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Good morning/evening/afternoon lovelies!

This was an audio posted on the Playroom channel in the spring.  The migration continues!  

Happy Tuesday!


3D ASMR - Irish Morning Kisses

► My Albums: 50 Shades Of Gaelforce & Moving In are now available on Audible and Amazon! - http://amzn.to/2uJ20DY Get them free when you sign up for Audible! ♦ Exclusive Content on my Patreon (Must be 18+): https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce Check out my other audios! http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl MORE! ► Sexy Downloads @ http://bit.ly/2qrqMnM ► Gaelforce Audios - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Gaelforced ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu



Just what I need 😊


Why must you wait til I'm at work... Oh well at least I have a treat for later 😊😊😊


30 morr minutes then I'm done XD then back home.


Nooooo 😫 Let me sleep, please. Five more minutes... *grumbles in sleep* 😴 Lmao 😂😂😂 Good morning, G and lovelies 😁 Happy Tuesday 💞


Thanks for the reminder about this one! As little sleep as I've been getting lately, it's going to join your new shoulder massage audio & maybe For Unsung Buddhas in my daily rotation this week. ... Now back to work with me; the tests won't grade themselves.


How is an Irish kiss different from other kisses? Can I get a demo?


I love how sweet and sexy you are


Delicious irish kisses. I love it💋


Happy Tuesday to you as well! I'm loving the migration of audios -- I get to listen to ones I haven't heard in awhile. It's like G's Greatest Hits! Thanks for the break -- back to work for me. Mwah!


Gowd Mowwning , G. Im currently sick, my sore throat is killing me so much. Have a nice day.


Maidin Mhaith Gael and Lovelies!! It's 70* here in the Mitten, nice breeze blowing, leaves are falling, birds singing, squirrels storing acorns for the coming winter. Hope everyone has a fantastic day.


Nothing like your kisses, handsome. 💋Hope you had a great day today! 💕


I laughed way too hard at the first line of the caption. Way too hard.


<img src="https://media.tenor.com/images/b0b2b41dd65e2eeef79460fbd2c7c54b/tenor.gif">


How about some hisssess insstead?...


Many kissis back mauuhha &lt;3 Gael


G, I love this. Being kissed awake by you with the birds chirping outside would be such a lovely, soothing way to wake up, sure to put a smile on my face.😚😚😚❤🍀 Have a nice evening ❤.


Birds, whispery words, and kisses? Best way to wake up. Too bad it's night here, don't care, listening now anyway :)


Yes! That could be a Friday challenge - having to keep in character and record a full length audio consisting entirely of hissing (in Gaelic) 👍


But there is a way for the tests to grade themselves! It's not a particularly fair way, but it's a way nevertheless!<br><br>Take the tests and go to the top of a staircase. Close your eyes and then hurl the stack of papers over your shoulder so that they all fall haphazardly down the stairs.<br><br>The test that lands closest to where you're standing gets the highest grade because you don't need to put in much effort to retrieve it. The test that lands at the very bottom of the staircase gets the worst grade because how dare that student make you go down the entire flight to get their work - he/she needs to be punished for being so thoughtless! And all the other tests in between are graded based on their proximity to where you are.<br><br>If your students protest at this grading scheme, you can tell them that the real point of the test was to teach them that life can sometimes be arbitrary and unfair. They'd still learn a lesson, plus you'd have more time to listen to audios. Win-win, right? 🤓👍


awww i been asking PR at tumblr for morning wakey wakey audio! i was saying i aint a morning person i spent sometime lying on bed before i can get up so this one is exactly what i been needing! thats so sweet! its night time rn tho xd i can totally see myself as a person who can’t even open my eyes and as soon as u go make coffee im dead asleep again and wouldnt even rmb this moment afterwards! Wow those birds are loud tho


