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 Baby, you’ve been at it all day.  

You look so tense.  

Take a break & let me rub your shoulders…  

*This Audio was too hot for YouTube but you can download it here or stream it over on Spotify ♥


(No title)



Is it nuru with your cock?


Just what I need after a gym session 😂😍😜


But I'm more tight in my lower back area.


You too have a good night sweet cookie😗❤


How'd you know I was currently stressed, you been peeping in my window?❤️😌


Hey baby. You know what? I have a lot of tension in a lot of places 😉 you should help me rub those out too 😎


Gael, that was just so sweet and shivery. Thank you for making sure that this was such a nice weekend. I hope you have a great week ahead as well ❤. Take care. Xoxo😙😙😙


OMG Gael...please come over and do my low back. It's spasming sooooo bad today!! It hasn't hurt this bad since my car accident almost 11 years ago. Heat isn't helping, ice isn't helping, pain meds and muscle relaxers aren't touching it. :'( I'm about to have to go commando because it hurts too much bending to pull them up and down to use the bathroom.


That was nice and calming. Lovely words, sounds, and pleasant kisses. You are extraordinarily sweet and thoughtful! Thank you sweetness, sleep well and have a wonderful week!


Lovely! ❤


This was the icing on top of the audio cake you posted earlier. Damn G I don't know what it is today but your audios made me feel some type of way! I haven't felt this level of asmr tingles since I first started listening to you over a year ago and they were intense. These two audios you released this weekend are my new faves. Thank you so much and please take time out to relax too. Have a great week 😘😘


Oh no, Marcia, that sounds awful 🙁 I think you've mentioned a couple of times recently that the pain's been pretty bad. Do you think you ought to see your doctor?


Thank you Gael i wish you a wonderfull week <3


Ding🔔, ding🔔, ding🔔!! Winner, winner chicken dinner!! 🤣 If I ever made a list this would be in my Top 3. Kisses, man hands, caring whispers, a good massage,...❤️❤️ Thank you G. You're like Midas!


The irony is that if this was a real life scenario, the prospect of getting a massage complete with neck kisses would be the perfect incentive for a lady to <i>not</i> take care of herself. The "take a 10-minute break for every hour of work that you do" suggestion would quickly turn into doing 10 minutes of work for every hour long massage 💆🏻 Which I'd be totally cool with, but RIP my productivity. Gone but not forgotten, especially once the bills start coming in the mail with "past due" stamped on them.<br><br>Now, I'm not saying that I would ruin my credit rating for the sake of getting shoulder rubs and neck kisses. But I'm also not saying that I <i>wouldn't</i> ruin my credit rating for the sake of getting shoulder rubs and neck kisses. I think it's more of a grey area decision than a black and white one 🤔


I don't understand it... How is it that, as I listened, I can 'feel' what you're doing? This is an audio. You're nowhere near me. And listening to this, I can practically feel those kisses on my neck, your breath on my skin, and your hands and fingers massaging my shoulders and collarbone. You were right there with me, just like with 'Hypnotic Erotic', and the 'Closer' audio you did a while ago. It baffles me how an audio can do that, and how you're able to do that just by sound. It's incredible...!


Isn't it weird? I can feel what he's describing in audios too. Like as if he's actually giving me shoulder rubs and neck kisses. Maybe it's because we have a good imagination? Whatever it is, it feels damn good 😍


Well said my dear Doc, well said. 😁😁 Grey area indeed!


I feel more relaxed now 😊


‪It's like you know exactly what we need at the right time. ‬Thank you for taking good care of us this weekend. You're the best ❤️ Hope you have a great week 😙😚


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A wonderful Montag - Monday to everyone! And a matching week as well! It´s already October... so who has Geburtstag - birthday this month? :) I hear the kittens yawling outside... defending their territory. Go kittens! XD And I have some Fragen for the sexy Fraugen... What´s your Sternzeichen - zodiac sign? Are you a good actor? What was your last dream about? Can you solve a Rubik´s Cube? If you could go back in Zeit - time to change one thing what would it be? How many hats do you own? Have you ever flown a Drachen - kite? Danke for your answers, as always... bis dann XD


Good morning Claudia, All. I will confess to a bit of Sunday night blues but hope to bounce back before bed. I am a Scorpio - celebrating my birthday next month. I am a notorious bad actor - I now maneuver myself around to avoid the need. My last dream was particularly weird -shopping for groceries and realizing I had no clothes. No one else seemed to notice but I was alarmed! I have not solved a Rubiks cube. And going back in time, I would have chosen a different college for my BA. I own 3 hats - all winter. My best kite memories are of flying homemade kids that I built with my dad - one was six feet wide! Thank you - best to you all!


First off, as for birthdays, my father-in-law turns 90 on the 6th!!! What´s your Sternzeichen - zodiac sign? Pisces Are you a good actor? No What was your last dream about? Waiting for a train to come into the station and seeing my son-in-law waiting for it too. Can you solve a Rubik´s Cube? Only by peeling the stickers off and putting all the same colors on each side. If you could go back in Zeit - time to change one thing what would it be? Dec. 1, 2006 I would've stayed home from work due to bad weather. That was the day I totaled my car on the highway and messed up my back. How many hats do you own? Just a couple of winter hats. Have you ever flown a Drachen - kite? yes but it was a very long time ago.


