribute something valuable (e.g., skills, knowledge, character traits, etc.) that would benefit the group as a whole. 3. The new planet can’t be a total shitshow - no overabundance of hostile creatures that could tear me limb from limb, no extreme living conditions that are damned near incompatible with survival, and basically every other horrible thing you see in doomsday-esque science fiction movies. <b>I can’t believe we...</b> Haven’t figured out how to make healthier equivalents of unhealthy foods that taste more than half decent. Case in point: the vast majority of products made by Walden Farms. With the exception of their honey BBQ sauce, super fruits balsamic dressing, and line of pancake syrup, everything they produce is <i>disgusting</i> 🤢 (But I suppose I’m kinda asking for it - almost any food advertised as having 0 calories is bound to taste shitty 😖) <b>Back in my day, we...</b> Used rotary phones, floppy disks, and cassette players. Also, TGIF was the best thing since sliced bread 😎 #old #wellnot<i>that</i>old <b>Useless information!</b> Did you know that scorpion stings can cause pancreatitis? 🦂 I guess that’s not a useless tidbit of knowledge if you actually live somewhere where the possibility of getting stung by a scorpion is quite real. But since Canada is no such place and I’ve yet to work this little factoid into an effective pick-up line, I can’t say that I find it helpful 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hey! Just when I was thinking it would never happen! And, wonder of wonders, I can write romance, but I cannot articulate what I would like in a PA! (Also, I'm a bit worried about the pronunciation of my name. )


My sister is the same name and we pronounce hers MAH-LEN-AH. Is yours different? Also, congratulations!!! 🌈💖




Happy to hear you’re feeling better Gael :)


And we are glad to have you back, G! Congratulations, ladies!! 😊❤


yay glad youre back :P


SO glad you are back. I'm on my 6th week of coughing and can't seem to shake it.


Congrats Melina and Vanessa!!! Enjoy ladies!!!


Where are you tassty humanss? Hm? I´ m freezing here... my tail resemblessss an icicle. It´ sss even slightly transsparent. Though it looksss kinda beautiful... Come on warm me up. Tell me sssomething hot... Knit me sssome mittensss or a fluffy tail warmer... or ssserve me a goblet of tea...


If I were to knit you some mittens, would you promise not to eat them? 🤨<br><br>I still can’t believe that you ate the fox fur mittens I got you! How could- okay, I guess I can understand <i>why</i> you ate them, given that you’re a carnivore and foxes are among your natural prey. But a lot of love went into that gift, my Queen 😢 That was a huge blow to my good ol’ <i>corazon</i> 💔<br><br>(Gah, I think I’m at the hormones-running-amok phase of the 2018 Lizard Egg Incubation 😱 I was super happy when I woke up this morning, only to rip off part of my doorframe in a fit of rage after I stubbed my toe against it. Right now poor Igor has locked himself in my bathroom out of the fear that his remaining lizard hemipenis will get the choppy chop if he looks at me funny 😦)


Guten Morgen Mädls. Hope everyone has a wonderful Dienstag!? It´ s getting even colder here! Yesterday I had to sit on one of my little kilns to warm up... I almost burned my Arsch - ass though. Maybe that was the Rache - revenge ´cause I verfluchte - cursed this kiln a lot last week when he didn´t heat up fast enough. :)) I have some quick daily Fragen... again vintage ones. This or that?... Sunshine or Storms? Cruise or Travel by Plane? Aerobic Exercise or Cardio? Movie Theater or Arcade? Boxers or Briefs? Yoga Pants or Jeans? Salt and Vinegar or Sour Cream and Onion? Coke or Pepsi? Pumpkin Pie or Apple Pie? Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt? Carnival or Circus? Zoo or Aquarium? Dogs or Babies? Dog or Cat? Danke Schätzchen, as always. Bis später. XD