I listened to this audio with my crappy earbuds from the dollar store, so they could've very well distorted the sound. But while the background sounds of the birds chirping was really pleasant, they almost felt a little too overpowering for the setting, which I'm assuming is a bedroom. It seemed as if they roughly about as loud as Gael's whispers, which threw me off a bit since he would in theory be right next to the listener, while sounds of the outdoors would be somewhat muffled by the walls. And even if the bedroom window was open, the birds still sounded unnaturally close by.<br><br>Since I'm all in favour for using one's imagination, I initially contemplated pretending that the bedroom also doubled as an aviary, because why not? But what my mind eventually settled on is this: <i>The scene takes place outside a small house on a beautiful Irish morning. There is a warm breeze in the air and birds are singing sweetly in the trees overhead. The faint rustling of grass can be heard as </i>Gael<i>, holding a bottle of water and some ibuprofen, walks over to where</i> Doctimus<i> is sprawled facedown on his front lawn. He kneels down so that he can whisper directly into her ear.</i> Gael: "Good morning! Are you going to wake up for me?" Doctimus: *mumbles unintelligibly* Gael: "Come on, baby. It's so beautiful outside." Doctimus: "...whaa-? Oh. Yeah, it is really beautiful out here. That's why..." <i>She pauses and yawns.</i> "...that's why I'm out here, enjoying the ambiance." Gael: Come on, lover. Open your eyes." <i>Doctimus slowly opens her eyes and winces.</i> "Fuck, it's bright out here! Ugh, why do I have such a headache? What happened last night?" Gael: "Ah, there you are. Come on, let's get up." Doctimus: "...wait, I'm starting to remember some of what happened yesterday night. 'Let's go to the pub!' you said. 'It'll be great craic!' you said. Hah! Great craic indeed! Next thing I know, I'm in a drinking contest with a 6-foot tank named Paddy O'Something-or-other. I can't actually hold my liquor worth shit, but the whole pub was cheering me on and I didn't want to let them down so I kept chugging and then...then it's all a blur at that point." Gael: We've got so much to do today." Doctimus: "I know, I know. But Lonely Planet says you haven't truly experienced Ireland until you've spent the night passed out on an Irish lawn, so just give me 5 more minutes. Just five. That's all I ask." Gael: "Come on, baby! I want to take you on some adventures!" Doctimus: "If they're anything like last night's 'adventures' at the pub, I'll pass. In fact, where on earth did you go last night? I think you said something about wanting to leave early because you wanted to wake up at 5 am to do- well, I can't even think of anything that'd be fun to do at that ungodly hour of the morning. But you didn't want to leave me at the pub by myself so you called someone to come over to hang out with me, someone who would take me back to your place when I was ready to go. Why can't I remember who you called...?" Gael: "Yeah, its beautiful. I love waking up to that song." Doctimus: "...song...singing. I remember he was trying to sing, but he was terrible at it. The person that you sent to come pick me up from the pub. The crowd was booing him, but he kept yelling that he was on the verge of signing a record deal and that he was going to win a Grammy for his debut rap album and- No. NO. You sent <i>him</i> to pick me up?" Gael: "You can do anything you want to do today." Doctimus: "I can? Perfect! Because I'm going to kick Seanie in the nuts so hard that his grandkids will be afraid of me! I remember now - we got chased out of the pub because he insulted Paddy O'Something-or-other's manhood, and then we had to walk all the way home because he didn't bring any cab fare. I so was exhausted when we got back that I must've just collapsed onto the lawn. That langer couldn't even help me into the house! Where is he?!" Gael: "I love the sound of spring in the morning." Doctimus: "...what's that sound? It sounds like someone's snoring. Is that-?" <i>With a grunt, </i>Doctimus<i> pushes herself up from the grass and rises unsteadily to her feet. She looks over to the other side of the lawn where a disheveled </i>Seanie<i> is sprawled on his back. His snores can be heard amidst the pleasant chorus of birds chirping.</i> Doctimus: "That rotten little fu-" Gael: "I'll go make coffee!" Doctimus: "Yeah...I could go for a cup or two right now. I'll deal with Seanie later." <i>She turns and follows </i>Gael<i> into the house, stumbling along the way. As if on cue, one of the nearby birds flies over </i>Seanie<i>, passing some droppings as it goes. The scene fades to black just as the droppings are about to land on his face, complete with his open-mouthed snore.</i>


Don't look at me! I'm hideous!!!!! Coffee sounds good though.


