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Come lay down with me and let your worries melt away...



Doriana Gray

I LOVE this! 💖💖💖


Waking up in the middle of the night....feeling sad. Being able to que this up and feel ya here with such beautiful words of comfort....thank you. *kisses your cheek* 💓


I fell asleep listening to this after a panic attack, so thank you Gael. It really helped calm me down and send me to sleep. ❤️


This is seriously healing work. I'll probably refer to this over my entire lifetime ... Thank you T.T 😍🤗


Gael I have to say thank you, I hadnt had a panic attack for three years until an hour ago. I was fighting it so hard and thought of this audio, you stopped it progressing and now i feel so calm I can face doing what the panic was about. You should be very proud of what you do, thank you so much :)


This one puts me to sleep so fast. I have really bad anxiety, as well as somniphobia (and insomnia) so it's nice to find something soothing to help me feel safe around bedtime :) thanks Gael!!


I can’t breathe tonight. Weirdly, I’m forgetting to breathe then gasping for air. This would make more sense if I were asleep. I’ve had anxiety issues my whole life and it has manifested itself in many forms over the years. The most obvious one which no one seemed to notice was juvenile depression.. which was apparent to me at least for as long as I can remember. Some of my first memories were ones of depression so VERY young. . As I got older depression turned to indifference with depression which turned into full blown anxiety mental breakdown situation. Had it been caught earlier who knows who I’d be right now. Luckily I happen to like myself so there’s that but it took me a long time to even do that. I’ve always battled with social anxiety which again seemed to go unnoticed. So yeah anxiety can rule my life left unchecked. I’ve found myself withdrawing because I can’t manage all of the anxiety that seems to have always dictated my choices I found this audio along with the “no foreplay” audio helpful and it’s really a great thing. A drug-free way to help combat my anxiety which is almost worse than my physical pain. So I have found several audios in particular that have been on my favorites list! I love that you have a whole body approach in your audios. Pretty fucking awesome!


Really needed this one today... sometimes just a distraction from certain thoughts makes the difference.


Just found this and I'm so glad, it's a really special one. You really know how to make someone feel comforted G, thank you!


My favourite audio!! This one really helps when im feeling down❤️ you're the best G xx


I had the worst anxiety attack today and this helped me so much .


Good lad! Just as I was scrolling through 👌


So helpful.


I’m so excited for this !!!!


Can't wait to listen! :)


That's not fair, Gael, at least two of us were typing at the same time as you 😂


Now this is what I needed today. Headphones on 👍❤


Thanks for this.😊 Needed this atm. Headphones on and take my anxiety away.


so pumped!


Awe....Katy!! Where's Katy! Perfect timing G! <3


This is a first listen ❤️ T'won't be on YouTube til midweek


Perfect timing as usual Gael!


love you gael. this is acc so perfect for me rn, it like you read my mind xx


Trying to prevent me from getting things done around the house again I see... 😊💕


Tysm for this lovely! Had a major panic attack today and I was terrified! :( but I'm sure this'll calm me down, you're an angel!❤❤❤


Thank you. You know just what we need! 💜💚


Sir you always know when these relaxation audios are needed🖤🖤🖤😗😗


Gael seriously you dont know how much your audios help me .... I suffer from diagnosed bipolar disorder and frequent anxiety attacks having borderline agoraphobia..... Your soothing voice and uplifting audios does me and I'm sure the other lovelies a world of good for this I whole heartedly thank you 😊


Nice mic work G!!!! You had me at “soulmates” 💜💜💜 thank you for a wonderful afternoon relax session!


Wooow.... I'm just..wooooow... ❤️❤️ (I ask again can you be cloned?)


No words... Just...🙏🏼♥️😘♥️


I am now a pool of water on the floor, I just melted.. Though with a feeling of Spring in the chest 😄 A Big Beautiful Compliment for this piece, sweet and beautiful 😆 Who wouldn't feel like the most confident wonderwoman in the world, lying in those arms 😄😆 wonderful piece 😆 Have a jolly good evening Goodass Prana 😄😆😘❤️❤️❤️😄😄😆


I didn't realize how much I needed to hear this until you said, "You don't have to listen to those thoughts anymore. ...Especially when you're with me." That hit me in the heart hard.


Thank you so much Gael for doing an audio about anxiety I suffer from anxiety allot so having an audio like this really does help thank you 😊❤️❤️


This... this is absolutely beautiful.😍 I laid down, got all cozy, and listened, and you made me feel so blissfully relaxed and loved.❤ I couldn't help but smile. :) It also gave me an incredible amount of tingles along with the wonderfully peaceful feeling. What you're saying is dreamy, and the moments when you're breathing so close feel so good. I loved it.❤❤❤


You know I was feeling a little sad last night, and I was crying a little. I was remembering my aunt. She was taken too soon. I miss her so much 😭 Anyway, this audio made me smile and cheered me up. Thank you for making this audio, G 💕😘


I love this! Thank you for an amazing, amazing audio! ❤️❤️❤️😘😘


Much needed ❤️ Go raibh maith agat!


idk why im feeling all down all of a sudden tonight, im going to bed now this is exactly what i need😢 you hv no idea. thank you


I suppose I'll have to stop wondering how your timing is always so amazing, and just be grateful that it is. Thank you for this, dear heart. 😌❤️