Guten Abend, Frau C! Here's my bit for science. Storm! Mmmm storm. Cosy inside, or feeling really alive when outside. Once, I was hiking with my family and we thought it was raining, but it was actually our snot flying around. It was storming that hard! I still call this mountain Snot Mountain. TMI? Sorryyy. The way I travel: Cruises sound boring. Planes it is. Flying over Sweden in a little private plane was a memorable experience. And a bit scary. Aerobics or cardio: Ehm, what category is belly dancing like mad with the curtains closed? Movie vs arcade: Movies. There's something magical about movie theatres,. What do you mean, commando? I'll wear anything, as long as it covers my ass. I know for a fact that there are people who think this is a mortal sin, but hey, my ass, my panties. Flossing is for teeth, not for buttocks. What's on your legs! I almost only wear dresses. I feel clumsy and inelegant in jeans. I do wear them though; because there are some places you just don't go in skirts. Like yoga class :) Crrrrispy! Salt and vinegar! The real kind, not the pringly kind. On a sandwich with cheddar and lettuce, Sllrp. Fizzy bubbly: I don't like fizzy drinks. Honey pie, cutie pie: I don't want to choose! ice cream or ice yoghurt? No special demands there. I don't like ice cream that much anyway. It's so ccccccold! The c-word: Carnival. The venetian kind. I'd LOVE to organize a Baroque style venetian carnival themed party. With vampires. Who's coming? Zooquarium: Zoo. Nothing beats animals looking at you. Human or canine youngsters? How can you choose? Wewll, puppies are almost always cute and babies are only cute when they're related to you. Otherwise it's just polite interest and jealousy those cute hats aren't available in grownup size. Cat! Dog! Cat! Dog! I'm of the feline persuasion. Although I love my parents' dog, my aunt's dog and a lot of other dogs. But I like running after my cat and shouting: CUDDLE TIIIIMEEEEE! best. Oh wait, I also like running after my parents' dog and teaching him tricks. Never worked for the cat and believe me, I tried.


Comhghairdeas, Lovelies! Enjoy!


Storms, Cruise, Aerobics, Boxer Briefs, jeans, SC&amp;O, Pepsi, Pumpkin, Ice Cream, Carnival, Aquarium, Dogs, Cats ♡


Guten Morgen meine Lieben. A happy Mittwoch to everyone. It´ s a peaceful, quiet night here... the kilns are behaving, the stars are bright. I´ m sipping hot, honeyed milk - which may contain a generous dash of finest Cuban rum and have nothing to chatter about. :) I think some steamy, sexy Fragen would be nice!? Can one of you sexy Fraugen ask some? Bitte? Danke Schätzchen for your Fragen and Antworten. Bis dann. XD


Hello Claudia n the Fraugen! I have my coffee and ready for some Fragen! The last time a stranger made my day was yesterday when someone paid for my coffee ahead of time! 2. Would I go colonize a planet? Hmmm....if G was paired up with me, heck yeah!! Lolz....otherwise...Meh. I'm surprised we aren't living on moon terrariums yet! Back in the day we had to actually go shopping for the things we need, there was no Amazon or Uber Eats! I have memorized sooo many song lyrics!


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! My friend says she's feeling better, which here means "she's run out of Prednisone, and so it's no longer screwing with her anxiety levels." She did go to the emergency department last night to check for blood clots and got the all-clear. Whether said emergency docs actually gave a damn about their jobs is another question for the rest of us, but it's something. Meanwhile, I'm gorging myself on what's left of my beef stash before my EGD tomorrow. I'll be shocked if it's negative. And now, this: <b>Bikini bottom</b> — Sometimes, I'll shave for no particular reason, but never wax. Not something I'm keen on experiencing. <b>Sounds of sexy</b> — Still largely quiet. It's not that I need to be; I just am. <b>The nipz have it?</b> — Lol, nope. Anything in the boob area does nothing for me. <b>Finger play</b> — I do have a fingering technique that I'll use from time to time, but I don't particularly <i>like</i> to do so. <b>Fundamental frequency</b> — A couple times a month? Sounds right. I don't have much in the way of libido.


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A nice Donnerstag to everyone. Hope you are all well!? Let´ s stay in this thread, so that Herr Gael may bask in the glow of his fame. XP It´ s the 1st of März - March already... can you believe it! How time flies! Who is a Geburtstagskind - birthday child this month? :) I have some sexy Fragen for you... the ones Frl.Doktimus asked yesterday. Seems like there was a little mix-up. And we don´ t wanna waste them, hm? If you could recreate any sex or love scene in a movie, what would you pick and who would be your partner? If you could only be touched in one place, what body part would you choose? Where’s the strangest location you’ve ever had sex/touched yourself? What’s your fantasy location in which to have sex/touch yourself? Have you taken naked pictures of yourself? We all know what Gael’s dirty talk is like, so now I want to hear (or rather, read) yours! What’s something naughty you’d want to say to a partner to turn them on? What sort of dirty talk would you like someone to say to you? Danke meine Lieben, as always. Bis später. XD Danke Rosie and Frl.Doktimus for yesterday´ s/todays Fragen. :)

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

😭😭😭😭 NOOOOOoooooo!!... Patreon ate my post again! (greedy b!7@h!!).... Frau Claudia, Ma'am... *sniffle*... could you check if you have a response from me?... I promise to never ask again *crosses heart, hopes Patreon (metaphorically) dies*... I'd be greatly appreciative... 😢