G, this was perfect. Perfect, and perfectly timed. Thank you. 😊😌 (It'll be on especially heavy rotation this week, I suspect, as progress reports are due in Friday. But what a gift this audio is beyond the immediate deadline, to me &amp; countless other hard-working Lovelies! You know us so well, and are so kind to us.)


Perfect timing again, as always! So very sweet and relaxing and much needed today. Thank you again for taking such wonderful care of us, and reminding us that we should take care of ourselves as well. Have a wonderful week!


Good Monday, all! (It's technically not Monday here just yet, but close enough. lol) Drifting in here to check out the new audio (which I will in a min) but wanted to answer some of Claudia's fragen before bed so here we go! ^_^ Zodiac sign: Gemini... though sometimes I sure don't feel like one. lol Good actor: Heck no, people can always read my feelings on my face regardless of what I'm saying. lol Last dream: The last one I remember had to do with being friends with a serial killer (and I knew he was one and I was not okay with it, but I didn't really do anything to stop him... wtf). That's what I get for having a heavy meal right before going to sleep at like 3am. lol Rubik's Cube: Nope. Change one thing in life: I would have gone to college closer to home. Hats: I don't think I look good in hats. lol But I have a baseball cap or 2 somewhere in my stuff. Kite flying: I've done it before maybe 2 or 3 times. It's fun, I just never really get the opportunity to do it often. Hope everyone has a great week! &lt;3


I feel your pain! Homecoming week this week, 1st quarter grades due next week. Will definitely need this and the other meditative audios to survive. :^)


Well, after an hour of trying to keep my comment on Claudia's thread, I give up. My Antworten shall live here, instead: Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! Today, I finished the second of three digital paintings that came as a by-product of the close of our last gaming campaign. The campaign ending for my characters was so sad that I needed to know if they would be all right in the very end. (They are.) And now, this: <b>Astrology ≠ astronomy</b> — NASA's update to the zodiac calendar (which reinstates Ophiucus as a star sign) places me squarely in Leo; by the old calendar, 4000+ years out of date, I was on the line between Leo and another star sign. This is basically proof positive that the minute gravitational effects caused by the changing position of stars and planets relative to the Earth have no measurable effect on your life. (And yes, it is disappointing how many of my astronomy friends are asked instantly what the stars hold for someone's zodiac.) <b>The Oscar goes to...</b> — I am a <i>lousy</i> actor. This isn't to say I can't stay in-character; when I used to do plays as a child or even now while gaming, I can divest myself from the character pretty well. After all, I've now played a 30-something doctor who can beat you up, a devilishly charming man with a serious addiction to pomade, and a sixteen-year-old pansexual refugee with a drug problem. In my everyday life, on the other hand, people know pretty instantly what my mood is; I don't hide those things very well. <b>A dream is a wish...</b> — Oh, I so very much hope Cinderella was wrong, because most of my dreams are nightmares that I block out. I'm not sure what I dreamed about last night (it probably wasn't happy), but the last happy dream I remember was getting a big bear hug from an actor playing one of my friend's characters in a movie. I'd found some documentation on an ancestor of his—it looked like a draft card—that for some reason seemed to be my job, even though I should've been his boss (he's my friend's character, but I'm the one writing the book). Whatever the reason for me finding it, we couldn't discuss the details in full when I showed it to him because of contractual public appearances, so instead he gave me a giant hug and promised we would talk after dinner. It was a warm, fuzzy thing. <b>Rubik's revenge</b> — Ugh, while I know some strategies and at one time knew enough to solve the cube, I can no longer solve a Rubik's cube. My ex-boyfriend knew how and tried to teach me, but in all honesty, I just didn't care. <b>But will you send me back to the future?</b> — If I could go back to change just one thing, I would go back to the night when I had suspicions that a young woman was abusing my friend. She was a grade ahead of us, and the first time I met her was at a sleepover to which my friend had invited me at the absolute last minute—as in, <i>"come over now and spend the night, because I really want you to meet my friend."</i> Through the night, I noticed her being a little touchy-feely and thought my friend looked uncomfortable, but was afraid to say anything because I hadn't talked to this friend in a while and didn't want to misconstrue the situation. I almost said something to her mom the next morning—but again, didn't because I was afraid of being told off for being "jealous that I wasn't her best friend anymore." A few years later, I found out that this woman had been violently abusing my friend both sexually and emotionally, and I felt sick. Telling her mom wouldn't have done much good, based on her reaction when my friend told her about it, but if I could go back and tell that woman to get her fucking hands off and keep them off or there'd be hell to pay, I'd do it. Apparently, she threatened a lot of people to keep them away from my friend. That would've been a really cute attempt had she tried it on me. I didn't go to their school. She didn't know where I lived. And if she found out, she could choose between the front door and a double-barreled shotgun. I wish to <i>God</i> I would've stopped it, or at least made enough of a stand to let my friend know she had support if she wanted out. <b>"In your Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it..."</b> — I own somewhere between five and ten hats (I could go count, but I'm lazy). The majority are winter hats; I can put up with some pretty frigid temperatures if my head and ears are warm. <b>"Let's go fly a kite up to the highest height..."</b> — I've only flown a kite a couple of times; I realized quickly that it wasn't much fun to stand out in the wind. Plus, with the animals we owned, sending a large, colorful object into the air was not necessarily the best idea.

