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Good day m'Lovelies!

How are we? 

I'm feeling good today!  A nice morning at the gym, pumped up and ready to record!  

Our Winners for this week's draw are:

Angie Foxie! 

Laura V! 

 Personal Audio Tier FAQs




Congrats ladies! X




Angie!!!! Woo hoo!!! 👏👏 Congrats ladies!!


I just told myself: nah, it's not me 😂😂😂 Thank you lovely Mr. Mayor ❤🦊


Lucky ladies! Congrats! 😁👌😘


OMG!! Thank you Gael! ❤️


Today was up and down. I'm feeling a bit bleh tonight. I'm glad you're having a good day, Gael. Congrats to the draw winners!


This pic though, I love it! "Llama llama llama!" Congrats ladies!!!!!!


Congratulations, Lovelies! 🎉🎧🎉


Good morning, G! 😎 Congrats, lovelies 😜


Morning G! Congrats Foxie and Laura V!


Happy Saturday! So happy you're feeling good. 😊❤️. Congratulations ladies!!!




Congrats to the winners!!




Congrats lovelies! 🎊🎉🎊🎉


Glad you're feeling good, G. ❤️ Congrats, ladies!!! 🎉


Hey Gael..how about an audio on how to be as amazing as you are in the morning... ya know some gym motivation!!! Of course with a "sweet reward" at the end!!! 😉😉😀😀


So glad you are feeling good today, G! Hope your Saturday is a lovely and productive one. And congratulations, ladies! No need to tell you to enjoy - I know you will 😉💕


Congrats, Foxie and Laura V! :D :D


Congrats ladies!!!! Enjoy the hell out of your PA's!!! Glad you feel good Gael! You have been hitting it out of the park with the Gif's and pics!! This is me with my "car" ear buds! XD


Congratulations Angie and Laura!!


Angie Foxie!!!!! WOOHOOO hehehe congratulations winners


Congrats ladies!! ❤️


A nice concession after the Queen has been nipping at your heels wouldn't you say Foxie???!!!


That's me right now 😂 my little bunny chewed one earphone so I have to twirl it so it can work 😭


Felicitations ladies!!👏💕💕 Ps :headphone stuff?... I know this deal by heart....😑😑


My furry tail and butt is safe! For now... XD Maybe I'll ask Gael to help me look for that Key... XD


Congratulations, ladies!


Enjoy Ladies 🎊🎉😂


Guten Abend - good evening Schätzchen. A nice Sonntag - Sunday to everyone! (Though tbh it´s still Saturday here. Haha) Ja, Im veeery early tonight. I had to change my schedule for my little niece, who finally is asleep. :)) Had an interesting day, the little Hexe - witch and the assassin kittens and my silly man are quite a handful. Hm... I see the previous Fragen were not zufriedenstellend - satisfyingly answered... So, if you want some... be good girls and go down to the "Bedtime Story thread" and answer them, please. I will enjoy the wonderful peace and quiet now, just watching my little Feuer - fire. Will see you tomorrow my dears. XD


Congratulations ladies!


A splendid Sonntag to you, Frau Claudia, and to the rest of you sassy sex kittens! 🐱 <i>Mein Gott</i>, unsatisfactorily answered <i>Fragen?</i> We mustn't have that! 😧 <b>Arts and crafts!</b> When I was a kid, I used to make greeting cards for my parents on occasions like their birthdays, Mother's Day, and Father's Day. These days I'll mail them store-bought cards, but I'll nevertheless fill up almost all of the blank space inside with my own messages for them. My dad doesn't know how to use a computer and he hates using the phone since he's pretty hard of hearing, so cards and letters are the main way that we communicate with one another. <b>Swiss Army knife:</b> I don't have one, but I did want to get one since it seems like it would be a handy tool to have at my disposal. However, I just read through the laws about carrying knives in Canada, and if a police officer ever found a Swiss Army knife in my purse...well, I don't know that I would get charged with a crime per se, but I would probably still find myself in a dodgy situation 😕 So I might have to settle for a multipurpose tool that <i>doesn't</i> have a knife. <b>Carnival prizes:</b> I did win a giant stuffed toy at a carnival one year. It was a gambling-type game, but it was geared towards kids in that the prizes were toys rather than money. I was only 17 at the time, so I couldn't yet play the 18+ version where you could bet and win money on mock horse races 🐎 <b>Half full or half empty:</b> Can I give the <i>Matrix</i>-esque answer that there is no glass? If not, I'll go with half full since I've been trying to work on being more optimistic 👍✅ 👎❌ <b>Suck or bite lollipops:</b> I start off with sucking it, then I'll bite into it once it starts getting really thin. In fact, earlier today I actually licked and sucked away on a yummy Irish lolly before biting into it with gusto! <img height="185" src="http://i.imgur.com/hbrO2kX.jpg"><br><br><i>(I actually pulled this lollipop at random from the Halloween candy basket set up in the lobby of my apartment building, so the colour is a complete but totally convenient coincidence 👅🍭)</i><br><br><b>Licking the lid:</b> While we're on the topic of me jokingly insinuating that I put my tongue in places where it doesn't belong, I'll own up to the fact that I do lick the yogurt lid 😳 But in my defence I do live alone, so I'm the only one eating the yogurt. Whenever I visit my parents or find myself in another situation where I'm sharing food with someone, I don't lick lids. (And for extra Brownie points, I also don't double dip my chips, fries, or crackers! 😌) <b>YARR, matey!</b> I'm definitely not as good at this as Till Lindemann, but I can sorta do it whenever I try to say something in Spanish. (Although to keep with the whole "growl on dat pussy!" motif, I do wonder what it would be like if Till rolled his "R"s on my ladybits. I should go find out 😍) <img height="190" src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f2/6f/64/f26f640a0bf4a95b0870bf799b9e7c93.gif">