Thank you...😳😳😳


I will sleep so good drifting off to this tonight, cuddles, back rubs, Gaelic, affirmations, sweet talk, and kisses, a perfect combo! What could be better? So sweet and relaxing. Thanks for sharing your wonderful mind with us Gael. It makes me think of the translation for Aloha: the joy of two breaths meeting. <3


Just what I needed ❤️ very relaxing & loving ❤️😘


The sound of the sheets made me feel cozy and sleepy :)




You really are too precious for this world, G. But I'm so happy you're a part of mine. 💕


I'm gonna spend a peaceful night. Thank you 🤗 Good night everyone 💕


Honestly idk how else to begin a response other than saying yes, I do feel you. It’s like I can feel your uninhibited belief and sincerity in what you’re making for us all and it’s so powerful, and it allows us to believe you in return. We can hear your heart is fully in it and it’s key ❤️ thank you v much for all of this, but really, but like REALLY really. Because really. Really, tho.


"I'm not only your lover but also a friend and your soulmate"yes that's what you are. You are a soulmate!!!! Tbh I got emotional and shed tears while listening to you ...... I believed and enjoyed every sweet single word you said here. Yes I could feel you. I could feel your big arms, your breath, your feelings, your love, your honesty, your pure heart, your enerdree, your peaceful mind and last but not least even your sweet forehead kiss😍Thank you so much for this, you'll always have a special place in my heart❤❤❤


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. A nice Montag to everyone and a good week as well. Was your weekend enjoyable? Hm... have nothing to chatter about tonight, so just some daily Fragen as usal. :) Have you ever locked the Schlüssel - keys in your car? How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet? Is there a place where you would not be caught dead? What is the most ungewöhnlichste - unusual thing in your wallet, pocket, or purse right at this moment? Danke my dear Fraugen, as always... bis später. XD Danke Kerrie for yesterday´ s Fragen and for the eel recipe, it looks quite tassssty. :)


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! The weekend...was what it was, I suppose. Still didn't get done everything that needed doing, but the sink is empty and so is the laundry hamper, so it's not nothing. Plus I get to try my new corn salsa recipe tonight, so at least I'll have a different taste in my mouth other than straight tortilla chips, popcorn, and corn cereal. And now, this: <b>"Oh, <i>that's</i> where my keys are..."</b> — I've only ever done it once, but yes. And it nearly made me late to work. I had to call my grandmother to come pick me up and take me to work, then my mother (who was at work herself) to come and pick me up after and drive me back to where my car was. What a mess. <b>The oldest shoe</b> — I'm not really sure. The oldest pair of shoes in my closet are a hand-me-down pair of kitten heels from my mom that are, at the very least, pre-1990. <b>Where Rey-Rey will never be</b> — Prison (I hope!). <b>Stranger things</b> — The most unusual thing in my purse right now is probably my peak flow meter. It's used to check lung function because of my asthma. I have a certain threshold I have to stay above in order not to use my inhaler, but I only have to test before and after allergy shots and whenever I feel I'm having trouble breathing.


Extraordinary. A love letter to all - that one's gonna leave a mark. Are you made of love G? That's rhetorical - of course you are. :)


almost didn't want this audio to end. I've been having really bad anxiety and sleep depression for the pass 3 weeks and this sort-of made me feel quit at ease. thanks Gael!❤😴😌👍

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

I listened to this earlier, but had to listen again... I've been on vacation all week and went in to the office to catch up on the 300+ emails that had accumulated over the last seven days and, apparently, all hell broke loose while I was gone... some of which may have been the result of some sh*t I f'd up before I left... started feeling a full on anxiety attack about half way through and I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow/later today 🙁... it's incredibly difficult for a pseudo-perfectionist who prides themself on attending to the most minute details to face the fact that they may have dropped the ball... *screams into pillow*... either they don't need me at work because I've lost my focus or they can't function without me... I can't decide which 😓... wish me luck, peeps... time to walk the plank of destiny (yeah, I don't know what that means either... sometimes I make sh*t up)... I think I need to listen to this again... and again... and again... 😧


That was so beautiful, G. Your soft and gentle voice assures us that you understand when at times we don’t. Thank you so much for this slice of heaven from your caring soul. Much love always 💜💜💜 Arlene


I was in a car crash earlier this week (Thursday, the day before Australia Day cause that’s the most convenient day to crash ever 😒) I was T-boned and it’s seemed like ever since then everything’s been going wrong, but this audio has really helped me relax, properly. Thank you, it’s beautiful


I listened to this 12 times the first night lol loved it!


Perfect timing, G.. I need it so much right now 😭 Thank you so much ❤❤


This audio landed while I was fighting off a panic attack, trying to finish grading 75 end-of term exams that I only got right before my deadline for grade submission because I'd been out sick. Truly, the number of times &amp; the number of people for whom you've you've posted an audio that may as well have been custom-tailored for just what they needed, exactly when they needed it... Often the same audio, perfect &amp; perfectly timed (often eerily so!) for many different people w/ different reasons they needed to hear what you said in it... You, sir, very clearly have a Live Connection. And that's among the highest compliments I can pay a mind. Thank you for remaing open to it, for listening to it (and us), and for going where it takes you when it taps you on the brain, like.

witch's brew

Just what I needed. It's been a busy week at work


It tickles my pussy when he speaks Gaelic. I apologize for the crudity of that sentence but it had to be said.