Min Ah

I've been having seriously bad anxiety the last couple weeks, to the point of not even getting to sleep til about 6am because I can't calm down. You have no idea how much I needed something like this. Thank you so, so much


Two quick things: (This is not a comment on the audio) 1) I'm on vacation and we went on an excursion the other day. One of the couples in our group was Mary and John from Cork, Ireland 😊. They are staying in the same hotel as us, and now we keep bumping into eachother... at meals, the beach, the pool. I just keep staring at them, while listening to their stories because I can't get a word in edge-wise 😂, thinking: "Shall I ask them if they know any erotic authors slash voice actors?" They are an older couple, so I thought "Naah, better not" 🤔 2) When did Patreon add the option where patrons can message eachother privately?? I missed that!


I noticed the private message button yesterday, but it didn't actually work for me. I'd type in a message but when I clicked the "send" button, "send" changed to "error". Maybe Patreon's still working on it?


Some TLC is just what the doctor ordered. Thank you &lt;3


Guten Morgen Mädls. A nice Dienstag - Tuesday to everyone! It´s a holiday here, Tag der Deutschen Einheit - German Unification Day. And it´s my aunt´s birthday... she will bake her famous Apfelstrudel. Tbh, I don´t really like Apfelstrudel... but she will get angry if someone doesn´t eat it. :)) Here are some random, easy Fragen, if you are in the mood... Are you any good at pool? Whats the longest you've ever grown your Haar - hair? How long can you balancieren - balance on one foot? If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature what new animal would you create? Have you ever built a Schneemann - snowman? Do you like Apfelstrudel? Danke my dearest Fraugen... enjoy your day. Bis dann XD


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of you cute cream puffs! (Calling you ladies "apfelstrudels" would've been taking the easy way out. Either way, I'm really craving dessert right now but sadly it's not on my meal plan. I guess I'll have to pretend that my cucumber slices are cookies 😞)<br><br><b>Playing pool:</b> I haven't played in years and years, so I'm not sure how good at it I would be now. The few times that I did play, I never bothered to take the angles into account - I just shot the cue ball in the general direction of the object ball. But with plenty of practice and with actually thinking through a shot before taking it, I could probably be decent at it.<br><br><b>As long as God can grow it:</b> The longest I've grown my hair was to the bottom of my back, which is a far cry from the pixie/buzz cut hybrid that I have these days 😝 I was 11 at the time, and my mom would always put it up in a braid for me. I doubt that I could ever grow my hair out that long again, though. It'd be far too high maintenance than what I'm willing to put up with.<br><br><b>Playing God:</b> Hmm...I'd probably combine a lion and an eagle to make a griffin. Or else Dwayne Johnson and a horse to make the sexiest centaur alive. The only downside would be that I could only ride him literally, not figuratively ☹️<br><br><b>That annoying line from that annoying Disney movie:</b> When you live in Canada, building a snowman is a rite of passage. I think the last one my bro and I built together was when I was 12.<br><br><b>Yaasss, strudel!</b> I love apfelstrudel. And cherry strudel. And blueberry strudel. And maple strudel. I just really love most desserts in general, so the quickest way to my heart might actually be through my stomach 😆<br><br><b>Balancing act:</b> I saved this question for last because I have been standing on my right foot for the entire time I've been writing this. I'm at the 8 minute mark and I could probably go for 10 minutes, but the arch of my foot is starting to ache 😐


"Sometimes you just need a little attention from me" That's accurate. 😁 I loved this! I swear I could feel your touch. Lovely. 💕


Greetingsss tassty humans... I hope you are all well and sssafe today? Hm?...


Greetingsss to you, your HIghness! How are you on this fine fall Tuesday? Life in Amyland is relatively quiet. It is Homecoming week at school, so the students and teachers have been dressing up, competing in silly games, and just having a good -- and crazy -- time. You would have loved the tasty male human in my office -- he dressed as a giant green lizard today complete with full glorious tail. Not as beautiful as you -- or as glorious as the King, I am sure -- but he did fill the costume nicely! Hope your day goes well for you -- I am off to finish grading vocabulary tests. Living the dream! LOL


Hello Gael, I'm late to the comment train again. I did listen the day you posted this, but wasn't ready to comment yet. You glorious man. I realize this was not meant to make a person cry (and I'm probably the only one) but I was having a really emotional and stressful day- yet again (honestly, my hair is going to go completely gray very soon if things don't calm down around here) but I found myself with 20 minutes alone so I listened... and spent the rest of the 20 minutes trying to wash away the blotchy cry-face. So thank you. I really did need to get it out and the kind words and the idea of someone taking care of my for a minute was just enough to get me teary. So, strangely enough Thank you for making me cry lol. It let me get out just enough of the tension so I could keep going that day.