What a glorious way to wake up though!


No way, Elaine, you know we don't talk about ourselves like that in here. (Although I totally did steal your idea of the bed to bathroom army crawl to avoid the mirror in the morning. 🤔😂) You're beautiful!

Kathy M

I could kiss you all morning long after I kick ya for waking me up! 😆😄💕💗


Guten Morgen my dears. Hope everyone has a good Mittwoch - Wednesday!? Don´t have much time tonight... have to kick Little Seanie into submission... again. XD So just some quick Fragen... Whats your favourite Schimpfwort - swear word? Have you ever tie-dyed your own clothes? Can you build a house of cards? Can you inpersonate anyone famous? Have you ever geschlafwandelt - sleepwalked? What do you have on your fridge door? Danke for your Antworten, Schätzchen... bis später XD


A mostly harmless Mittwoch to you, Frau Claudia, and to the rest of you fabulous diners at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe!<br><br>Let's see what's on the <i>Fragen</i> menu tonight...<br><br><b>Being a swearbear!</b> I'm going to go with the one that begins with "f" and rhymes with "duck". Go filthy or go home, as they say 🙊<br><br><b>Unleashing my inner hippy:</b> Nah, I've never tie-dyed my clothes before. Unless you count fluids of various colours staining the same pair of scrubs over the course of a day (i.e., coffee in the morning, salad dressing at lunch, and then a mixture of blood, urine, and amniotic fluid in the middle of the night). T'was an unpleasant day 😖<br><br><b>House of cards:</b> I can only build up to the second floor before everything comes crashing down as hard as every not-so-bright idea I've come up whilst lying awake at 3 am.<br><br><b>Impersonating a celebrity:</b> Not that I can think of off the top of my head. I can do a pretty decent "Valley Girl" accent, but I don't know if that's really something to brag about 😝<br><br><b>Somnambulism!</b> I did sleepwalk a couple of times as a child. I can even vaguely recall one night that it happened. At the time my brother and I were watching a movie on TV, and I'd fallen asleep on the couch. I remember sitting up and just looking at him, feeling like I was only half awake. As in I could see my surroundings, but I couldn't speak or control my movements.<br><br>After a few moments of blankly staring at my brother, I got up off the couch and walked over to the staircase. Apparently when I didn't say anything in response to him asking if I was okay, he followed me as I started going up the stairs to my bedroom. I then paused at the foot of my bed and zoned out for a few more moments, then climbed into bed.<br><br>Based on what he told me the following morning, my bro just stood there in the doorway of my room, not knowing what to do. He ended up tucking me in, turning off the light, and leaving the room, closing the door behind him. He then waited outside my bedroom for a few minutes just in case I got up and started wandering around the house.<br><br>When that didn't happen, he told my mom that he thought I was sleepwalking. She then proceeded to completely overreact, announcing that she was going to take me to see our doctor first thing in the morning, and insisting that all of this happened because I'd disobeyed her and went outside without wearing my hat. Because, you know, getting cold ears is the physiological basis for sleepwalking 🙄 <i>(Come on, that's not even an old wives' tale!)</i><br><br><b>On my fridge door:</b> I have a calendar, a handful of magnets, and a copy of my rental agreement to remind me that my crooked landlords once again jacked up my rent and I need to adjust my cheques accordingly 😒


And the rest of the day to yourself. Thank you for a wonderful wake up call lovely!


Goedemorgen \ Goodmorning everyone have all a wonderfull day :)) Gael Thank you for the coffee :) love you &lt;3


Please tell me that you are a fellow Dutchie! You have a great day too! :)


Morning kisses by a sexy Irishman, whispers of castle visits, bird singing, and then it ends so lovely... he makes COFFEE 😁 I'd become a morning person very quickly.


Ahemm... Herr Gael. I just saw that you have a new Master List on your site. You sure it´s complete?? Hm?... just saying... XDD Maaaaybe there are some stray ones somewhere? o.O You really should negotiate for them before Her Highness eats the tasty little morselsss...


Now, I have nothing less than complete faith in our glorious Queen's ability to carry out her threats. But I will bet $10 that this attempt to start a negotiation will go about as far as my plan to become a professional hockey player, which is to say that it'll go nowhere 😕<br><br>That's ten whole (Canadian) dollars, which is the equivalent of $8 USD and €6.80. Any takers? 💵💶


Your sweet whispering voice and soft kisses...heavenly mind melting tingles 😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️


Guten Morgen scientific Sirens. A pleasant Donnerstag to everyone. The full moon is really beautiful tonight. What do you think about amateurs dabbling in your profession? They drive me crazy sometimes... :) So here are some freshly harvested and squeezed Fragen... What position do you often sleep in? Have you ever been in a Zeitung - newspaper? Whats the longest you've gone without Schlaf - sleep? Whats the last thing you took a picture of? Can you blow bubbles with bubblegum? Danke my dear Fraugen... bis dann XD


Hi Claudia - so very happy to get a chance to do Fragen this eve. I most often sleep on my left side. I was in my small home town newspaper as a child for school related stuff - academics, sports etc. I'm useless pretty quickly w/o sleep but once drove 20 hrs cross country. (Terrible idea/youthful delusions of invulnerability). Also once stayed up nearly 48hrs to make up for a delayed intl flight for a conference. Brutal. The last photo I took was of a giant red phallic motel😀 sign - cos it was so funny. I'm aces at blowing bubbles - and always pop/crack my gum.


Goodmorning everybody. After long thinking and negotiating with myself :p , I decided to write a comment here. I found this channel on YouTube when I was  looking for a video about Ireland.  I'm going on a holiday next year to Ireland for 2 weeks. 😁 I'm still deciding if I have to go by plane or boat. And after I found more videos I stumbled opun patreon. And I'm glad I did. 😁 You look like a wonderful community.  I read a lot of the comments and it's really nice. I had a long week of work. 8 days of work and finally a have a day of. 😁😁 I work in a kitchen.  And sometimes (well most of the times) it gets a little hectic.  And with all the guys talking about guy stuff. All the time xD. It's nice to come here and read all you're comments. Unfortunately it's a little stormy outside. We have codes for the weather here. At this moment it's code orange I think. Most of the times it sounds worse than it actually is. But it's a good excuse to start op my ps3. ;) And I hope you all have wonderful day! 😄


Welcome to the community, Jantine!<br><br>Every time I've gone to a restaurant and looked at the kitchen from my table, it's always seemed like a hectic place! So kudos to you for being able to work there for 8 days in a row without a day off! I've also worked in environments before where I was the only woman, and sometimes a sausage fest can get a bit tiresome 😝 Luckily you'll find plenty of estrogen here 👍<br><br>I hope you have an awesome day yourself, and that the storm doesn't get too crazy!


So...should we start a countdown for this or something? Anyone want to bake a cake to commemorate the upcoming big day (and then ship me a slice of said cake because I love cake and would give you my unending gratitude in return)? 😃<br><br><img height="190" src="http://i.imgur.com/NZJwC6r.jpg">


So exciting! [*Stands up *Sits down *Stands up *Sits down] I am starting a Mexican wave! 🙌 Sign me up for cake too please! (Edited to clarify the Mexican wave is for G reaching 1000, not for cake 😊)


Ok...*deep breath* I'm going in! I have the latest 9 audios to catch up on. If I'm not back in 2 hours.... just wait longer 😉


God be with you, my friend! Remember to pace yourself, take frequent breaks, and stay hydrated. We'll send in a rescue team if we don't hear back from you soon!